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/lit/ - Literature

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7238457 No.7238457[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>loves literature
>hates jews and thinks there is a jewish conspiracy to keep the white man down

Lets trigger /pol/ and have a thread about Jewish writers who made serious contributions to lit. Ill start

>> No.7238501

>starts with degenerate "literature"

Why don't we put a different spin on this and list all the Jews who contributed healthy, vital, moral, uplifting volkish literature that celebrates important social institutions like the family, the nation, or the church?

>> No.7238516

what the fuck, Ayn, I though you were dead

>> No.7238518


All literal memes, fuck off with this nazi shit. The only reason you think fascism is cool is because it's taboo. I bet before left wing became mainstream again you were a super leftist know-it-all in high school atheist, weren't you? Deep down inside you know the nazis were fucked and did tons of fucked up stuff that you could never go through with

>> No.7238539

Rand hated all that stuff.

lol I'm not even a Nazi or even a fascist. I'm a Christian distributionist monarchist.

Anyway, to kick off our list of wholesome Jewish writers I'd like to mention Saint Paul.

>> No.7238554


Is this a joke? Like seriously, come on now. Has this counter-counter-culture finally been played out to its logical extreme? Surely this insanity can't go any further

>> No.7238570

I live in a monarchy. How is it being contrarian to support the current state of affairs? Monarchy is the only decent form of government tbh.

>> No.7238576

>I'm a Christian distributionist monarchist.

that's an odd way to spell "moron"

>> No.7238577

The purpose of literature is aesthetic, not didactic. Very few of the great works of gentile authors fit your criteria, because art and propaganda are two different things. The Iliad, The Satyricon, Gargantua and Pantagruel, The Canterbury Tales, Shakespeare's Sonnets... Do any of these things fit your puerile and insipid criteria for non-degenerate literature?

>> No.7238580

Moses, Anne Frank, and Baruch Spinoza

>> No.7238589

Now you're just being nasty.

>> No.7238596

*Anne Frank's father

>> No.7239367

>being triggered by the mere mention of family, church and nation (you don't have personal problems with them, right?)
>thinking that these values are intrinsically related to nazism/fascism
>making these assumptions about anon's worldview
Stop being so insecure.

>> No.7239375


>> No.7239384


bedtime, Louis Bonaparte

>> No.7239401

>Monarchy is the only decent form of government

Not really, it's not worth all the incompetent royal fuck ups in the vain hope a great man can come and drive the country for a short period.

Great man > Great mob but monarchy isn't massively conducive to them and depends on chance.

>> No.7239435


>> No.7239453

Was triggering both sides part of your plan?>>7238501

>> No.7239547

And then... .................
He turned in to a cockroach!!!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHHAHA

>> No.7239555
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>The purpose of literature is aesthetic, not didactic.

>> No.7239558

Any good Israeli literature? Not about the 6 gorillion

>> No.7239561

sorry fam actually it should be

>The purpose of art is aesthetic, not didactic.

>> No.7239571

you must be the nabokov guy

>> No.7239602

Or Wilde, and Pater, or many-many others. It's not a new or unusual idea.

>> No.7239603
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>all these butthurt relativists ITT

>> No.7239632

nope, the guy who has a crush for nabokov and praises him in every thread.

Art should be aesthetic and not didactic only because in this era artists are sick of seeing everything used for advertise shit.

Pure aesthetic should be 1/5-1/4 of art.

>> No.7239640
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>implying the purpose of art isn't religious, to offer man a brief respite from the pains of existing and bring him closer into communion with God
I'm LMAOing at your lives tbh

>> No.7240837

Little past your bedtime isn't it, Hobbes?

>> No.7240859

Only good Jewish writers are the ones that don't throw it in your face (Proust, Kafka, etc). The rest (Roth, Bellow, etc.) are minor American trivialities that no one will give a shit about in a decade or two, thankfully.

>> No.7240885

Eh, to play devil's advocate, there is a school of thought that values decisive decision making and clarity of purpose over democratic ideals.

Democracy is many things, but it is neither expedient nor efficient in achieving anything with a single-minded sense of purposefulness.

I would cite Republican Rome, they had a tradition of electing an absolute leader in times of crisis in the good faith that once the current crisis had abated they would step down.

Cincinnatus was elected twice, and gave up his powers twice, despite being more than popular and competent enough to have held on to power.

>> No.7240894


>> No.7240905
File: 100 KB, 560x643, The Guitar Lesson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

LMAO away friendo.

But make sure you pick it up and clean it off afterwards, nobody likes a dirty ass.

>> No.7240938

This is a shitty thread, but I will try to help salvage it. What does /lit/ think about Jerzy Kosinski? "The Painted Bird" is interesting at least, but has he written anything else worth reading?