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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 282 KB, 1561x1007, art.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7259602 No.7259602[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Where do you place the arts on a scale of most difficult?

Is this the best scale to date?

Look into your hearts. You know this to be true.

>> No.7259607

>Where do you place the arts on a scale of most difficult?
I don't.

>> No.7259609

this is a bait thread but will get replies despite

>> No.7259611

>easier than rap and acting

I would've liked to have been born a few centuries in the future, so that photography would already be an established art form and the public wouldn't think that anybody can have an opinion on it regardless of how poorly informed they are on the subject

>> No.7259615

How is an epic harder to compose than a play? Have you even read Aristotle's Poetics?

And Beethoven is not the best example for a composer of operas kek

>> No.7259616

>Do not bother just to be better than your contemporaries or predecessors. Try to be better than yourself.
Go fuck your sister so we can write a book about you, it's the only way to redeem yourself from this faggotry OP

>> No.7259621


>> No.7259623

>operatic composition on the top
>literally done by teenagers

and that's not even getting into how stupid a chart like this in the first place

>> No.7259629

>video games

Certified list.

>> No.7259634

>operatic composition

top b8 m8, i had a giggle

>> No.7259635

>not literature
certified indeed, certifies that the author of it is a mong

>> No.7259640

How is operatic composition done by teenagers? Do you even know what it means?

OP here, this isn't an "epic troll thread." I really want to know your opinions

>> No.7259645
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unrelated question since this is a shitty meme thread

What is the most enjoyable/accessible English translation of The Iliad?

>> No.7259659

you just made a list of things you don't understand

>> No.7259664
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Speaking of anime

updated the list

>> No.7259678

>How is operatic composition done by teenagers?

Mozart composed his first opera at age 14, Menotti at 11, and Profokiev at 9

>> No.7259681

kill yourself, weeb faggot

>> No.7259690

>a person who does not have normal intelligence but who has very unusual mental abilities that other people do not have

>> No.7259696

>not at the height of hothousing operatic children

>> No.7259699

None of those are masterpieces. Mozart never wrote exceptionally good operas. You must be thinking of Jehann Bach.

>> No.7259701

What about screen writing?

>> No.7259702

Show me a photographer or writer that came up with anything that could be taken seriously at that age then

>> No.7259712

Fidelio is god tier.

>> No.7259717

They're not masterpieces but for instance Mitridate re di Ponto is still being performed to this day

>> No.7259724

So is Jehann Bach.

>> No.7259725


>> No.7259726

francesca woodman, rimbaud

>> No.7259728



>> No.7259737

Depends. For whom is the movie being written for?

Television shows tend to have a low reading level. They have short sentences. They say few big words. Very simple. Most movies are the same.

Depending on the director, it could be similar to playwright, where a writer must also understand stage presence, camera presence, what colors inflict what emotion, how to draw in an audience, how to focus the audience attention on an actor, the effect of music to invoke emotion, the arch and pitch of words and appeal in the voice.

Screen writing can be simple or complex.

There are none. A savant does not waste time photographing. If you want teenagers taking photographs, check Tumblr or Instagram. Better yet, try your highschool photography class.

Ive seen many a girl fresh out of high school try to start their own photography business. Some with moderate success. Photography is simple

>> No.7259746

Haven't you heard that Jehann also wrote opera?

>> No.7259749

this is obviously bait. all are incredibly hard to master. Anyone can follow a tutorial and eventually learn some of Beethoven's work just as any can rap along to Nas (I'm using Nas as an example because Drake is a talentless industry puppet) but it doesn't mean that said person has the skill of those musicians or has 'mastered' the art. No matter how many times I play Moonlight Sonata I will not have Beethoven's understanding of the piano and no matter how many times I flow along to Illmatic I will never have the raw talent, lyricism and history of Nas.
Just because something appears to be simple, does no make it so.

>> No.7259750

Woodman is a complete hack

Fair enough on Rimbaud

You're arguing that Mozart never work good operas. I'll stop taking you seriously now

>> No.7259752

Mozart never work good at all tbh. Making an opera about Leparello was a mistake.

>> No.7259755

Its P good list TBH,

>> No.7259765
File: 322 KB, 1561x1007, aaayyy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this the best scale to date?

Look into your hearts. You know this to be true.

>> No.7259773

I'm right, faggot.

>> No.7259774

>Big words = good
>Simple words = bad
>photography = tumblr
>photography business = art

Hey champ, how's high school? Still mad at that hipster "photographer" girl who wouldn't put out to you?

>> No.7259782


What the fuck is narrative masonry?

>> No.7259784

I bet you don't like modern opera either

Regardless, it's a phase, soon you'll realize that Mozart's genius while not unparalleled, was still quite significant

>> No.7259785

butthurt photography student detected

>> No.7259786

Modern opera isn't even music. What are you smoking tbh m8?

>> No.7259789



Chart discarded.

>> No.7259790
File: 6 KB, 277x313, 1444744108658.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh leading lines

Photography will never be high class. Deal with it

>> No.7259791

>photography student

Photography is an art, but I'm not stupid enough to spend 250k "studying" it

How can I tell your under the age of 21?

>> No.7259793

> (I'm using Nas as an example because Drake is a talentless industry puppet)
m8 this isn't the 90s anymore, have you heard any of Nas' music in the last decade?

>> No.7259796

go to /classical/ and say it and get flamed m8

>> No.7259799

I like how you can predict the future

I want to make some money betting on next year's Nobel for literature, who's going to win?

>> No.7259801

woodman's taken seriously in the same way rimbaud's latin poems are m8, if not more so. trashing the work ethic isn't the way to go with that one. i suspect you're the teenager writing >>7259737 so lulz stay in school you're as insufferable as the rest of them holden

>> No.7259803

>implying Nas is an outdated reference because it's 20 years old but Beethoven isn't

>> No.7259804

I forgot which writer/composer/painter said it but I think music and writing work on similar levels of complexity. both work in time and are polyphonic. one has to manage themes, motifs, symbols continually throughout the work.
compared to visual arts, it's flat and simple, works only on one plane, with only a few symbols to manage.

>> No.7259805
File: 81 KB, 500x389, having a smoke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not living in a socialist utopian country where education is free

>> No.7259807
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> No matter how many times I play Moonlight Sonata I will not have Beethoven's understanding of the piano
Correct, hence the word composition. His pieces were part of a grander story usually lasting 1 through 2 hours in length.

>No matter how many times I flow along to Illmatic I will never have the raw talent, lyricism and history of Nas.
False, because rapping for two minutes is easier than creating a story with music.

Nas is also a shit rapper who thinks the Egyptians were black

>> No.7259808

which one's that?

>> No.7259810
File: 26 KB, 240x240, KierkegaardDWI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


There is only one best country in the world.

>> No.7259812

They know fuck all about music.

>> No.7259818

>believing the Egyptians weren't black
How can you be so brainwashed?

>> No.7259819

Because you can't and I can discerne that from your tastes of which are inferior to Jehann Bach.

>> No.7259820

yea but i want to see you guy sflame each other like the autists yo uare

>> No.7259822

Beethoven never degenerated into absolute trash through the majority of his career

>> No.7259824

>narrative masonry


>> No.7259826
File: 306 KB, 600x601, blackhistory.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Agreed my friend. So were the Babylonians, the Greeks, the Romans, and the Native Americans

>> No.7259827
File: 506 KB, 642x678, scotland referendum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can attend a shitty college photography course (and probably even get payed for going) but I doubt there is any viable university courses tbh

>> No.7259830

>thinking I'm big words = good man

Your interpretation skills are as sound as your judgement. Which is to say not at all

Regardless, Woodman's a hack, photography is still young enough that hacks like that get elevated above truly good photographers

>> No.7259832
File: 67 KB, 600x634, laocoon-and-his-sons-1348967845_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stonework that tells a story.

You have your sculpted busts of Caesar and Easter Island Heads

Then you have your statues which tell a story in them itself.

>> No.7259834

>being so mad you can't type and words elongate
lol k

>> No.7259836

Is a story about sadomasochistic pederasty worth telling?

>> No.7259837

>he's never seen a statue of Caesar Augustus

>> No.7259838

Where's is cooking ? Ah..forgot you're americans kek

>> No.7259840

> A sculpture representing a person's head, shoulders, and upper chest.

>> No.7259842

>running out of arguments

smh tbqh lad

>> No.7259843

photography is a worthless art. it's "art" is just a leech of bad architecture. photojournalism is the only worthwhile branch of photography.

>> No.7259852
File: 84 KB, 490x520, Dsch30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


True enough. But opera is (ideally) the perfect synthesis of almost all art.

Staging, acting, singing, symphony, and poetry from the libretto. Granted, there are concessions that are made on some for the benefit of others, but I think that Wagner's, Bizets, and Puccini's operas are practically the greatest artistic achievements of humanity.


For others:
>Orchestral composition:
Extremely difficult to make truly great classical music, but I think that that if you're holding them to classical standards (mozart/beethoven/etc) then its only fair to say that poetry and novels are extremely hard as well.

The only one that I really disagree with on "highclass" are theology and carving. I don't understand the distinction between theology and philosphy, or why the former would be harder than the latter.

And as much as i love Escher's woodcuts I don't think it has the same level of nuance of complexity as other paintings. Tesselations are fucking kickass though.

>single instrument

Depends on how pleb you are. Being a masterful pianist or violinist at a young age is a savant level achievement. People like midori or a lot of other child prodigies are by no means "low class"

The rest I can kind of agree with except for novel.

>> No.7259853

Wait what? There were no white people on Earth until the white people migrated into black societies? Where did the whites come from?

I understand that this was written by an idiot, but anyone should be able to see the lack of logic there.

>> No.7259858

>he doesn't know how octavius won over the patricians with a new haircut
it's like you think art and propaganda are hard to intertwine

>> No.7259863
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Is that cause only one in a million people actually cats about sculpting, OP?

>> No.7259867

My god that is fucking incredible. I think that sculptures trump paintings in all honesty. I've seen some incredible paintings in my time, and ones that really fascinate me, but NOTHING is as elegant or as pain staking as looking at that.

>> No.7259883
File: 44 KB, 694x208, Morals-and-Dogma-page-321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>where did the whites come from

>> No.7259900
File: 60 KB, 427x640, giovanni-lorenzo-bernini-1598-1680-neptune-and-triton-c-1622-3-marble-and-copper-1822cm-victoria-and-albert-museum-1345379781_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally, a man who understands.

Found in 1506. Excavated from some Roman ruins

>> No.7259908

i was with on you everything you said until you said midori

midori is literally pleb tier. talentless hack who is 90% marketing and 10% actual skill

>> No.7259925
File: 74 KB, 600x600, b_800_600_0_00___images_artImages_Verdi_requiem_pappano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agreed with your post, but why the fuck did you post picture of Shostakovich

anyway, pic related perfect art

>> No.7259927
File: 110 KB, 774x1032, bernini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7259938
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>> No.7259945
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>> No.7259965

someone post the rape of prosperine

>> No.7259968

I don;t think the Mona Lisa was a watercolor.

>> No.7259985
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>> No.7259992

Let OP be retarded.

>> No.7260006

It also has 'Acting' under Miley and 'Operatic Composition' under Beethoven (yes I know about his one opera still). It's probably supposed to be humor.

>> No.7260037
File: 110 KB, 640x480, EscherAscendingDescending.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was introduce to some amazing sculptures in my mythology class, they almost all leave me in awe. The amount of talent involved in realistically rendering texture, musculature and complex objects in stone is mindblowing.

Midori is far from one of my favorite violinists and many child prodigies lack artistic expression in their playing, but if i remember correctly she played through the Paganini caprices at like the age of 13 or 14. That's FUCKING insane.

Also she has a fantastic recording of Sarasate's Zapateado.

Forgot about Verdi. He's also fucking amazing. I posted Shosti just because i had a picture handy, although he's also one of my favorites.

Shosti doesn't have the same level of philosophy or emotion behind it as someone like Mahler, nor the complexity of a lot of other composers. He didn't really innovate anything, but he made A LOT of REALLY good music none the less.

His quartets are among the best ever made imo, his piano concerto, violin concerto, and 5th/9th/10th/7th symphonies are some of my favorites.

>> No.7260047

I agree with the symphonies though cant shake the feeling of mediocrity (well, relatively of course) of him after I read Stravinsky's opinion on him.