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/lit/ - Literature

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7310311 No.7310311[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this literally "/lit/: The Female"?

>> No.7310317

wow no that is just a bitch

>> No.7310318
File: 764 KB, 680x1046, e97.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not quite

>> No.7310320



>> No.7310324

thats pretty much every festival girl
kind of vapid but fun people though

>> No.7310363




>> No.7310370

More like what DFW determined a "granola cruncher".

>> No.7310373

OP is literally faggot: the faggot

>> No.7310378


>> No.7310381

she's probably being ironical retards

>> No.7310388
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>> No.7310404

Perfect description.

>> No.7310406


>> No.7310434

I agree. Most girls like this are just orifices for my dick with very little substance. That's not to say they're not fun to party with, but Jesus, I'd blow my brains out if I had to be around someone like that on a regular basis.

The perfect /lit/ girl is qt eccentric, bipolar (yet quiet) girl who is into art, literature, or music. Preferably brunette (and white of course). Face must be very cute, body must be average. For clothes I'd probably say some sort of intersection between heroin chic and modern hippy (without much effort).

>> No.7310452


>> No.7310454

In my head this chick doesn't correspond to any board desu. She doesn't belong on 4chan at all.

She's probably a normal girl who is considered cool and clued-up in her community and who says things like "well, but I'm adorable" semi-ironically

>> No.7310462

7/10 description.

>> No.7310469

where do i find this girl you describe

>> No.7310486

Would this girl frequent a theatre?

>> No.7310493

Kind of a boring person, probably has a good heart. Just the kind of person who would have furnished the carpet of a mass grave in antiquity. It's good that they don't kill them anymore.

>> No.7310494

a woody allen film

>> No.7310500

you have never dated someone who is unironically bipolar. Its a living hell.

>> No.7310505

They show up on tinder sometimes. You can always tell when she's got something special, even through tinder.

Or you can go to clubs (not unce unce slicked hair clubs, but cool intellectual clubs like the polymath society) at good universities and get involved and sense the light inside them. It doesn't recognize anything better than itself in other people. You just have to be in the same room, in a context where you can talk.

>> No.7310542
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>> No.7310543

not him, but everyone i dated who was bipolar was better read. it might be worth the 4am suicide calls and having no cutlery because she wanted windchimes if her books are well stacked nomesayin'

>> No.7310554

libraries, good music shows (NOTE: not festivals/concerts, I mean like smaller-time bands playing to a smaller audience), college clubs for intellectual stuff, bookstores, art exhibits, I don't know, just anywhere where there isn't an abundance of normies (or neckbeards for that matter).

also >>7310494

I have. It wasn't hell, but it's very very very frustrating at times. That's the thing with bipolar girls. The highs are HIGH and the lows are LOW. When you factor drugs into the equation it's even stranger. But I wouldn't have it any other way.

At its best it can be extremely exhilarating, especially if you have ADHD or boredom depression like me.

At its worst, it's like trying to knock down a brick wall with your fists while simultaneously dodging bullets and shopping for groceries.

>> No.7310558

Opera houses, yeah.

>> No.7310574

Quite possibly. At the very least it shouldn't be hard to find a well read girl at a theater.

>> No.7310579

These people are full of shit, but not worth thinking about

>> No.7310591

that's not butterfly, or as i've taken to calling her, beautifly

>> No.7310616

It rather depends on the theatre. In the UK at least the upper echelons of the theatre scene is too expensive and hard to get tickets for, not to mention difficult to socialise at (RSC) or filled with old people who care more for socialising than acting (National Theatre). You can't meet QTs at classics these days

>> No.7310625


>> No.7310626

This is literally the most faggot ridden thread i've seen on here ever. Everyone who's posted here but me please kill yourselves.

>> No.7310628

what about me?

>> No.7310633

>but me
what a faggot

>> No.7310646

ok sempai

>> No.7310648

i thought we were bookish dykes =/

>> No.7310661

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vsiLji7WMrc&feature=youtu.be&t=4m20s the dude at 4:18 is probably the closest thing to /lit/ in real life

>> No.7310673

>and the appropriate indoor voice
my waifu :3

>> No.7310677

Oh fuck. This is gold.

>> No.7310688

l m a o senpai desu

>> No.7310693

My fucking sides holy shit

>> No.7310707

What the HELL

>> No.7310708

He is the hero /lit/ deserves.

>> No.7310716

damn, what insecure faggots you and he clearly are

>> No.7310717
File: 1.09 MB, 1770x1418, 1443982286196.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is brilliant

>> No.7310718

filename: /b/ meets /lit/

>> No.7310722

Here's your (You). :3

>> No.7310723

I'd cum on her face then never speak to her again desu

>> No.7310725

>i dislike fun
I support your choice as an independent woman

>> No.7310729

I don't get it
I don't understand if he's joking, supportive or angry, and even if he realizes the other guy is joking or not

>> No.7310731

This is without a doubt the funniest man I will ever have the pleasure of knowing about. What an absolute god. Please tell me this is not scripted. I am in love, no homo.

>> No.7310739

he knows the other guy is trolling him for a reaction from the get go, he just revealed his mastertroll power level to him in return

>> No.7310742


>> No.7310744

he's trying to be funny by being by ironically being 'omg so intelligent, noone can make fun of me without my intellectual force BROOTALLY destroying you' i.e. intellectually insecure faggotry i.e. /lit/s wet dream, hence the fawning

>> No.7310747

No it's just a funny and unexpected reply.

>> No.7310751

>i was anally raped by books as a child: the post

>> No.7310755

>I can't into humor
>everything people say has to be mechanical and logically justifiable
>I don't know the meaning of satire or irony
On a literature board at that.. It's just sad.

>> No.7310757

This is real...

>> No.7310773

Have people always hated /lit/ this much? I figured most boards barely know we exist until I saw /his/ shitting on us.

>> No.7310774
File: 457 KB, 536x546, hon hon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Festival whores are literally the worst.

I can't wait until sharia happens.

>> No.7310779

>my bad bro you wanna hit this?

based nigress

>> No.7310783

I think it's just /pol/ and /his/ thinking we're commie college-aged dilettantes.

>> No.7310794
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this to be honest family

>> No.7310802

Jesus Christ this is top tier meta-posting irl to be quite honest.

>> No.7310806

He's trolling.
"You want a reaction, I'll give you 'reaction' "

>> No.7310812

yup, this is the product of no doubt a long practice in the art of the man-childesque need to prove one's self as intelligent and confident to everyone else while, ironically, anyone who isn't a posturing retard will see through it as the opposite.

/lit/ to the bone

>> No.7310817

Replying to your own post? :3

>> No.7310827

the prime pussy in the comment section is also getting slippery seated over him desu

>> No.7310851
File: 14 KB, 300x300, 0000MTE4MDAzNDEwNzI4NzQ4NTU4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pretty sure this is more like /lit/ the female.

>> No.7310852

Being 'so smart' you attract internet cosplay whores is certainly a part of /lit/s wet dream desu senpai

>> No.7310856


>> No.7310865

jesus you're really trolled by this guy existing. it's ok mate you can just click the [remove] link if the video hurts you this much. we're sorry jokes hurt you.

>> No.7310869
File: 115 KB, 500x664, 1444213345073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's trying to act like Will Hunting

Mods ban me

>> No.7310877


This. Her essay "Middlebrow" has even made its way into /lit/'s lexicon.

>> No.7310879


Mai litfu

>> No.7310880
File: 21 KB, 836x134, butthurt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that you?

>> No.7310881
File: 4 KB, 100x100, anna s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>5:00 that babbling brook of sarcastic bullshit was hot as hell.

>> No.7310883

That's clearly someone trying to look like a naked woman on a quay. Have you not seen Good Will Hunting? It's not like that.

>> No.7310887
File: 5 KB, 100x100, alison megan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The im an independent women reaction was great hahaahaha

>> No.7310889

just an analysis of faggotry friend, don't assign me your anger and hurt

>> No.7310895

>I want to skin that goddamn hipster who won't go along with the prank in the library, like I can smell the smugness through my screen.

>> No.7310896

that comment is referring to the guy at 3:58 family

>> No.7310897

why are you so into faggots? was it a cosplay whore? come, tell us more about your life and opinions.

>> No.7310901
File: 6 KB, 100x100, abeardedsage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The dude at 4:20 sounded like a genius from a movie or something. He stops like "... And you're looking for a reaction, okay here's what I'll say to that." And proceeds to be FUCKING GOLD. I would like to meet that man and befriend him. He seems like the kind of guy who could make me more intelligent just by interaction.

>> No.7310903

no thanks

>> No.7310908

>likes drake apparently

She has shit taste as does /lit/, so yes.

Plus, I'd eat her fucking asshole.

>> No.7310914

why not? we are so interested by your analysis, why cut us off now?

>> No.7310919

>Plus, I'd eat her while fucking her asshole.

>> No.7310924


>> No.7310928


Didn't even mention Stirner or egoism once.

0/10 probably the worst human in the world

>> No.7310929
File: 83 KB, 982x225, 4o1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the guy there doesn't look like a hipster nor is he
smug in any way, but thanks for the assist familia.

is it you?

>> No.7310936


>> No.7310937

no it isn't

>> No.7310943

As a /lit/ female, I only relate on being a vegetarian, and my attitude about it isn't remotely similar... so yeah.

Oh and people annoying the shit out of me, but that's true for most people.

>> No.7310952

yeh, i'm the guy, i'm Brian R, I was referring to the guy at 3:58

>> No.7310953

We're all females, Jenny. Stop attention whoring: we're all vegetarian too, and there're no boys to turn you straight in the library.

>> No.7310960

It's hilarious to me how many posters have made it their mission to call a female an attention whore anytime they just mention their gender.

You guys wonder why it's hard to detect the number of women on 4chan.

>> No.7310961
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Fucking kek

>> No.7310964


Or kill yourself. Whichever is faster.

>> No.7310971

>all this irrelevant butthurt
>female detected
that wasn't so hard was it?

>> No.7310979

Your post was you talking about yourself. Stop.