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/lit/ - Literature

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7294256 No.7294256 [Reply] [Original]

Uni/college thread?

Post your course and the required reading you've been set.

Meet /lit/Bros at university.

Me first:
>philosophy @ York
>literally don't have to do jack
>life is easy tbh

>> No.7294280

>English @ Oxford
>Renaissance prose/poetry/drama; Middle English (Chaucer, etc); Shakespeare and Romantics towards the end of the year

Dominus Illuminatio Mea tbh

>> No.7294285

English at SMU

Anyone else?

>> No.7294303

Fistbump fellow Oxford bro! I literally can't express how much better my life has been since I attended Oxford. I went to a state school and gradually became the stereotypical moody, withdrawn sensitive type who both despises the quality of his immediate culture and feels a weird pride for having been raised in a sort of anti-intellectual and brutal environment. I was all set to take my Russell Group humanities BA and spend my life working as an anonymous, insecure wageslave forever thankful of being offered a job and forever too insecure to pursue my creative ambitions. The chip on my shoulder had become something of a wedge, and I felt too out of place regardless of my environment, too resentful and bitter to even attempt to make it in the artistic world. Then I finally applied for Oxford and got in to study an English MA, with reassurance that should I work hard enough a career in academia or within one of Oxford's affiliated companies would be almost guaranteed. I turned up as apprehensive as usual, and the first few days were spent regretting my decision and desperately feigning a cultured personality. But then I realized that the people there were just interesting and that the snobbery and exclusivity I had anticipated was just a myth borne out of my working class upbringing. I've since graduated, having spend the year dining in grand halls with groups of interesting people, dating several girls (one of whom, a petite Russian whose family traces back to the aristocracy, is now my fiancee). I work four days a week at a publishing company and earn £38k a year. I regularly meet up with friends from my college and visit Oxford for nights out and for meetings with my professors. The Martin Eden-esque novel I have been writing for two years has been selected for publication at a major British publishing house and, honestly, I could not have imagined a few years ago how great life could be. I come on /lit/ and see how pathetic you all are and just shake my head and chuckle. If I saw you guys on the street I would of course throw you a penny or discuss Bukowski or whatever "realist" writers you enjoy, but ultimately I would be able to tell within ten seconds if you're an Oxbridge grad and would dismiss you as a potential source of good company if you are not. I never thought I'd know what it was like to be objectively better than somebody else, for the value of my existence to be superior to the value of a stranger's, but now I do and I've never been happier. People are awed by power and prestige. All I need to do is mention the university I attended (if only for a year) and they immediately begin to hunch and look at their feet because they know they are in the presence of greatness.

>> No.7294303,1 [INTERNAL] 


What is life

>> No.7294330

Huh, I did History at York years ago and life was similarly easy. In fact it kind of bugged me when I divided my tuition fees by the number of contact hours we got a week (which went as low as two) to work out how much I was paying per lecture/seminar. And that was back when tuition was only £1000 a year.
The numbers must be horrific by now.

>> No.7294751

Underrated pasta

>> No.7294769

What college?

>> No.7294770

>freshman @ UBC Arts
>dunno my major but thinking about Cognitive Systems
>taking ArtsOne
>so far read Oedipus, The Tempest, Leviathan, and Rousseau
>kinda tough but I'm managing

Anybody else from UBC have experience with ArtsOne or Cogs?

>> No.7294971

>colleges mattering at all

Pick one.

Goodricke till I die tho

>> No.7294981

>PhD in Neuroscience at Princeton
>Mostly technical stuff, starting to get through Death on the Installment Plan in my free time

Why was I cursed to be STEM master race, I just want to read French Lit...

>> No.7294982

University of Nottingham
Politics and German (ab initio)

It's pretty easy. I spent a lot of time in my room arguing on the internet.

>tfw I wrote for No Offence the recent magazine that got into hot water at Oxford.

>> No.7294989


why exactly? this is a incredible dumb to do. You dont help noone and dont make anything worth living for

>> No.7294997
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>tfw going to be stuck in US
>tfw wanted to go to UK and be close to Europe and culture and weird food and foreign languages
>tfw I'm going to end up living in fucking New Jersey or Connecticut
>tfw UK funding sucks big fat dicks, their PhDs are less respected, and they don't want foreigners despite hiring only foreigners for teaching positions
>tfw I'm going to spend the best years of my life living in a small town in Nantucket

>> No.7295016

I didn't even know that happened. That type of stuff always seems to be going on in the news rings, but it never trickles down to the undergrads, at least at my college.

Nantucket is nice. That's like a literary dream-community.

>> No.7295038

It's pretty fun. The daily drama of people who wish to become part of the media of future politicians is hilarious. The left wing in Oxford are also pretty mental. There are some people who sound like they're from /pol/. The diversity rep recently said that mixed race people had 'colonized' bloodlines.

Pretty funny tbh

>> No.7295047

>their PhDs are less respected

They are?

>> No.7295053

masters physics

no idea whats going on ever tbh, every lecture is like how I imagine it must be to walk into the wrong lecture and stay out of awkwardness

>> No.7295070

>tfw too stupid for grad school

>> No.7295077

Give an example m8

>> No.7295084

>The diversity rep recently said that mixed race people had 'colonized' bloodlines.

Jesus Christ. I'm glad my tutors ranged from 'sane leftists' to 'no opinion'

Where is this stuff going on? Am I just out of the loop, or is there a specific place like Union debates where the drama is happening?

>> No.7295107
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i only have the supplementary notes which look a lot nicer fam

>> No.7295110

Not that anon, but it's kind of hard to compare a UK with a US PhD because the latter takes several years longer. On the job market a US PhD should really be equal to a Britbong PhD plus a couple of years postdoctoral teaching.

>> No.7295115

Crikey, does it mean much to you yet?

>> No.7295133


yeah vaguely, I usually manage to understand all the relevant info through self study by the time exams roll by. I can't speak for everyone on my course but I really don't find lectures to be a good way of learning maths heavy physics, I usually spend them asleep or daydreaming

>> No.7295175

The student magazines and The Union tend to reveal all that shit. Student politics seems like something you have to opt into. I only really know about the Oxford drama because I have some friends who live in the city and they go to all the free Oxford uni events to do with this sort of stuff. I ended up going to a bunch of stuff there in my spare time and found it all pretty amusing. OUCA P&P is pretty based. The fill you with free port and then people make speeches.

I'm also envious of the amount of qts at Oxford. Why is it that you successful academic people are also really attractive ;_;

You should join Open Oxford on facebook as well. Drama often gets revealed there as well.

>> No.7295199

did you not take EM before? most of that is intelligible with my UG physics tbh

>> No.7295267

How is York? Considering doing Politics there.

>> No.7295418


over a year ago yeah, like I said tho its more the lectures that are incomprehensible, not the content. My quantum technology lectures are particularly quite messy.

>> No.7295427

I just looked up that magazine controversy and it looks like you guys printed some insanely stupid and unfunny stuff and shouldn't be surprised the university won't fund you now. No offense.

>> No.7295430

same question

also hows the quality on the beanbags?

>> No.7295468

I went there doing History years ago (I'm
) and it was very good aside from the low contact hours issue. Cool town, good campus, good professors, good library. Beanbags were serviceable, I guess.

>> No.7295489


What college are you at? I'm at Linacre college.

>> No.7295508


What's with all these Oxford fags? It seems unlikely that they're so many Oxonians on /lit/

>> No.7295514

I mean... it is a literature board... and Oxford is probably the most well-known university in regards to English literature.

>> No.7295520

Biology Bachelors at Lund Uni
What are some small /lit/ subjects/courses I can take on the side?

>> No.7295531

Computer Science @ UNC Chapel Hill
tfw all of my reading is self-directed, too stressed to add any writing to my schedule:(

>> No.7295555
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>English and Philosophy at University of Victoria (Canada)
>Flexible curriculum, I mostly do early modern (16th-19th century) lit, Middle English and a few courses devoted to the works of a single author. Philosophy is starting with the Greeks and moving through the Medieval's, then following the tradition to Hegel with a few supplementary courses on the Existentialists and Wittgenstein
>Profs alternate between being incredible and being mediocre, but no blatantly "bad" teachers yet (4 years into my degree)
>Spend my time smoking industrial amounts of weed, playing music and reading books

As a side note Victoria is a ridiculously nice town, either sunny with flowers blooming everywhere or calm and misty/rainy, perfect weather imo

The only downside is that it's probably one of the most liberal places on the face of the earth, but if you can stand a lack of legitimate literary community and being surrounded by "queer theorists" and "bohemian feminists" then I can't think of a better place on the face of the earth to lead the solitary literary lifestyle

I hope to retire here some day, it's so comfy

>> No.7295565

American Studies at Leeds Met tbh

>> No.7295603

Sounds really nice.

>> No.7295671
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Physics at georgia tech
Only a freshman so im currently in the only english class ill ever have to take. But its horseshit -- every english class here, the professors pick an insanely specific topic, from 19th century american womens economic treatises to pop music videos. Mine is "folklore in videogames" (i didnt pick it) and its taught by two 25 year old hipsters who make us play indie games and read trash articles about how white men destroy native culture. All i wanted was a goddamn literature class

>> No.7295774

tfw I want to do a Philosophy degree so very much, but I could never take out a loan and borrow money from parents to do such a thing, it just would not feel right. Philosophy is an area where I do believe requires formal teaching, most autodidacts fail in that they just jump from seminal text to seminal text and feel this will give them the skill to contribute anything original or be able to critique anything. Sigh, I don't know why I did not just apply to Cambridge for Philosophy, then plan to do banking or accountancy after my degree. 'Professions' are so dire, I feel I have betrayed myself by doing a STEM degree, I have the talent to succeed in this area, but I will never excel at it and make a difference like I could with my true passions.
Follow your dreams :')

>> No.7295833

English at any tech school is trash, why didn't you go to UGA instead?

>> No.7295838

History/Philosophy double major at UCLA, almost a full ride. Probably going to go to law school or enroll in a PhD program after graduation tbh fam.

>> No.7295844

Halifax lol

>> No.7295860

I feel really bad because York vision wrote an article about me and now the rugby team is temporarily banned :/

>> No.7295870

Because i want to do research and techs is better?
Because tech is renowned for pretty much every stem field?
Because my hobbies dont include mudding, dipping, and dressing as basic frat as possible?

>> No.7295941

I study philosophy and comparative literature at a second-tier state school, though our philosophy program is rated very highly and comp lit, albeit not rated, I've found is very un-biased and has excellent professors that teach interesting and rigorous courses.
If I get into a top-tier school (Harvard, Yale, etc), I'm considering a phd in literature. If not, I'll enter the job market looking for a career in publishing or editing. I'm a junior and my comp lit gpa is a 3.96 and my philosophy gpa is a 3.85, with a 3.67 cumulative. I'm retaking 2 classes over the summer to boost that up to a 3.8-3.9.

>> No.7295986

You had a near perfect ACT/SAT or something?

>> No.7296001

>Education @ University of Dayton
Current readings:
>Sources of a Scientific Education - John Dewey
>Beloved - Toni Morrison
>Madame Bovary - Flaubert
>various Victorian poems from Tennyson and the like

>> No.7296044

UW Madison

>> No.7296049

Whaddup. What's your major? Year? Where do you hang out?

>> No.7296062

2370 SAT, salutatorian, lots of extracurricular shit and community service and my family doesn't make a lot. My top choice was Columbia I was rejected and I got into a couple more prestigious universities like Chicago and Berkeley but for some reason I got really good FA from UCLA and it's close to home so I decided to go there.

>> No.7296112

NZ, Uni of Waikato

just finished my first year, goin for an English major. It's boring as fuck and I hate discussing books, I'd rather write them. Should switch to something else like History

>> No.7296119

I figured. UCLA probably gave you offer for being in-region, I know a lot of southeast schools play favorites with in-region and in-state kids, the same thing probably happens in the west. I could've gotten into a better school if I did meaningful extracurriculars and took the full 4 years in high school instead of graduating early.

>> No.7296121
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I'm going to law school and I've heard NYU's program is good. Anyone there currently? Is it really full of hipsters and SJWs?

>> No.7296167

>law school

Fucking lol. You might get some pretentious assholes but the hipsters and sjws won't even come close to anywhere as soul-sucking and rigorous as law school. Best of luck, though, I was at UChicago on a decent scholarship but decided biglaw would rob me of my life and anything else isn't worth the debt I was going to be in.

>> No.7296191

Well, that's more like what I heard about the undergrads. Even if I'm not taking classes with them, I still have to be around them a huge amount.

>> No.7296199

Oh. Well in that case, yes, you'll be surrounded by them. But you will be in nyc in general. It is not that difficult to zone them out, do your 3 years, and get out.

>> No.7296205

>worth living for
fuck yourself faggot.

>> No.7296211
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Philosophy at Columbia

Pic related.

>> No.7296214

Start with the Greeks!

>> No.7296219

Is this a semester? What year? Give us some context bro

>> No.7296222

You know it. Halfway through this stack already.

>> No.7296223

Depaul University

Polisci Major

Rousseau's Discourses
Eros and Civilization
Woman on the Edge of Time
and some other Frankfurt shit

God I love polisci, but I wish I was at a more rigorous uni.

>> No.7296227

That's this semester, junior year. There's about 50-75 essays online along with this, this is just the book-load. Two philosophy courses and the infamous Columbia "Literature Humanities"

>> No.7296233

Idéhistoria is the most lit subject to study here in sweden, take a grundkurs.

>> No.7296243

Anybody at University of Vermont? I've got higher-tier options but I love Vermont and it would be nice to graduate debt free.

>> No.7296246

So did you guys really protest Ovid because it was 'triggering'?

>> No.7296257

Econ at york what college you in?

>> No.7296272

Yeah they took the Metamorphosis off of the Lit Hum syllabus for next semester, but Heroides is still on for this semester. Luckily I took the second semester first so I got to read it. Total bullshit, the Metamorphosis was fucking phenomenal.

>> No.7296287

Ubc arts year 5 here, I wish I'd studied something more useful at times but this cannot be ascertained until I've actually tried to get a job in the field or get some success as a writer. If you have an devoted undying passion for lit than study it and blow off people telling you it's useless. I want to get a job in publishing/editing/advertising/sales/technical writing. Too soon to determine if the degree will actually be useful but I have developed my quality and thought of writing tenfold since entering the program when I thought I was a "great" writing 5 years ago out of highschool

>> No.7297031


ayyy, Math @ UNC-CH

>> No.7297084

Explain why, without citing it's influence on modern short-story writers, and it's high-esteem by the Russian Formalists for being a prime example of literature as technical and strange.

>> No.7297102
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>> No.7297112
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aayyyy fam what's good?

>> No.7297123
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>posting katawas
>not the best girl

>> No.7297131
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Emi is best girl but Misha has the biggest boobs yes i am a pleb

>> No.7297134

UVA-Psychology and Philosophy

>> No.7297135 [DELETED] 

University of Toronto


>> No.7297139


Dodd Hall represent.

>> No.7297149


said the dumb guy who isnt smart and cool

>> No.7297156

top lel

>> No.7297158

Arts degrees, at least in the US, are for kids with rich parents tbh fam.

>> No.7297172 [DELETED] 

Most lawyers get arts degrees lad

>> No.7297182

Yes and in the US who pays for your law degree?

>> No.7297230
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mah nigga

>> No.7297242

Well, the assumption would be that the quality of discussion here wouldn't be good enough to entice people who actually study literature at a high level into coming here and talking about it.

It's refreshing to find that that isn't the case.

On the other hand, given the obvious (low) quality of the board, maybe the fact that members of the most prestiguous institution to study English in the world come here, of all places, to discuss literature—maybe that's a final, irrevocable sign of the humanities' decline into irrelevance and obscurity.

>> No.7297244

>>PhD in Neuroscience at Princeton

Really? Are you indian?

>> No.7297245
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The Stranger
Myth of Sisyphus
These journals edited by my professor

ENG 104
Basically the entire course is based on Camus and his philosophy

>> No.7297247

>Why is it that successful academic people are also really attractive ;_;

Good genes, anon. Life isn't fair.

>> No.7297250

People tend to really go overboard when thinking about what Oxford/Cambridge people are like. Hardly any of them (just like everyone else) had their shit together, they're just quite smart. You get the genius recluse types but mainly it's just the same people as all uni but a little more stuck in their head than most

>> No.7297253

Hope the struggle to read those is worth it on its own, fam.

>> No.7297257

you all should be ashamed to be part of university. none of you have real passion for knowledge, you just hunger for power. you fool yourself.

>> No.7297258

Threads like these send me into a spiral of crippling depression because I never went to university.

>> No.7297261
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Fiat Lux

I'm a junior transfer student from community college. I'm not starting until this coming semester (planning to double major in English and Philosophy), so I haven't signed up for my classes yet.

>> No.7297264

The university itself was a mistake tbh fam. Socrates had it right.

>> No.7297269

Interesting that you would choose UCLA over Berkeley. I see many similarities between the two and I feel that the transition wouldn't be especially hard....same climate, political atmosphere, etc.

>> No.7297271
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Math junior here hit me up

>> No.7297272

It's never too late anon

>> No.7297273

Uhh...Georgia Tech is actually a really good school lol. You're right that any school with "tech" following its name (with the exception of Caltech) is probably for dindus, but Georgia Tech is pretty damn good

>> No.7297274

Berkeley's actually more temperate, I think.

I only know because at some meeting with transfer applicants I met a heavy-set ginger man from the pacific northwest who'd found that Cal was, generally, the coldest of all the UCs (he told me that he couldn't think in hot weather).

>> No.7297277

>undecided at Columbia University
>literally the entire western literature canon, beginning with the iliad
>occasionally some really good essays by cool people like DFW
>i just read on my own for the most part, idfk what i want to do with my life

hit me up bro

>> No.7297283

Yeah but even then I never got the proper experience of starting when you're 18. Even if I go and get a degree and study something I like, I would have missed the boat on the social aspect it provides.

>> No.7297286
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Bard College philosophy major, but I transferred out to another school. Bard is a fantastic school for anything writing/phil/photo-related actually

>> No.7297287
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>University of life
>Bang club sluts evrry night
>Was smart enough to go to college but chose to work instead while you rack up debt
>Bags of real life experience (how to work 9-5, how to accept failure, how to come back off the ledge etc)

Suck it nerds, I'm living the good life ahahah fuck you

>> No.7297289

That national lampoon shit's all a myth, anyway.

>> No.7297294
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honestly, a very picturesque place.

>> No.7297300

>paying for uni


>> No.7297333

sorry about that buddy
at least you'll manage Bs at riverside

>> No.7297343
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Velut Arbor Aebo my Friends
English/Cinema Studies
Right now I'm reading the Romantics and Narratology, as well as some more popular stuff for various courses.

>> No.7297459


>> No.7297471

Do creative writing instead.

Hi UCfriends. UC Davis English Creative/Critical and Comp. Lit double major here!

>> No.7297541

26 is not too late for even the social aspect, 27 maybe.

>> No.7297544

complit at cambridge

>> No.7297564

Shit, you must be smart. What languages do you speak?

>> No.7297587

Anthropology at the University of Nevada, Reno.

The program is pretty abysmal. It's not very broad and the focus is on cultural anthropology more so than any of the other 3 disciplines. Just sticking with it because I lack the resolve to major in a STEM subject, or the passion to major in anything else.

I'd like to transfer somewhere with a decent linguistics program.

There aren't any books I've been assigned to read, so I'm reading Gravity's Rainbow and Stranger in a Strange Land right now.

>> No.7297654

Breh, biomedical science specializing in neuroscience undergrad. I'd be interested to chat with you about your research

>> No.7297656
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PPE at Sussex

>> No.7297669

Because he strings together an account of the entire fucking universe from creation to the early Romans in which he pulls an immense amount of beauty from the chaos and violence of life. He rearranges, changes and edits all other accounts of history up until that point into the most inspiring and breathtaking etiologies. And for all the insane happenings, for how often it jumps from one place to another and leaves the reader hanging, it's all fit squarely within a metric verse. Metamorphosis is second only to Paradise Lost in terms of the best epics I've read, and I have a strong feeling that's only because I couldn't read it in the original Latin.

>> No.7297679

>University of Michigan extra search terms U of M, Umich, UofM, Ann Arbor
>Neuroscience and Arabic (focusing on Arabic lit)
>Life is ok

>> No.7297681

It's all in those books, Colum/bro/, but I feel you. NY gets pretty shitty this time of year, makes it harder to see the value in anything. What year are you?

>> No.7297976

I do philosophy at Sussex as well, how're you finding this year's course?

>> No.7297987

3rd year, hating how they are handling the dissertation shit.

I'm wondering whether they could be any more disorganised.

Having said that, I love the library so that makes up for the confusion and paranoia over timetabling and seminar reading.

Favorite lecturer?

>> No.7297998

I don't really have one that I've enjoyed. I've developed a bit of a feud with Michael Morris though; I'm a bit revolted by him and his opinions. The library is definitely a blessing, it's had almost everything I've wanted

>> No.7298024
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hahahahaa, a feud, that sounds like fun.

I'll admit without shame that I kiss ass and suck all the dick it takes to get decent marks.

Office hours are the secret to success.

Also, check out the polymath society, they are pretty cool. Great for hitting on ideas and meeting people of our level rather than the hippy fucks that make up the majorety of campus.

also. pevensy B-04 is awesome

>> No.7298036
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Yeah, I just can't bring myself to write something I know to be wrong, sort of like cutting a bit of the soul away, you know? He genuinely believes a person can believe in two ideas at once, when they directly contradict one another - oh and in objective morality as well, though he never justifies why

Never heard of a polymath society, but it'd be refreshing to meet people that aren't, well "hippy fucks" sums it up quite nicely.

Pevensy B - 04?

>> No.7298050

You're dealing with undergraduates most of the time here

Undergraduates, even those from prestigious, "top-tier" universities are almost without exception both uneducated and arrogant. In fact, I'd argue that those from the more highly-ranked universities tend to be even more pigheaded than most average undergraduates because they've been generally coddled and encouraged all their lives. Which is why the discussion tends to be both hostile, lacking almost completely in grounding, and full of off-base suppositions and "common sense," because you're dealing with overgrown high schoolers.

>> No.7298065

pev b04 is a computer room but they all have dual monitors.

I write what I can get grades for and talk about what I love. write for your audience nigga. Maybe thats the politics student in me.

>> No.7298083

Yeah maybe haha. Anyway, it clashes a little with my boxing but I think I might give the polymath a whirl. If you come tonight then I'll either be the only new member, or failing that the guy with a grey jumper

>> No.7298094

I'll keep an eye out for you. Best to make some new mates, stay away from the autists, they fucking love to run their mouth off.

Quieter they are, more likely to understand shit.

Also, the chicks are really based.

I'll keep an eye out for you in the sports hall, I'm one of the faggots wearing the shitty fencing gear.

>> No.7298104

it's not much of a feud if the other party isn't even aware you exist though

>> No.7298112
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KEK - so many undergrads thinking that they matter and arnt simply cash cows for the lecturers.

>> No.7298113

>le 'undergaduate' meme
>le 'muh privilege' meme

Someone seems a bit bitter

>> No.7298119

I bet he's a masters student.

fucking faggot.

>> No.7298126


sounds like someone got offended for being called out

it's okay, most people outgrow that phase of their lives

>> No.7298133

Well I mean I openly argued and criticised him in a seminar, and I was sitting at the front so I didn't realise it, but apparently I was making the entire class laugh behind me as well. I only know it was significant because a friend mentioned the incident to me in passing as a rumor he'd heard, and others in the class have told me that I'd made him look a bit foolish. I only really wanted him to clarify his position without dodging things

Looking forward to it. I do boxing off campus but it's cool that you fence - do you have any interest in historical martial arts at all?

>> No.7298155

You think there is any significant difference between a 21-year-old undergrad and a 22-year-old masters student? That passing their last exams makes the 22-year-old suddenly nuanced and well-educated in their subject?
You can probably draw up this distinctly between people in school and those who are out in the 'real world' workforce, or starting undergrads and experienced PhD students, but 'undergrad-postgrad' as some axiomatic distinction is a false dichotomy.

>> No.7298259

> but 'undergrad-postgrad' as some axiomatic distinction is a false dichotomy

You seem to be under the impression that I'm suggesting there's some kind of dichotomy, i.e.: putting words in my mouth. I'm not.

I'm just saying that most undergrads outgrow that phase of their lives where they think they know best (as opposed to everyone else), that everyone who points out any flaw in their work/plan is an enemy, and that the every topic has a right and wrong side to it.

When they outgrow it would depend on the person. Some do it after a year in the workforce, others after a decade, some after going abroad, some at the start of freshman year, or entering postgrad studies, or never at all. There's no cutoff point as you're implying.

>> No.7298426
File: 2.17 MB, 2762x1107, Sofia_University_panorama_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sofia University
>English and American studies
>2nd year
>Analytic Grammar
>Cognitive approach to lexical word-loaning(elective)
>General and Academic English
>Public Speaking (elective)
>Translations from English to Bulgarian

>Modernism-Postmodernism lit: The Waste Land; Easter 1916 by Yeats; some poems by Dylan Thomas; Kew Gardens by V. Woolf; A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man; 1984; Lord of the Flies; The Dumb Waiter; The Remains of the Day
>Enlightenment lit:
Robinson Crusoe; Gulliver's Travels; The Rape of the Lock; Pamela; Joseph Andrews; The Vicar of Wakefield; The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman; Pride and Prejudice

>> No.7298503

So because /lit/ is the closest I have to family: should I stay at shitty state school (University of Central Oklahoma) and work full time to graduate with only government loans, or should I go to the slightly less shitty state school (University of Oklahoma), quit my job and take out private loans? Is there an effective difference when it comes to state schools? I want to be around intellectuals, even if I'm not the smartest.

>> No.7298507

noice, i'm taking calc right now

>> No.7298522

if its your undergrad your school is irrelevant, its your marks that count. its for masters/phd that you want to go to a fancy school

as someone working on a phd rn, in my experience I have never met a genuinely interesting or intelligent classmate whatsoever. However a few of the profs are so fucking intelligent its nearly horrifying to engage them in conversation. I was speaking to the head of our philosophy department a few weeks ago about paul feyereband and my prof fucking will huntinged me, called out exactly where I'd grabbed a line of argument from (the exact book and chapter)

>> No.7298541

the two options are both "shitty" enough that it won't really make sense to move from one to the other if it means taking on significantly more loans.

stick it out and try to go somewhere else for grad school. get good grades.

>> No.7298662

>life experience(how to work 9-5)

>life experience


>> No.7298685
File: 23 KB, 359x364, 1441684886172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>USA state school
>Introduction to Electromagnetism

>it's 2015 and you are majoring in humanities to make 0 money and a little irrelevant success

>> No.7298697


>usa ivy league
>majoring in comparative literature
>contemporary feminist studies

>its 2015 and im getting a 150k starting salary pre-bonus at a hedge fund

stemtart BTFO

>> No.7298712

>women's studies
come on at least make it history or english

>> No.7298719

the major is comp lit, feminist studies was just some elective that filled a diversity requirement

the takeaway point is the stemtard doesn't realize he's a pleb slaving away at state school for a meager salary

>> No.7298731

>slaving away at state school
kek bud i think you got it mixed up

but yeah i should have waited for my waitlisted application to get accepted at the better school

>> No.7298741

i'm a first year, but i'm actually at home rn for the semester due to medical reasons (made it a month at columbia lol) but like i'm gonna have to take lithum next year again. you?

>> No.7298744

I was in that seminar.
You got BTFO. I don't know how you live with yourself.

>> No.7298747

>not really any ""required"" reading; but digging into some cheeky Ruskie Revolution books

trying to get poached by Oxford tho tbh; HAT next week

>> No.7298753
File: 479 KB, 2000x2515, Balliol_College_Oxford_Coat_Of_Arms.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey lads, I don't mean to shitpost but I'm genuinely interested in this and I know for a fact that a few Oxfags (or rejected Oxfags) are on /lit/. I'm applying to Balliol for English this year and I've got the ELAT next Wednesday.

How did you guys do in your ELATs? Any tips?

>> No.7298760

lol I was talking abt Kafka

>> No.7298769

Ex gf goes there...R.W., track girl?

>> No.7298774


>> No.7298798
File: 17 KB, 407x302, UofTLogo-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>MBA is penance for squandered undergrad
>>still thirsty for /lit/

>> No.7299050

for postgrad?

>> No.7299055
File: 246 KB, 884x1024, University_of_Cambridge_coat_of_arms_official.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Classics @ Cambridge

This is for our first term:

>Ovid Ars Amatoria 1
>Lysias Against Eratosphenes
>Ps-Xenophon Constitution of the Athenians
>Cicero Pro Caelio
>Augustus Res Gestae
>Plato Crito

>> No.7299060

I graduated 09 my fellow Lions, and I tip my trilby to you.

>> No.7299210

Where do you go?

>> No.7299231

Computer Science
UMass Amherst

Any other Minutemen here?

>> No.7299373


nah lad, I'm a fresher and i was always intending to retry once if my A2s were good so i'm doing it from uni

>> No.7299385

>if you're undergraduate your school is irrelevant
State school pleb detected. It matters a whole lot because you should be networking professors and alums. These networks are stronger and more valuable at elite schools. You're so far off the mark, dude.

>> No.7299404
File: 81 KB, 429x332, Logo_Medicina.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medicine at UACH in Mexico, you read a lot but it varies depending on your semester, and its pretty much all science but its still interesting.

>> No.7299427

>tfw History student but go along to English Lit lectures anyway for fun

I'd be an English student if I hadn't picked retarded A - levels.

>> No.7299452

a friend of mine majored in womens studies at an ivy league and now works at taco bell, no joke.

>> No.7299455

This. UNC, Berkeley, and UMich are the only state schools worth going to.

>> No.7299456


was probably -really- dumb then

you just have to be not completely retarded and having HYPS on your resume will land you at the minimum an anaylyst job at a second tier bank or a consultant position at one of the big management consulting companies

like you actually have to go out of your way to be unemployed/underemployed if you got into HYPS and didn't fail out

>> No.7299462

there's more to the ivies than harvard princeton yale. think someone from Brown is employable?

>> No.7299470

I mean obviously it all depends on a variety of things. You're gonna have to work harder to be employed if you're from BCD than if you're from HYP, but they're still brand name schools that make it very very easy to get a job, if not in a prestige tech/finance job than at least in corporate america.

>> No.7299479

>tfw see this thread again so I search to see if anyone else here goes to U of M
>tfw it's just someone talking about my school

>> No.7299492

at least it was someone saying something nice about it :^)

>> No.7299496

>University of Minnesota
>Cultural Studies & comp. lit
>Hist of Crit thought
>Plato, Austin, de Man, Foucault, Heidegger, Hegel, Marx and some others.

I had to stay in state due to a family member's illness. Otherwise, I would have probably gone to Ivy or Cal. No regrets, however, because my friends are based. The school itself is meh. Minneapolis though... such a hidden gem if you can handle the cold.

>> No.7299518

You forgot UCLA, Madison, Minnesota, Austin, Washington and probably a few others.

>> No.7299566


oi m8. balliolfag here, ama. i study another subject in the humanities, but i won't say which since you could prob id me.

>> No.7299567 [DELETED] 

Oh man, that was not the quality of crowd I was expecting. I probably came across like a twat, but there were only around five decent people there at most. Did you come?
What was discussed?

>> No.7299591

Also Florida, Georgia Tech, William and Mary.

>> No.7299596

Oh man

Not what I expected but I'll probably come next week because I learned something new about my system

>> No.7299674

ayyy umich

>> No.7299701

where do i find /lit/ people... I'm a lonely freshman

>> No.7299706

What years are you and what are you studying? I'm a lonely junior.

>> No.7299783

hey fam how do you like it?
also are you all weebs?

>> No.7299857

Yeah we don't read Kafka in LitHum, it was Ovid's Metamorphosis

>> No.7300079

That's my number school actually. I'm also thinking about Comp Sci as my major but I'll be going in undecided no matter where I go? Hows the campus and major?

>> No.7300180

I know who you are :^)

>> No.7300259

i'm the ayyy guy, i'm a community college transfer student and currently a junior. studying philosophy but plan on going into library and information science/museum studies for gradute school

>> No.7300290
File: 311 KB, 1024x1340, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>phd in neuroscience
this is hopefully the future that awaits me. i'm looking at stanford as #1, suicide as #2.

are you trying to go into academia? how's your postdoc purgatory looking? what field are you specializing in?

>> No.7300346

>all these dunces buying into the elite college meme
>thinking your college choice guaranetees an intellectual environment

"It’s a deeply rooted idea in today’s academic culture that more qualifications equate with better chances. After all, whodoesn’tperceive the selection process as a judgment panel that deems one applicant, for want of a better word, superior to another? Call it a myth, a misconception, or whatever you like, but this belief is positively unshakable.

Perhaps a different approach is in order. It’s high time the public understands and embraces the notion that college admissions decisions aren’t based on better academic or extracurricular specifications any longer, if ever in the first place. Just as neither perfect SAT scores nor Nobel prizes guarantee a spot in the branches of the Ivies, it’s apparent that what we identify as top colleges seek attributes that are intangible, elusive, and quite plainly put, mysterious.

Take a friend of mine, for example. Despite the 14 Advanced Placement tests (11 top scores) and two consecutive placings in the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair under his belt, he found no welcome at any of the eight Ivy League schools, and neither did his co-founded company aid him in clinching even a position on the wait-lists of several of their peers. His great weakness? He’s an Asian applying for financial aid.It’s easy to argue that one case alone does not justify a loss in faith in the college admissions process, but open the question up for discussion and there’s no doubt the resounding response will taste of misgivings flavored with skepticism. Taking a glance at the qualifications of despondent rejects is enough to convince anyone that surely not all who were accepted into eminent institutes performed better either in terms of academics or extracurriculars, or, for that matter, had more passion.

So, instead of rationalizing that the admissions decision is an objective verdict that evaluates one’s educational caliber and is not an assessment of character, and hence should not be taken personally, it would be more accurate to recognize that the admissions decision does no such thing.

They’re not looking for the finest scholars or greatest leaders, and being the best won’t get you into the “best” universities. What they’re looking for is, well, whatever they’re looking for …"

>> No.7300353
File: 36 KB, 480x477, b210c01f26f7d659f2012284c7c5c02b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any bros at DC?
>tfw rejected from Georgetown
>tfw went to GW so I could try transferring in

>> No.7300368

That's really cool. Do you happen to know a senior named Sam who is in philosophy as well?

>> No.7300380

that sounds somewhat familiar but i don't think so, maybe though.

>> No.7300400

I'm jelly

>> No.7300402
File: 55 KB, 250x604, barthelme2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

underrated post.

>History & English Double at NWMSU (Missouri)

>> No.7300413

My great-uncle was the deal of philosophy at Georgetown for a while. Last time I visited, he gave me a book of Plato's dialogues. Cool guy.

>> No.7300420


>> No.7300423

Sucks for autistic FOB Chinese kids, but I can always tell when I'm talking to a properly educated person or a state school drone.

>> No.7300549

Got a friend at American, poli sci major.

>> No.7300675

Junior at cornell- majoring in economics and math but realized I really just want to do philosophy instead ...What do pals? Is it too late for me to pursue my dreams of academia? :(

>> No.7300683

I am completely baffled that anthropology exists. I do not understand what the subfields of the discipline have to do with each other.

>> No.7300688

My GPA sucks ass from all the math and Econ and a period where I skipped a bunch of exams and tried to kill myself (3.45)

>> No.7300769

hope to be joining you there next year anon
how do you like it?

>> No.7300808

lol that's what i'm going to have after this semester after all this formal logic shit umich is making me take this semester

>> No.7300982

You should go somewhere other than Oklahoma tbh. Go to a CC then transfer.

>> No.7300989

All the upper half UCs are worth it (LA, Berk, SD, Davis, Irvine). All top 50 schools nationwide.

>> No.7301000

Don't forget UCSB. It has a reputation as a party school but is still great.

>> No.7301002

What's good /fit/lit/?

>> No.7301006

Way too likely to get Eliot Roger'd for me tbh.

I always think of SB as a worse version of SD -- both are great schools, but are really lacking outside of STEM fields. The others are a bit more well-balanced.

>> No.7301014

What does your program look like? Sample courses? What do you read?

>> No.7301015

Oh, what's up? Truman here.

>> No.7301017

Almost all of the UC's have more distinguished reputation, faculty, and quality of education than like 90% of public universities tbh

>> No.7301023

It's insane the education my professors (English at Davis) have. With a few exceptions, all got Bachelor's thru Ph.D at Ivy League unis or Oxbridge. As someone who want to be a professor, I feel like I'm lagging by studying at a public uni, even a high level one.

>> No.7301032
File: 1.57 MB, 889x1034, vca.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw self educated richfag

good luck to all you slaves toiling away at mediocre institutions

>> No.7301066

Personally I love it. The education is world class (in anthropology especially -- if you don't know much about the field, UChicago is probably the most prestigious department in the United States), there are nothing but connections to be made, and there are all kinds of people to meet. That said, a lot of those people aren't worth meeting to me. Finance bros, people who are too ironic for this earth, privileged whiny activists who want to only bite the hand that feeds... etc. All of those are huge generalizations, and these people probably have interesting facets to them, but you get the idea. I tend towards misanthropy anyway though.

If you come here, be prepared to work all day long. I left home at about 10:30 this morning and just got home at midnight. I went to class until 3 and straight to the library after. This is an average day, and it will be much worse during finals. I think it's all worth it though, the amount I learned here and the benefits this schools confers has jumped me several social classes (full scholarship student aka poorfag), has shown me the world (traveled to DC, NYC, all around Chicago, and several study abroads all on University money), taught me how to think, read, write, argue, etc.

In all an amazing place. The "quirkiness" of the school is diminishing somewhat, which was long our claim to fame. This is because since about the turn of the 21st century, the administration has moved away from being inward looking. Admissions have been revamped -- see skyrocketing applications and plummeting acceptances for proof. It's a lot harder to get in here now than it was when I made it in, and even then it was just above a 10% acceptance rate IIRC.

Ultimately, as with any college choice, it's about fit. This is what's being lost in the revamp of the admissions cycle I think. The marketing is convincing people that UChicago is just like any elite institution/Ivy, but it still isn't -- the preceding ~100 years have left their mark here in terms of academic expectations, student life, etc etc etc. It's a different kind of school than Harvard, than Yale, than Princeton, etc. So my advice is be sure you want to come here, because there's already enough that can tip you into unhappiness in the world of elite academia. To be sure, college will mean an adjustment no matter who you are. But do your research and good luck bro.

>> No.7301073

Can you elaborate on this? I'm happy to answer any questions. The 4 subfield model was devised originally by Frans Boaz in the early 20th century. I'm confused what they might /not/ have to do with each other though.

>> No.7301079

>Truman State University

>> No.7301086

Thanks for the writeup, glad to hear you like it so much. I'm pretty damn sure I want to go there, I had an internship there two years ago and absolutely fell in love, been top choice since forever.

The negative parts don't seem super awful though. I haven't slept in 2 days because of workload (IB program), so I don't mind a bit (or a lot) of work.

>> No.7301091

Triple majoring in Philosophy, Political Science, and Linguistics at a university in Ohio.

>> No.7301104


post timestamp sign with /lit/ on it or gtfo

>> No.7301106
File: 30 KB, 267x353, milton-friedman1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


most based econ institution in america tbh

>> No.7301108

Honestly I'm pretty pro university, so bear in mind that my assessment is a charitable one. The university that can easily be argued to have a large part in gentrification, is invested in fossil fuels, operates a private police force whose mandate is one of segregation, is tied in deep with politicians enforcing harmful austerity measures, etc etc etc. Protesting those kinds of things are important to some people. I think I receive everything a university is supposed to provide me in ample quantities though, so I don't go around picking at administrative policies I have no business in as an undergrad anyway.

What was your internship? And if you have a rigorous program now, you should be ok. The difference will be that the kind of work you need to turn in here has higher expectations, in addition to the quantity of it. But 1st and 2nd year courses are obviously designed to establish that kind of theoretical grounding you need to succeed.

>> No.7301110


>> No.7301114
File: 37 KB, 476x419, chile.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget Becker, Fama, Hansen, Posner, and that meme economist Steven Levitt too I guess.

>> No.7301125

Worked under a Biology professor for a month over the summer, nothing super major.

And yeah, I've heard about a lot of that kinda stuff, my logic is that I'm going to college to be educated, not to validate some people's administrative choices. I've heard far worse horror stories from other places.

>> No.7301131

>Political Science@Heidelberg
>never opened a book
>life is easy indeed

>> No.7301140

Sup UBC bros
How did midterms treat you both?

>> No.7301160

Hey Cameron : )

>> No.7301183

how many tens of thousands of dollars was that watch fam?

>> No.7301186
File: 1.10 MB, 917x726, bills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


do you even shop fam? be honest

>> No.7301191

you're asian right?

>> No.7301194

>no Hermes
GTFO. Even if you're rich you have terrible taste.

>> No.7301202
File: 1.42 MB, 730x976, gym.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



white as the driven snow


hermes is for asian women m8

>> No.7301212

>hermes is for asian women m8
It's the only very high end brand most of my rich WASP and Jewish friends wear. Otherwise they tend to like J. Press and that sort of thing. Asians go for Louis V and Gucci.

>> No.7301213

You may have money, but that can't buy you culture, intelligence, or inches onto that tiny body.

>> No.7301215


lel I bet they wear that brass H buckle belt plated in gold like a bunch of basic bitches

their jackets and bags are nice but their price scale is out of fucking control, even by luxury standards

and they're french which just makes it worse

>> No.7301219


I have all those m8, and the extra inches are in my pants

>> No.7301223

>giving a fuck about the price
Bidness dat bad?

>> No.7301233
File: 3.38 MB, 1594x897, rl bag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't care about money, but I also don't care to give a stuffy French company 5 figures for a fucking meme bag, especially when Bottega makes something much better for less

this guy is coming in the mail next week. 25k by Ralph Lauren, but if Hermes had made the same thing it would be fucking 60 grand

>> No.7301239

What do you drive? alligator bags are questionable bit you can redeem yourself with the car(s).

>> No.7301248

Ok, you have a good body. this is coming from a girl but don't flaunt your wealth with shitty name-brand luxury products. buy things that will last and actually look good. otherwise you're no different than a dindu who buys Hermes belts

>> No.7301251
File: 2.31 MB, 894x1595, 458.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


on the waitlist for a Model X, but that's not until next year

if you ever come into money, don't buy one of these things. go with Porsche or Audi. Ferrari's customer service is an abomination

>> No.7301252

>Self-educated and materialistic
Clearly you do not. Rich or poor, you should have no pride in your inconsequential existence, one which rides the coattails of other men. You spend and do not create, so why do you even exist?

>> No.7301253
File: 418 KB, 2024x1779, 1431803648995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just ignoring our football team and trying to get one fucking professor to talk straight to me about creative writing. Where you from originally?

>> No.7301255


Who says I don't create? I have a book coming out next year.

Projection is an ugly thing m8

>> No.7301260

Nice looking car though. I know an extremely rich guy who had his 458 less than a year and ditched it for an S63 because of the reliability and service issues.

My own dream has always been a 911 and I don't see that changing so hopefully it won't be a heartbreak when I actually get one.

>> No.7301282


yeah that doesn't surprise me at all. the ferrari domestic ferrari techs are useless. they can change your oil and read error codes. that's about it

>> No.7301284

Honestly changes nothing. Anyone can write a book, anyone can have it published given a number of connections.

>> No.7301304

>stealing pics from the Internet to pretend being rich on anonymous anime imageboard

What are you doing fam smh

>> No.7301306


No one can write my book.

That will be clear soon enough.

>> No.7301319
File: 221 KB, 1307x1500, 71vj5Jv8LlL._SL1500_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Christ man, get out of here, this isn't a place for some guy to shill his money and his inheritance around. We're here to talk about books. Go distract yourself with something expensive.

>> No.7301323

What is it about? Why is it worth reading?

>> No.7301332
File: 96 KB, 495x500, 1446080762589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us an excerpt.

>> No.7301334
File: 56 KB, 400x254, x3ea8EJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's about a wealthy kid whose parents die while he is growing up, he has to be raised by a series of servants, none of which really love him in any meaningful way, and no one feels sorry for him because he's rich. He consequently tries to buy his own happiness, before watching BigThink videos of a heavily-accented philosopher saying, "happiness is overrated." So he moves to gentrified Washington Heights and buys clothes from goodwill and tries to write a novel but he can't because any time he encounters conflict he just uses his financial means to remove himself from it, thus removing him from the social fabric of Washington Heights.

It's gonna be 4-7 volumes, it's called 'No, The Struggle is All Mine.'

>> No.7301342
File: 2.83 MB, 892x1592, jelly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




It's a philosophical work, modeled on Beyond Good and Evil. I believe it constitues a fresh start for philosophy after the past century of farce and claptrap.


I would, but knowing you guys somebody would cap it and then I'd wind up becoming a meme author like Tao Lin. Not sure I want that.

>> No.7301360

This would be actually not to bad with few adjustments and sans multiple volumes.

This on the other hand ... almost too pretentious not to be ironic but then again, this is /lit/.

>> No.7301364


I'm sure anyone with balls is bound to come off as pretentious today, given the current intellectual climate.

You don't have to believe me. It makes no difference.

>> No.7301374


Caught the zizekposter.

>> No.7301385

Honestly sounds unbearable. The very essence of all that is wrong with literature. I say this without any ill will--rethink that premise.

>> No.7301401

who tf is this let me be ur friend

>> No.7301413

this was my first post on this thread actually. i'm not the other columbia poster

guess who i am.........

>> No.7301415

i've no idea, do u also go to columbia

>> No.7301416


Come on fam do you even read the thread

>> No.7301425

no, i live in your state, where you are right now

>> No.7301440

it would be really funny if you guessed right

not many people in AZ browse 4chan, come on you know who i am

>> No.7301445

can't buy arms that don't look like they belong to a fucking monkey fam

>> No.7301446

UCSC (I'm a failure)-
Spirit Catches you and you Fall Down
I am Malala

Hardly literature...

>> No.7301449

UCSB here
why are you reading cuck lit? She came to my school about a month ago, shit was annoying

>> No.7301451


your sister doesn't seem to mind m87

>> No.7301459

UCSC isn't too bad. I thought about going there, but ended up deciding the beauty wasn't worth the worse academics. Are the people there as unbearable as they're made out to be?

>> No.7301466

don't have a sister m10

also I reverse googled that image and fuck me if it's not real.

Lets cast aside our differences. You seem like a great guy, a regular stand-up fella. Would you mind sponsoring me?

I could write stories for you and you could be known as the guy who sponsored the guy who won not inconsiderable acclaim in the various pomo circles of world literature.

And also I would definitely do a silly dance on webcam for even $20. You fatcats have definitely rigged the game to wild degree, and I'm not getting off of this ride for anything less than armed anarchy.

Here's my bitcoin address, anyway:


Please, grand poobah of luxury and wealth, consider for a moment this poor starving artist, this wretched speck who cowers in the dimmest glimmers of the light of the imperial sun of definitely earned™ wealth.

Bill Gates is donated like 99% of his money to charity. That guy's gotta know what he's doing.

>> No.7301471

>please massa can I have another 'bol

>> No.7301479


"Never stand begging for that which you have the power to earn."


My book sounds the death knell for postmodernism and all these other pathetic movements. I'd sooner sponsor the next Timothy McVeigh. Rich clowns consumed by guilt (like Bill Gates) are the reason we have no monuments and no extraterrestrial colonies. Take the struggle out of life and were better to be dead. I may have money, but money isn't everything. My brain only does what I want it to do about 30% of the time. Most days I struggle to perform basic tasks like reading and speaking. So don't give me your sob story. If I were poor I wouldn't dream of begging for a penny.

>> No.7301488

Good quote.

>Take the struggle out of life and were better to be dead.
Another good one, although loses all meaning coming from a baby in the first world.

Also semi related but what's the point of extraterrestrial colonies if we can't even get shit right on Earth.

>> No.7301493

Haha wow I don't even want your money anymore. It would be tinged by your horribly hairy arms and your insufferable faggitude. Enjoy Ayn Rand, dickhead.

>> No.7301499

>$10,000 watch and can't even into grammar

>> No.7301508
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>My book sounds the death knell for postmodernism and all these other pathetic movements

I was right to poke the bear. You're a laugh and a half. Good luck on your literary ambitions richfriend; daddy's money can only get you so far.

>> No.7301608

I would hope anyone with a brain can identify that many topics lack an explicit 'right'/'wrong' by the time they are in university, but the state of politics in the US today seems to belay that.

>> No.7301627

>wage slave

cucked by capitalism

>> No.7301744

How's the JCR and dorms like over there?
Also, did you make an open app or did you choose Balliol? Do you think it positively/negatively affected your chances of getting in?

Hopefully I'll get to meet you next year fam. I fucked up by applying to only UK unis since the difference in quality of education and community from say Oxbridge to Durham/UCL/St Andrews is so high. I'm fucking stressed.

>> No.7301758
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>no-name state school
>political science + french double major
I feel like I'm stagnating here. Thinking of transferring once I've bumped my GPA up to a 3.9+.

>> No.7301764
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Any ausbros here?

>> No.7301775

College of William and Mary

Currently doing undergrad neuroscience... Probably heading to med school after that. It's not a bad major, and because of the strength of our english department I get to enjoy some great lectures there too.

The people here are ight, the town is comfy. We do have the highest suicide rate in the country, but that's probably because of grade deflation.

I've been getting progressively more fucked up as the year passes by. Dropping acid on Halloween morning, then grabbing an eight ball of blow and getting laid. It'll be a good weekend.

>> No.7302205

Comp Lit and Philosophy at NYU. Like the academics and professors, hate majority of students

>> No.7302242

English, French, German, and Dutch. But it really doesn't seem like you have to be completely fluent in a second language, as long as you can read literature in that language.

>> No.7302250


Dominus IIluminatio Mea btw lads

>> No.7302292

usyd lad, couldn't be arsed to move to Melbourne or Canberra

>> No.7302377

>Van Cleef and Arpels
>not Patek


>> No.7302554

Bloomsburg University


>> No.7302662

In that case, care to comment on the questions I asked for your respective college?
Do you study English?

>> No.7302833


>> No.7302903

>not The Right The Literary Yukko

>> No.7302912

Should I attempt to take another year at CC and try to transfer into Washington, UBC, Northeastern or UToronto or fuck it all and transfer straight to Portland State lmao

CS/Informatics major btw, I spent two years at film/multimedia school and dropped it because I am trash

>> No.7302949


just give up

>> No.7302998

Someone redpill me on uofm. Just got accepted as a transfer student, looking to major in international studies with a possible double major in either history or english

>> No.7303003

Seriously, Patek Philiippe is the only patrician watch, with certain Tag models a close second. This guy's a clown.

>> No.7303010

nah, I kinda hate it actually. Looking to transfer to smaller liberal arts college. So many economics and poli-sci dudebros.

>> No.7303027

I just graduated from UBC in May, English Lit.

It's a pretty sweet school, but if you decide to do English here, get your shit together and apply for the Honours program. The regular program is alright, but not for /lit/izens.

>> No.7303034

UBC will also be like 10x cheaper than the American schools, without having to deal with shitty Toronto winters.

Downside: bring an umbrella. Campus looks amazing in April-May---September when the parents come, then it's a rainy gloomy piece of shit 80% of the time.

Basically the best environment to sit in a library and write that you could ever ask for.

>> No.7303048

I would but you used the term "redpill".

>> No.7303051

I went to university of aberdeen and did a stem degree I really disliked. I even live in aberdeen so i didn't even go full hedonist.

Whenever I read a bret easton ellis book I refuse to accept the punchline ("omg these cool rich attractive people are really unhappy deep down"). Nah m8. Nah.

>> No.7303070

>Physics at FSU

>not much in terms of required reading at the moment but I have been reading books on basic quantum oscillators for my modern physics project

>life is easy for now but will increase in difficulty with each passing year

>> No.7303084

That makes a lot of sense, actually.

>> No.7303100




>> No.7303102
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>girl using the term "dindu"

>> No.7303121

How long did it take you to learn each one to a workable level?

>> No.7303124

Well with that line of thinking no site would be good enough for a literature major tbph (to be perfectly honest) fam (family)

>> No.7303138
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I love smoking weed with my cat, and then reading to each other.

>> No.7303141

Northeastern, Math / Phil Double Major, maybe minor in ling
zero work

>> No.7303149
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>phil major
>zero work

sorry your philosophy department sucks

>> No.7303183

yeah, i'm trying to transfer to nyu or something. my school also sucks in general

>> No.7303195
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>tfw philosophy student in Italy
Oh well, I can always become a chef and emigrate...
Anyone else /italy/ here?

>> No.7303215

Tibetan Studies at SOAS

I think I win for "most useless degree"

>> No.7303232


>> No.7303254

Only 15% of graduates end up working in their degree's field, so don't feel too bad.

>> No.7303266

I am a math major, and I learn fuck nothing in lectures. All in self study.

>> No.7303317

that's motivating actually

>> No.7303336

I like SOAS. It's like they looked at all the extremely leftwing student unions and faculties and said 'I'm pretty sure we can go 10x lefter than that'.

>> No.7303670

still good school.

What do you do?

>> No.7303877

As a 16-20 year old I was hugely into psychedelics and this book i found in a charity shop called Magic and Ritual in Tibet: the Cult of Tara which was the greatest thing I ever read. Also I got to live in Lhasa for a year which was cool as fuck.

Also I was at a festival and this van did Tibetan food and it was great

>> No.7304101

nope......name starts with an "a"

your initials are CM, yes?

>> No.7304183


>> No.7304353

Princeton here as well, but undergrand
in history

>> No.7304902
File: 888 KB, 850x665, ppgold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I have a couple Pateks.

Like the Ferrari I would not personally recommend them. Routine maintenance has a 6 month turnaround because the watch has to be shipped back to Switzerland. God help you if something actually gets broken.

This watch isn't wound and I haven't worn it out yet.

>> No.7304932

>not having two identical Pateks so you can send one in for maintenance and still have a Patek
You're clearly not the target market.

>> No.7304947


I don't know anyone who has two of the same PP (same model, year and metal), and I know some pretty wealthy people. Just a waste when all their watches are so handsome and collectible.