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7287225 No.7287225 [Reply] [Original]

>majoring in English

>> No.7287237

>Math major
>300k starting
>Any job I want

It's a shame you're not me

>> No.7287240
File: 37 KB, 858x536, SylviaPlath_2469087k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7287252

>lying on an anonymous Vietnamese fingerprinting board

>> No.7287256

>being spooked into things you don't wanna do
i will show you fear in a handful of dust

>> No.7287280
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pic related

>> No.7287296

Look on my major, ye Mighty, and despair!

>> No.7287300
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>majoring in physics
>get to figure out the secrets of the universe as best we understand them and then contribute to extending those borders and expanding humanitys knowledge about the world around us

Feels bretty gud

>> No.7287312

I'm a Saudi Arabian prince and no matter which college major you take you'll never amount to the wealth I've acquired by simply being born.

>> No.7287323

I'm an english major, but I also want to work in higher education.


>300k starting

Yeah, these arguments are really effective. Golf clap, anon.

>> No.7287349
File: 42 KB, 479x720, 1380697092809.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I majored in something "practical" to get a good job

>> No.7287355

I think you've got things inverted

>> No.7287362

Why not double major in english and engineering?

STEMfags and humanitiesfags BTFO

>> No.7287370

But you'll never know our inner wealth.

>> No.7287401

Whose "inner wealth"? That of American scientists? I can buy my way to having one-on-one tutoring with lead scientists with the flick of a wrist. I can use my nepotism to land a job in NASA simply through donations and political influence. I can do everything from your wildest dreams and more.

>> No.7287418

Can you be happy without material objects or muh bought experiences?

>> No.7287428

I've already achieved eudaemonia, poorfag

>> No.7287450

Oh, so it's happiness you're after? Then I would suggest doing the major you most enjoy rather than doing the one you see as most "practical." ;)

>> No.7287451

Lol "Figure out the secrets"
I hate to break it to you buddy, but there's no jobs in physics anymore. They haven't done anything new in a while. And nobody's come up with anything conclusive since mathematics. There are no answers or else we wouldn't have been arguing semantics for the past 10,000 years

>> No.7287503

You mean smoking weed and reading for four years until some asshole hands you a degree and says "Here you go, enjoy your career teaching easy shit to teenagers and having your summers off."

Yes please

Yes please.

>> No.7287524

Sorry, I couldn't hear you over the sound of my rapturous poverty of spirit.

>> No.7287534
File: 2.14 MB, 1700x2275, Aristotle_Altemps_Inv8575.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>majoring in philosophy
>get to figure out the secrets of the universe as best we understand them and then contribute to extending those borders and expanding humanitys knowledge about the world around us

Feels pretty good. And inb4 philosophy and physics are mutually exclusive: pic related

>> No.7287569

also applies to you

>> No.7287662

Nigga what? At the university im at alone we have research in supermassive black hole formation, soft matter, condensed matter, superconductors -- we are making the goddamn future. Why are you so upset that i found satisfying direction in my life?

>> No.7287676
File: 428 KB, 200x183, dunno.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weve been arguing semantics for the past 10,000 years
Not sure if b8 or creationist or literally down syndrome

>> No.7287679

talking from perspective or experience?

>> No.7287690

If your going to lie, lie realistically. At least tell me what kind of math you think pays that.

>> No.7287706


>> No.7287722

>>>>>nobody recognizing this

>> No.7287732

>expanding human knowledge

Lmao fuck off, I majored in physics and undergrad is just the beginning of catching up with existing knowledge. Before a phd you're not finding anything new, and even then you're only exploring a tiny, tiny portion of human scientific understanding.

>> No.7287740

The inner wealth of being born white.

>tfw blond hair
>tfw blue eyes
>tfw you mudslimes think money fixes your inferiority

>> No.7287743


>Math/liberal arts double major master race
>literally just had to pick electives carefully
>can talk politics or literature, but without the nervous anxiety about not being able to do mathematics and the sneaking suspicion that physicists can do philosophers' work.

>> No.7287750

>majoring in engineering

I wrote the below topic


>> No.7287801

I hope you're at least doing material sciences and not something actually useless like astrophysics. Even if the astrophysicists find something new, it's not going to become relevant before the singularity.

>> No.7287868

Which is why im going for a phd. Slim odds, i know, but id hate myself forever if i never went for it

Current plan is... Actually astrophysics. But i dont care as much about applications as knowledge for knowledges sake, and spinoff technology is huge in space-related fields

>> No.7287900

>Majoring in English Literature and Language
>Father works at my Uni, I do not pay tuition.
>I work as an RA, I do not pay housing.
>Just got a call back from County Police force, I am about to begin the hiring process.

Plan to go to law school eventually. huehuehue

>> No.7287912

if you dont have a phd what did you do with your degree? I dont really want to go to grad school anymore and im going to have a compsci minor but im completely without purpose or drive

>> No.7287914
File: 113 KB, 700x505, greyhound-coursing-a-stag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, I majored in English, did a postgrad in PR, and now i'm working as a political consultant ... so, relatively happy with how everything worked out.

>> No.7288001

Ok wise guy, what's a better humanities major

>> No.7288007


Teaching is hard as shit mate. Like brutally hard.

>> No.7288115
File: 58 KB, 278x379, Bizarro_Batman_Earth-One_01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw doing physics and philosophy

>> No.7288131

>mfw the STEM cucks love to shit all over art majors, but when someone who didn't go to college and makes money off of a skill they have (like musicians, skilled trades like welders and electricians, etc) without the debt calls them out they shut the fuck up

STEM cucks always make me laugh

>> No.7288201

we've got a piggy

>> No.7288421

ya'll fucking baited

>> No.7288475

>Decide I should be a librarian.
>How do?
> English Major
It seems like it all worked out for me, fam. Good luck.

>> No.7288490
File: 54 KB, 546x685, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Tfw Business marketing

>> No.7288521

No shit you ignorant fuck. Seeing people not go to college and live off of talent alone is a reason to make fun of art majors, because they don't need to get a degree. You can't just get a technically demanding position from "skill" you need education. No education is needed to be artistic.

>> No.7288536

kill yourself
I bet you consider yourself "a big picture thinker" because you have always been too dumb to understand any detail. have fun making 65 a year and watching kids from ivy's getting promoted over you till you are 50 and then fired

>> No.7288539
File: 68 KB, 570x587, 1430558248573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>it's not going to become relevant before the singularity
>implying singularitarianism isn't a sci-fi religion

>> No.7288551

This would be funny if you had any idea what you were talking about. But its more like a sick dog barking at a fence.

>> No.7288564



What about critics? It's actually important for them to understand the history and critical theories of their medium.

>> No.7288573

to whom, exactly?

>> No.7288576


Given the volume of creative work and the finite time humans have to engage it, a critic is useful and necessary: even if its your internal critic or a friend recommending a book.

The function of the critic ought to be directing the public (which is good) to the goods (which are needles in haystacks).

>> No.7288589

Why can't we just let the cloud take care of it?

>> No.7288788

At least I'm not putting a hat on and calling myself a wizard.

>> No.7288800

Ignore the other guy, you replied to me and I agree completely, but to pursue that you should be studying and analyzing, not creating.

>> No.7289386

>He walked right into it

>> No.7289390


>> No.7289396