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7242078 No.7242078 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Books that will make good anime

>> No.7242365

who is this Infinite Jest?
What is the "David Foster Wallace" book about?

>> No.7242498

Infinite Jest is a famous Peruvian veterinarian who specialized in operating vegetative medium sized piglets.
He died in an accident in 1983 in what was know as The great piglet stampede of the Buenos Aires. There were witnesses who allegedly saw him embracing the stampede which may indicate it was a sucide although that information is not confirmed confirmed.

>> No.7242518


>> No.7242524

Infinite jest was my answer. Id add ulysses and gravitys rainbow.

>> No.7242528

any kafka


>> No.7242533

underated post

>> No.7242541

Ian Banks' Culture Novels.

>> No.7242545

Anyone else notice DFW writes the way people report Kafka's sentences come across in German; with this big build up of ideas that finally connects together at the last sentence of the paragraph?

>> No.7242574 [SPOILER] 
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On the opposite end, I'd love to see Evangelion turned into a novel. There is just so much that the anime simply couldn't present in 26 episodes plus the movie.

>> No.7242584

The diary of Anne Frank can be a good slice of life.

>> No.7242673

there is actually one anime based on Kafka's short story and its pretty good

>> No.7242830

Dubliners and Pynchon (though a western cartoon would probably be more be more fitting for the latter)

>> No.7242850


>> No.7242887
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>The Manuscript found in Saragossa
>Mervyn Peake's gormenghast trilogy
>Any pychon tbh
>Phillip K Dick
>Charles Dickens. Is it me, or do 19th century novels and anime share a lot of tropes and character types?

>> No.7242895

Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7243008

One hundred years of solitude already has an anime, it's called Jojo

>> No.7243017

The Barsoom series

>> No.7243026

I'd prefer 70's Ralph Bakshi to do Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.7243028

I'd like to see Jude the Obscure. If it was done well I'm sure I'd cry.

>> No.7243032


>> No.7243046
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Gravity's Rainbow by Anno would be boss. Slothrop's sorta the anti-Shinji and Katja's the anti-Rei.

>> No.7243202

>DFW no fritz the cat style HBO miniseries of Gravity's Rainbow

Just end my life fam

Mason & Dixon could be a television show.

>> No.7243254


>> No.7243256

Like what?

>> No.7243288

Like more info on the world in general and angels, as well as even more character development maybe through their childhood lives and a more satisfying ending. Not that the one now is bad but I feel it leaves out a lot.
And more background on SEELE and the lads who brought us the civilization, there is a juicy story behind that I bet.

>> No.7243303
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I'm on the job, fam.

>> No.7243535

No lie I'd watch a Blood Meridian anime

>> No.7243546

I've hit the 75k word mark on what can be called an evangelion rip-off and I regret nothing.

>> No.7243549

actually, I just ripped-off the formula, not the series

>> No.7243578

The Catcher In the Rye reworked as an incest ecchi series.

>> No.7243638

The Dispossesed

>> No.7244134

upload pls

>> No.7244145

Most murakami books are already rife with anime tropes and the general tone is close enough anyway.

Choose one of his more fantastical books like Hard Boiled wonderland and it'll be a hit among all the weeaboos who think Evangelion is the pinnacle of depth.

>> No.7244340
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I don't see what there would be to be ashamed of.

>> No.7244398


>> No.7244410

But the best part of Eva is its directing and visual storytelling. Why would you turn it into a novel?

>> No.7244418

It's an erotic novel based on the masturbation scene.

>> No.7244429


upload pls?

>> No.7244484
File: 26 KB, 550x440, mexicoISH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why does David say that in a tennis tournament between two academies where a total of 108 matches will be played, the chance of a complete tie is 1 in 2^27? How did he come up with this?

They way I see it, we must find the amount of ways that one of the academies could win exactly 54 matches:

108! / (108 - 54!)

And then we need to divide that result by the total amount of combinations of wins/losses which is simply:


So we find our result with:

(108! / (108 - 54!)) / 108!

Someone who is good at math please help me out here.

>> No.7245168

Maybe Iliad.

>> No.7245170

what does it mean

>> No.7245253

Kafka on the Shore would make a great anime honestly.

>> No.7245256

I think the Illiad would make a better RPG, the book is already rife with RPG tropes, like there's a god damn fetch quest to get into hell and a tournament where people win rare loot.

>> No.7245577
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>> No.7245660

Upload some of it please.

>> No.7245834

the wind up bird chronicle as an anime would be great

>> No.7245842

this all looks intuitively wrong to me.
i'll get around to figuring it out later.

>> No.7245879
File: 130 KB, 1189x671, brothers_k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always thought IJ would make a great anime, too. The Entertainment is some Death-Note level catastrophe, and the quirks of the characters, plus the hyperbole in some of the scenes (like Peemster's hat hopping up and down on his head) is shit that would only work in an anime.

I feel the same way about Brothers Karamazov and Dosto in general. It might be the translations I read, but his characters' melodramatic dialogue, and the sorts of things men shed tears over, remind me of anime troops like little sighs that look like mushrooms and waterfall tears.

>> No.7245917

You just know they would cast Benedict Cumberbatch as Mason.

The best Pynchon book to be an anime would probably be either Against the Day-- for all its landscape and absurd action/sex sequences-- or Bleeding Edge, for the fact that it's the only Pynchon Book where anime is itself addressed as an aspect of society (Something about seeing characters in an anime cosplay as characters in an anime tickles my fancy)

>> No.7245951
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Dream team.

>> No.7245954

Does this book blows minds?

>> No.7245962

>(Something about seeing characters in an anime cosplay as characters in an anime tickles my fancy)
Isn't this sorta common? People in my anime always seem to talk about doujinshi and manga and anime and shit.
The slice of life shit though. Uh.. Yuru Yuri has that, and Oreimo as well, iirc, and so on.

>> No.7245995


>> No.7246079

the old man and the sea

>> No.7246139

Toilers of the Sea, Iracema, Aeneid and Lusíadas. Just imagine the amount of fanservice in the end of Lusíadas, just imagine! The Aeneid would be an Harem anime also.

>> No.7246150

I forgot to comment: Gilliat vs the Octopus fits perfectly in the anime sterotypes.

>> No.7246163

Don Quixote for sure. Maybe change the setting to medieval Japan and call it Senpai Kihote.

>> No.7246179

But... but the windmills.

>> No.7246247

I'm terrible at math but,

108! isn't going to give you a total amount of combination of wins and losses because you only have two possible outcomes (either a win or a loss, ties being derived from combinations).

I think another important factor might be the chance of tying a match in the first place, derived from the 3-set matches.

If I had to approach this problem, I'd first find the chance of tying each match from the rules of tennis and number of sets. Then I'd apply that to the chance of 54 games tying.

>> No.7246432

Notes From Underground would print cash and become /a/'s AOTY for sure.