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7295914 No.7295914 [Reply] [Original]

Can i become a writer with an engineering degree? How much i will be missing if i don't get a major in english or journalism or something related to writing? Thanks for your opinion.

>> No.7295921

Outlander, WHAT do you want?

Tommy Pinecone. Enough said.

>> No.7295933

He majored in english though.

>> No.7295936

Just express your thoughts through calculus equations, use lots of STEM study references and jokes, talk shit about Philosophers and Novelists. It will be a smash hit.

>> No.7296204

Truman Capote never went to college

>> No.7296347

that doesnt mean anything.

>> No.7296352

Andy Weir does okay.

>> No.7296367

This is literally the third time I've seen this on /lit/ this week.

I think being a shitposting autist is a far bigger hurdle for you to worry about.

>> No.7296368

All you need to do to become a writer is actually write. Making time to write would put you ahead of many english and journalism students.

>> No.7296384

reading and writing as often as possible will put you miles ahead without a related degree. Just read and write.

>> No.7298022
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you'll be missing massive indoctrination by entrenched academics desperate to stay relevant through the politicization of literature.

instead you'll be learning a skill that can help to make you wealthy or benefit mankind (or both!). you can still read books with an engineering degree, you can still take electives in creative writing.

>> No.7298046
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Is the book as reddit as the film?

>> No.7298103

I switched from majoring in journalism to math. Oddly enough, it was a journalism professor who encouraged me to do this (and you could say he wanted me to fuck off, but I've won writing awards and scholarships).

Journalism is in a transition state right now, and a specialized writer is often better off than one with a general degree that may be obsolete in a few years.

There are a lot of great things you can get out of degree that focuses on writing. Any driven person can teach themselves these things (or be taught outside of school for much cheaper) and most of those degrees don't offer much economic incentive beyond the knowledge (besides academic/scholar jobs).

If you want to become a writer, start pursuing it now. Write and become involved with any sort of writer's network around you. Contribute pieces to smaller publications to build a portfolio.

>> No.7298109

Stewart O'Nan had an Engineering Degree.
Dostoevsky had an Engineering Degree.

>> No.7298152

Did the man who invented college go to college?

>> No.7298175
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>> No.7298179

George Saunders is another example.

>> No.7298185

Nicanor Parra is both a renowned poet and a quantum mechanics scholar

>> No.7298213

Nothing at all, your writing will actually suffer immensely and irreparably if you do a creative writing major or something of the sort. None of the great writers went to school for writing and all the MFA programs in America have yet to produce a single good writer.

>> No.7298227

Major in something you're passionate about + minor in philosophy = Holy shit you have something to say about something you care about

The books will practically force themselves out of you at that point

>> No.7298348

I'm doing math currently and will probably minor in phil or poli sci

Fuck the liberal arts man, finish your degree and have a safety net, then write what and when you want.

Just write, nothing matters as long as you do it and keep doing it until you're good