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/lit/ - Literature

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7270640 No.7270640 [Reply] [Original]

List them from fiction and from non-fiction. I need to know who to aspire to be.

>> No.7270643

>I need to know who to aspire to be.
A man

>> No.7270649

Also please include a brief description as to why you consider them to be exemplary.

Thank you.

>> No.7270654

Admittedly you are making a salient point. But one cannot make a silk purse from a sow's ear. Please don't waste my time. Thanks

>> No.7270655

My waifu woolf

Also please no feminist discussion, I don't want this thread to take valuable front page space for 3 days

>> No.7270665

Joan Didion
Camille Paglia
Angela Carter
Dorothy Parker
Djuna Barnes
Carson McCullers
Flannery O'Connor
Shirley Jackson
The chick who wrote the Tale of Genji
George Eliot
Jane Bowles
Zora Neal Hurston
Octavia Butler
St. Hildebrand
Virginia Woolf

But those are just my faves

>> No.7270671

You have not explain in your weeaboo lingo, what exactly makes her exemplary. Please try to explain.

>> No.7270675


Angela Carter and Jane Bowles are so underrated on /lit/ tho

>> No.7270677

>Please don't waste my time
You're in the wrong place if being productive is your goal.

>> No.7270693

idk her
shallow and fucked up and a drunk
fucked up
southern and narcissistic
I love her ok I will take this suggestion
don't know her
Yeah she's pretty cool but what do we know about her?
don't know
um......I'm sure she's amazing but I am not black so whatever- i cannot walk her path
dont know
dont know
yeah she seems weak

>> No.7270714

Ludmilla from If On A Winter's Night a Traveler

>> No.7270741

>camille paglia
>flannery o'connor
also emily dickinson

>> No.7270766

I read that once, but long ago. I will revisit it to see what you are refering to.

Here are some I was wondering about:

Mother Theresa
Ma Ingalls
Lucy Pevensie
Sarah Ruth Parker
Harriet Vane
Miss Marple
Queen Esther
Mary (mother of Jesus)
Eleanor Roosevelt
Shirley Temple Black
The Empress Jadis
Lady Aberlin

>> No.7270771


I know you're trolling but disparaging Dorothy Parker is dumb as Shit.

>> No.7270776

Why is it dumb as shit? Being witty and apt is lovely, but insubstantial.

>> No.7270783

Maryam the one who bears God

>> No.7270788

"bears God"? Rephrase that more intelligably.

>> No.7270802

She who carried God within her womb and gave birth to Him.

>> No.7270812


>shallow and fucked up and a drunk
>fucked up

Did you think this post was some kind of smack down? You just described hundreds of great male writers at the same time.

>> No.7270815

ok. sure.....so Mary the Mother of Jesus?
So then, tell me why she was so great. Why did God pick her? How can I be like her?

>> No.7270820

not a smack down. I just want someone who didn't need that shit. I understand a lot of great male writers were that way. A lot weren't too. What's your point?

>> No.7270827

Tori Black
Mia Malkova
Holly Heart
Sun E. Leone
Nicole Aniston
Kagney Linn Carter
Gianna Michaels
Danielle Daniels

>> No.7270829


>I just want someone who didn't need that shit.

You're at the wrong party, then. Neuroses tend to go hand in hand with most great writers.

>> No.7270834

fuck you

>> No.7270840

>I understand a lot of great male writers were that way

>> No.7270841
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>Mia Malkova

ma niggas ass game on point

she is 11/10

>> No.7270843

Neuroses, yes maybe. But never moving beyond them or the fatuous and debilitating worship of ego, means I doubt they had anything relevant to say to me.

If you disagree, sorry boutcha.

>> No.7270857

I am feeling fairly disgusted with this board. I thought for sure that at least SOME of you would have enough gravitas to list a couple of women who are what a woman should be.

This is a really poor showing so far. It makes me wonder about the caliber of men in this place.

>> No.7270863


>all of this self-indicting passive aggression

get a clue you're no paragon of the well-adjusted you arrogant child

>> No.7270862

Check out the works of Plesbi N. London.

>> No.7270876


You are either new or baiting but female author threads get so trolled and shit in that most anon who do give a shit have given up on them. Too many teens and newreaders. Not worth the hassle.

>> No.7270881

Most of the women you rejected as drunks are of higher caliber than any anon can hope for.

Are you looking for a Mary Sue perfect woman character to self insert into instead of female authors?

>> No.7270885

This guy keeps making threads over and over playing faux-naive and we're supposed to be at a loss to name good women writers & he gets owned every time. Wish he'd just give up.

>> No.7270889

Asa Akira is pretty much everything a woman can hope to be.

>> No.7270902

I am not a guy. But I am idealistic enough to insist on wmen who were good without needing chemicals. Even though I tend to need them...

>> No.7270906

Go back to r9k

>> No.7270910

They were good despite, and, in some cases, because of the chemicals and their other life circumstances. Obviously, the same can't be said of you, so why not learn from them or, yanno, the fucking sticky?

>> No.7270911


>I am not a guy.

lol yeah okay bruv

great thread btw your trolls are crazy

>> No.7270927

"yanno" ever hear of "noblesse oblige"? Clearly not.

>> No.7270933
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>Virginia Woolf

>> No.7270939

It's the duty to my lessers by virtue of my privileged education to let them know when they're being retarded. Nietzsche called it downgoing, I believe because he intend you to eat me in repayment.

>> No.7272220

Aspire to be someone that is exemplary enough to be described as "a good XXXX" instead of "a good female XXXX."

>> No.7272230
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Simone Weil

>> No.7272680

aspire not to be a cretinous loser who sells out her own gender for affirmation tbh

i'm not even a big feminist or anything but these displays are sad

>> No.7272683

Abigail Adams (Not even jokin')

>> No.7272711

Why not aspire to be a man? If you try hard enough, you can become a man in all but genitalia. Just believe in yourself.

>> No.7272770

I came to post this. Be like Weil anon.

>> No.7272786


>> No.7272869

Of women one should only speak to men. Thus spoke freddy N

>> No.7272919
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Top kek

>> No.7273091

ya a suicidal, melodramatic writer in the same vein as her contemporaries but notably less talented

all shit except Flannery O Conner

>Mother Theresa
btfo by Dawkins

toppest lel

>> No.7273109

>This is a really poor showing so far. It makes me wonder about the caliber of men in this place.

Is this supposed to incite some change or reflection by us? When have men gotten anywhere taking women's comments about them seriously. Pick the right things to disparage pls, "caliber of men" is huffpo/jezebel language and I'm inclined to think you're baiting but if not, stop posting
>i'm a grill xD
shit and you'll be happier with the responses

>> No.7273114











>> No.7273120

t h i s

judgements are a sad thing. I come here to have my beliefs and ideas brutally challenged because how else would I grow? ppl that keep this stuff up, why not just leave and go to a women's online safe space. You might like time or cosmo

>> No.7273129

Stop yelling. What an aesthetically displeasing way to communicate.

>> No.7273130

1. Eve, the first woman in the Bible
2. Semiramis, queen of the Assyrians
3. Opis, wife of Saturn
4. Juno, goddess of the Kingdoms
5. Ceres, goddess of the harvest and queen of Sicily
6. Minerva
7. Venus, queen of Cyprus
8. Isis, queen and goddess of Egypt
9. Europa, queen of Crete
10. Libya, queen of Libya
11 and 12. Marpesia and Lampedo, queens of the Amazons
13. Thisbe, a Babylonian maiden
14. Hypermnestra, queen of the Argives and priestess of Juno
15. Niobe, queen of Thebes
16. Hypsipyle, queen of Lemnos
17. Medea, queen of Colchis
18. Arachne of Colophon
19 and 20. Orithyia and Antiope, queens of the Amazons
21. Erythraea or Heriphile, a Sibyl
22. Medusa, daughter of Phorcus
23. Iole, daughter of the king of the Aetolians
24. Deianira, wife of Hercules
25. Jocasta, queen of Thebes
26. Almathea or Deiphebe, a Sibyl
27. Nicostrata, or Carmenta, daughter of King Ionius
28. Procris, wife of Cephalus
29. Argia, wife of Polynices and daughter of King Adrastus
30. Manto, daughter of Tiresias
31. The wives of the Minyans
32. Penthesilea, queen of the Amazons
33. Polyxena, daughter of King Priam
34. Hecuba, queen of the Trojans
35. Cassandra, daughter of King Priam of Troy
36. Clytemnestra, queen of Mycenae
37. Helen, wife of King Menelaus
38. Circe, daughter of the Sun
39. Camilla, queen of the Volscians
40. Penelope, wife of Ulysses
41. Lavinia, queen of Laurentum
42. Dido, or Elissa, queen of Carthage
43. Nicaula, queen of Ethiopia
44. Pamphile, daughter of Platea
45. Rhea Ilia, a Vestal Virgin
46. Gaia Cyrilla, wife of King Tarquinius Priscus
47. Sappho, woman of Lesbos and poet
48. Lucretia, wife of Collatinus
49. Tamyris, queen of Scythia

>> No.7273133

50. Leaena, a courtesan
51. Athaliah, queen of Jerusalem
52. Cloelia, a Roman maiden
53. Hippo, a Greek woman
54. Megullia Dotata
55. Veturia, a Roman matron
56. Thamyris, daughter of Micon
57. Artemisia, queen of Caria
58. Verginia, virgin and daughter of Virginius
59. Eirene, daughter of Cratinus
60. Leontium
61. Olympias, queen of Macedonia
62. Claudia, a Vestal Virgin
63. Virginia, wife of Lucius Volumnius
64. Flora the prostitute, goddess of flowers and wife of Zephyrus
65. A young Roman woman
66. Marcia, daughter of Varro
67. Sulpicia, wife of Fulvius Flaccus
68. Harmonia, daughter of Gelon, son of Hiero II of Syracuse
69. Busa of Canosa di Puglia
70. Sophonisba, queen of Numidia
71. Theoxena, daughter of Prince Herodicus
72. Berenice, queen of Cappadocia
73. The Wife of Orgiagon the Galatian
74. Tertia Aemilia, wife of the elder Africanus
75. Dripetrua, queen of Laodice
76. Sempronia, daughter of Gracchus
77. Claudia Quinta, a Roman woman
78. Hypsicratea, Queen of Pontus
79. Sempronia, a Roman Woman
80. The Wives of the Cimbrians
81. Julia, daughter of the dictator Julius Caesar
82. Portia, daughter of Cato Uticensis
83. Curia, wife of Quintus Lucretius
84. Hortensia, daughter of Quintus Hortensius
85. Sulpicia, wife of Cruscellio
86. Cornificia, a poet
87. Mariamme, queen of Judaea
88. Cleopatra, queen of Egypt
89. Antonia, daughter of Antony
90. Agrippina, wife of Germanicus
91. Paulina, a Roman woman
92. Agrippina, mother of the Emperor Nero
93. Epicharis, a freedwoman
94. Pompeia Paulina, wife of Seneca
95. Poppaea Sabina, wife of Nero
96. Triaria, wife of Lucius Vitellius
97. Proba, wife of Adelphus
98. Faustina Augusta
99. Symiamira, woman of Emesa
100. Zenobia, queen of Palmyra
101. Joan, an Englishwoman and Pope
102. Irene, Empress of Constantinople
103. Gualdrada, a Florentine maiden
104. Constance, Empress of Rome and queen of Sicily
105. Camiola, a Sienese widow
106. Joanna, queen of Jerusalem and Sicily

>> No.7273136
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Why is she so perfect, /lit/?
Even if you disagree with her, read her nonfiction and she will become your waifu as well. Such heroic romantic passion! <3