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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 6 KB, 250x250, Big man on Hampus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7254300 No.7254300 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone here read Swedish literature?

If so, what's your favorite Swedish work?

>> No.7254308

the films of Roy Andersson

>> No.7254313
File: 98 KB, 479x750, Framsida_Den_allvarsamma_leken[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hjalmar Söderberg is probably my favourite Swedish author. Den Allvarsamma Leken (The Serious Game) is to me the perfect Swedish novel. Pic related. His other novels are great too, but they all feel very similar to each other.

Favourite Swedish poet is Harry Martinsson with his epic Aniara. Probably the most beautiful use of the Swedish language ever produced.

Röde Orm (The Long Ships) by Frans G. Bengtsson is also a personal favourite. But it feels more like an adventure novel than "serious literature", even so it has a special place in my bookshelf.

Currently been getting into Pär Lagerkvist, and what I've read so far has been absolutely amazing.

>> No.7254334

Norwegian lit > Danish lit >>>>>> Swedish "lit"

>> No.7254336

Prose: Moa Martinson.

Verse: Tomas Tranströmer.

>> No.7254340

Danish lit exists?

>> No.7254343

Hampus <3

>> No.7254344


I like to read My Struggle as I hang out in my shed.

>> No.7254346
File: 15 KB, 201x325, den-allvarsamma-leken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this cover tbh

>> No.7254352

Not Swedish fam.

That's just awful.

>> No.7254353

konventsmaffian finns fan överallt

>> No.7254356

Hopefully bait

>> No.7254363
File: 22 KB, 630x350, Yahya_HAssan_788776y[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he hasn't read the greatest poet of our generation yet

>> No.7254542


I've just read Kjell Askildsen's selected stories, really liked it, don't know if it's typical of Norwegian lit though. Where do I go from here, other contemporary short ficiton writers, or should I start with their modernists like Knut Hamsun?

As for Swedish lit, all I know is Stringberg which is not quite my cup of tea, don't know anything from denmark

tfw when grandparents are swedish immigrants but dad never taught me swedish and the only swedish books he has are henning mankel and some other crime writers

>> No.7254555

Tranströmer tbh

>> No.7254633
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>> No.7254703

Did Hampus ever post here on /lit/? I wonder what kind of books he read.

>> No.7254734

>Röde Orm (The Long Ships) by Frans G. Bengtsson is also a personal favourite. But it feels more like an adventure novel than "serious literature", even so it has a special place in my bookshelf.
Fuck yes. It's a very impressive work and shouldn't be disregarded as 'just' an adventure novel, the style is similar to the Icelandic Sagas and constrains itself in that regard.

>> No.7254742

I've read Stig Dagerman's "A German Autumn" or something. It's very, very forgettable.

>> No.7254785

>people actually believe this

Danish poetry is garbage. It's surging right now because it's fashionable to write "political" "poems"

>> No.7254798

Thomas the Transformer's Schubertiana is my fav.

>> No.7254829

what was that guys name? i haven't been to /mu/ since 2012

>> No.7254841

and i dont mean his first name

>> No.7254847

btrl if you mean the name he posted with but if you want his full name it's Hampus Gronvall.

>> No.7254848

>It's surging right now because it's fashionable to write "political" "poems"

Poems with political themes are literal trash.

>> No.7254857

They're mostly just prose with phrasical line breaks, too, so there's barely any point in calling them "poetry." It's more like short essays without any commas

>> No.7254858

biotroll was what i was thinking of

>> No.7254864

>It's more like short essays without any commas

Solid exposition/10

>> No.7254867

Ah okay. Is migration from /mu/ to /lit/ common? I saw a thread a month ago talking about it.

>> No.7254873

check the image name

>> No.7254924

He was talking about the name he posted under.

>> No.7254927

i dunno i see old /mu/ memes and death grips pics and stuff here sometimes though

>> No.7255040

yeah, eventually you kind of outgrow pitchfork music, i mean i still listen to the latest indie music fads daily, but i feel no need to post about it all day on a website, literature leads to slightly more stimulating conversations than debating the merits of this or that critically acclaimed album...

>> No.7255048

>death grips pics
>on /lit/
pls no
>eventually you outgrow pitchfork music
I don't think it's that. I think it's more of how shitty /mu/ is now.

>> No.7255152
File: 93 KB, 801x1116, Albrecht Dürer selvportræt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would say:
Denmark for overall (With Kirkegaard and HC Andersen).
Sweden for Poetry.
Norway for oil.
The two best authors from Scandinavia are danish.

I am a dane btw.

>> No.7255184

As the priest said in the emigrants the men who moved to America lose their soul.

Came here to say Aniara but as it has been mentioned twice i can recommend Erik Stagnelli instead he has some neat stuff.

Also I met hampus cousin once he told me that I reminded him of old hampyboi, that is when i knew i had ascended to patricianhood.

>> No.7255187
File: 14 KB, 200x315, en.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading this.
Its pretty fun so far. I tend to like depressing themes in my swedish litrature, proble because sweden is an awfully depressing country.

>> No.7255194

Emanuel Swedenborg is he cool?
Would like to know if anyone here has read him.

>> No.7255201

I browsed /mu/ from 2011-2013, I can attest to this.

>> No.7255202
File: 1.96 MB, 230x173, 1439061524496.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>He doesn't know Soren Kierkegaard

>> No.7255204


Start with the Íslendingasögur

>> No.7255208

Red room

>> No.7255214

is it actually shittier though? it's the same old shit, it's just as the years go by you do a thread for each BNR album, a few threads for every genre, etc. and eventually you just run out of shit to talk about. the amount of music that's discussed on /mu/ is very limited, if you browse daily you run through all the content pretty quick.

>> No.7255216

I did as well

>> No.7255235

kierkegaard was a philosopher not a literature, try Jens Peter Jacobsen if u want some real danish lit not the prattling of a confused christfag trying to be a philosopher

>> No.7255256

what about HC Andersen

>> No.7255255


Are you familiar with the works of Kierkegaard? His philosophy is mostly in prose.

>> No.7255268

>Also I met hampus cousin once
You mean the tripfag known as Mouse?

>> No.7255278


>> No.7255284
File: 9 KB, 508x497, 1433534089411.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hej favä

>> No.7255292

lol, du vet inget

definitiv brofist, mitt tips är att läsa Sara Lidmans jernbane epos. Extremt vacker skriven. Bland de bästa sverige har att erbjuda.

>> No.7255296
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>> No.7255318
File: 38 KB, 325x358, 1425221539499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is going on in this thread

>> No.7255359

Köpte hennes bok "Hjortronlandet" för ett tag sen men har inte kommit fram till den än. Får väl placera den högre upp på prioriteringar då.

>> No.7255373

Hjortronlandet tillhör inte Jernbane-eposet men det duger väl. Jo samt.. Ormens väg på hälleberget av Torgny Lindgren.

En av de mörkaste böckerna jagläst.

>> No.7255414

>Ormens väg på hälleberget

Verkar väldigt intressant. Lägger till den till listan.

På tal om mörka böcker så hörde jag nyligen talas om Autisterna av Stig Larsson. Tydligen en av Knausgårds favoritböcker. Får bli en rejäl beställning av svenska böcker från adlibris snart.

>> No.7255430

Jag vet att man bör undvika att vara internetelitistisk på svenska, eftersom man hör hur patetiskt det är.

>> No.7255443

>that filename
my sides

>> No.7255451


>> No.7255464

Eller åtminstone undvika att vara elitisk och anvnända frasen "definitiv brofist".

>> No.7255512

I remember that guy from a few years ago, those were the times.

>> No.7255518

Millenium, aka "the cuck", Tetralogy

>> No.7255525

>that artwork
if only i could have a qt like that

>> No.7255630

>not Ruben Östlund

>> No.7255645

>not Per Åhlin

>> No.7255647

I've read Dagerman's Burnt Child.

I enjoyed it, although pretty much everybody is a cuck in this book.

>> No.7255666

Dvärgen av Lagerkvist är helt otrolig

>> No.7255675

it's fucking weird to see your own RL name posted on lit like this

>> No.7255688

One time I came across a guy who's named Hampus irl. I had to try really hard not to laugh.

>> No.7255696


>> No.7255767

Kierkegaard and HC Andersen aint got shit on Ibsen and Hamsun

>> No.7255918


browsed /mu/ from 2008 to 2013

>> No.7256088
File: 15 KB, 313x475, 10517831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what's your favorite Swedish work?
Kallocain, Nina och sundet, Bombi Bitt och jag, Aniara, Den allvarsamma leken, Marionetterna, Singoalla.
Any of these.

>> No.7256112

Get the fuck out of here /mu/.

>> No.7256281

guilty of this.

>> No.7256293

this tbh fam >>7255918

>> No.7256347

/my/ was killed by generals and faggots from reddit

>> No.7256907
File: 30 KB, 500x268, 500x268px-LL-74528a1e_raughs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Country of hack writers that only know how to do best-selling mystery crap.

I will go to a local book festival in my country, where a few "novelists" were invited, only to laugh at people who like sweedish literature.

>> No.7256959
File: 89 KB, 323x311, 1423197700188.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Danish "literature"

>> No.7258605
File: 91 KB, 298x288, Hampus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump for Swedish literature

>> No.7258646

i didnt know the swedes had a written language, or any other african country really

bump for inthirst

>> No.7258779

Swedish people come from Shibuya, idiot

>> No.7259831

The problem with /mu/ for me is that I just don't enjoy discussing music with people anymore, unless they're really knowledgeable and are capable of pointing out things in a score.

When it comes to literature I'm kinda plebby so I can still fit in here at /lit/.

>> No.7259855

i once tried to talk about chord substitutions in blues progressions in some songs by lee morgan and nobody responded because /mu/ is a trash heap

>> No.7259872

>this is the level of musical knowledge /moo/ has
If only the captcha required you to analyze a Webern bagatelle or something. But then we'd have a grand total of 3 people posting on em you.

>> No.7259970

most of my music knowledge is confined to jazz and common practice. do you know of any books that cover the history and theory of serial and/or atonal music?

>> No.7260029

There's really not one book that covers the wide range of everything 20th century composers did as far as I know.
My composition teacher always recommends Ton de Leeuw's Music of the 20th Century though.

>> No.7260030

Also the writings of Schönberg himself obviously. I can't really dig his style of writing though.

>> No.7260053

many thanks.

>> No.7260070

Just a word of warning though, reading about music like that can be very dry. At least it is to me, so be sure to mix it up with listening to new music and analyzing it (with score in hand).

>> No.7261397
File: 54 KB, 317x475, the dwarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

only one I've read
pretty good. I wondered if it might have influenced Kosinski's Steps, small vignettes rather simply but elegantly told that build in creepiness and violence.

>> No.7261421

Fucking Strindberg