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/lit/ - Literature

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7286192 No.7286192 [Reply] [Original]

Why if I create something of the same quality of a classic work, the classic work will be better appreciated than the current one?

>> No.7286197

its all relative I guess

>> No.7286512

Everything is relative.

>> No.7286513

Societal impact

>> No.7286521

More people read the first one

>> No.7286533

You were born too late. But don't worry. Let memes cushion the fall.

>> No.7286539

how would you know

>> No.7286554


After you're dead, they'll like it though.

>> No.7286557

It doesn't matter if someone compose the 9th Symphony equivalent nowadays. Beethoven is better because he's older.

>> No.7286567

according to...

>> No.7286569
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because a trully good piece of work needs to be digested through multiple audiences and repeated reading. it's not a big mac and writing isn't the way to get quick appraisal unless you just want to sell a lot and then be forgotten

>> No.7286588

literally millions of fanboys

>> No.7286597

Because too few people have experienced, heard about and were influenced by the new work.

But don't worry about such things, OP. There's no chance you'll ever make something as good as a classic work. You won't be underrated, I promise.

>> No.7286599

and this is relevant because?

>> No.7286601

People should give up on the originality meme and just make solid stuff.

>> No.7286608

Please be my waifu Hibari-chan :3

>> No.7286625

LOL, let's talk about the so-called "classics," won't we?

Homer was literally some guy who got drunk and sang songs. What a fag lol

Shakespeare was a PLAYWRIGHT, and was married to one of the least attractive actresses of his day.

Virgil? Take one letter out of his name and what do you get?

Historians have found Dante had a closet FULL of fedoras lmao

I mean COME ON.

>> No.7286633

This has pasta potential.

>> No.7286643

Way too obvious. Try again.

>> No.7286646

In time it won't necessarily be.

If you make a friend who is as good as an old one you will still appreciate the loyalty of the first friend.

It's not a bad thing and its not like the new work will get 0 appreciation.

Also in time its not just quality that is taken into account but also influence. Many masterworks are not influential.

>> No.7286669

Are you that guy who wrote Beowulf? Or what was that other one called ... The Epic of ... Dildomesh? Dildomech? heh How's that working out for you?

>> No.7286680



>> No.7286704


Nobody is "supposed to" actually do anything LMFAO.

>> No.7286707


Literally 100% correct

>> No.7286710
File: 446 KB, 1181x1500, aww yeh fuck yeh fuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's it mayn

>> No.7286754
File: 107 KB, 366x280, hibari-kun bed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm pretty sure you don't need to ask permision for someone to be your waifu, /a/ would be in trouble otherwise.
but you should now that my internet heart belongs to Deep & Edgy,

>> No.7287095

Parece que causas furor allí por donde pasas.

>> No.7287423


This is a good answer. The canon of literature shifts with time, but there are obvious cornerstones that shaped storytelling in ways too vast to ignore. Some classics now may disappear with time, but things like Homer and Virgil will remain simply BECAUSE they are good AND old.

>> No.7287493

Because you did it at a time when that classic was already old news and had been digested and regurgitated by the masses where likely you got it from at least in part or whole. Also you are a dickmouth and nobody likes you.

>> No.7287749

Shoulders of giants and stuff. /sci/ducks reinvent calculus in middle school all the time, because there's so many people and our curriculum is obviously leading towards it. In the modern would you get so much exposure to literature and practice writing and so much access to stuff, that there's a lot of literature that is better than most pre-twentieth century literature, and it's not as impressive.