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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 321 KB, 570x380, nabokovwittgenstein.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7242605 No.7242605 [Reply] [Original]

Who was the superior genius, /lit/?

>> No.7242653


>> No.7242669

Apples and hebephiles, homie.

>> No.7242674

both intellectually barren

>> No.7242677

Nabokov wasn't very smart. He was a craftsman, and he crafted some total shit in his life because of his great self-assuredness. Meanwhile, Witty is a very smart fellow, but I'd put him below someone like Einstein or Russell on the genius scale.

>> No.7242719
File: 141 KB, 600x758, nabokov_butterfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do you mean autistic? Wittgenstein wins the all time sperg award but not by much. Lepidoptery is like the early 20th century equivalent of minecraft, dungeons&dragons shit, total sperg magnet

>> No.7242737

I think they were both highly refined autists tbh fam

>> No.7242746

Wittgenstein cleary fam

>> No.7242761

What the fucking catastrophe of a comparison is this shit

>> No.7242769

??? Russell above Witty? what

>> No.7242819

Lol dude Witty blew Russel the fuck out btw

>> No.7242925


>> No.7243184


>> No.7243199

I couldn't agree more.

>> No.7243206

this, so much this.

>> No.7243215

>>7243206 >>7242674
um could you please not criticize my good friend witty until you actually understand his works please thank you?

>> No.7243222

>>7243206 >>7242674

Or we'll chastise you with fireplace pokers.

>> No.7243260

Little girls are the best girls, and Nabokov knew that. Ergo, Nabokov masterrace.

>> No.7243287

I don't know, I started with the greeks and just recently after 12 years of study reached 16th century Britain.

>> No.7243291

Odd comparison but I'll answer honestly. Nabokov. He chose to pursue literature but with a mind like his he could have been a leading scholar in any field he chose. That's not to say Witty isn't intelligent. I consider them both geniuses. It's just that Nabokov is on Einstein's level.

>> No.7243298


>> No.7243556

Foucault tbh

>> No.7243560

Joyce was the greater genius than both.

>> No.7243568


You do not deserve to live and I hope you are castrated soon

>> No.7243569


I know this is a troll but you're doing it wrong. You don't have to read every. single. shitpost. to catch up.

>> No.7243592

muh politically correct anon. People say it's bad, so it must be true.

>> No.7243628


>> No.7243629

Wait I know the answer to this

It's "my diary" right?

>> No.7243643


taking sexual advantage of young girls isn't a joke and it doesn't have anything to do with political correctness

I hope you burn slowly

>> No.7243680

dude grow up

>> No.7243691


stop fucking children

>> No.7243699
File: 24 KB, 231x335, 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bertrand Russell is not in any way a genius.
He lived intellectually through criticising and spreading misinformation.
He lived intellectually through misinterpreting and through his posture.

Bertrand Russell is the worst writer to receive the Nobel prize.
Bertrand Russell is the worst ANTI-philosopher to have lived.

Bertrand Russell is the worst writer that I have ever had the misfortune of having to read.

>> No.7243721
File: 14 KB, 170x260, teksti_filosofit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw can't find a large version of this rare wittgenstein pic

>> No.7243740

>tfw 10yo girls know more about sex than you.

>> No.7243753
File: 259 KB, 980x838, Dida400-401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What about this one?

>> No.7243758
File: 26 KB, 364x480, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7243763


bad ideas, serious hair game

I'm torn

>> No.7243765

witty was hot

>> No.7243814
File: 143 KB, 500x598, Wnvwrigb2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't get something better than this one...

>> No.7243922

JRR Tolkien or Einstein?

That's pretty much what we're dealing with here.

>> No.7243986

Wittgenstein by far,
Witt's IQ is measured somewhere around the 190's. It shows in its great philosophical insight even within narrows boundaries. The Tractatus was born out of Frege's and Russell's work, and still managed to surpass both of them making a simple yet groundbreaking thesis on the limits of language. Philosophical Investigations goes very far and rather than the Russellian-analytic Wittgenstein we encounter on the TLP, there is a genius that reached philosophical maturity and was acquainted with the works that were rejected deeply in Cambridge's philosophical tradition - read Heidegger, Augustine, Kierkegaard, etc

>> No.7244225

He really does look gay

>> No.7244230

>bad ideas
Please, anon. Enlighten us.

>> No.7244245



>> No.7244258

Are you suggesting that Witty invented bibliographies and that bibliographies are bad ideas? Surely you're not making a weak attempt to avoid actually defending your opinion?

>> No.7244264


I'm merely implicating Wittgenstein's bibliography as a thorough collection of bad ideas

>> No.7245029

not to mention chair game

>> No.7245056

Stephen King

>> No.7245212
File: 48 KB, 300x300, 1378562641787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why? Do you feel superior for liking what politicians say it's right?

>> No.7245359


I'm not sure why you keep bringing up politics

stop changing the subject

I hope you die a slow, painful death

>> No.7245362

I deserve you a long and peaceful life, just to have enough time to change your mind.

>> No.7245366

jesus christ, nabokov is a fucking ant compared to wittgenstein. fucking rustled my jimmies.

>> No.7245399

Aesthetics > Ethics

non-meme opinion: Little girls are best girls,
but that's purely an artistic judgment based on their physiology,
and certain personalities common in them.
3dpd, also, but mostly as a natural response to normies like you.
Rather not deal with the hassle.

>> No.7245473


>little girls

you know to which containment boards you belong

>> No.7245480

/r9k/, /mu/ and ... /a/?
Just some meme lingo tbh and you're completing avoiding the points I made.

>> No.7245491


you're the one spouting words like aesthetic and artistic judgement to reify a pathology

get out

>> No.7245495

You can't really compare them, one is an analytical philosopher, the other is almost a pure artist. It's like asking whether a window is better than a kitchen sink, it's impossible to answer the question.

>> No.7245501

Your post is meaningful, sensible, and, above all,, true.
Nevertheless, have you considered the possibility that this thread might be a shitposting thread ?

>> No.7245506

mid kek

>> No.7245507

>you're the one spouting words like aesthetic and artistic judgement to reify a pathology
I find nothing wrong with this.

>> No.7245773


>> No.7246072

This reminds me of a quote from the Hannibal tv series.
Hannibal says "Ethics becomes aesthetics." What did he mean by that? And no my question isn't that dumb meme, I'm genuinely curious.

>> No.7246085

Is this even a question? Wittgenstein had a huge impact on positivism, science, philosophy etc with everything he published. His thoughts were groundbreaking, especially the radically different thoughts this mind created.

>> No.7246474
File: 1.07 MB, 1143x843, wittgenstein2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7246479



>> No.7246499


p sure that 190 figure is an estimation

>> No.7246504

More information about these two pictures:

>> No.7246539
File: 1.07 MB, 924x695, MaxandMoritz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What startled us was the protruding curl, which can unmistakably be seen on his forehead – the trait which is so very characteristic of Moritz! Could it even be that Wittgenstein wanted to have a picture of his profile for this particular reason? Is it possible that the pictures of Wittgenstein and von Wright in Cambridge were staged by Wittgenstein precisely as allusions to the Max and Moritz picture drawn by Wilhelm Bush?


>> No.7246611

didn't you leave /lit/

>> No.7246634

Go to bed, Russell.

Go to bed, Eliot.