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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 205 KB, 444x593, Marx_old.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7270875 No.7270875 [Reply] [Original]

Ask a conservative who likes Marxist literature anything.

And yes, I absolutely think I can reconcile this with my political position.

>> No.7270913


>> No.7270922

You can reconcile 'liking' something with anything.

>> No.7270925

Conservative in what sense? I must imagine that you're more of a Burkean traditionalist, not a hardcore free marketeer.

>> No.7270926

>And yes, I absolutely think I can reconcile this with my political position.

The farther away from the liberal-capitalist you are the better.
So lets hear how your left-conservationism goes.

>> No.7270966

You could easily agree with marx's analysis while being a bourgeois defeding your class interests.

>> No.7270997

What is your favorite Marxist literature?

What does political stance have to do with appreciation of art or beauty?

>> No.7271021

I think the main problem from conservatives stems from their being proles who just support the class structures. Either thinking they or their kids are gonna get there someday, or they are better off a poor working stiff going to church etc.

Whether or not middle and upper-middle class people consider themselves "conservatives" they're liberal, just "right" or "left"

>> No.7271027

This >>7270925

Burke is great though, even if you're left leaning.

>> No.7271029

That's basically me. I think Marx described many real phenomena, but nothing that's totally inevitable. From what I've seen, any uprising by the working class would be absolutely horrifying for everyone, and so I think the best we can do at the moment is to retain some sort of class structure and keep it from going totally over-the-line corrupt.

>> No.7271034

Milbank describes himself as a Burkean socialist, so that makes sense

>> No.7271041

Oh, and Dostoevsky was also very religious, very conservative, and a socialist (even after he got out of prison).

>> No.7271050

Don't hesitate, accelerate.

>But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.
- M*rx

>> No.7271052

What working class uprisings have been horrifying for everyone? Keep in mind that using verticalist vanguardist parties as an example of working class uprisings would be stupid.

>> No.7271055

im a fairly 'reactionary' socialist

>> No.7271075

Any atheist uprising might indeed be terrible, but an uprising tempered by Christian ethics wouldn't be.

>> No.7271082

You are the primordial neocon

>> No.7271089

>It's okay to fuck kids but only their mouth and anus

>> No.7271139

"Terrible" for Christians

Shut up, Christian

>> No.7271155

>what working class uprising have been horrifying for everyone
1. I think most people who fight in civil wars do so because of real or perceived class divisions between themselves and their enemies.
2. There has never really been a fully working-class revolution with no hierarchy. There will always be someone with the intelligence and aggression to lead at the helm, and such people tend to be ruthless.
3. Even a hierarchy-free revolutionary group would be prone to excessive acts of vengeance, and I still don't believe they'd remain free of hierarchy.

Basically anything that promotes Marxist "advancement" also foments a much less satisfactory type of revolution than he describes. Yes, I'm partly resorting to, "muh human nature."

Your own personal brand of Christianity that less than 0.3% of the world identifies with, I suppose.

>Don't hesitate, accelerate.
You seem to imply that I'm in favor of totally free trade. I am not.

>> No.7271156

/lit/ - Karl Marx discussion

>> No.7271164

>You seem to imply that I'm in favor of totally free trade. I am not.
No, I'm implying that the sooner we get full capitalism the sooner we get communism.

>> No.7271167

OP said Marxist literature, not marx/Marxism.

>> No.7271182

Yeah, I can keep up with you there, and so are most intelligent counter-revolutionaries.

>> No.7271191


We're on /lit/ - take your politics into the trash where it belongs.

>Hurr durr it was in a book

>> No.7271204

you can post just a picture of marx and on this board it will get +300 replies

>> No.7271205
File: 127 KB, 436x600, 1426744898839.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You sound upset.

>> No.7271268

How come you don't bring up Wodehouse more often, /lit/man?