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7249753 No.7249753 [Reply] [Original]

Where were you when you realised that 4chan's use of the word "cuckold" or "cuck" has contributed more to the english language than any of the so called worthwhile authors that are alive today?

>> No.7249787

I was here in the real world where much of language is created and developed by people talking and not from books. So 4chan took a useful meaningful word and they spammed and memed it so hard that it became popular with idiots all over the internet, just as the rickroll is a significant part of modern culture and more immediately recognisable than most authors working today. I think you'll find that is why people like literature, because it's not a fad beloved by cucks like you.

>> No.7249805

>I'm speeshul becuz i reed words from pages
>ur a gay fag cuz u talk online

>> No.7249815 [DELETED] 

It's a good word and I can only say it was committed first.
The theme is cheating, but cheating is only a conflict (in hetero pairing) between opposite sexes.
But now...
If A is cheated on by B with C, people always said B 'cheats' on 'A'.
Meanwhile, expressing that C 'cucks' A by the act is more cumbersome without the word.

>> No.7249817
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I was right here saying hello to you

>> No.7249826

It's a good verb and I can only say it was previously omitted.

The objective is cheating, but 'cheating' (in hetero relations) is expresses the conclict between opposite sexes, the should-be-phallus and the desired. Meanwhole, getting cucked is about competition.

If A is cheated on by B with C, people always said B 'cheats' on 'A'.
Meanwhile, expressing that C 'cucks' A by the act is more cumbersome without the word

>> No.7249909

>implying it isn't /pol/s obsession with black dick and miscegenation

>> No.7249927

It'll die out in about a year just like a bunch of similar 4chan words have. You guys are all new so you wouldn't realize how many stupid, meaningless memes like that come and go.

>> No.7249937

for a long time 'cuck' was the worst thing you could say to a man
better question would be why it stopped being used

>> No.7249963

>better question would be why it stopped being used
Nowadays, it's okay for a man to be cucked because being a cuck is a way for your wife to become a fully liberated woman, and if you aren't a cuck, you're a sexist jealous pig.

>> No.7249966

but cuck has only become more popular with the advent of 3rd wave feminism

>> No.7249971

The word "cuckservative" has literally changed American politics.

>> No.7249990

Because it's backlash

>> No.7250001

>tfw read fourier
>tfw all these cucks are copying the inventor of feminism
feels good /pol/

>> No.7250005

personally would like to see "Last Man" become an insult

>> No.7250006


If one were to assume that there was a correlation between the posters obsessed with saying cuck on /pol/ and the amount of BBC porn or black-on-white on /hm/, /aco/, /hc/ and /gif/, you might even say that these posters of a very racist and fantastical form of fetish pornography and advocates of a very unintelligent flavor of Conservatism were the same!

>> No.7250007

I see cuck as a tounge in cheek retaliation to a loss of empowerment young males are feeling due to 3rd wave feminism - often used sarcastically it basically is calling someone a pushover or pussy just like being a cuckold is negative because it implies you aren't 'man enough' to keep your partner.

>> No.7250024


That would be too litcore for normies.

>> No.7250029

normies don't know what cuck means either

>> No.7250035


I know I've accidentally yet 4chan lingo slip into my vernacular from time to time. People generally understand the message, this is how it spreads man.

>> No.7250061

I have the constant urge to call people cucks in public, am I allowed to give into it now?

>> No.7250063

are you an """""""extremist"""""""?

>> No.7250066

I guess so

>> No.7250076


Why? You want to see a concept that beautiful turned into a meme?

>> No.7250116

I prefer "meme" myself.

>> No.7250122

meme is the female equivalent of cuck (as an insult)

>> No.7250126
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>So in that sense it's a little bit of a misguided insult, since many cuckolds prefer their cuckold status

>> No.7250135

It's the same as the word slut. People are trying their damnedest to make it a positive word instead of a negative one.

Just wait, in a couple of years, if you're not a cuck, everyone will berate you for being a sexist Nazi.

>> No.7250139

That makes no sense

>> No.7250151

Cuck is fucking stupid. It means nothing when you call someone a

By the way, I've met many, many feminists and they're all extremely faithful girlfriends, including my own.

You guys make this shit up because you're young and don't actually have any real world experience. You want to be able to see the world in black and white so you choose large groups of people that can act as the "bad guys". You want to appear as noble traditionalists but really you are just ignorant, blindly hateful teenagers and young college-aged men.

I've never, ever met a girl who said she should be allowed to cheat on her lover to become liberated. Have you? No, you haven't. In fact, you probably haven't ever seen any if the "extreme feminists" you speak of in real life.

>> No.7250156
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'm going to be straight here. I am a cuckold, but I am also a white nationalist. I believe that whites have contributed more to humanity than any other race, space travel, anti-biotics the list goes on. But when it comes down to it, blacks are just better at fucking. Theres no shame in admitting this. There is no shame in admitting that despite the infinite intellectual and moral superiority of the white race, black cock is just better at pleasing women.

The reason white women are turning from the cause and running to niggers is simply because they are not being sexually satisfied. Can you blame them? If you dont get enough to eat at home youre going to go out to eat. The only way to save the white race from miscegenation is cuckolding. My pure white wife is my angel, the apple of my eye. And I want nothing but the best for her. So every friday she gets to have her fill of big black cock. And our relationship goes on like normal. We love each other, and plan on having a child soon. She also shares my red pilled beliefs.

Monogamy is a tool of the jew. Just give it a chance once. Its exhilarating. Theres something deeply majestic about watching a toned muscular black stud going in and out of a beautiful white woman. Try it once.

I see no contradiction between believing that niggers should be subservient to whites, and allowing them to service our women.

>> No.7250162

I have 3 long-term relationships in my life, and all of them cheated on me.

Fortunately, I have the balls to call the women who do things like this, by the right name, conniving whores, and tell everyone that they are unfaithful and should be avoided at all costs.

>> No.7250165
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>> No.7250178 [DELETED] 
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Calm down Louis.

>> No.7250269
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Maybe it's cuz I don't really care but sex and relationships are like... two different things, right? I mean, you don't get mad if your partner's rubbing one out do you?

>> No.7250277

>I mean, you don't get mad if your partner's rubbing one out do you?

I would if she was doing that instead of having sex with me, because that's clearly a symptom that's something is wrong with the relationship, and the same applies if you partner has a pathological need to fuck other people while you are together as well.

>> No.7250289

yes it does
the modern woman strives for validation, recognition and significance
meme completely erases her

>> No.7250379

Unless you are literally able to change your form to the other person's exact current "perfect" partner they're not around just to feed your ego.

>> No.7250381
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LOL who cares? I only date Asian men.

>> No.7250850

>anecdotal evidence
/pol/ has statistics and infographs, what do you have?

>> No.7250879
File: 1.09 MB, 744x988, phafuckingrrell.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw people misappropriate cuckoldry as an excuse to treat immigrants like shit

>> No.7250900

feels good man

>> No.7250914

which ones are male and which are female?

>> No.7250932

It's just such a versatile word. It's an adjective, a noun, AND a verb. Louis CK is the cuckiest cuckold that ever cucked.

>> No.7250941

It's basically equivalent to fuck at this point

>> No.7250943
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>> No.7250946

I think it's great that 4chan is still stealing credit for memes that were invented by other websites

>> No.7250950

That pic is the most autistic thing I have ever seen.

>> No.7250955

>I've never, ever met a girl who said she should be allowed to cheat on her lover to become liberated. Have you? No, you haven't.

I have actually. Luckily I was smart enough to dodge that bullet.

>> No.7250956

The female equivalent is "cuckquean" so the cuck meme works for both sexes

>> No.7250969

Wonder if 4chan is ever going to figure out how to make the "tane" meme political

>> No.7250982

Pop psychology, ladies and gentlemen.

>> No.7250985
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>> No.7250988

>I've never, ever met a girl who said she should be allowed to cheat on her lover to become liberated.

i'm sure all the aggro directed at "slut shaming" is purely a show of camaraderie from all the chaste women out there and is in no way an attempt to change societal attitudes so that they can behave in a slutty manner without consequences

>> No.7250989

No, but why be with someone that you don't really want to?

It seems like complete denial of the reality of the relationship, if you want to fuck other people while in it.

>> No.7250993

Are people really still calling each other "MRA" and "SJW"? Jesus Christ.

>> No.7250995

>Not wanting to be cucked means you're a reactionary living in the 1950s

See, it's already starting. In a couple of years you'll be seen as a reactionary for not wanting to fuck children.

>> No.7250999

I just can't get over the fact they think consensual cuckolding is not only different but preferable to non-consensual cuckolding.

ugh I just can't even

>> No.7251000

Lol yeah that shit's so 2012. It's all about meninists and tumblrinas now.

>> No.7251070

Mhmm yes, waiter, this pasta seems to be stale.

>> No.7251085


>> No.7251147

They both still exist, so why not? Making up new terms for categories of people that have always existed is Marxist bullshit.

>> No.7251191

Well I guess we know which camp you fall into...

>> No.7251222

>Making up new terms

Uh, how about you just stop associating positions in a debate with ideological groups in the first place?

>"Why does 4chan say 'cuckold' so much?"
>"Well, MRAs say 'cuckold' because blah blah blah"

Wait, who the fuck said anything about an "MRA"? That Redditor literally just pulled that word out of his ass because the SJW/MRA "war" is an ideological crutch for that guy, like it is for a lot of you faggots. No matter the debate, you resort to an us vs. them framework. He *needs* to say MRA in the same way some people need to say "Democrat" and you need to say "Marxist" for absolutely no reason. In this annoyingly narcissistic framework, there are no individuals to talk with, just ideological sides to talk past.

"MRA" and "SJW" are meaningless words*. Stop projecting your fantasy battles.

[Spoiler]*and yeah I know MRAs are totally like a real group of people but literally nobody who invokes the term is actually referring to the behavior of that small group of people[/Spoiler]

>> No.7251232

Womn's lib and the sexual revolution.

>> No.7251239

Confirmed zero actual educational background in Marxism.

Confirmed buttdevastation.

Confirmed doesn't even know about dialectics.

>> No.7251241

rule 43 tbh

>> No.7251244

Dialectics has literally NOTHING to do with this, you subliterate moron.

>> No.7251254
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>being this mad

I'm just curious, post what university you went to.

>> No.7251256

I"m an MRA PUA brodude SJW tumblrina cuck

>> No.7251258

>that's clearly a symptom that's something is wrong with the relationship

>> No.7251275

It comes from love, not anger. The psychological tricks to keep from actual conversation are tried and true, but well-trod. It's time to grow.

>> No.7251277

"literature board"

>> No.7251284

oh /pol/-kun

>> No.7251290


>> No.7251310

Congrats, you've been added to this esteemed list: >>7251239

With this guy >>7251275

Who happens to be in full damage control atm tbh smh fam.

Feel free to share what university you went to. I think the other guy actually has graduated, but you seem like you might still be at "highest achievement reached: high school"

>> No.7251316
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Why do normies take memes so seriously? Is this new sincerity in action?