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/lit/ - Literature

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7251329 No.7251329 [Reply] [Original]

Which translation for the Iliad?

>> No.7251338

Chapman. All other are pleb answers.

>> No.7251343

Pope > Chapman

>> No.7251350


>> No.7251357


>> No.7251365

Thanks for the answers, an argument for your choices would be nice too.

>> No.7251387

If you're reading for fun, than Fagles or Lombardo (I prefer the latter) for a modern poetic style, Pope if you prefer an archaic poetic style.

If you're reading Homer to learn what the Greeks thought was so important about his epics, than go with Lattimore or Fitzgerald.

>> No.7251391

I've only read Fagles. There is a website where you can compare them, though.


There you go.

>> No.7251411

I recently researched this question by taking a bunch of translations out of the library: Lattimore, Fitzgerald, Fagles, and Merrill.

I decided I prefer Fitzgerald's. It flows and is easy to read like the Fagles, but it's more poetic and dignified. Its language is richer. Fagles's language seems to me flat and bland, like a slice of bread. Not offensive, not hard to swallow, but no flavor. And he sometimes dips into colloquial vulgarisms like "cramp my style" and "knows the ropes."

Lattimore's translation is good and accurate, and it uses those long Homeric lines to try to capture the sense of the Greek in English, but it doesn't match Fitzgerald in poetics, I think. Where Lattimore has Zeus telling Hektor he'll "guarantee power to you to kill men," Fitzgerald has "give Hektor power of massacre," which is a phrase that's stuck with me. And Merrill? He renders it in an insistent dactylic hexameter that sounds to me like a metronome going in my head or something. Not for me.

So I recommend Fitzgerald.

>> No.7251482

Thanks, that's a big help.

>> No.7251492

lattimore is the most true to the original

>> No.7251536

A.T. Murray


>> No.7251570

Pope's translation is technically good, but incredibly boring.

>> No.7251769

I'm trying to decide also.
Pope vs Fitzgerald?

>> No.7251778


>> No.7251962

Pope and Fitzgerald are both good choices, but they're from different centuries. Try the Pope and see if you like it, then decide.

>> No.7252150
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Merrill, because he not only puts it in Homer's meter, but he is very faithful besides. A joy to read

>> No.7252275
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I got the Fagles translation, this is my first time reading the Iliad, but the introduction is massive.

Will finishing it help me out to understand the Iliad or should I just skip it?

>> No.7252283

i would consider reading it. you seem like a braindead retard who needs others to make the slightest decision for you, so any help would be good for someone as stupid as you.

>> No.7252450

Has anyone read the Samuel Butler translation? Is it any good?

>> No.7252472

If you don't mind a slight hijacking, any recs on Plato translations?

>> No.7252520

don't be like that

>> No.7252563

Look up the Focus Philosophical Library. That, or anything from U of Chicago.

>> No.7252574

well, how about I just knock you flat on you're ass you troll, that sound any better to you? just name the time and the place and i'll be there.

>> No.7252600


>> No.7252605

I also recommend Fitzgerald. I read Fagles as an undergrad, but when I started teaching the poem, I decided I preferred Fitzgerald's language and more-faithful spellings of names.

>> No.7252608

something about 4chan engenders such a reliance on the hivemind for the most pointless things

>> No.7252613

Do you know basic Greek mythology? Know the golden apples story and shit? If yes, then skip it.

>> No.7252618


>> No.7252681

are you okay?

>> No.7252689

Lombardo is the man.

>> No.7252690


>> No.7252691

what are you talking about?

>> No.7252723

4chan makes people stupid and ask dumb questions

>> No.7252755

i guess but it can show people things that they would have never found if they didn't come here

>> No.7252767

so can taking a trip in your local crackhouse.

>> No.7252770

>"cramp my style"
Why would anyone in their right mind do this?

>> No.7252777

you sayin' i can find calvino and borges together in a crack-house?

>> No.7252781

Which translation do I read if I'm trying to start with the Greeks?

>> No.7252787

the best one obviously

>> No.7252795
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while we are at it, is this chart legit?

>> No.7252797


βρώμιkο πληβείοι

>> No.7252811

What does your heart tell you?

>> No.7252814

It's good for what it is.

It'd be a lot better if it said why some translations are better and had textual comparisons, etc. But there's only so much space.

>> No.7252828

My heart tells me to trust in /lit/, but not blindly.

Thank you anon. I can sleep now

>> No.7252847

Thoughts on E.V. Rieu?

>> No.7254254

Penguin Classics tier.

>> No.7254404

whats that supposed to mean?

is penguin classic's supposed to be bad or something?

>> No.7254482

My Classics professor wife suggests the Lattimore translation to everyone

>> No.7254490

I also suggest the Lattimore translation.

>> No.7254497

New: Lattimore or Fitzgerald
Old: Chapman or Pope

Choose any of these and you won't have chosen badly.

>> No.7254538


>> No.7254549

Ok, what about the Odyssey?

>> No.7254755
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im sorry, i just asked because you are the guys who know this stuff and i trust you guys

i barely started with the greeks, that's why I'm asking.

not really i guess I'll stick with reading it.

i actually already started it and it's pretty interesting.

>> No.7254768


>> No.7254786

--> >>7252574

>> No.7254789


>> No.7254790

how bout I fucking drop you wanker cunt; bet you're an american you fucking batty

>> No.7255877
File: 151 KB, 515x656, Verity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anthony Verity- the new Oxford UP version