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/lit/ - Literature

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7251093 No.7251093 [Reply] [Original]

I just started a job that requires me to travel 3 hours every day. What e-reader is the best one?

Money is no object

>> No.7251134

The top of the line ereader is the kindle Voyage, but that's really just a Paperwhite with some added stuff

>> No.7251142

wait i just googled it and it says in november there's coming the voyage 2
should i wait for that?

>> No.7251153

Amazon hasn't actually announced anything about it, but if you feel like waiting, go ahead

>> No.7251168


>> No.7251186

just get whatever the cheapest kindle there is out there

>> No.7251193

but i want the best not the cheapest
i'm from /v/, i've never read a book before besides the short story i have no mouth and i must scream

>> No.7251196

Just buy both, if money is no object

>> No.7251199

i don't like wasting stuff

>> No.7251288

Why would you buy the best just for light reading?

Think of somebody buying a flagship phone just to answer calls.

Just get a cheap kindle.

>> No.7251292

I hope you recycle then fam

>> No.7251297


Why do you need an e-reader? It's not like if you're reading one book 3 hours isn't enough

>> No.7251308

because i never used to take the train before taking this job, now i spend 3 hours in one every fucking day

i want to spend the majority of that time reading stuff

>> No.7251311

i spend 3 hours of my day every day in a train with mostly ugly people and shit

>> No.7251354


So why is an e-reader better than a book?

>> No.7251362

i want to pirate books

>> No.7251377

You are going to buy a $200+ e-reader.
You could buy plenty of used and new books with that money.

>> No.7251383

i'm too lazy for that

>> No.7251449

Mh... I'm thinking about buying one because I've ended up with almost all bibliography from college in digital formats and I'm not going to print or buy them to be able to check them. But if you just want to read something you could perfectly just take a book with you, that's why people are asking. If you take a novel and a short story collection then you should be able to keep yourself interested for at least a month. And if you're going to read a book a month you could amass an impressive collection of things you actually read and know.

>> No.7251471

i'm used to having everything electronically like on my phone pc or laptop so I kind of want to continue doing that

>> No.7251524


You don't really sound like someone that reads. What authors do you like?

>> No.7251543


>> No.7251554

Or, OR, have near infinite amount of books on his e-reader. I prefer physical copies, but come the fuck on, an e-reader is fantastic.

>> No.7251556

If you want to read only and only books get a Kindle Voyage (199 usd)

If the screen of the average e-reader is too small for you, get a Boox M96 (399 usd). It's an e-ink devices with access to google play that works relatively well with pdf's.

My personal recommendation is a Nook Tablet HD or HD+ (199usd and 299 usd respectively). The downside is the short battery span (hours compared to the months of the kindle). The plus side is that you can read anything - mobi, epubs, pdf, without any problem at all; the other advantage that you won't need if you're reading plain-text books is colour, which makes reading magazines or comics a far better experience that reading them on a e-reader.
Plus, it's a tablet, so like a small computer you can watch movies, get some videogames if you get bored and other stuff.

>> No.7251563

thanks m8 great info

>> No.7251574

If you get an ipad, you can get the kindle app and just pirate books online if you want that, plus you can do all the other shit that ipads can do.

>> No.7251577 [DELETED] 

i don't want

>> No.7251584

i don't want a bright screen but a dim one like ereaders have, they look like books

>> No.7251585


Just kill urself m8

if you buy an e-reader you will never use it

why do you even want to read

>> No.7251598

i want to appear smart when people are sitting next to me on the train

if i do what i really want to do, ie play videoames on my handheld or mobile phone, they will laugh at me inside

>> No.7251611


Just give up on life you autistic fuck

>> No.7251624

how abot you go ufckyourself
books wil never be as good an artform as videogames simply because we have


while books only have story

kill yourself

>> No.7251645
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Just set the bright accordingly.

>> No.7251649


What are you doing on this board?

>> No.7251656

read the op
i dont want to appear like a manchild to people sitting nxt to me who can see what im doing

>> No.7251658


>> No.7251662


What do you even intend on reading with your e-reader?

>> No.7251665

i dont know yet but something like i have no mouth and i must scream but less depressing

>> No.7251681


This is either a brilliant troll or a complete retard.

>> No.7251700

Anything by Osamu Dazai.

>> No.7251709

>Finishing an infinite amount of books
Cemo en, sen.

>> No.7251727

Didn't know you were supposed to play books. Guess I've been doing it wrong.

>> No.7251730

Only a couple proper replies.

I have the first generation Kindle Paperwhite. It's great. It's got a good screen, good resolution. It's also backlit, but it's variable, so you can turn it down. If you're going to pirate books you don't need the 3G version.

It reads .mobi and .azw. It reads .pdf too, but they always display shitty on eReaders. It doesn't support .epub, but that's no problem because you can convert to .mobi with a program called Calibre, which is free too.

You can't go wrong with the Paperwhite as far as I'm concerned. Hope this was helpful.

>> No.7251736


>> No.7251746

Correct me if I'm wrong, I might be hallucinating, or missing some joke here, but: >>7251709 >/v/

>> No.7251758

Read the thread m8

OP is from /v/, hasn't read a single book. Yet he wants to buy an expensive e-reader he's most likely not gonna use.

It would be cheaper if he started with a couple physicals and then get an e-reader if he actually catches the habit.

>> No.7251766

My bad.

>> No.7251772

>You could buy plenty of used and new books with that money.
that take up a fuck load of space and smell like old people

i've got the kindle fire op. it's pretty good for pirating books like you said. im not sure whether this is top of the line or what but it's done everything i've needed. i can't lie though, it's primary use has been a portable porn player for when im in bed.

>> No.7251943

i want english

>> No.7251951

it is, thanks

>> No.7251957

i read i have no mouth and i must scream

i might wait until next month if they are releasing a new one

>> No.7253066

What's the text to speech like on the fire?

>> No.7253083

A smartphone.
Also doubles as a general purpose computer.

>> No.7253268

Seriously, this.

>> No.7253314

my nook has never failed me once.

but don't buy it if you don't live in the US. that was my mistake

>> No.7253597

Its pretty terrible. But why would you even bother when you can use the immersive reading feature and whispersync with audiobooks instead?

>> No.7253818
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This bait is amazing

>> No.7253997

this, amazon will allow you to view all your e-books on your phone. Then if you decide to get a proper kindle or some other e-reader you can transfer them without any trouble.

>> No.7254004


There is no best. They are all functionally the same with minimal improvements over each other. Just find the one you like holding best.

>> No.7254213

>money is no object
i hope you get eaten by salamaders

>> No.7255070


>> No.7255837


>> No.7257720

Have you ever even tried an e-ink screen? that's fucking retarded

also op get a kindle voyage or kobo aura HD

>> No.7257725

Or the new Kobo Glo HD ofc, Aura HD is a bit older

>> No.7257737

My sister has a Kobo, I plan on buying one but I would still think a smartphone is the better choice if you had to pick only one.

>you most likely already have one
>more customizable

>backlight always on
>less pleasing to the eyes

Battery is not an issue for me since my phone lasts a day without charging anyway.

>> No.7257743

have you even read what op's been talking about?
he'll probably never use it after a while.

>> No.7257763
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>/lit/ - my personal blog

i bought a kobo (the big e-ink one) a while back

the ereader as such is adequate. although page turn lag occasionally pops up the benefits of having a built-in light and dictionary are great. the battery life is crazy good.

but i never use it. why? because ebooks suck. i find it horrible to read these ocr things full of spelling errors and trying to act like a real book by including a low resolution jpg of the cover and a copyright page. it's just horrible.

i realized i can only stand to read pdfs because with pdfs everything is properly typeset and i much prefer that to the horrible 'dynamic sizing' idea of the ebook. the problem is pdf support is laughable on the kobo, and the screen is too small for a typeset page.

i am seriously considering just buying an ipad to use as an ereader.

>> No.7257840

How do people have the energy to read before/after work?

>> No.7257844

l2find good files instead of googling "harry potter free eBook"

>> No.7257877

If you actually want to read, smartphone is a horrible choice, if you ever even see a e-ink screen, you'll realize why.

>> No.7257881

>these ocr things full of spelling errors
You're horrible, just torrent some mobis or epubs.

>> No.7257891

I stated that my sister has a Kobo so it was obviously implied that I already know what e-ink looks like.
The LCD screen of my smartphone looks fine to me, not as comfortable as e-ink but it's not as bad as you pretend it is.
You probably believe in myths like "computer screens cause eye strain".
What causes eye strain is prolonged focus on a single object, muscles constantly shifting to read text and bad habits like not blinking enough, all these things happen even with physical books.

>> No.7259403

so you're one of those 300 lbs girls who spend hundreds of dollars on lululemon workout gear?

>> No.7259431

what? i'm not a girl but how did you know i'm overweight?

>> No.7259466

you have that fatass mindset.

>> No.7259469

fuck off with your thin privilige

>> No.7259474

send it to me, plz ;.;

>> No.7259479
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don't worry, once you're bored of your new e-reader you can simply let it gather dust on top of your unused treadmill. It can also make a great paperweight!

>> No.7259500

fat shaming is literally the edgiest thing there is, kill yourself

>> No.7261651

>fat shaming is literally the best thing there is, beat yourself off

I agree

>> No.7261795


others may call me a dirty shill, and may talk shit about it, but you can side load all the epubs you want onto those babies.

>> No.7261822


Meh. I liked the Sony Pocket Edition personally. Hella battery life, smaller than most other e-readers, metal housing, not much memory, but then again ALL it did was books so it didn't need much. I gave mine away to a buddy after getting a big Daily edition and have to say I preferred the pocket edition more.

To be fair though, as long as you have an e-ink display and use Caliber to convert pdfs and shit into the appropriate size and what not, you are golden.

Just don't get anything that uses a display other than e-ink for reading.

>> No.7261830

>Just don't get anything that uses a display other than e-ink for reading.

Listen to this faggot. There are many e-readers that try to be a middle point between tablets and ereaders with LCD screens and they are all Frankenstein abominations

>> No.7261855


True. The LCD screens HAVE gotten better, but they gobble power and are still way harder on the eyes than e-ink. My sony readers go months between charges, had a Nook that couldn't last a god damned week. E-ink not only is easier on the eyes, but it consumes ZERO power when displaying content. If you want to do night reading there are some that offer that low light glow shit that is supposed to be pretty good. An e-reader WITHOUT a touch screen is better than one with a touch screen too. The touch screen stuff on the surface adds glare that can be distracting. It is a minor annoyance, but it is still there.

Like I said, in terms of comfortable to hold, long battery life, a simple functional reader with no frills, the Sony Pocket edition is probably one of the best e-readers out there. No text to speech, notes, or dictionary apps or anything of that nature, no mp3 player or anything else. It is solely for books and books alone and it is fucking great for that sole purpose.

It is the one I recommend for people's first e-reader constantly and it is a damn shame they are harder to find, but they still will only run you about $50 and they handle conversions great even if you don't use Caliber (which you fucking should to manage all your e-books).

Sony readers also offer the ability to electronically check out books from libraries for some strange as hell reason too. I don't know if that is useful to your or not, it wasn't useful to me at all since the only thing my libraries offer are African American lit and reference books.

>> No.7263569

>flee /v/ because of the sonygger infestation
>it's just as worse on this board


>> No.7263742


Nah, Sony e-readers are just the best readers that allow you to use pretty much any text file well without a bunch of reformatting and also allows you to check out library books with them as well if the service.

If you are using Caliber, just pick whatever you want.

>> No.7263898

smells fishy, like on /v/

>> No.7264485

You mistyped Kobo there buddy.

>> No.7264503

Meh. I just read off of my Galaxy Note 4, turn the brightness super low, and use nighttime view.

>> No.7264533

Hmm if that's the reason I'd advise something that supports epub and mobi and stuff. Last time I checked kindle only supported kindle files but maybe they changed that. I always liked my sony reader (trs-1 or something), it's been a companion for like 4 years now, is still perfectly functional and does the same job every other reader does.
I'd advise going into a store and testing different ones though. As i said, they all pretty much do the same thing but maybe you'll like one screen or a certain function better.

>> No.7264539

LCD screens have no bad effects on the eyes at all.
Computer screens have this bad fame because old CRTs were shit and were too slow to update, causing that flickering effect.
If eyes were easily damaged by light we wouldn't even exist in a world with a fucking huge and bright sun.

Like I said in >>7257891, it's other unrelated factors that cause eye strain.

>> No.7264968

Pretty sure calibre will convert to whatever file type you need fam

That said I'd probably just use a tablet or your phone to read and use black background + white text to save battery power, e-readers are laggy junk. + you could just torrent books directly and not have to sync shit

>> No.7265028

Black pixels don't save power unless it's an AMOLED screen, what matters is the backlight intensity.
Also white text on black background causes more eye strain.
The best combination is black on light gray, the lower contrast is easier on the eyes.

>> No.7265057

I forgot to mention that if you have astigmatism or are just plain sleepy the white text on black will "bleed" and will harder to read, this doesn't happen with black on white so easily.
If you are worried about the light messing with your sleep schedule you can install flux (pc) or twilight (android) which reddens the screen, blocking the blue light which is what fucks up with your sleep.