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/lit/ - Literature

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7301755 No.7301755 [Reply] [Original]

Our glorious admin Hiroyuki has asked us to discuss if it's time to remove the "no fan-fic discussion" rule.

Reminder that The Divine Comedy counts as fan-fic, as do many derivative works, and that there's a new subset of literature called "rational fanfiction" which is actually of high quality. I personally believe it's time to kill the rule.

What are your thoughts?

>> No.7301757

Shit, messed up the link. It's on >>>/qa/311860

did I get that right?

>> No.7301760

oh fuck off back to hpmor you cultist

>> No.7301761

No, never, never remove that rule. I don't care if Ulysses is derivative of The Odyssey: it's good. And fanfiction by autistic fucks on the internet isn't.

>> No.7301762

Eliezer Yudkowski is a cult leader wannabe, I know. I don't think HPMOR is particularly good, it's just the most popular fanfic at the moment.

>> No.7301763

No fuck off

>> No.7301766

>What are your thoughts?
Write a fanfic of you killing yourself, then do everything you've written, ask your mom to film and post it afterwards.

>> No.7301768

>And fanfiction by autistic fucks on the internet isn't.
Explain why not. They're the same thing.

Explain yourself so Hiro can listen to your reasoning, or he'll probably listen to me instead.

>> No.7301769

No no no no no!

Even if stuff like Paradise Lost and Dante's work are fanfics, removing that rule will open the flood gates to the worst of it. Anyways theres no reason to any fanfic worthy of discussion cam already be discussed here.

>> No.7301770

>Anyways theres no reason to any fanfic worthy of discussion cam already be discussed here.
The rule. You agree it should be removed then?

>> No.7301771

>What are your thoughts?
post it on reddit or tumblr tbh

>> No.7301774

If a book gets published it's no longer a fanfic.

>> No.7301778
File: 83 KB, 900x824, enoby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is fanfiction not literature?

>> No.7301779

4chan isn't your own personal hugbox to discuss everything that YOU want to talk about

Stop shitting up our board with your autistic manchild crying

>> No.7301780

Then I guess "The Two Year Emperor", a D&D fanfic by eaglejarl may be discused here when it comes out on Amazon?

Publishing fanfics is easy as hell.

It's literature, just bad literature. Which is discussed here. Right now we can't even criticize fanfiction without getting banned.

>> No.7301784

I'm not the one whining anon, you are.

>> No.7301787

Right, that's why you keep making these threads

>> No.7301789

I've made a thread twice and this is the second time. If you have more people complaining about this then I'm obviously not alone.

>> No.7301790

> he'll probably listen to me instead.

The general consensus seems to be a definitive no. You're the only person who wants to discuss fanfiction here because you've read hpmor and it turned you into an euphoric fedora enthusiast.

>> No.7301793

>an euphoric fedora enthusiast.
Have you seen the frontpage of /lit/ recently?

>> No.7301801

>then I'm obviously not alone.

Nigga you'll die alone

>> No.7301819

As far as literature goes, the chances of fanfiction being shit, but it having a horrible fanbase who strongly believe it isn't shit, is miles higher.

I believe free discussion of fanfiction will attract the kind of userbase who does not belong on /li/, but who will arrive en-masse, making us who have proper taste a minority.

Accepting these people will be directly detrimental to the quality of the board. You don't throw a group of people out in order to shove another group in, which will inevitably happen.

Just look at /v/. Or /a/. Or even /b/. Most boards have deteriorated due to lack of strict rules and elitism. /lit/ still has some integrity, and I wouldn't want that to be compromised.

>> No.7301829

>but who will arrive en-masse,
from where? who would have this as their first choice for discussing fanfic?

/v/ allows discussion of call of duty
/a/ now allows naruto

why do we have to be THE elitist board?

>> No.7301834

Because neither /v/ or /a/ would be the first choice for discussing CoD or Naruto.

Yet it still happened. And it was another nail in their coffin.

Allowing something will eventually attract people who like that thing, just like /a/, /v/ and /co/.

>> No.7301835


>> No.7301842

>why do we have to be THE elitist board?
Because we're here to shitpost about high literature we've never read, not about fanfiction we've never read.
That's absurd.

>> No.7301845

What do you mean so?

I'm worried about the quality of the board. I don't want it to deteriorate the same way /a/ did by being more accepting to outsiders.

Elitism is good for niche societies. /lit/ isn't that big, but it's good the way it is. Accepting something new will ruin that.

You seem like someone who recently came here, got mad that he didn't get to talk about his interests, then wants everyone else to change their way for him.

Stop being so entitled and let this place be what it is. There are thousands of other communities you can discuss your fanfiction with. /lit/ doesn't have to be one of them. /lit/ doesn't have to change, because there is no reason to besides your own entitlement.

>> No.7301846

Why not open a new board dedicated to fan fic and leave /lit/ as it is? I kinda like this place. I wouldn't want to see it ruined.

>> No.7301848

This. Yes, I do sometimes think it sucks people who read genre fiction or fanfiction basically have to go elsewhere for quality discussion extending beyond a single thread because they're driven away by elitism, but people either forget or weren't around when this place was a lot more evenly divided in its groups and just how much it improved once the whole "quality literature only!" thing began (miss u D&E). It was similar to how /r/books is now, and we all know how terrible that place is. The best way to maintain whatever quality this board has left is to discourage and even outright ban certain kinds of discussion (pulp/genre/ya/etc. fiction and fanfic respectively, of course).

>> No.7301849

No fan-fic, period.

>> No.7301850

please write reason, too.
I'm afraid that I'm not very good at /lit/ so that I would like to know how you feel.

>> No.7301852
File: 583 KB, 1047x709, map5[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you're stopping yourselves from enjoying and discussing good things though
elitism can close your eyes to new opportunities

and I'm not entitled, I wouldn't have made a thread if hiro hadn't said so

>> No.7301854

>>7301846 <= this would be a good compromise hiro, weren't you going to make test boards this weekend?

>> No.7301859

>you're stopping yourselves from enjoying and discussing good things though

If I feel like discussing fanfiction, I'll go somewhere else. It's not that hard of a concept.

/lit/ is /lit/. Let it be what it is.

>I'm not entitled
You literally went to the owner of the site because we don't want to discuss the topic you'd like to discuss. That's like the definition of entitlement.

>> No.7301862

>>If I feel like discussing fanfiction, I'll go somewhere else
so you agree with making a new board? My reasoning is that 4chan should allow free discussion of most everything, except for illegal content, so there has to be a place for fanfiction discussion on 4chan

>> No.7301863

I think for the most of the time we couldn't know what is good fan-fiction or not, how would we separate the minority of worthwhile works from the big pile of trash?

With canon literature (and philosophy) we can focus our time in just talking about it.

>> No.7301864

hiroyuki-sama graces us with his presence!

My reason for being against discussing fan-fiction is simple. It is, for the most part, not literature, and opening /lit/ to fanfiction will bring a lot of awful, Flashbird-the-Vampire esque bullshit with the few good stories.

I think >>7301846 isn't that bad an idea. Try making a fanfiction board for a couple of weeks, see how it goes.
If it's shitposting general, make it a containment board á la /pol/.

>> No.7301867

>proper taste

What even is that?

It's just a matter of opinion.

>> No.7301870

>They're the same thing.
No, they are not. Fanfiction is written by uneducated, untalented autists and contains nothing of intellectual merit. Literature is written by intellectuals who have devoted their lives to writing and have typically experienced more than a computer screen.

>> No.7301871

There is tons of garbage that gets published.

What the h*ck are you talking about?

>> No.7301874

I don't disagree. Hiro-chan can make as many boards as you want, just don't do something that will deteriorate the quality of current 4chan communities.

>> No.7301875

>Fanfiction is written by uneducated, untalented autists
No, some of it is written by decent published writers. Jbern is an example.

>Literature is written by intellectuals who have devoted their lives to writing and have typically experienced more than a computer screen.
Oh boy, yeah Thomas Pynchon lived life hard didn't he?

>> No.7301876

What if I told you every board was a containment board?

>> No.7301882

It's more about the test of time. Even if you think Joyce, Melville or who the fuck were all trash they are undeniably canon now.

>> No.7301883

You're not wrong.

Could you imagine the kind of filth that would spill out to the rest of the Internet if 4chan was permanently shut down?

>> No.7301885

Doesn't really change anything, so we'll make /ff/ for the containment of fanfiction, whereas /lit/ stays the containment board for literature and philosophy.

>> No.7301886

Hello Hiroyuki :)

We do not want fan-fic on /lit/ as it could make the board bad. If there is a lot of people who want fan-fic, you could make a trial board for them.

Thank you for being a great admin tho mate

>> No.7301887

My Immortal is still discussed a decade later. The test of time means nothing.

>> No.7301894

The song? What this has to do with literature?

>> No.7301897
File: 202 KB, 800x450, 20140426-021001[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So I guess we agree that fanfic discussion should be allowed, but that the best way to implement it is creating a new board?


>> No.7301898

>he doesn't know My Immortal

>> No.7301900

Yes; we do not mind people discussing it, just not here on /lit/

>> No.7301905

Anyway, My Immortal would still count as contemporary literature. Pop culture time-span is much shorter.

>> No.7301908

>Anyway, My Immortal would still count as contemporary literature.

>calls it literature
>b-but you can't discuss it on /lit/

>> No.7301911

I hope you know the meaning of 'would' in my sentence.

>> No.7301925

Please no.
The fanfiction community is to /lit/ what the MLP and furry fandoms are to /co/, /tv/, /an/ etc.
They are reviled. Nobody likes them anywhere, and nobody wants them here.
The current state is fine: people who want criticism on their original writing can ask for it in one or two general threads, and derivative works of worth (well-regarded by literature enthusiasts, not fanfiction enthusiasts) or made strictly for laughs are reasonably tolerated.

>> No.7301929

there's the romance fanfiction community, which is what you're talking about, and the rational fanfiction community, which is more fedora-tippy but not really cancerous

>> No.7301937


The difference is publishing. There's an inherent quality control in publishing.

Anyone can post any shit on the internet. There are no standards.
That said, even if the rule is removed the board culture will still discriminate against it, keeping those people away so it's really a moot point.

>> No.7301941

>The difference is publishing. There's an inherent quality control in publishing.
Not today with Amazon. I already mentioned that several fanfic authors are already published.

>Anyone can post any shit on the internet. There are no standards.
Yet 50 shades of grey got published. And the author? Used to write fanfiction. Your logic makes no sense.

>> No.7301947


not him, but doesn't matter. if fan-fiction were to be allowed here it'll be flooded by tumblr and whole lot of autists disucssing about their smut-fiction, not to mention it'll also cause people to start threads about their fan-fic authors which is equivalent to /v/ e-celeb circlejerking.

>> No.7301954

making a new board is one of ideas.

How do you think if there is only one thread for fanfiction is allowed in /lit/.

>> No.7301957

>if fan-fiction were to be allowed here it'll be flooded by tumblr and whole lot of autists disucssing about their smut-fiction

prove it, and I'll grant you your point, as it is right now it's conjecture
/aco/ is a new board and didn't really bring anyone new

> it'll also cause people to start threads about their fan-fic authors which is equivalent to /v/ e-celeb circlejerking.

i don't see the difference

>> No.7301958

I'm not sure how much people want to discuss about fan-fic.

>> No.7301963

That sounds pretty good to me.

search one of the global archives for fanfiction and you'll see many people discuss it on /tv/, /co/ and /a/

>> No.7301968

The problem isn't the fanfiction. It's the kind of people who come with it. People who like literature don't want to have to put up with fanfiction fans, like cartoon fans don't want furries on their board.

>> No.7301972

hiro added /aco/
who do you think are more cancerous, people who read fanfiction in 2015 or people who fap to rule 34 cartoons?

>> No.7301973

No fanfic turn on /lit/. Make a test board if you have to but not here.

>> No.7301979

Technically, cartoon rule 34 is another form of fan fic, since they are taking a given product and changing it to how they want it. So, both are equally cancerous.

>> No.7301982

Male a writing board for the people who write fanfiction, want critique about their novels, etc.

It would solve the concern that the new board won't have enough people and traffic and it frees up /lit/ to be about reading

>> No.7301984

/aco/ wasn't added to /co/ or /hentai/
>who do you think are more cancerous, people who read fanfiction in 2015 or people who fap to rule 34 cartoons?
The former, without a doubt. Cartoon fappers fap to cartoons, which isn't terribly relevant to /lit/, whereas fanfiction readers are necessarily illiterate.

>> No.7301992

is /aco/ staying? god dammit.

>> No.7301995

No fucking way. Allowing fanfic will turn /lit/ into the writing equivalent of /ic/. This is a hipster board, not a weeaboo board.

>> No.7301997

We should ban shitty threads that don't have anything to do with literature or books too, or at least rename the board to "Literature & Philosophy"

>> No.7302018

>whereas fanfiction readers are necessarily illiterate.
how do you know fanfiction is bad if you haven't read it?

>> No.7302021

Are you faggots really comparing Dante and Joyce to mentally retarded Sonic the Hedgehog fans?

>> No.7302023

tl;dr: /lit/ wants /lit/ to be a safe space free of fanfiction

I didn't know I was visiting tumblr

>> No.7302025

I'd prefer religion and Phil get a separate board tbh.
But yes we should definitely at least ban the non lit related threads. This place feel.more.like r9k everyday.

>> No.7302027

This. The elitism keeps us strong. Look at what happened to /mu/ when the doors opened too much

>> No.7302028

Dante is a great fanfiction writer, but still a fanfiction writer. It's undeniable.

>> No.7302029

We just don't a bunch of mongoloids ruining our community. Go write Rugrats erotica somewhere you autistic waste of life.

>> No.7302033

Nice try, but we just want to keep our fatherland safe from degenerate migrants -- not much tumblr 'bout that is there boyyo

>> No.7302034


>> No.7302039

>Nice try, but we just want to keep our fatherland safe from degenerate migrants -- not much tumblr 'bout that is there boyyo
But that's exactly what tumblr does, not allowing white men to enter their safe spaces.

>> No.7302040

If a bunch of faggot weebs and bronies start posting fanfic here I hope /lit/'s old guard will join me in tearing apart every single one of their threads.

>> No.7302047

What's your point anyway? Because you can draw comparisons to tumblr, we should allow fanfic?

>> No.7302051

you can't keep tumblr out by invoking tumblr standards

you're literally defending safe space philosophy because you're afraid people stuck in their hugboxes are going to bother coming here

>> No.7302058

This. The people who currently post OC on /lit/ are hardly better than fanfic writers anyway. Let the faggots rot on a separate "Writing and Criticism" board. Hell, maybe there should be a general "OC and Criticism" board to contain all of the talentless fucks who spam their shit on /mu/ and /ic/ too.

>> No.7302064

/crt/ - Writing Critique?

>> No.7302066
File: 155 KB, 751x1063, harry_potter_becomes_a_communist__by_moorzilka-d7hl6xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Harry, you look different," said Hermione as I joined her and Ron in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express.

I suppose I did. I was wearing an ushanka with a Red Star, a Che Guevara T-shirt, and browline glasses. I had grown a scruffy beard and had had my scar changed from a lightning bolt to a hammer and sickle.

"Why are you wearing a shirt with that murderer on it?" asked Hermione as I sat down.

"He's not a murderer, he's a soldier," I explained. "I'd be offended, but I know you've been brainwashed by the bourgeoisie capitalist establishment. You're suffering from false consciousness."

>> No.7302068

Why does everything have to be to do with tumblr? You may as well say 'We should have open-door migration because tumblr doesn't'. Not having fan-fic won't make tumblr suddenly appear on /lit/

>> No.7302069

>>7302058 brought up a good point.
/crt/ - Critique

>> No.7302070

you're already tumblr if you think more rules is better

>> No.7302073

yeah and you're facebook!

>> No.7302076
File: 219 KB, 125x163, 1443623475934.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/crt/ - Fanworks and Critique

>> No.7302077

He was in the navy, autist.

>> No.7302078

I mean it's less about quality since that's super hard to account for and judge, and more about overlapping interests. I think many people here don't really have any interest in writing and critique while others do, and just get shoved together in on board cause /lit/ has become a catchall "intellectual" board

Sure something like that is good.

Hiro Chan make it happen pls

>> No.7302080

Fanfic readers and writers are niggers

>> No.7302083

Why is Harry Potter writing quantum equations in the sky?

>> No.7302084

yeah I can see all those navy influences in his work

>> No.7302085

Hey, An Hiro. Please, please do not allow fan fiction on /lit/. It would degrade the quality of the board, posters, and enjoyment from browsing it. Very few people on /lit/ like it and is likely that less want it here.

>> No.7302086
File: 1.22 MB, 4101x2775, hpmorcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's very hit and miss.

>> No.7302092

DO NOT remove it

Holy shit this board would go to shit so fast
It would be worse than fucking /co/
Before you know it all the threads will be YA and fan fic shit

>> No.7302096


>> No.7302097

I say no.

There are other places for derivative fiction on this website. This is a bastion of literary discussion (barely holding on as it is), and changing that rule would overflow this board with cheap and tawdry fluff.

I for one do not want interesting threads to be pushed off the board in favor of twilight erotica, "harry potter is a communist", etc.

If there are people out there pushing for a board for their fanfics, then make a new board for them.

>> No.7302099

this seems to be a great solution to many 4chan problems at once

>> No.7302102

If you think that his work isn't riddled with anti-military-industrial complex sentiments, you haven't read them. The fact of the matter is that fanfiction does not even approach the quality of literature, and no one but you wants it here.

>> No.7302105

Dante's Divine Comedy doesn't approach the quality of literature?

>> No.7302115

For all the reading and discussion we do on this board, it's kinda funny how you choose a modern etiquette or hastag to define a 400+ poem. I'm sure Hardol Bloom would be pleased.

>> No.7302122

>The term "fan fiction" has been attested in print as early as 1939; in this earliest known citation

>> No.7302127

Only one thread allowed is unenforcable, your mods will not be able to keep it contained.

Please do not allow fanfiction on /lit/.
Arguments that say certain works such as Paradise Lost or Ulysses are fanfiction are made by idiots or trolls. There is a clear distinction between classic works of literature which refer to other works and what's known as fanfiction. Anyone claiming there isn't is just being over-semantic.

>> No.7302140

The Divine Comedy was written by a genius who unified the dialects of Italy and, along with Petrarch and Boccaccio, defines the Renaissance. It is not unimportant, uninspiring, and unskillful trash written by a manchild, which you have proven yourself to be, on the internet. If you can't see the difference between a sonic fanfic and The Divine Comedy, you should leave immediately.

>> No.7302149

Readers of literature and readers of fanfiction are two entirely separate demographics. Introducing the latter into our community will only split it in two, and probably eventually drive out the former. /lit/ may not seem all that notable compared to the other 4chan boards, but it's actually one of, if not the most active community of its type on the entire English speaking internet, so flooding it with strangers would be a great shame.

>> No.7302155

Seconding this. Seems like a perfect solution. It could also release /ic/ from the clutches of plebs and finally allow for some decent art discussion on 4chan.

>> No.7302162

So? It wasn't being used on the 1300's. How can there be fan fic when the term hasn't even been invented? That's faulty logic.

>> No.7302163

This. /lit/ browsers have written entire books together.

>> No.7302167

fan fiction is a hip term for "derivative literature"

>> No.7302177

In reality we all know it actually refers to goth hambeasts and autistic bronies writing awful erotica about children's characters. Surely none of /lit/'s current browsers want this introduced into the community?

>> No.7302187

are you trying to trick hiro? not all fanfic is like that

>> No.7302192
File: 123 KB, 343x423, 1433624483328.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who the fuck thought this was a good idea?
Are there actually people who want to post and discuss their fan fiction here?
What the hell?

>> No.7302197

It's tasteless bullshit written and read by retards. We don't even discuss Harry Potter here, never mind your autistic derivations of it. Just take your Cheeto-stained hands away from our board.

>> No.7302201

>Reminder that The Divine Comedy counts as fan-fic

Fuck you.

> remove the "no fan-fic discussion" rule

It's the only thing keeping /lit/ even remotely high-brow.

>> No.7302202

Where's your evidence? Let's match bad fic with good fic. Of course, you're talking out of your ass so you don't have any.

Stop defending your hugbox.

>> No.7302206
File: 41 KB, 760x571, 1445153378739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>using high-brow without tipping your fedora first

>> No.7302207

There's no way you are a current /lit/ poster. Go back to /co/ or /mlp/ whatever shithole you come from.

>> No.7302209

Good post.

>> No.7302213

>boogeymen because he can't respond to my challenge

>> No.7302215

Go back to reddit or whatever the place is where you write your proud and sincere pony fictions

>> No.7302216

Do not allow fanfiction on /lit/. If people want to discuss fanfic that bad, give them their own board.

>> No.7302224

It's obvious from this whole thread that it's just one poster, so I wouldn't rule out a master ruseman.

>> No.7302225

are you an expert in pony fictions?

>> No.7302226

Better yet, why don't you give us a fanfic that is as good as, say, Ulysses.

>> No.7302231

>180 replies
>4 posters

>> No.7302232

No, please, no fanfiction at all.

>> No.7302234

I can't, but I can't give you any other book that is as good as Ulysses. Pick an average book.

>> No.7302236

Who are you quoting?

>> No.7302237

Don't do it. Fanfiction has nothing to do with literature. If there are really so many fanfiction readers on 4chan, then open a new board for them. /lit/ is the only fast-moving literature discussion board on the internet. We are here to discuss Dostoevsky and Joyce, not My Little Pony and Homestuck.

>> No.7302238


It's all fucking shit, even the supposedly good stuff.

More importantly, the fanbases are absolutely cancerous. There is no reason to bring them over here.

>> No.7302240

No, tumblr wants to enforce their politics universally

>> No.7302243

Can you even name a single work of fanfic that transcends genre and can be justly called literature? If you hadn't noticed, /lit/ doesn't care for genre fiction as it is, never mind amateur homages to genre fiction.

>> No.7302245

Did you just ask me to move the goalposts to help you justify your gay af opinion?

>> No.7302246

I'm an expert in ponies and pony accessories.

>> No.7302247

The Divine Comedy
Paradise Lost

>> No.7302251

I think creative writing in general should maybe get its own board, at least as a trial; that would include original works as well as fanfiction. The discussion of literature does not necessarily entail the creation of your own, and the board was made and meant for the former.

>> No.7302254

Don't be a fucking moron.

Besides, if you want to discuss those works here then you already can. If you want to discuss "Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality" or something, well, just kill yourself.

>> No.7302256

fan fiction (countable and uncountable, plural fan fictions)

(uncountable) Amateur fiction created by fans, incorporating the characters and concepts of a commercial media property, typically without permission from the author or owner. [quotations ▼]
(countable) A work of fan fiction. [quotations ▼]
(dated, fandom slang, uncountable) Fiction about fans and fandom created by members of fandom.
Those two being fan fiction is just a lame /lit/ meme, and you know it.

>> No.7302259

/fc/ - Fanworks/Critique (because there's already /ic/ - Artwork/Critique)

Just taking a swing at its rules if it does happen.

>Your own writing, derivative or original, is allowed.
As for artwork, how to define it separately from /i/ and /ic/? Only derivative artwork allowed?

>> No.7302261

>(uncountable) Amateur fiction created by fans, incorporating the characters and concepts of a commercial media property, typically without permission from the author or owner. [quotations ▼]

That describes both my examples. And it's not a meme.

>> No.7302266

Also, these two posts taken together would suggest that you think Ulysses is better than The Divine Comedy or Paradise Lost, which marks you out as a tasteless idiot anyway.

>> No.7302267

The Bible is not a commercial media property, you dunce.

>> No.7302268

>Original artwork belongs in /ic/. Derivative artwork may be posted here.

>> No.7302271


>> No.7302274

OP,you've broken the plebometer !
It can only handle values under 10^4 turboplebs !

>> No.7302278

Maybe /ic/ could be rebranded as Painting & the Visual Arts or something, so that it could encompass art history and theory as well as user created content. I don't think there's an existent community on /ic/ who would complain about being dissolved, unlike /lit/.

>> No.7302282
File: 20 KB, 500x461, i-know-that-feel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I would like to know how you feel.

>> No.7302284


>> No.7302285

Ebic post m9 well memed

>> No.7302286

Published fanfiction exists, though. What's the difference?

>> No.7302291

Hiro please tell janitors to enforce "/lit/ is for the discussion of literature" more.

>> No.7302294

/lit/ is also for philosophy, no ?

>> No.7302296

/lit/ wants the main purpose of their board to be discussion of published works, and I agree with them.

A test run of a new board might be in the best interests of everyone who particularly wants to contribute in their own styles across the various boards of this site.

/fc/ - Fanworks/Critique (because there's already /ic/ - Artwork/Critique)

>Your own writing, derivative or original, is allowed.
>Original artwork belongs in /ic/. Derivative artwork may be posted here.

I think this might be ideal.

>> No.7302298

Fanfiction is not literature. They are not of similar quality at all.

>> No.7302299

The Two Year Emperor is an upcoming published fanfic.

>> No.7302300

they are
nothing reaches the higher echelons of literature, but they can still compare to average books, which can be discussed here

>> No.7302301

Did they go through the legal barriers imposed by the creators of the original work?

>> No.7302304

One thread is not a good idea.

/mlp/ can talk about MLP fanfiction. /tg/ can talk about their fanfiction. /co/, /tv/, and /a/ can talk about their fanfiction.

Fanfiction is not literature.

>> No.7302305

>derivative artwork
No, let that go on /ic/. Or /aco/ even.

>> No.7302306

You're already allowed to discuss published fanfiction on /lit/. No one will reply except to call you a pleb, but it's allowed. We discussed 50 Fifty Shades of Grey, for example. To be honest, even if you posted OC that derived from a preexisting literary work you would probably get the same sort of critique as anyone else as long as it was a genuine attempt at literature, not just some self-indulgent genre shit.

>> No.7302311


Star Wars' extended universe.

>> No.7302313

If it hasn't been published in book form then it's just a blog as far as I'm concerned and therefore not /lit/.

>> No.7302316

>I'd prefer religion and Phil get a separate board tbh.

Please, no, don't put us with the religion fags !

>> No.7302317

Something like Worm is not allowed here?

>> No.7302320

You're allowed to post about that here already. No one will respond, however, because it's shit. You would probably be better off on Reddit tbh m8.

>> No.7302321

Are you implying tbh m8 is not reddit memes?

>> No.7302323

I don't know what that is, but unless it's a book, no.

>> No.7302325

It's an online serial. You call yourself an expert in literature but you don't know what serials are? The War of the Worlds is shit in your opinion, isn't it?

>> No.7302326

It's an /sp/ and /britpol/ meme if anything. But seriously, no one on /lit/ wants to talk about your stupid fanfiction. Reddit probably has several boards for it.

>> No.7302329

Who actually supports putting fanfiction here?

I don't care about shipping Thomas the Tank Engine and Amy from Sonic.

>> No.7302330

The War of the Worlds was published serially but written as a novel, as was common back then.

>> No.7302332

>it's post-avant modernism if Joyce does it but it's bad if an amateur writer does it

>> No.7302335

So idiots support this. OK.

>> No.7302336

I can give you several examples of pre-written fanfiction released serially if that's what you're asking.

>> No.7302337


>> No.7302339

/ic/ has the potential to talk about the breadth and depth of the visual arts by itself; throwing in their own work is a secondary subject to that kind of thread.

/aco/ also has the potential to talk about published 18+ western work; again, throwing in their own work is secondary.

Maybe allow a catch-all for derivative artwork across all three?

>> No.7302340

Joyce was an amateur writer once, but he broke through because he had talent. Lifelong amateurs are just too shit to be published.

>> No.7302341

no shit books allowed

>> No.7302344

Was it subsequently published as a novel?

That's already the case. No one gets banned for starting a Star Wars EU thread.

>> No.7302345

No, because most fanfiction is complete trash and the people who discuss it is complete trash as well. Strict rules aren't needed, a sense of quality is needed, rules are not capable of intelligently discerning between good and bad.

>> No.7302347

what counts as published? because amazon is allowing publishing certain types of fanfiction

>> No.7302350

Allowing fanfiction here will radically change the culture here.

>> No.7302356

>contractually distributed by an established publisher
>brought to attention by other media
These are my shots in the dark.

>> No.7302362

Please no fanfiction. It would ruin the board.

>> No.7302363

>>contractually distributed by an established publisher
you fags discuss so many relatively obscure works

>> No.7302369

Relatively obscure to plebs like you. Now go masturbate to your fanfic about Rainbow Dash raping Tomoko.

>> No.7302371

do you know discussing mlp is bannable?

>> No.7302372

I can't remember a thread regarding fanfiction that wasn't disparaging, or just open-ended shitposting ("so what do you guys think of [YA series here] fanfiction?"), so I don't see how this is really an issue. w/out getting too philosophical about what is and isn't really literature, "fanfiction" as it is generally used implies shitty fantasy or YA, and the rare thread that is related to either of these is usually saged or ignored until it disappears, as should be the case. (The Divine Comedy does not "count" as "fanfiction," like OP dumbly declares.)

however, I will support a ban on fanfiction discussion, in order to prevent fanfic threads from ever becoming a problem in the future. nobody wants to see that, even if it's Moby-Dick fanfiction or whatever.

also, critique threads should stay and shouldn't even be under consideration here. there's usually just the one or two at a time, and they should stay in keeping w/ the spirit of /lit/. just let us keep being fanfic-hating dilettantes and we'll be OK.

>> No.7302380

So not only are you an idiot, you also can't comprehend what you read.

>> No.7302384

the irony

>> No.7302388

Was I discussing MLP? Did I tell you to discuss MLP on here? I told you to leave and go clop.

>> No.7302389

what's clopping?

>> No.7302416
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Why is everyone pretending they don't know the difference between regular derivative works and fan fiction?

>> No.7302429

explain it, avatarfag

>> No.7302433

Hiro - /lit/ is one of the few boards remaining with functional elitism. The types of people with vested interests in literature and those with the same in fanfiction have little to no overlap. There is no reason to incite the latter to invade this community.

It's depressing watching board quality drop when moderation usurps arbitrary community rules put in place to enforce quality (/a/, /g/). It was even worse to witness moot outright destroy /jp/ for whatever reason.

/lit/ is effectively the last stand of elitism on 4chan with the removal of the text boards and the decline in quality of other boards. I really enjoy being able to browse this anonymous environment without subjecting myself to the cliques that exist in various IRC channels and Offchans that refugees from the aforementioned boards were forced into.

>> No.7302449

Can you respond? We gave several reasons why fanfic is shit that shouldn't be allowed. It will ruin this board.

>> No.7302468

So you know the pain, eh

>> No.7302479
File: 592 KB, 1349x3465, dull.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Allow it.
What if 90%+ is shit? With vanity presses, so are published works.
And even before vanity press, there was real rubbish published.
If it ends not happening, I'd like to remind you anybody can make his own boards on infinitychan.

>> No.7302492

>so are published works
Yeah. And they don't get discussed here or are derided when brought up.

Fanfiction will bring a bunch of unwanted people to this board from other boards. It could also result in /lit/ becoming more smutty.

>> No.7302505

It's already 90% shit. If it gets worse, I'll leave, and I imagine all the other people who are drawn here for the 10% that's worthwhile will leave, too.
There's no shortage of other websites catering to shitty fanfiction, but the rest of us have nowhere else to go.

>> No.7302508

I agree with you but unfortunately you've misunderstood the definition of the word 'usurp.'

>> No.7302511
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So don't discuss or deride poor fanfiction when it's brought up.

>> No.7302526

Fanfic will bring new people who aren't part of /lit/'s culture. They will propagate fanfic threads and ensure their place on this board.

>> No.7302531

Dantes Inferno is not fan fiction.
Paradise lost is not fan fiction.

Fan fiction is an entirely new breed of trashy shit that has sprung up with the internet. Fan fiction requires no editors, no critique, no sense of style or even a love of literature.

Fan fiction requires a 12 year old with a keyboard and a hard on for Sonic the Hedgehog.

The books we currently are discussing on lit range from political works, to fucking Wittgenstein, to regular threads on contemporary literature held in high esteem by the literary establishment. Fan fiction doesn't fit into that at all. Fan fiction has an even higher percentage of garbage than sci fi or fantasy, and those we already keep contained into general threads usually.

One point I haven't seen explicitly made is that creators of fan fiction are constantly seeking an audience. If we allow fan fiction to be discussed here, they will undoubtedly try to use it to market their shit. That would be bad news for a board that has maybe 300 consistent posters.

>> No.7302539

I like this, but I think we should be careful not to move original content away from the existing boards.

>> No.7302541

>Calm down , no one is perfect everybody makes mistakes.

>> No.7302543

Please do not allow fanfiction.

Don't do it. Nobody actually wants this.

>> No.7302549

Mira gonzalez and tao lin aren't high esteemed

>> No.7302551

This is how I feel about it as well.

>> No.7302553

>One point I haven't seen explicitly made is that creators of fan fiction are constantly seeking an audience.

A great point. And to go along with it--the people who write fan fiction are generally the group of people who don't actually want to read. Rather, they just want to watch movies, animes, or read that one book series, and then churn out their own versions.

They don't want to talk about books at all. They want to talk specifically about the fanfiction they're writing.

>> No.7302583

>Fan fiction is an entirely new breed of trashy shit that has sprung up with the internet.
what the fuck, also you're clearly samefagging

>> No.7302594

the only samefag in the thread is the guy who has posted 50 times trying to get his fanfiction on /lit/, aka you

>> No.7302597

I'm not even pretending to be different people

>> No.7302608

You are the only autist here who wants it.

>> No.7302649


Moot didn't create that rule for no reason. Fanfiction fanbases are pure cancer. Also, a conflict between old /lit/ and those people would just cause problems and an exodus. If a considerable amount of people really does want to talk about fanfic, make them a new board and leave /lit/ alone.

Also, anons, please stop comparing Dante and Milton to the stuff on fanfiction.net. If you actually think those two geniuses are comparable to neckbeards writing awful variations of LOTR and teenage girls writing Harry Potter and Twilight gay slash, you are... well, fuck, I honestly can't express how stupid you are.

>> No.7302654


Also, fanfic can be discussed on its relevant boards like /co/, /v/, or /reddit/.

>> No.7302661

I had intended to use "undermine" but the passion welling up for my country was blazing far too hotly and brilliantly.

>> No.7302674

it honestly can't, threads get deleted

>> No.7302696

Then take the hint you fucking faggot.

>> No.7302697

the hint that 4chan has shitty rules that should be changed? got it

>> No.7302701

pretty sure it's just that one guy tbh

>> No.7302703

Oh fuck no.

>> No.7302718

And trolling. (not even subtly, see >>7302697 )

>> No.7302727

>Remove the no fan-fiction rule?

Oh hell no.

I don't have much to add as the others in this thread have well articulated the reasons why we have this rule in place.

Keep /lit/ strong as a bastion of proper culture.

>> No.7302734


This is literally the only good place to discuss literature on the internet.

>> No.7302737
File: 78 KB, 1066x566, Screenshot_2015-10-30-12-37-44_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're clearly retarded

>> No.7302760

The word literature implies works of quality and reknown, something that has already been established over many years as something of importance and value. Fanfiction has none of these qualities and even if they did it would take a decade or so to figure out which of these have had impact. On lit we don't discuss modern bestsellers or mystery writers for exactly the same reason, this isn't a general "book board", this is a literature board. We do a specific thing here and introducing foreign communities that aren't interested in the thing we're interested in is going to change and destroy how this board works.
If you'd still want a place where people can discuss fanfiction or general books maybe you could create a separate board for them so each of us can keep our distinct cultures.

>> No.7302766

There is one guy here who wants the discussion of fanfiction and a shitload of people who are against it. Call it a hugbox all you want, the majority like it that way. We do not need a change of rules that the majority of the board are opposed to to cater to a small number of people. Giving them a seperate board is a good enough solution and I hope it is the one that is enforced.

>> No.7302806

The reason is that the interests of the fanfiction community doesn't reflect literary culture. There is little crossover between the topics and works discussed on /lit/ currently and the topics discussed on fanfiction boards. And because discussion of "fanfiction" typically involves discussion of various forms of media besides literature (movies, TV shows, anime/manga, comic books, etc), the likely result is that /lit/ will see many visitors who are more interested in discussing those subjects, which already have their own boards, and the core subject of literature will be minimized (while the associated subjects, like philosophy and religion, will most likely be crowded out and disappear entirely). There's also the fact that the subject of fanfictions are by and large not fanfictions, and the few major exceptions, like Harry Potter, are discussed infrequently by /lit/, and allowing fanfiction discussion would likely give disproportionate attention to those novels.

Furthermore, it's perfectly acceptable to post fanfiction in the critique threads. "Fanfiction" of the sort of literature discussed on this board, like parodies of philosophers and scholars, are often well-received here. Since the primary draw/function of fanfiction is the fan's own production, posting your work in critique threads is sufficient inclusion of fanfiction. Having threads devoted simply to talking about specific fanfics, and by extension their subjects (which, again, are usually not literature), is excessive, unnecessary, harmful, and redundant.

>> No.7302828

fuck this, and fuck you, pussy.

>> No.7303092

>Reminder that The Divine Comedy counts as fan-fic

I want to let you know that I decided to stop lurking on lit just to wish you to die horribly for your statement.
You couldn't get any more subhuman if you tried.

>> No.7303119

It's just more evidence as to why idiots should be shamed and fanfiction shouldn't be allowed on /lit/.

>> No.7303123

Daily reminder that a change in ownership is not an excuse to destroy our boards.

Leave the rule in place.

No fan-fiction.

>> No.7303152

If anything we need more things banned not less

>> No.7303380

the overwhelming consensus from this thread is that /lit/ wants nothing to do with fanfic. There's only one or two retards in this thread (may be one samefag for all i know) who are trying to push this. I'm pissed off that the guy went to our admin and actually suggested this when NO ONE has ever made a thread asking for more fan fic threads. What an underhanded, trashy move; I guess its something we should expect from greasy basement-dwelling neckbeards

>> No.7303431

Is Avellaneda's Quixote a fanfic? Is Menard's Quixote a fanfic?

>> No.7303444

>the guy went to our admin and actually suggested this when NO ONE has ever made a thread asking
Yeah. >>7301850 Hiroyuki, please permaban the guy who asked for this out of nowhere and wasted everybody's time? :3

>> No.7303450

>Is Menard's Quixote a fanfic?
No, because Menard's Quixote is the original work. That's the point, that's why he's author of Don Quixote, not author of a story named Don Quixote. However, that's completely irrelevant to the topic you fucking smartass

>> No.7303465

Dont do it.

It will inevitably bring down the quality of this board. If you have to have to FF just create a board for it, I dont give a shit.

>> No.7303478


please no fanfiction on /lit/ it would kill this board.

if people want a separate fanfiction board give it to them but /lit/ should be for good books by good authors.

>> No.7303512

So many great works of literature are improvements upon lesser works.

Imagine how many novels and plays would have to be excluded from the canon because they copy a formula that originated with Shakespeare.

>> No.7303530

On one hand, it might help bury the DFW thread of the day, but on the other, I think people should have to put a little bit of effort into bringing non-/lit/ topics into /lit/--hey, let's talk about my favorite show, I'm sure someone wrote a fan-fic for it.

>> No.7303668

No to the proposed rule change, /lit/ doesn't need to be fucked with. Whatever changes might be needed by 4chan, /lit/ should be left to cruise along.

As noted, other boards do discuss fanfic on occasion, within the context of their interests. Each handles what little attention there is for fanfic while excluding all the drivel that tags along with it. Creating a trial board for fanfic is an open invitation to trash this whole dynamic and smear it into every other board, burning us all.

So no to the idea of a trial board as well.

There are many other suggestions for trial boards that have real merit. This would just be a slap in the face to fuck with everyone.

>> No.7303743


Hey, Hiroyuki, I know this may not be the best place to write this, but could you look into the /sci/ board?

The rate at which inappropriate threads are deleted takes too long. Appropriate technical threads are often deleted. And too much "pop-science" is posted.
It would be nice if there was a board for more specialist discussion, it may be a slow board, but /po/ exists (which is extremely slow).

Anyway, with a more technical board where popscience is banned, there could be some quite good discussion. And otherwise banned and/or undesirable discussion on /sci/ could be permitted for the old board but not the new one (such as science v religion, homework, race threads, IQ threads)

>> No.7303754

while you're here can you make the worthless janitor delete threads on socialism/marxism so that /pol/ and /leftypol/ will stop spamming our board

the mod put the sticky up but it's never enforced.

>> No.7303766

/sci/ is also flooded with /pol/ and /leftypol/

>> No.7303779

Fuck no to fanfiction, none of the classical or derivative works need to be discussed and aren't worth the steaming piles of crap that makes up amatuer fanfiction.
If you want to add a fanfiction board I'm sure people would support it.

>> No.7303806

Honestly I think the rule should be broadened to say that only traditionally-published books can be discussed here. No vanity-published garbage at all.

>> No.7303835
File: 83 KB, 545x546, 1443323361361.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban genre fiction.

>> No.7303845

That would just lead to arguments about what is/is not genre fiction.

Of course some (okay, a lot) of genre fiction is crap, but that's true for literary fiction too. The difference between traditional publishing and self-publishing is that some traditionally published books are crap, whereas all self-published books are crap.

>> No.7303887

on the contrary, we can play off the fanfic fags against the pol fags and thereby bring harmony to 4chan ;^)

>> No.7303972

Are you saying his works like mysterious answers to mysterious questions and Rationality from AI to zombies are cult works or just his fanfiction

>> No.7303987
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hahaha holy shit


>> No.7304017

Hiro, certain things don't belong on 4chan. Things like furries and fanfiction. Please don't let these thing on 4chan. Also, delete the things that only exist because moot was too lazy to keep banning it. Things like /mlp/, /lgbt/, and general threads that aren't on /vg/

>> No.7304039


Restrict it to a general. Fan-ficers will have their own "enclave" like the sci-fi general people do, and they won't be bugging anybody.

>> No.7304047

Like video games, fan fiction could potentially be art but overwhelmingly is not, to the point where it is not meaningfully inaccurate to call it all garbage.

>> No.7304051

no, fanfiction is an awful idea

also make a philosophy board

>> No.7304063

Derivative works are treated a lot differently in Japan (see Comiket). Perhaps Hiroshima is not familiar with the stigmas attached to fanfiction in the west?

>> No.7304077

Someday 4chan will be pointless garbage and all of the things unique here will be gone - making the site more broadly appealing will be the driving force in this. Genre/fan-fic has no place on /lit/; there are endless forums to discuss those sort of books, /lit/ is the only place of its kind

Hiro, the clear consensus is that fanfiction isn't wanted here, don't listen to the pedantic autists calling Dante a fanfiction writer, you can just ignore them and move on with your life.

>> No.7304146

Hiro needs the ability which moot lost. The ability to say "No, fuck off." moot was good, but he grew too soft in his later years.

>> No.7304171

There is literally no reason to sit and seriously consider every awful opinion, and then make a compromise for their speakers just to make them happy. Hiro only needs the basic judgement (which I believe he has) to see that opening the gates will end the uniqueness of 4chan.

>> No.7304187

No. OP stop being a faggot.

Hiroyuki-san, pls no. Keep fan fiction banned. No general thread. Keep the rule as it is.

Tell the mod that Lolita by Nabokov isn't pedoshit too. Someone keeps reporting threads for it, which is like reporting threads on Audition by Murakami for gore.

>> No.7304198

tell the mods to stop banning pedo-posts generally, there is literally nothing wrong with liking cute girls

>> No.7304223

I agree. Allowing the inclusion of fan fiction lowers the overall quality of the board by removing the "cost of entrance" so to speak. The only way to prevent /lit/'s dilution in relation to fan fiction would be to create an alternative board for contemporary derivational literature.

>> No.7304247

only prose based little girls pls this is a books board

>> No.7304260

nuke /pol/ hiro

>> No.7304272

That would lower 4chan as a whole. Just leave everything as is.

>> No.7304788

No fanfiction, please.

Literature refers to published works only.

Also, please create a philosophy/ religion board.

>> No.7304811


>> No.7304874

Also, bring /new/ back. I loved that den for stormfaggotry, in an ironic way.

>> No.7304903

A hell of a lot of published fiction is fanfiction that went through a metamorphosis of purges and last minute revisions.

I'd say the only reason not to have fanfiction on here is that Tao Lin might steal it for his next best selling book. Otherwise caveat poster is my motto.


/lit/ is the only board qualified to discuss philosophy. Make changes at peril.

>> No.7304911

Wouldn't it be better make a list of exceptions like the divine comedy? Or to make it so the work must be at least 100 years old?

>> No.7304940

No. That wouldn't help at all.

>> No.7305173

Only in secret. If the board was labeled "Literature and Philosophy" we would be full of reddit-tier philosomemers in no time.

>> No.7305176

I wouldn't want to be a part of a community that considers Divina Commedia as fan fiction tbh fam

>> No.7305541

>censors discussion of Roko's Basilisk because it pokes a hole in his timeless decision theory by claiming "MEMETIC HAZARD"

he just wants money without having to go to college

>> No.7305571

Because in the time we spend on the internet we come across fan fiction?
This board is here and most visit it for discussion on literature, philosophy, art and religion. If it were flooded by people who discuss fan fiction it would lose its point. Most of us would stop visiting and /lit/ is a really small board anyway. For fan fiction you can make a new board, or just leave it as is because as far as I know boards already discuss their fanfic, /tg/ has tons of it.
People who read fan fiction are a much larger group than people who read literature and it would just destroy this board.

>> No.7305576

Also retarded op derivative isn't the same as inspired which isn't the same as fan fiction.
Nothing constitutes Divine Comedy as fan fiction.

>> No.7305583
File: 13 KB, 229x280, goethe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My favourite book Ghoete's Faust is pracically just a selfinsert fanfiction of the bible.

>> No.7305588

I will stop using 4chan if /lit/, the only board I still browse, is flooded with fanfiction retards.

>> No.7305754

A perfect summary. This board is awful enough with Christposters and "do you fold your page or bookmark? !" but at the very least, they are discussions that we can all get involved with. Fanfiction about Sonic and the Marshmallow Kingdom would ruin the one site that I like.

>> No.7305770

oh no you didn't

>> No.7305789

i don't like playing the snob, but most fan-fiction is bottom of the barrel shit made/read by people with a middle school reading level

>> No.7305796

Yo everyone. If this is a serious discussion let me throw my experience out there. I played a videogame in the Final Fantasy 7 universe last year. I got so pissed off that a story could be this bad that I decided to rewrite it for NANOWRIMO. At the suggestion of this board, I'm in the process of pulling a Fifty Shades and changing all the names and proper pronouns, and now I have a majorly published author and an editor from Publishers Weekly PERSONALLY following it! Yikes! Doing this roped me in 10k Twitter followers that I can use for whatever and a whole bunch of publicity for when I write my own stuff. NEVER intended to ever touch fanfic with a 20 foot bullrope, but it's been a crazy experience all around the board. If we can start talking about this stuff in here, I can assure you it's not all mindless shlops writing out there...mostly.

>> No.7305804

Please dont. Literature and fanfiction are two different things. Surely you are familiar with Mishima, Kawabata, Murakami? That is literature. Works of creativity and culture, and all the wonder it creates. Also the art of creative writing has historically been allowed here and thats a good thing too. Furthermore discussion of works of history and philosophy are important.

This board may be a shithole but it is dedicated to discussion of quality works. Even low tier sci-fi is against board culture, but if something good sneaks in we discuss its value. If fanfiction is published and becomes a "major work" like 50 shades of grey, ok thats relevant to culture as well. But we cant just have people posting their Shota/Yaoi interpretations of South Park, and have that push a discussion about best in contemporary literature out. Its disgusting. If you want a /fanfic/ or /creativewriting/ board, fine, but dont poison our well.

>> No.7305852


>> No.7305864



Please Please Please Please don't

>> No.7305938


This is the same flawed argument /a/ gave about allowing Naruto discussion, and guess what? Nothing changed. The only people that would be discussing fanfiction in /lit/ are the people that are already here.

>> No.7305985

only we've been flooded with new people over the past years from other boards, and reddit has a hard on for us. it's why we have so many posts from people who want us to find their favourite album in literature form who will never read the sticky or the rules. the board is already struggling to keep good content out of the archive because the time it takes to write a good post on literature = time it takes to shitpost 10 new OPs about what is the naruto of literature

>> No.7305995

>The only people that would be discussing fanfiction in /lit/ are the people that are already here.
That's not true, there have been quite a few cases of newcomers coming in and literally killing off entire boards with their numbers thanks to moot.

>> No.7306116

Including this very board when moot blasted /pol/ and removed captcha. The whole site was polluted.

It basically fucked /int/ /lit/ and /fit/ with tons of pill posting and nazi shit.

>> No.7306120

Who here on /lit/ actually reads fanfic? And regardless, allowing fanfic will move people who do from other boards to here, killing the board culture and ruining our fun.

>> No.7306137

no, when /pol/ got raped (which was hilarious, thank you mot RIP) we didn't get flooded. we have been flooded by /pol/ posting at times, but the sticky saying "go to /pol/" caused more floods than when the site as a whole raped /pol/ back to old school /b/. If anything, /lit/ went back to normal speed during the captcha removal.

>> No.7306217

Even assuming this is true, if the level of the discussion to be expected is on the lines of "Divine Comedy is a self-insert fanfic" does not bode well.

BTW, I've seen something to that effect on Geek&Sundry. That's a good benchmark for the quality of the argument, I think.

>> No.7306225
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>Flashbird the vampire
>awful bullshit

Someone never actually read Flashbird the Vampire.

>> No.7306248

I read it to test my ability to understand the one statement the author's making after "trimming the fat". If the work itself has good execution, that's a bonus.

>> No.7306284

s'really not an issue of "proper taste"; more one of being familiar with the works that have been influential in the world of literature so you don't get all hot and bothered when a fanfic copies something and act like it's the greatest thing since canned bread or whatever. as common as that is in modern lit, the derivative nature of fan-fiction makes it much more susceptible, to the point where finding anything that is an exception to the rule is nearly impossible. sure, there may be some creative, interesting fan-fiction out there, but, because it's so rare, the fan base that opening it as a topic of discussion here would attract would almost universally not want to discuss the tiny subset that has originality.

basically, it would drastically alter the meme to OC ratio for the worse via a flood of people who can't tell the difference.

>> No.7306822

I do, it's the only thing that makes genre fiction readable

>> No.7306956

>fanfiction is not something you read
fucking /lit/

>> No.7307012


Fanfic is garbage.

>> No.7307023

On please keep fanfic on Tumblr

>> No.7307033


Fanfic can stay off of 4chan I don't need every 13 year olds Sherlock x Dr Who erotica her.

>> No.7307045

Yes I think it's a good idea

>> No.7307051

That's actual shit

>> No.7307057

No. Look at /mu/, the cancer that spilled out of the kpop threads didn't help the board at all.

>> No.7307060

Fanfic is pony shit for /lit/ there is no reasonable ponyfag and there is no reasonable fanfic writer. They have terrible headcanon arguments. It is a toxic community with no contribution to literature. I mean just look how they are trying to justify their talentless shit with

>b-b-but aeneid, paradise lost and divine comedy

Which is total shit and was pointed out earlier that it doesn't even fit the definition. We don't like SW EU we don't like original oc donut steel and we don't like fanfic.

Give it it's own containment board if anything but keep that shit off of here.

>> No.7307078

This board has been the ONLY place for genuine discussion on 4chan since its creation. I'm inclined to believe that's down to the temperament and/or age of its userbase.

Generally speaking the type of person who reads/writes fanfiction is not the type of person that reads/writes literature.

Allowing the discussion of fanfiction here will change the current userbase and, with time, the nature of the board itself.

The question is then: why change something that works?

The same could be said to apply to the removal of /phil/ being allowed to be discussed here.

Why not throw the discussion of fan fiction in the newly created /his/ board? It seems more in keeping with the thoughtlessness involved in decisions lately.

>> No.7307316

>it doesn't even fit the definition.
which is? someone literally made up their own definition earlier, something like "published, comercial works", even though you fags discuss unpublished shit all the time

>> No.7307633

Go fuck yourself you fucking nip


>> No.7307717

So you're a weeaboo, eh

>> No.7308101

making a new board isnt a bad idea.

Make a board for philosophy too while youre at it

>> No.7308548
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>snubnose katana