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/lit/ - Literature

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726869 No.726869 [Reply] [Original]

I feel I wasted most of my youth on mainstream stuff.
Harry Potter.
The whole Tolkien series.
So I switched to Terry Pratchett and Stephen King(Dark Tower rulez) before I came to the "Classics".
I am done with "Fight Club" and "Rand",
"The Catcher in the Rye",
half of the the Shakespear Collection
"War and Peace",
most of Isaac Asimov.
and some stuff that might not be of literary importance.

Long story short:
I KNOW the title and synopsis of so much more but what I need is some kind of 3-year-schedule since there wont be much time to spend on reading anymore.

>> No.726873

>I feel I wasted most of my youth on mainstream stuff.
Harry Potter. The whole Tolkien series. etc. So I switched to Terry Pratchett and Stephen King

Oh dear...

>> No.726900

damn it! you beat me to it.

>> No.726903

me too.

>> No.726909

I don't understand what you want op.

>> No.726927


I think he wants us to plan calendar dates for him to read specific books over a 3 year span.

What the fuck OP?

>> No.726931

what a ridiculous thing to ask...

>> No.726937
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>Fight Club

>> No.726943


>> No.726952

wtf !? no!
I just do not know what books I really need to read!
there sems to be a lot >>726927
(OP newfag)

>> No.726954

get a list of classics from somewhere.
put the list to sort in random.

there you go.

>> No.726961


Screw that. How about just fuck off OP. Go to your library and shoot yourself. Someone better than you can write a book about your shit life and no one will read it.

>> No.726988


>> No.726994

>>most of Isaac Asimov.

you realize he has like 500 books right. you cant read the foundation and say youve read most of asimov...

>> No.727010

holy shit this is good.


>> No.727034

Goddamit I am just asking for your advice.
I want to enjoy good literature.
I do not have much time since I have to work to make my bread(or however you sophisticated gentlemen want to put it).
So all I want is a small list with 5 to 10 essential titles/authors plus some short statements.
is there any insult in this?

>> No.727044

OP again
yeah thanks
except that 100 books is way to much.
how about 20?

>> No.727046


No problem bro.

Here's some more lists:

That site has a whole bunch of reading lists. Explore away.

>> No.727045


/lit/ is really the place to come to discuss works once you've read them. Not to come in with no knowledge on any decent works and to ask for recommendations on the basics.

Sorry, OP. But there are other websites and perhaps your local library to go and read some of the obvious classics before you come here to ask for more.

>> No.727054
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Well than you should have said that more clearly in your original post.

here these should keep you busy for a while.

>> No.727065

This is complete horseshit, almost every thread is recommendations or should I read x before y.

>> No.727069

100 books is way too much for a 3 year plan?

>> No.727085


Actually, it is not 'horseshit'. I assume you are OP.
Most recommendation threads on /lit/ are Anons who are making recommendations based on a previous reading list of good books. I.e, having read -this-, they want recommendations based on -that- book.

No one rarely comes to /lit/ asking for recommendations for -good- books, based on poor fantasy novels and a list of a mere 3 or 4 basic classics.

>> No.727089


not op btw.

>> No.727091



>> No.727102

you are wrong.
heres a collection of average threads.
-do my homework
-what book should i read first
-i want to start reading what books should i start with
-troll threads
-and finally arguing about a political/philosophical ideals

>> No.727112


Yes, and they are all non-regulars to /lit/. Thank for backing my point up, OP. Appreciated.

>> No.727116

Well the last one probably is /lit/ regulars, honestly.

>> No.727120


True I suppose, but still. My point remains and is still valid.

>> No.727121

I dont care if they are regulars or not...its those same threads everyday.
also again...not OP

>> No.727129 [DELETED] 


>U mad?

Seriously, /lit/ prefers you come here to start threads with some knowledge on literature.

>> No.727134

>/lit/ prefers
hah, I love this kind of shit.

>> No.727136


Be that as it may, it does not make it ok to come into /lit/ asking newb question where A) other sources are available. and B) /lit/ prefers you too be knowledgable

>> No.727148

>I'd prefer if you'd shut the hell up already.

>> No.727156

OP here; I gotta leave.
like I hinted before I have some kind of live.
so cool down a bit will ya?
thanks again & ciao

>> No.727338

Here are some of my favorites OP
Cat's Cradle (all time favorite)
Lord of the Flies
Sputnik Sweetheart
Catch 22
The Count of Monte Cristo