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7266176 No.7266176 [Reply] [Original]


"10 Scary Books That Will Seriously Keep You Up At Night"

Do you agree with this list?

>> No.7266184

Threats is pretty good. Like a lost David Lynch movie.
Palahniuk is a shit.
Fowles and Bradbury are readable.
The rest I've never heard of.

>> No.7266209

Diary is shit, Hemlock Grove is Twilight Tier, RL Stine is for kids that were born between 1980 and 1985. This is basically a list for women.

You want scary:

Hellbound Heart and Books of Blood - Clive Barker
The Girl Next Door
The Painted Bird
Song of Kali
The Shining, Pet Semetary, IT
Helter Skelter
Child of God
I Have No Mouth and I Must Scream
At the Mountains of Madness

>> No.7266225

Too many racist white cis male shitlords in your list

>> No.7266229

>implying King is any better

>> No.7266257

>no house of leaves, therefore bad list

do you agree /lit/?

>> No.7266261

thanks for posting this, havent been keeping up with the huffington post nearly as much as i should.

>> No.7266280

Am I right in saying that the real reason why The Collector was supposed to be unsettling was because of the spiritual and intellectual poverty of the British lower middle class? Aside from the kidnapping and stuff.

>> No.7266327

how is the girl's "cultural elitism" any better than the kidnapper's autism?

>> No.7266409

Das Kapital should really be on there.

>> No.7266807

You have to judge the story on the contents of the story, and not who the writer's character and morals is like.

>> No.7266823

>Palahniuk is a shit.
This, although Choke was alright, and Fight Club did get adapted into a great movie

>> No.7266870
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haha you got me there. I barely noticed the girl's snobbishness compared to the abductor's philistinism. I wonder what that says about me?