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7282481 No.7282481[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I'm a right-winger. Recommend me books that will convince me to be a left-winger.

>> No.7282484

Eduardo Galeano: Book of Embraces and Open Veins of Latin America

>> No.7282507

are the right/left wing charts in the sticky? if so check them

>> No.7282508

>implying you're here to actually get suggestions
>implying you aren't here to have a /pol/ thread on /lit/

sage and report

>> No.7282522

/pol/ bogeyman helps me sleep at night.

>> No.7282547

>can't suggest any books concerning their beliefs.

>> No.7282573


>> No.7282578

To Kill a Mockingbird
A People's History of the United States
Guns, Germs, and Steel

>> No.7282580

I want to be intellectually honest.

>> No.7282584

Quick, I'm trying to score with a Mormon, will reading Ender's Game and Battlefield Earth allow me to convince her into fucking me?

>> No.7282593

Why don't you ask on /pol/?

>> No.7282598

Depends on whether you're attractive or not

>> No.7282606

All quiet in the Western front
The Painted Bird
Catch 22
The Man without Qualities

>> No.7282607

Capital Vol. 1: How Capitalism rewards people for their systematic exploitation of the working class, by Karl Marx

>> No.7282611

>and now the thread will take off

>> No.7282628

Try learning how to shoot and control the ball with your left foot.

>> No.7282634
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>> No.7282635
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Join a union. You'll turn redder than a fox caught in the tomato patch or some other folksy expression.

>> No.7282637
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>> No.7282639

Manufacturing Consent - Chomsky

Will show you that you're only a right winger because you absorb propaganda.

>> No.7282645

No, I'm a right winger because I hate women, niggers, and kikes. That's just biology

>> No.7282654

I was considering Chomsky.

>> No.7282658

Darkness at Noon

>> No.7282665

His arguments can be applied to any cynical state

>> No.7282667

my diary tbh

>> No.7282681

Rawls' Theory of Justice is probably your best bet if you are talking economics. Also Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money of course. If you mean social policy it's unlikely any books will convince you, but read Montesquiue's Spirit of the Laws for a foundation (good to read regardless as social policy is just one aspect of this highly influential book), and, if you want some more modern radical left, Foucault (probably Discipline and Punish).

Note that "left" and "right" are ultimately meaningless tags that conglomerate a load of disparate positions.

>> No.7282692

MARX Karl, The Communist Manifesto.

>> No.7282712

>Keynes' General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money
The General Theory is a mess... hopefully someday some Post-Keynesian will publish an edition of the General Theory containing extended commentaries. Keynes wasn't that great of a Keynesian

>> No.7282716

Minsky's book John Maynard Keynes is honestly a better version of the General Theory than the General Theory is

>> No.7282766

Just don't read at all.

>> No.7282773



>> No.7282779

>right wingers read less

then why are all the best universities in blue states?

>> No.7282780

The swallowing of cumshot 49

>> No.7282784

>cultural marxism
>politically correct
>best at brainwashing maybe

>> No.7282788

Kekkin' hard at this.

>> No.7282797

it's called the redpill, m8 :^)

It's for ACTUAL intellectuals, i.e. not those who have received higher educaiton (i.e. jewish brainwashing)

>> No.7282800

Is there any study anywhere that says right wingers/conservatives are more well-read, educated, or smarter than liberals? I've yet to see a single one.

>> No.7282805

I think I'll stick with my "higher educaiton" :^)

>> No.7282807

Kekkin' even harder at this.

>> No.7282808


see >>7282784

>> No.7282827

Kekkin' so loud about this.

>> No.7282830

tbh I don't think I could ever go back to being left wing
even if it is a state of blissful ignorance

>> No.7282842

This. They will never realize that if we only purge the Jewish element then capitalist will function without antagonisms, contradiction, and class struggle. They truly are children

>> No.7282845

I think you are missing the point

>> No.7282880

Book reading for anything other than the Bible is for commielitists.

>> No.7282895
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baby steps

>> No.7282902

> imbroglio "leftist"
Assuming you mean generic New Left:

Homage to Catalonia
Gorky's nonfiction
In Dubious Battle
Street Kids (Gibson)
Why We Can't Wait
The Second Sex
The Jungle
The Men We Reaped
Anything by Colette (fap and don't feel poorly)
The Heart is a Lonely Hunter
American Grotesque (essay)
Nobody Knows My Name
If you're patrician, Poor People

>> No.7282913


>> No.7282926

it's just an essay, but read political aspects of full employment by michal kalecki

>> No.7282943
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>convince me to be a left-winger

camp of the saints

>> No.7282959
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don't know how anyone can be a leftist once you remove the veil of egalitarianism
anyway OP try Robert Brenner and Ellen Meiksin Woods

>> No.7283028

You know even Galeano said the book is full of shit right?

>> No.7283064

Killing hope by William Blum

A history book on. How the USA government mainly the Cia subverts and Controls other governments to exploit them economically

The chapter on how we utterly dismantled loas on a physical and cultural level with bombs and withholding food to villages that didn't sent their teenage sons to fight in our private cia armies

Truly disgusting fun fact we dropped more tons of bombs on Laos than Germany and Japan combined

Let that sink In

>> No.7283093

isn't it past your bedtime Chomsky?

>> No.7283094

>All quiet in the Western front

Literally prefaced claiming it's not politically charged.

>> No.7283114
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>> No.7283117

They let me stay up late to listen to NPR if I'm good

>> No.7283150

Only if she's a Jack Mormon.

>> No.7283153
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>never working

>> No.7283156

Kekkin' hard at this.

Kekkin' hard at this.

Kekkin' hard at this.

>> No.7283158

>having reading comprehension

>> No.7283165

>Thomas Sowell
>worth reading

>> No.7283179
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>being this booty blasted

>> No.7283183

True, he isn't. Always ignore and maybe report Sowell posters.

>> No.7283194

You didn't say much, OP. If you meant that by right-wing you think in people being racially and socially different than left's egalitarian beliefs, then nothing will do it. Though left and right positions are quite vague.

>> No.7283195
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>discrediting the most based intellectual alive

>> No.7283202

>Galeano said the book is full of shit right

That's now what he said you idiot. He was talking about the quality of the writing, not the subject matter.

>> No.7283208

>not merely another retard that misunderstood smith

>> No.7283224

She's Mormon. She won't fuck you unless you convert and marry her.

>> No.7283226

Why do you hate women, blacks, and jews?

>> No.7283240
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If you maintain that attitude towards women, blacks and jews, you will not get very far in life.

Your "biology" will end up with you only reproducing with tissue paper.

>> No.7283241

they will say something about biology, you'll ask for a study/evidence, they'll derail

>> No.7283246

>haha xDDD ur virgin

>> No.7283247

jews are smarter/richer than them. blacks are dumber than them. women don't fuck them.

>> No.7283252

No, but saying other people with objectively the same brain as you are "inferior" in some way is really just fucking retarted.

>> No.7283261

>No, but saying other people with objectively the same brain as you
But that's wrong
Empiricists are disgusting.

>> No.7283263

He doesn't, his a leftist pretending to be a poltard

>> No.7283294

>objectively the same brain

>> No.7283319

>objectively the same brain

>> No.7283324

Just study history.

>> No.7283328


>> No.7283329

On the condition of the working class in England.

>> No.7283338

Underrated post

>> No.7283352
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While I agree with the premise, it should be noted that women and men do in fact have different neural connections, thus allowing for a different sort of brain activity and function.

I can't seem to find the journal, but it has been published and peer reviewed

>> No.7283368
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>be national socialist
>leftists think i'm "right wing"
>make me read great socialist books
>agree with books completely
>leftists excitedly ask me if i'm left wing now
>tfw i tell them i'm even more nazi than ever
>tfw third position is best position

>> No.7283377
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If you are on the libertarian side of right-wing, read Ayn Rand. You may like it. She definitely had a strong influence on many ring-wing politicians in power today.

After reading Atlas Shrugged and her nonfiction, actually go read Kant, especially Critique of Pure Reason, for yourself. Read some of the other philosophers Rand criticized. Kant was brilliant, and the insights from Critique of Pure Reason are profound.

You will hopefully see that she was deliberately misinterpreting Kant, if she even read or understood Kant at all. What she really needed was an antagonist for her work.

Also read about Rand's personal affairs. You will see the influence that had toward the end of Atlas Shrugged.

Understanding why Rand is wrong and shallow will help you understand the problems with contemporary conservative politics in the US.

>> No.7283414


I'd suggest you read The Fountainhead instead if you are going to read Rand. It's a few hundred pages shorter, better written (IMO) and contains essentially the same message.

Rather than reading books that will make you left-winger or a right-winger, why not read books that will give you a historical and ideological understanding of the terms Left and Right?

You'll have to begin with a good history or two of the French Revolution.

>> No.7283483
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i saw your thumbnail & instantly went oh god no...then i read your post. thank you.

>> No.7283537

just a reminder that the Bell Curve has yet to be proven wrong

>> No.7283551

dubs of truth

>> No.7283561

I'm a redditor, recommend me some books to make me a 4channer

>> No.7283565

the bell curve is right, iq is not innate, blacks have on average lower iqs because they grow up in shit circumstances

if you want to argue its biology you have to disprove mountains of research on the relatively small genetic difference between racial groups

thanks for playing

>> No.7283580

>blacks have on average lower iqs because they grow up in shit circumstances
yeah it's not like this is controlled for or anything

>> No.7283585

>blacks have on average lower iqs because they grow up in shit circumstances
look everyone its a progressive liberal

>> No.7283589

But that's not true.
Even black babies adopted by white suburban families score lower on IQ tests.

>> No.7283601

>iq is not innate
it's pretty much fact at this point that intelligence is mostly inherited
you gotta catch up with your dogma lad, the new way to explain it is "IQ is meaningless"

>> No.7283617


while i'm rather hesitant of large parts of the left which embrace narratives of race that ignore or downplay class, racism does have a life of its own and that insinuates itself into every crevice of our society

i mean you've wrongly classified me and even if you'd been correct it's not a counter argument, at least the other two managed to something besides just shit themselves

i mean i never did concede that iq meant much, that's exactly why circumstances can affect it, if i'd meant intelligence i would've said

rather than me working on my dogma, seems like you might wanna work on your reading comprehension

>> No.7283619

the grapes of wrath.

anything by Dickens.

>> No.7283644

another piss poor theory trying to explain away the obvious

>> No.7283646


Try some Boorstin. The Image. It isn't explicitly leftist in any way I'm aware of. Maybe Boorstin is or isn't, but it didn't come through strongly in his writing so I don't think you'd find it repellant. It and The Society of the Spectacle are big reasons I am a leftist.

>> No.7283647

>at least the other two managed to something besides just shit themselves
you said IQ isnt innate, i dont have to give you a good reason why im making fun of you - youve already supplied the ammo yourself

>> No.7283673

Just read right wing books critically and you will realize the ideology is self defeating Zionism.

>> No.7283695
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that's the American "right"
really poisoned the well for everyone else

>> No.7283708

Is therw any literature that could convince me that social egalitarianism is in any way desirable?

>> No.7283814

Adam Smith?

>> No.7283848



>> No.7283854
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>> No.7283973

I thought enlightenment era liberals would be a good for this, but I was hoping for something a little more modern.

>> No.7283979

there is no real argument beyond Biblical nonsense or a childish obsession with fairness

>> No.7283984

also can't forget good old fashioned ressentiment

>> No.7283997

Wilkinson & Pickett - The Spirit Level, or for a more rigorous, data-rich approach, Piketty's Capital
Kohn - No Contest for a similar argument
Graeber - Debt for a more over-arching argument about problems inherent to hierarchy in society