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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 620x423, Amazon-Kindle-logo-with-Kindle-tablet-Kindle-touch-and-Kindle-Fire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7320285 No.7320285 [Reply] [Original]

Do you read physical or digital?
Those who buy physical, how much do you spend on books? New or used?
Those who download digital, do you find you read more or less as a result? Are you ever less inclined to finish books?

>> No.7320331
File: 3.01 MB, 3264x2448, 007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I always buy physical, it costs a shit ton for me, especially if I want to get books from Amazon or eBay and have to pay for shipping to Australia (and the shipping more often than not costs more than the damn book). But in the end it's worth it because I like to get hardback books and they look really nice.

Pic related. Cost about $80 but better than reading from my phone.

>> No.7320349
File: 2.57 MB, 3264x2448, latest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow Australian anon. Those are some lovely looking copies. Have you tried www.bookdepository.com when buying online?
They are from the UK, but books normally arrive within 7 or so days from my experience, but they're usually a little bit cheaper than locally, as well as Amazon, and their prices fluctuate a little every now and then so there's a chance you might even be able to get them cheaper.
I also pretty much only buy physical. It's not cheap, but yes, I am definitely more inclined to finish something I start physically.

>> No.7320351

Interesting, I haven't used that site before. If it's cheaper than buying locally and from Amazon, 7 or so days isn't that bad either, then that's pretty good. Thanks for letting me know about it anon.

>> No.7320356

You're best off using https://booko.com.au/
It's a book price comparison site, with shipping to Australia, all in Australian dollars. You could've gotten those exact editions in hardcover for $55:

>> No.7320357
File: 69 KB, 400x436, (.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buy kindle
>libgen is getting taken down

>> No.7320359
File: 185 KB, 1958x698, Screen Shot 2015-11-04 at 9.03.57 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No worries. I use it a fair bit. I think Amazon might be cheaper if you're buying bulk. Book depo usually take about 2 odd days to dispatch. Pic relating I am expecting Friday.

>> No.7320362

Get into Bibliotik senpai

>> No.7320363

Well shit. The book depository one also would have saved me a few dollars. Well, fuck using angusandrobertson.com anymore. Thank you, too, for letting me know about this website anon.

>> No.7320365

nobody wants to invite me~

>> No.7320371 [DELETED] 

That's some pretty shitty moby dick art.

>> No.7320373

I like that Moby dick cover my man

>> No.7320374

lmao (laughing my ass off)

>> No.7320378

It was either that one, or this one, which would have cost a lot more: http://www.ebay.com/itm/171971802376?_trksid=p2055119.m1438.l2649&ssPageName=STRK%3AMEBIDX%3AIT

I like the one I got though, it's much better in person than it is on the site.

I like it too, much better than I thought it'd be.

I like playing casual games sometimes.

>> No.7320427

Feel your pain Oznon, Fishpond is also a great site to buy books from. Bookdepository is usually a little cheaper but its good to look around

>> No.7320443
File: 20 KB, 255x256, 1429038175235.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to buy 2-4 books a month. New, but mostly paperback, so it was relatively cheap.
A few years ago I got a Kindle, and I stopped buying physical books entirely. Ever since I got a Kindle I read a lot more books annually since it's much easier, faster, and more convenient to acquire them, and I get to read books I downloaded on a whim which I probably wouldn't have bought if I needed to spend 5-10 bucks on it.

Since I'm not an idiot, I don't buy e-books, I just download them for free, so I saved quite a lot of money over these past few years, even taking into account the initial cost of buying a Kindle.
I doubt I'll ever buy a physical book in my life ever again. I honestly can't imagine going back to physical books anymore. Only physical books I read these days are those I get as gifts.

>Are you ever less inclined to finish books?
I haven't noticed any difference in this regard, but I very, very rarely ever drop a book. Usually if I start reading it, I finish it. That hasn't changed.

>> No.7320444

Thanks for letting me know about the site anon, will definitely check it out for future purchases.

>> No.7320534


also Australian, also use bookdepo, a lot. would highly recommend it, only my local secondhand store beats it.

>> No.7321000

Physical, but I have an older Kindle that I use some times.

You can get pretty much any book used hardcover for less than 10 dollars. If a book isn't worth that it isn't worth the time to read.

>> No.7321011

There are like 15 mirrors, and if it gets taken down 10 more will pop up. All you will have to google is libgen reddit and find where the hydra sprouts.

and if for some reason that fails, there is always btdigg, mobilism, aaaaaaarg.fail, tuebl, and open calibre servers

>bibliotik for years
>tons of contributions
>banned for being part of a invite ring with no appeal

fuck bibliotik

>> No.7321016

Its not the money but the space issue. My wife asked me to keep the book buying to a minimum and bought me a kindle because they outgrew our library and have started stacking.

If >>7321011all those digital sources fail i may just go to the library request way again.

>> No.7321027

I read everything I can online for free. The only books I buy are more rare ones or ones I will read so many times they're worth having the copy around

>> No.7321032

Mostly digital.

I still buy some books but I limit it to books that I will reread or reference somewhat often.

I read a lot more now that I went digital. I like to read in bed and my girlfriend would always complain about the lamp by the bed so now I don't have to deal with that anymore.

>> No.7321037

Kindle paperwhite masterrace. currently $90 on amazon. Got it a few days ago and have downloaded about 450 books by my fav authors off of pirate bay and then converted them to mobi with calibre. Feels good man.

>> No.7321039

All physical, excluding stuff like looking up short stories on the internet. Most of my books are either $1 at local stores or ~$5 on places like Better World Books. I splurge sometimes - spent $500 at mcsweeneys yesterday for what will be a massive box of stuff.

I make very little money but the price doesn't concern me. $1-5 and anything more as a treat really isn't too big of a cost of entry for a whole book. I can't enjoy digital.

>> No.7321074

You should convert to azw3, its a "purer" conversion, basically epub, and .mobi has given my kindle touch a problem for years.

>> No.7321077

cause kindle is shit. Kobo is the true masterrace

>> No.7321133

Reading on an e-reader just doesn't feel right imo. I just can't do it.

>> No.7321156

Physical copies are so much better. Reading is a far more rewarding experience if you're interacting with the book by writing your thoughts and notes in the margins.

>> No.7321183

>tfw my mother taught me it was almost a sin to write in books
>tfw I recently yelled at my daughter for doing the same thing

>> No.7321189 [DELETED] 

Do you print /lit/ threads for reading later?

>> No.7321192


Not him but I do that. Whenever they hit the archives I print them out and bind them.

>> No.7322406

>literally ruining a book by writing on it

What's wrong with you?

>> No.7322494

Digital for 3.5 years now, prior to that I read borrowed books from the library.

Now it's strictly digital and I buy physical books off Amazon if I can't find the digital copy.

I don't care about having a fucking book shelve at home.

>> No.7324025

For me it depends on the book. Most of the time I read digital. Sometimes I finish it but sometimes I may get something I know I will enjoy in physical or a book I particularly enjoyed and will likely reread in the future. But if I do buy a physical copy on a whim I am more inclined to see it to the end obviously.

>> No.7324027

I always buy used because their cheaper, and I can chose the edition I want online. Copies range from $3 for common books to $15 for hard to find ones.

I typically spend about $8 a month on books.

>> No.7324030


not that guy. I do it in my phi books sometimes. It's my copy.

>> No.7324071

I read both. All that matters to me is text, I don't give a shit how my information is obtained, and anyone who bitches about e-readers is a fucking retard and cares less about books and more about looking cool.

I can understand not wanting to read on an LCD backlit screen, but e-ink looks almost exactly like a book and it's just as easy on the eyes. It's also easy to just download a book in a few seconds rather than placing a hold, waiting 2 months, driving to my library, and picking up some grimy book that someone decided to sneeze in and use to wipe his boogers while he was sick.

>> No.7324168

Is there any other way to browse?