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/lit/ - Literature

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7297552 No.7297552 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else read on public transport?
Reading on public transport composes like 90% of my total reading. I never feel motivated enough at home.

>> No.7297615
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sometimes, mostly when my phone's about to run out of juice. I also have a hard time sitting down to read most nights. It is a good habit to read a bit before going to sleep. like 30-40 minutes before. helps get everything situated more than going from the harsh light of an LCD screen and I fall asleep faster.

>> No.7297636

this image is so reddit

>> No.7297646

That it is, my good sir.

>> No.7297652

Yep. In fact, I moved closer to uni, and though I can wake up half an hour later, I do miss the 45 minute train journey read. Plowed through a lot of literature that way.
Why do people have to ruin pictures like this? It's actually quite amazing to see. The internet has made a lot of incredible thoughts incredibly mundane and guilt-ridden for me. And there's something terribly sad and banal about that.

>> No.7297668

tfw too aware of my surroundings to actually read on a public place without losing attention

>> No.7297703

What is there to look at? People just sitting there and the same scenery you see every day
I don't get what's so distracting

>> No.7297721

I take the bus instead of the bike so I can read more, without public transport I wouldn't read > 100 books per year

>> No.7297805

this is why you faggots get mugged- if i ride public transportation, i'm paying attention to my surroundings.

this is how i know you live in a nice area.

>> No.7297810

Where the fuck do you live that you can't look into a book without getting mugged

>> No.7297827

burger king land

>> No.7297875

My friends all moan about how long and boring riding the train is. I love it, put on some music and whip out a book, often I wish my trip would take longer

>> No.7297880
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>tfw 5 minute tram ride to work

>> No.7297881

Truuu. Commuting is only boring if you're a boring person

>> No.7297888

I was like you until very recently. I could only make myself read on the train, but over the past few weeks, I've started reading a lot more at home. I'm able to ignore the distractions and focus on the book. My mind wanders a lot less too. It's like I'm turning into some kind of responsible adult.

>> No.7297902

I have a book I only read when waiting for the bus to start and another book for when I am at home.

>> No.7297983

>start reading during commute
>for years, notice that no one but me reads
>suddenly a few weeks back people here and thre start bringing books and reading
>cute grills sit next to me reading books and ebooks

how do I approach them? I feel like im bothering them.

>> No.7297985

"what are you reading?"
this is literally the easiest icebreaker you can possibly get, you just have to utter these magic words

>> No.7297993

you're right, its just that when I read I dont like to be bothered. I'm polite enough to respond but just want to get back to reading. you know what? I'll try it.

>> No.7297996

If a cute girl asked you what you were reading, would you be bothered?

>> No.7297997

I actually have done it at a coffee shop, but that's a a way more relaxing and amicable place than a tiny cramped bus at 8am.

>> No.7298027

Yes, as would most people I know, but we move in different social environments, I'd guess.

>> No.7298038

why would you? too afraid to explain what your meme book is about?

>> No.7298040

I live in Norway and it's typically like that, but personally I never get bothered if people talk to me, and I have talked to others as well.

>> No.7298045

you have a social deficiency and will lead a masked, unhappily solitary life

>> No.7298075

well yes, but I would still respond, Im not a psycho.

>> No.7298132

>"wat u reading?"
>startled, I pretend I didn't hear
>after 5 seconds I look at her chin (no eye contact but not too low to be considered boobwatching"
>*point to book cover*
>*weird guttural noise*
>try to laugh at my own inability to talk, but end up just making loud sniffing noises and slurping

>> No.7298166

>start to sweat profusely as if just ran a marathon
>girl doesnt answer
>mutter under my breath fucking normies reeee while making exaggerated sour face

>> No.7298176

If I read in public some guy would look at me( it happened before) and ask me what I'm reading and I just get too anxious and I can't pronounce a single word

>> No.7298180

I took the E from the border of Jamaica Queens to Queensbridge every day for 5 years. Two wicked violent neighborhoods with the shittown of queens in between. I read and slept every day. Its all working people that dont speak, and the occasional proselytizer. I learned to sleep standing up against the door.

the criminal element isnt even awake at commute time anyways, and they sure as fuck arent on the outbound at 545pm at night. This is how I know YOU dont live in a real city. And on "safer" trains like the N, Q, and the Manhattan lines, its all young students and professionals, and every other person is reading or playing chink handheld games.

>> No.7298182

You, I like you.

>> No.7298403

But anon, im no cute girl

>> No.7298433


>> No.7299537

I used to when I took the bus, but I get the tram now and its too crammed to pull out a book.

>> No.7299540

Why is this so true

>> No.7299560

I dream about something akin to that happening, but if it ever really did I would probably be terrified and fuck it up.

War is similar for me.

>> No.7299631

Yeah, because any answer would sound pretentious.

>> No.7299634

Nah, you can make anything sound unpretentious if you answer, then immediately follow up with an explanation of it where you seem entirely caught up in the subject, and excited to talk about it

>> No.7299685

>girl asked me what I was reading
>I freeze up and say "a book"
>she says "oh' and looks down

I don't even deserve to live

>> No.7299690

Is /lit/ the most autistic board on 4chan? Jesus christ

>> No.7299696

No /mlp/ is. I should know. ^:)

>> No.7300326

>War is similar for me

Are you me?

>> No.7300347

Yes I read on my phone like a normal human being.
If I see sb <~55 reading a paper book I rme & smh

>> No.7300351

Most reddit comment i read today
Congratulations good sire

>> No.7300389
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>he hasn't read up on his DFW memeing

>> No.7300447

Please don't do this. I read on the train to university, and at least once a week I'm approached by an autist asking about my book. They usually imply that we're in some sort of elite group of "readers", and act like we have a lot in common, so we should totally meet up sometime and hang out later and could they maybe get my number?
(You can approach them if you're a qt though, that's appreciated tbh)

>> No.7300452


>> No.7300490

Nope, I get motion sickness really easy fam.

>> No.7300607

Yeah, I used to do a lot of reading on the train when I had a longer commute. But in the last few years I've been just ten minutes from the office, and unsurprisingly I've read far less in that time.

I know, I know. I'm a pleb.

>> No.7300886


Communting is only fun if you have an unfulfilling university or work life

>> No.7301152

If Epictetus can enjoy being a slave then I'm sure people can enjoy commuting.

>> No.7301205

I don't reading in public. I get nervous and feel like people are judging me and what I'm reading.

>> No.7301210


>> No.7302793
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>> No.7303562
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>the feeliest feel

>> No.7303588

>not reading on the bike
git gud

>> No.7303790

>Tips fedora

>> No.7304424

>tfw been reading on the underground on the way to uni for two years now in the hopes that a patrician qt would strike up a conversation

0% success rate, still alone ;_;

>> No.7304486

I'm very bad with distractions, I need it to be very quiet, and nothing physically disturbing me. Usually the vibration of the bus or a car during transit is enough to put me off.

I also can't read in front of someone, like when they ask you to read a line or paragraph so you can discuss something with them. The fact that I know they're watching me puts me off.

>> No.7304519


>> No.7304546

That's exactly what the victims of the 7/7 attacks in London thought

>> No.7304819

>it's about tennis and how people are addicted to entertainment

>it's a satire, full of symbolisms, of the World War II

>it's about the day of a certain Dubliner man, who is then compared and related to Ulysses from the Odyssey in a number of ways

>> No.7305411

I used to but now I walk.

>> No.7307280

Don't worry about bothering her. If she's reading in public, odds are the only reason she's doing it is so someone will ask her what she's reading.

>> No.7307303

I mostly read on the bus on my way to uni and on my way back home. I love it. Very productive. I also like to read after midnight in my bed.

>> No.7307312

I don't mean to be a parody of OP, but I literally cannot read outside the library or my room. Anyone else knows how this feels?

>> No.7307477
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>reading during commute by subway
>cute girl approach
>"what are you reading?"
>tfw i'm surrounded by heads and bodies

I just don't like to speak when literally anyone can listen.

>> No.7307485

living the dream

>> No.7307508
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>reading during my commute by subway
>cute girl on iphone
>tfw i'm surrounded by girls on iphones

I think I'm embracing celibacy

>> No.7307553

I always start to studder when someone asks me about the book I'm reading. I think I'm concentrating that hard on it that I get really confused when someone interrupts me.

>> No.7308107

am I the only poster ITT so far who can't read in a moving vehicle? makes me nauseous

>> No.7308125

>patrician qt
You're looking for something that doesn't exist, son. Stop trying.

>> No.7308477

I definitely know of a few
They're a rare species, but they do exist

>> No.7308484

I travel by public transport five days a week for two ours a day for about four years now, literally no one has ever asked me what I was reading.

>> No.7308578

I only feel sick if I read in a car, buses and trains are fine for some reason.

>> No.7309356

Do people here use an e-reader or do you actually carry a book in your hand all day?

>> No.7309361

>I never feel motivated

Maybe you should read some books you actually enjoy to read

>> No.7309488

desu you might just be too ugly, senpai.

>> No.7309565

its called a bag, or a backpack you autist

>> No.7309568

When I was reading notes from underground I carried it with me the whole day throughout public transportation

>> No.7309638
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>> No.7309660
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>> No.7310111
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I'd want to, but let's be honest... My body is really tense when I want to read in the bus. And sometimes I'm more worried about how people react when they check the cover of my books... I can't read with that pressure.

In public, I feel comfortable when I'm reading on the public park, listening how little girls play and laugh.

>> No.7310126

wtf is this?

>> No.7310144


>> No.7310159

A German CP visual novel from Krautchan called Unteraltbach (underage).
It is explicit and possibly illegal depending on your country (sorry Canadians).

>> No.7310273
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good post

>> No.7310290



>> No.7310348

That's actually a great title. I didn't even notice that it is a wordplay on underage since it sounds like perfectly normal name for some small German village.

>> No.7310438


>> No.7310507

epic image my fellow redditor