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7250520 No.7250520 [Reply] [Original]

In your opinion, what qualifies a writer (or any artist for that matter) a hack?

>> No.7250529

Being published in a journal

>> No.7250573

Selling any of there work.

>> No.7250580

Someone who seeks and exploits weaknesses in a computer system or computer network.

>> No.7250584


Not releasing it posthumously.

>> No.7250616

so basically what i'm getting here is that it is a meaningless pejorative?

>> No.7250665

No, what you're getting is a load of shitposts.

I consider a hack to be someone with little original thought; one who has figured out what will get his book to sell loads and subsequently allows the quality of his work to slip in favour of meeting deadlines and such.

There are exceptional authors who have their market, blazing production speed and top quality writing, but they're rare.

Hack authors are sellouts.

>> No.7250676
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Following on from that, actually, I also consider one a hack when they deliberately choose to be monumental faggots and sell their soul by writing clickbait, femidrama and "game journalism", but obviously have solid style and worthwhile talent.

Obviously my opinion is my own. I'd like to see what other definitions are bouncing around for people.

>> No.7250692

my definition?
somebody too willing to please. willing to jump through hoops for some imagined consumer. writing what they think people want to hear rather than what they want to say.

>> No.7250704

Look up the definition of hackneyed.

It's fairly clear what a hack is.

>> No.7250713

Someone I dislike for whatever reason.

>> No.7250714

Someone who needs more Rand in their life?

>> No.7250720

I see someone as a hack when their writing is focused on appealing to the largest audience possible at the expense of any artistic credibility. When an author puts out the same style of book with little to no variation beyond the names of characters and puts no effort into their writing beyond coming up with some "epic" story or some "twist" at the end.

Of course, it's hard to discern between someone's genuine artistic efforts and work devoid of artistic merit, especially when you get into discussing what art is, so to actually define someone as an objective hack is hard to do.

Personally, I'd consider writers like J.K. Rowling (and all the Harry Potter copycats), Suzanne Collins (and all the Hunger Games copycats), E.L James, Stephen King, etc all to be hacks. Furthermore, Chuck Palanhiuk, Khaled Hosseini, etc are arguably hacks too, and I'd consider them so, but some wouldn't. Stephen King could maybe be put in this category, too.
I'd say that the typically mundane 'holiday reads' and 'crime thrillers' that fill the shelves of walmart are obviously written by hacks, too.
Even more ambitious, 'artistic' writers can end up falling into a style they know is popular and forfeiting creativity and experimentation for mass appeal or convenience (I'd consider Murakami to fall in to this category, for example; some of his work is incredible, such as Kafka on the Shore, A Wild Sheep Chase, perhaps A Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, but then a lot of it is the same "girl disappears, lonely easy-going young adult is sad and wants to find her, he gets hard over some ears, etc stuff that gets boring after two repetitions).

Hope that helped OP. Just my opinion.

>> No.7250725

Who is this semen demon

>> No.7250730

Could you elaborate on why Palahnuik is a hack? I haven't read all of his works, but he seemed indifferent to consumer demands to me.

>> No.7250753 [DELETED] 


“The screen went black before I was out of the airlock. Turns out the “L” in “LCD” stands for “Liquid.” I guess it either froze or boiled off. Maybe I’ll post a consumer review. “Brought product to surface of Mars. It stopped working. 0/10.”
― Andy Weir, The Martian

Truly a masterpiece

>> No.7250768

Same shit over and over

>> No.7250775

Just some bird I found on 4chan a couple years ago, no name as of yet. You're welcome to hunt for a name though.

I imagine that'd become more apparent as I read more of him.

I feel like this should be in comic book.

>> No.7250787

People who passionately write what they think but don't think anything worth writing.

ayn rand, and willy smiths kid, for example, had/have nothing of value to say and said/say nothing of value a lot.

>> No.7250854

Writing on philosophy.

>> No.7250859

Writing as if one's opinions are inherently morally correct, rather than writing to prove they are.

>> No.7250917

if any of their works are made into movies in less than 3 years

>> No.7250954

Having no discernible talent

>> No.7251014
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Just enjoy (naked pics included):

>> No.7251019


I'm going to dedicate the book I'm currently reading (Matter by Ian Banks) to you. My book diary will read "Matter, Ian Banks, Finish Date, Dedicated to Anon and his dick-pleasuring astuteness".

Thank you.

>> No.7251043

It's nothing, mate. Anyway, I've seen better girls. She's too old for me.

>> No.7251054

It's more a principle-fap tbh; had that chicks face in my folder for a while, never bothered to hunt her down. Nudes are actually pretty poor (still came).

I wish you a life safe from v&'s, Pornographer.

>> No.7251068

Nobody needs Rand in their life.

>> No.7253099

Just being cliche and boring. Spelling out everything to the reader. Making the book a drag and expectable.