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7301568 No.7301568 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.7301573


>> No.7301607
File: 15 KB, 537x360, camus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

he was asking himself the genuine question,

>why do I want to keep living?

think of it like the clicke 'live every day like it's your last'. Camus was all about self created meaning in the context of the actor eventually ending.

>> No.7301611


>> No.7301625

This isn't /tv/, faggot.

>> No.7301690

he meant, "my soul is in despair"

>> No.7301695

hye bro, you should really consider reading this https://www.reddit.com/r/depression/comments/18mts4/should_i_kill_myself_or_have_a_cup_of_coffee/

>> No.7301927

Coffee is metaphor for crack cocaine. As a raging druggy he'd rather kill himself than go though withdrawal

>> No.7301953

>Sometimes I do things like getting in a taxi and saying to the driver: "Guillotine. And step on it."

>> No.7301961

he stole it from chekhov

>What a fine weather today! Can’t choose whether to drink tea or to hang myself.

>> No.7301971

Why have I never heard of him? Sounds good

>> No.7302003


Nigga you've never heard of Chekhov? Go back to r/books.

>> No.7302011

Is this how I was supposed to feel reading The Stranger?

>> No.7302012

if Camus told you to jump of the bridge would you do it?

because I think he's hinting for me to do it

>> No.7302037

pls no bully

I came here to drink coffee and kill myself. And I'm all outta coffee

>> No.7302042

kill yourself

>> No.7302048

Remainder that it's not clear whether camus actually said this or not.
As >>7301961 pointed out, the line is "Uncle Vania" by chekhov.

>> No.7302061

Kind of, but more like
>should I have sex or shoot an arab?

>> No.7302071

All I know is it felt good.

>> No.7302089

what the fuck is an allusion

>> No.7302095

The point of this quote (if he really said it) is to illustrate his philosophy in a blunt way--both actions, having a cup of coffee and killing yourself, are equally meaningless. They both don't matter because existence is absurd, but you can rebel against the absurd and choose to have a cup of coffee and enjoy yourself instead of destroying yourself.

>> No.7302161

This implies that having a cup of coffee is good, and killing yourself/destroying yourself, is bad.

You could argue that coffee is a materialistic impermanent pleasure that can only lead to dissatisfaction, and that killing yourself is good because non existence is a state of non suffering.

>> No.7302702

you could argue that, sure, but it's a shitty argument

>> No.7302729


about to reddit the fuck out of myself but.... "nobody exists on purpose, nobody belongs anywhere, everybody's gong to die. come watch tv?"

-le rick and morty

>> No.7302736

This post is so awful, if Camus read it, he would take back everything he ever wrote about suicide