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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 718x900, wilde stifling laughter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7293970 No.7293970 [Reply] [Original]

How to I get away from the crass stupid mass of the world, /lit/? It seems that, in the past, there were places full of happening cool people exuding wit and vigor who would entertain me and elevate me to a higher plane, but today all I find are retards everywhere I look.

I want to lead an interesting life. I deserve better. Where do I go?

>> No.7293976

If you can't find interesting people or things on your own then you aren't interesting yourself.

>> No.7293982

>all I find are retards

Drop this attitude, for one

Everyone has something to teach you

>> No.7293983

where do you live?
be honest ;)

>> No.7293991

Naive drivel. Shut the fuck up.
You've never been in a first year sociology tutorial.

>> No.7294005

>It seems that, in the past
It seems that you're retarded too.
The present is always mundane and shit to the people living in it.

>> No.7294031
File: 27 KB, 402x348, spurdo takbir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that supposed to be a contradiction?

wise learns more from the stupid than the stupid learns from the wise

>> No.7294043

duuuude epic wisdom lmao

>> No.7294047

You're right where you belong. Welcome to /lit/. Welcome... home.

>> No.7294049

Enjoy being a bitter asshole then, no one actually smart would want to waste time with a deluded narcissist like yourself anyway. Hardly surprised that your OP image is a massive faggot.

>> No.7294052

jesus christ the projection

>> No.7294055
File: 84 KB, 147x170, spurdo dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thx for contributing material to my knowledge base, brah

>> No.7294056

your mother fucks more of your cock than your cock fucks your mother.

>> No.7294060

what knowledge base?

>> No.7294064

>no one actually smart
But I thought you were, like, totally blurring the lines between so-called 'smart' and 'stupid' man, what happened? It's a false dichotomy man, you've fallen prey to your own insecurities man, like get with the picture.

>> No.7294067
File: 166 KB, 624x434, plantation pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

knowledge base = my garden
your posts = fertilizer

>> No.7294070

what garden?

>> No.7294071

>I deserve better
you don't deserve shit
>where do I go?

>> No.7294073
File: 103 KB, 624x434, pepeles.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where my magnum opus grows

>> No.7294076

what magnum opus?

>> No.7294078
File: 48 KB, 1033x619, capture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're just rude and naive. Pic related.

>> No.7294080


>> No.7294089

Need a link to this.

>> No.7294098


You have to sentence by sentence longer pieces, because otherwise your rewrite suggestions may be only the first sentence repeated.

>> No.7294102

>tfw noticed the 2 pepes in the background of that pic are Plato and Aristotle in the 'School of Athens' Painting even though I've seen it many times before


>> No.7294196

If you're in the US, move to Brooklyn. I mean it. I've been living here for close to two years and my intellectual capacities have reached what I am confident is their peak. Before I moved here I was living in an obscure, non-coastal city going the way of every other self-willed failure who sacrifices their artistic talents for the weary and nauseatingly comfortable routine of a "long day's work" followed by a few hours of fleeting relief. Then I moved to Brooklyn and honestly I feel like I've been christened into the religion of bohemian authenticity. All of my housemates are pursuing their own form of artistic ambitions, and at least a dozen others I've met in my apartment complex (we often have parties, the music being either live or selected by us all. It's a great way to find out about obscure artists you wouldn't have otherwise heard about. I mean honestly, before I came here and paid my deposit on a small apartment not really knowing what to expect, I was just your average prematurely stoic, boring and apathetic young man, convinced of his latent genius but too meek and timid to assert my talents. Since coming to Brooklyn though I've come to realize that the pursuit of pleasure is worthwhile and is essentially what makes a life worth living. I read, I write, I watch my friends play their music or attend the galleries where their art is being showcased, and every day I wake knowing that I live at the centre of the artistic universe, and that nowhere else on earth is genius and creativity so abundant. Seriously, if you don't live here or at least have ambitions to do so you may as well throw in the towel in terms of aspiring to represent the contemporary zeitgeist.

>> No.7294221

not subtle enough.

>> No.7294226

Disregard all impulses towards attachment by employing meditation and master the technique. Create your own fulfillment. From this new mode of being express yourself in brutal honesty and you will be magnetic to that which you exude. And don't spend all of your time inside.

>> No.7294234

>people like this post on /lit/

>> No.7294274

>represent the contemporary zeitgeist

Your post: ruined in the four final words.

>> No.7294276

Elderly meme tbh

>> No.7294288

Become rich, or else you're shit outta luck.

>> No.7294302

Choke on a dick, faggot.

>> No.7294326

truths dont age
overall you fit schopenhauer's definition of a philistine

>> No.7296239

How does it feel to be part of The Whole Sick Crew?

>> No.7296252

misanthropy is a sign of immaturity and the number one cause of people being insufferable douches

>> No.7296288

Fuck you, if you don't have the juice to get up and go to an elite university and/or intellectual community in a large city then you don't deserve what they have to offer. Yeah, most people don't have fascinating vocations and avocations, but the people who do are concentrated so obviously that's it's a fucking meme. Just get good, but I suspect you can't.