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7301777 No.7301777 [Reply] [Original]

Do you agree with this?

>I do not read novels over 400 pages [...] I find that all the novels of 400 pages can be turned into a novel of 200 pages.

Also are you hyped for Tao's new book?

>"it's called "Leave Society" and it is a novel about child relationships, with a protagonist who has a good relationship with their parents. And instead of the destructive drugs in Taipei , there will be psychedelic drugs, LSD, mushrooms and cannabis. It is my optimistic novel"


>> No.7301791

Thats a pretty retarded thing to say, but its nice seeing him going for something life-affirming.

>> No.7301795

no i sincerely dont :^)

>> No.7301798

>Do you agree with this?
>>I do not read novels over 400 pages [...] I find that all the novels of 400 pages can be turned into a novel of 200 pages.

No, I do not. And I doubt Lin does either. There is something about the 'big novel' being out-of-fashion, and if you're trying to break into the literary scene you'd do well to write something under 400 pages. Especially when we're talking about a specific type of 'big novel:' how many people actually read Vollman and his bloated and heavily ornate behemoths?

That aside, to just toss your hands up at 400 pages plus no matter the content and form is just silly.

>> No.7301855

I am reading Garth Risk Hallberg's City on Fire, which is over 900 pages and contains the kind of rich writing that pathetic, drug-addled, narcissistic Tao Lin can't understand, let alone put anything one-millionth as good on paper. Garth Risk Hallberg defeats Tao Lin.

I recently read Joshua Cohen's Book of Numbers. It's over 600 pages and again, just as Joshua Cohen eviscerated Tao Lin in his Bookforum review of the YA novel Taipei, Cohen here writes with the kind of dexterity, brilliance and depth that's so far beyond Lin that Lin is basically a child by comparison. Joshua Cohen defeats Tao Lin.

So does Atticus Lish and pretty much every male and female novelist with longer novels than pathetic gasbag Lin.

>> No.7301865

Word is no NY publisher wants Tao Lin's new novel. He will have to rely on some small press in the sticks, as he did with Selected Tweets.

>> No.7301868

I usually find that 200 pages novels can be turned into a 100 pages novel. And then, 100 pages novels can be turned into a 30 pages short story. And sometimes, those 30 pages short stories can be turned into 1 paragraph. And then, that paragraph can be turned into a twitter post.

>> No.7301966

I enjoyed Taipei. some parts were a real slog but there were some incredibly lucid moments. I'll probably read his new one.

is City on Fire really that good? i'm always skeptical when a Big Novel by a Pasty White Nerd starts to make the NYT/Barnes & Noble rounds.

>> No.7301980

Tao is the definition of hack so idk why you take anything he says seriously

>> No.7301983

I thought Tai Pei ended on an extremely optimistic note.

>> No.7301988

pretty semitocentric taste

>> No.7301998


yeah what's up with >>7301988
huh jew-boy?

im jk

but really nobody gives a shit about Garth Fartsberg or Josh Colon bcuz they're boring as fuck. at least Tao is interesting

>> No.7302007

>Some kid has great parents and takes "good" drugs

Then what's the fucking point of reading it? Where's the conflict?

>> No.7302015

Tao's stuff is really great guys, just been reading some of his tweets; you guys should follow him, he's really street. Check out Mira Gonzalez as well guys, she's making some hot stuff

>> No.7302016


Really? But Vintage took on Taipei and it seems to me it was at least a minor success. I was recently looking up some new writers, you know those ones with MFAs that live in Brooklyn (A. Kleeman, R. Dinerstein etc.), they were all published by Random House or some shit like that. How come they get these comparatively big book deals when Tao is kind of a name already?
I thought his first few books were absolute dogshit but Taipei had some good things in it. I'm looking forward to the new one. The animosity towards big books seems to be just stemming from his whole minimalism shtick and being on twitter too much, so that's a pretty stupid thing to say.

>> No.7302060

How did you "Look up" these authors?

I've posted Dinerstein here before but I hadn't heard of Kleeman.

>> No.7302067

have you read it!

>> No.7302079

go to bed tao

>> No.7303184

tao's next book is 1200 pages


>> No.7303613

dude, drugs lmao

>> No.7303671 [SPOILER] 
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Tao Lin has never read Les Miserables?

>> No.7303727

Not him, but I've read the first fifty pages of City on Fire and it's pretty standard MFA, free indirect discourse stuff. Probably about the best that stuff gets, though.

>> No.7303904

>first few books are shit

I sort of agree. I did not enjoy richard yates and that was my introduction to taolin. However i did enjoy shoplifting from american apparel and tai pei. I havent read eee yet nor his poetry, which ive heard is quite good. Interested to check out his new stuff.

>> No.7303956

he really makes you think

>> No.7304286

hi josh ; )

>> No.7304346

I do not read novels over 400 pages because I'm a lazy piece of shit. And I get off on having 300 50k word novels on my goodreads.

>> No.7304346,1 [INTERNAL] 

I loved the ending to Tai Pei, especially since the rest of it seemed so desperate