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File: 175 KB, 710x398, xanax-pills.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7249957 No.7249957 [Reply] [Original]

Will Xanax help me to write?

>> No.7249960

it will help you pass out

>> No.7249987

do you suffer from anxiety?
if so, maybe it will

>> No.7249988

not in the slightest

>> No.7250093

It helps me in the sense that it ease my thoughts. I usually feel like there is thousands of voices in my head - all me, thinking about different things at once. With the drug all those voices quiet down and it calms me down a lot.

>> No.7250104

nigga you should be on antipsychotics not benzos

>> No.7250106

sounds like a bit more than anxiety lad

>> No.7250119

I take antidepressants too (lexapro), but I'm out of meds and I won't be seeing my psychiatrist until the next week.

>> No.7250134

but I don't think I have psychosis.

>> No.7250335

It will help you calm you down but will also affect your focus, it's fine for a little while but after 2-3 month of use you'll notice you'll forget some words more easily and ideas wont flow as quick.

>> No.7250346

Too risky. Benzo withdrawals can kill you.

>> No.7250377

No drugs will ever help you with writing, but they might help you to understand what / how to write.

>> No.7250384

yeah don't worry what these people say, I get the multiple voices thing too, its a part of the anxiety imo. Its not voices telling you what to do and it's not auditory in a literal sense, like most hallucinations are, more just jumping from one perspective to another or like hardcore subvocalization

>> No.7250440

Oh shit this is exactly what I have too.

>> No.7250444

Xanax will help with everything Anon.

>> No.7250451


>> No.7250479

dude take antipsychosis medication

>> No.7250536

it makes me think i'm writing good but when the benzo haze goes away i realize i've written real, real shit

>> No.7250539

It's something I had in my teens, it has subsided now that I'm older though I miss it though tbh. I'm introverted and the voices kept me company when I was alone :(

>> No.7251352
File: 1.74 MB, 492x270, 1434348444362.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not voices in the literal sense like >>7250384
A better way to put it would be like this: many thoughts speaking at the same time. Like
>I must write this paper for college
>I must write that other paper for college
>I need to study more math or I'm fucked
>I'm such an idiot and I'm ashamed to even go to class show show my idiocy to people

Basically, thinking multiple things at the very same times. Not like literally hearing voices.

Now, on the other hand, while the xanax did ease my mind, I passed out and I just wake up like >>7249960 said.
I probably should take the antidepressants again, or maybe antipsychotics like >>7250104 said - I read somewhere that it can also be used for disordered thought.

I've been using it for a month and a half. I'll probably bring up what you said to my psychiatrist next weeks.

>> No.7251359
File: 3 KB, 203x215, 1444678078927.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait. WHAT?

>> No.7251409

If you take benzos more than a couple times per week for an extended period of time (more than 1 month, I'd say), you run the risk of benzo dependency. Once you're addicted and chemically dependent, if you try to quit cold turkey you will experience hell for a few days, and feel like shit for even longer.

As someone who has witnessed one of these first hand, they're not pretty. My brother complained about things called "brain zaps" where you have the most painful migraine feeling in your head for a couple seconds.

You will get panic attacks too, and bad. I woke up at 3 am to my brother crying, sweating bullets, and dry heaving simultaneously. For context, my brother is tough as shit, 6 foot 3, 250 pounds, played linebacker in high school. That was the first time I saw him cry.

Then there are the seizures. Now you probably won't get seizures if you're careful enough about dosing, but it's pretty common for serious addicts to have seizures and die during benzo withdrawal.

Just keep in mind that it's very easy to get addicted with something like xanax. It's a nice feeling, no worries in the world. To me, the major drawback is that you can hardly remember shit that you did while under the influence. But to people with bad self control and anxiety issues. STAY THE FUCK AWAY. You will regret it.

If you're looking for xanax, but legal, just look up etizolam. It has a shorter half life but is just as recreational. Order off of flux lab supplies, it's like the amazon of etizolam.

Good luck. Sorry for the wall of text. Adderall.

>> No.7251447

Sounds like OCD.

>> No.7251458
File: 62 KB, 580x435, monster-energy-bebida-energizante.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your thoughts on this, guys? Useful for writing?

>> No.7251498
File: 99 KB, 266x315, scratching head.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's called thinking, kids. You shouldn't be trying to get away from it.

>> No.7251511

You are my least hated avatarfag

>> No.7251519
File: 70 KB, 293x197, hand wave blush.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks, it means a lot to me when someone hates me less than others. such a rare feeling.

>> No.7251728

>It's called thinking, kids. You shouldn't be trying to get away from it.
Disordered thinking != thinking.
The former lacks of clarity and precision that the latter has by nature.

>> No.7251807

maybe you just haven't done it long enough to notice the pattern, maybe you're just too quick to find a way to make things easier in the short run.

>> No.7251813

on the contrary I find it the source of creativity but it can be a hindrance too. thinking with clarity makes me impatient sometimes because I reason way too slowly in my head.

>> No.7251822

yes, absolutely, but only if you drink alcohol with it.

Stephen king produced his best stuff when he was drunk, high on coke, and chain smoking. You can't argue with that.

>> No.7251824

Amphetamines should do the job
Order some speed online
Snort it after eating your second meal, preferably about 8 hours before going to sleep

It cures anxiety, doesn't cloud your mind and makes you awake and motivates to finish all your tasks as efficient as possible

>> No.7251891

where do you get this "speed online?"

>> No.7251925

Xanax will help you have withdrawal symptoms that might kill you :P

>> No.7251940

>becoming a drug addict to achieve mediocrity
top kek

>> No.7251941

OP, do xans and see what happens. You'll "wake up" 12-24 hours later to a fire alarm going off and you'll vaguely piece together a memory of you wondering if you can put zucchini in a toaster instead of grilling it.

Benzodiazepines are fucked up. They're the heroin of our generation, but with none of the benefit.

Useless for writing unless you're an anxious mess to begin with. They'll knock off a solid 10-15 IQ points and cloud your ability to connect ideas and thoughts.

The dark net. We live in the future. My postman is my heroin dealer and he doesn't even know it.

>> No.7251953

>becoming a drug addict to achieve filthy-rich status
I'd do it.

>> No.7251967

It will help you write a half page of world salad, stumble around and text people you dont want to be texting and wake up the next morning with no recollection of the night previous

>> No.7251977

link to the dark net

>> No.7251980


>> No.7252004

>The dark net. We live in the future. My postman is my heroin dealer and he doesn't even know it.
Living in a third world country. The dark net sells nothing here, it is impossible to get meds from outseas without a prescription.
Also, I went to the doctor looking for an Adderall prescription, but she thought my focus problems were caused by depression and prescribed me antidepressants instead.

>> No.7252006


Just keep refreshing if it doesn't work.

>> No.7252014

that's pretty terrifying man I know this armenian guy whos now taking like 5 beans a day and he's lost a lot of weight how long do you think he has?

>> No.7252028

just give me your address and credit card info and I'll mail you some my nigga

>> No.7252037

In Mexico I can walk into a pharmacy and buy enough drugs to kill a small elephant. In China I can go to a pharmacy and buy OTC oxycodone (not sure how that's possible after the whole opium wars ordeal). Most third world countries have pretty nice pharmacies, they just require a bit of knowledge to know what to look for.

If you really can't find anything in the pharmacy, there are a lot of vendors that ship globally at the least. And if you live in a country with strict customs, I know a few LSD vendors who would do special orders and ship things like birthday cards with liquid dropped on the corners.

>> No.7252058

I was eating Xanax all day one day, and in the evening I started in on the whiskey. my roommate said when he got home late that night, I was eating fried eggs straight off the coffee table and would not respond when he spoke to me. he went to bed, because I was being scary and weird, and when I woke up I was surrounded by torn-out notebook pages with not even words on them, just senseless scribbling. the only one I could read said, "REASONS TO KILL OTHER PEOPLE." it looked like it was going to be a list, but I didn't make it past the title.

>> No.7253030

That's not the Xanax. You were already mentally ill before taking it.