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File: 236 KB, 700x1050, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7241554 No.7241554[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

anyone have this on ebook?

would really appreciate it.

>> No.7241582

If only this website had a board where you could talk about politics

>> No.7241584

i don't want to talk about politics

>> No.7241932

Yeah, if only.

>> No.7241935

Lol a socialist Jew is going to be president of the United States

>> No.7241963


Hideo Kojima must make a blue random board

>> No.7242023



Counterrevolutionary scum.

>> No.7242027


Gimme a break. Or your crackpot explanation

>> No.7242029

who is more accelerationist, Bernie or Trump?

>> No.7242033

I wouldn't call trump a socialist

>> No.7242173
File: 485 KB, 1500x2250, Caesar pointin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean will Bernie's being able to show the US that there's nothing wrong with increased socialism, be better or worse for the communist cause, than Trump's flirtation with outright imperialism?

>> No.7242179

no that isn't what I meant

>> No.7242181
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>> No.7242186

Rubio will get the Republican nomination.

>> No.7242195

'Pit it out, 'pit it out.

>Bernie face superimposed against Reagan era disaster.

>> No.7242213

This is a run-on sentence, I don't think you know what imperialism means, and your image image's filename is annoying.

Trash post my man, shoot yourself in the face ASAP

>> No.7242214
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Who else voting for Trump here

>> No.7242224

I meant something different

>> No.7242232

Our only hope.

>> No.7242237

Good for you.

>> No.7242240

>Trump instead of Jeb

Enjoy your mismanaged right populism, cuckservative peasant.

>> No.7242242

Voting for Trump if it's Hillary against him, otherwise Bernie

>> No.7242256

you asked the question don't get shitty

>> No.7242264


fucking idiot

>> No.7242271

Have to punish America for making the wrong choice, Lol.

>> No.7242281
File: 360 KB, 600x366, reagan done did 911.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this make you feel any better?

>> No.7242284

what ever happened to anti-government terrorism

>> No.7242298
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>> No.7242308
File: 1.19 MB, 900x675, what ever happened to anti-government terrorism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dunno man

>> No.7242320

yeah but what since then

>> No.7243370

Based trump

>> No.7243387

Sanders is not a socialist. Tbh he is just an Israel-first market-reformist. His loyalty lies not with the proletariat, but with zionism and the interests of capital. He probably hasn't read any marxist literature and he supports the fascist venezuelan counterrevolution.

>> No.7243388

daily reminder that if you aren't on Trump (whom you cannot stomp) then you're a high school tier Bernie- cuck

leftism is a mental illness

>> No.7243397

Saw Trump on Bloomburg earlier; he's funny, but he seems like he'd be a fool on the world stage.

>> No.7243401

He wants to build a wall though, and I like that. FUCK MEXICUCKS

>> No.7243404

Not who you replied to, but here's my explanation. Bernie Sanders isn't a revolutionary the way his fans make him out to be. He's a populist who appeals to middle class whites. He's just progressive enough on just enough issues that white progressives will sit back if he's elected and say, that's enough freedom for me. On the other hand, he ignores the fact that a large component of oppression for non-white people is not poverty but institutionalized and overt racism.

In fact, Sanders's appeal to his base comes partly from xenophobia. There are two candidates running who oppose H1B visas. One is Sanders and the other is Donald Trump. Sanders is the perfect candidate for young, white males —he gives them specifically free stuff, but he's still a reactionary when it comes to internationalism, feminism, race relations, etc. When Sanders says that open borders is a "Koch brothers idea", it needs to be pointed out that it's actually a universally agreed-upon socialist idea. Sanders isn't a progressive, he's a brogressive. You can't be a socialist and opposed to progressive social ideas or internationalism. Even on his opposition to free trade alone —and make no mistake, free trade has lifted more people around the world out of poverty than any aid ever will — Sanders is not a socialist, but a nationalist socialist.

>> No.7243407

That's the problem; he's too meme-appealing.

>> No.7243409

>caring about blacks

take the redpill

>> No.7243411

>he ignores the fact that a large component of oppression for non-white people is not poverty but institutionalized and overt racism.
Perhaps because no such thing exists.

Although he is making efforts to cuck up his campaign to appeal to niggers.

>> No.7243413

Actually he's read plenty of Marxist literature

>> No.7243416


>caring about the hot opinions of your young white male peers
>literally affirming the notion of swallowing an ideological pill as a way of seeing how the world 'really works'

swallow bleach

>> No.7243419

Wooow look at all this bullshit, and someone actually fucking believes it

>> No.7243420

what a cuck, man


>> No.7243422

if not on the top surely Trump will put US in the middle of the world

>> No.7243423

Compelling rebuttal

>> No.7243426

It's amazing how you manage to make up a bunch of bullshit about someone out of whole cloth and then believe it lol

>> No.7243430

butthurt leftist cuckolded cultural marxist brainwashed cuck detected

back to leftypol and tumblr, cuck

>> No.7243444

You bigot racist, COME ON! IT'S 2015! #FeelTheBern

>> No.7243445

proof? He acts completely like a capitalist. Or even a fascist if you take into account his opinions on Ukraine and Venezuela

>> No.7243446


Look at what Sanders says about open borders when Ezra Klein points out that restricting skilled immigration is bad for the global poor. Sanders deflects and appeals to populism. That's what his entire platform is based on, and it's sad but expected that so many people have been so willing to latch onto his every word. I've noticed something about Sanders supporters —their beliefs align exactly with Sanders's because when Sanders says something, it becomes their belief.

>> No.7243447

shhh, he's still dreaming.

>> No.7243455

>Sanders supporters are like...
>the "white males" meme
wow no bad faith here!!!

>> No.7243457
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Could you fit more memes into a sentence?

>> No.7243458

>but he's still a reactionary when it comes to internationalism, feminism, race relations, etc.
So just cause Sanders doesn't pander to your special snowflake identity he's not progressive? That's what's so great about him, his appeal is to the entire middle class, upper and lower, not a tiny minority within it. Ironically, blacks and latinos support shillary more because she appears to be more socially conservative

mein gott, the ideology...

>> No.7243459

His political ideas align best with fascism, but he definitely has had to read Marxist literature, since he went to UChicago. I went to UChicago too, and as a first-year student, I had to read Marx, Weber, Freud, Fanon, and DuBois. So he's read it. It's too bad he doesn't seem to have understood it.

>> No.7243463

ITT: proof that leftists are cucks

>> No.7243466

he's clearly more of a Polanyian, or Keynesian, or even Georgian socialist, than a Marxist

>> No.7243470

>what is populism
>what is national socialism

>> No.7243481

Now you're contradicting yourself. First you say he's against your shitty identity politics. And now hes a "populist," which means supporting the common people (black, white, female) at the expense of the elite. There is literally nothing wrong with making the elite pay their fair share of taxes, which has been on the decline ever since Reagan and Bush slashed them

>> No.7243482

really nice parody of the very worst elements of the left going on ITT

>> No.7243487


No point arguing with people this indoctrinated

>> No.7243490

it's not a parody. this is how braindead leftists actually are.

>> No.7243494

There are good elements among the left?

>> No.7243495
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Choose America, or Hillary 2016, or Michelle Obama in 2024.

>> No.7243503

not sure if /pol/ or samefagging or both

>> No.7243504

There aren't. It's a bunch of degenerate cucks hellbend on destroying white America

>> No.7243505
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>> No.7243507

i think nationalist socialism for four years might not be such a bad idea. it's a step in the right direction, anyway.

>> No.7243509

God damn, you white neonazis really piss me off. We need to elect Sanders to protect PoCs in Amerikkka

>> No.7243511

Personally I can't wait for Jill Stein's first term as President of the United States.

>> No.7243514

nice parody, butthurt leftist cuck

>> No.7243516

I'm not parodying anything. I'm literally shaking as I'm typing this.

You racist /pol/fags need to fuck off. This is an inclusive board.

>> No.7243517

inclusion and diversity is codewode for white genocide. Take the redpill already

>> No.7243521

>inclusion and diversity is codewode for white genocide
A white genocide would be the best future possible. White heterosexual males have pillaged, raped and killed PoCs for the past millenia. Only when every last white heterosexual male is killed will the world become livable again.
