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File: 164 KB, 752x1063, crusader__by_kalopz-d5wffla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7234418 No.7234418[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Any decent redpilled christian works? I plan on converting to Catholicism as it is the redpilled religion, but I'd like to read some books about it, maybe stuff about the crusades and their morals. Sorry if this is in the sticky, I don't browse here and the sticky isn't laid out well.

>> No.7234431

enjoy sucking on another guy's meat, breadcuck.

>> No.7234441

Fuck off back to your cargo cult containment board faggot

and lmao catholicism = redpilled. fucking /pol/ parrot. stupid fuck

>> No.7234448

take from me, an ex-Catholic from a strong catholic family: it's a shit religion full of contradictions, a martyrdom-fetishisation beaten only by Islam and a fuckton of child rape. But if you must, read some Chesterton or Graham Greene.

>> No.7234461

holy shit lmao

>> No.7234462

Read the Gospels. Crusaders are nothing worth aspiring to.

>> No.7234474

Because you've studied Catholicism so deeply and penetratingly, right?

Grow up, kid, and try to explore the world of ideas for yourself.

>> No.7234475

Post legit rustled my jimmies, because not only do I despise pill language, but your gist is so wrong on so many levels.

The only "redpilled" religions are probably Taoism or Unitarianism, because both admit total lack of knowledge and uncertainty about the nature of what they are dealing with.

Catholicism is so rigid and bizarre in structure, and, despite many good and kindly adherents, so morally bankrupt at this point that your statement makes me almost shaky to see what kind of person you are.

Sincerely, a former catholic.

>> No.7234479
File: 6 KB, 239x210, on my way.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Badass knights like the guy in your pic were motivated by semi-pagan power structures under the guise of Christianity, not Christianity as put forth in the gospels. If you read the gospel you'll discover that Christianity is basically being a hippie. Then, when you read Paul, you'll get confused because Paul tries to make it more of a hyper-conformist "hide your dirty laundry," type of society (like what we have now in modern protestant communities) because he's a power-hungry neckbeard.

Basically, Christianity belongs in the trash.

>> No.7234483

yeah why would anyone have a bone to pick with a religious institution that protects child rapists you thick cunt

>> No.7234487

And just to answer your question, despite how ridiculous your shit is:

The guy you are looking for is Hillaire Belloc.


The great heresies is his beast.


>> No.7234489

All the apostates BTFO in this thread. The RCC is the church that Jesus founded.

Read the Bible OP, starting with the Gospels and then the New Testament followed by the Old, after that the Church Fathers. God bless you in your journey to Christ.

>> No.7234495

Yeah because it syncs up so well with take no oaths and the rest of the sermon on the mount. Paul founded the christian church.

The Roman Catholic Church is predicated on the supremacy of Rome by supposed Petrine leadership (unlikely) and the Donation of Constantine (forgery).

If anything the Coptic/Orthodox/Syrian Orthodox is the closest you are gonna get to post Nicene Christianity, and the Quakers or other Anabaptist groups from pre-Nicene Christianity.

>> No.7234503

>muh child rape

Meh. Priests actually have lower rates of pedophilia than the general population and of course sexual abuse was covered up by the church prior to the 1980s. Everyone covered it up back then.

>> No.7234508
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>I plan on converting to Catholicism as it is the redpilled religion

>> No.7234513

Quakers and Anabaptists were Gnostics. They weren't even Christian at all.

>> No.7234519

What are they now?

>> No.7234520
File: 13 KB, 224x225, bombs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we're guided by the holy spirit and our church hierarchy is the hand of God on earth
>but you can't expect us to do any better than the rest of society

>> No.7234523

yeah well
go to hell, heretic scum

>> No.7234524

>killing Saracens in defence of Christendom
>nothing to aspire to
Let me guess. You're European? Cuck.

>> No.7234531

Leave this sinful website, first of all.
r/theredpill will get you everything you need

>> No.7234532

You realize Christianity isnt about killing anyone right? It is ultimately about the redemption of mankind through the moral teachings of Christ and service to God through serving the least of his creations, even heretics.

>> No.7234537

>Priests actually have lower rates of pedophilia than the general population
now that's what I call faith!

>> No.7234538

Sounds like cuck shit to me

>> No.7234541

Why go to the trouble of contorting Christianity to fit your politics when you could just become an animist and fight to defend the holy land under your feet? That just seems so much simpler.

>> No.7234547

screwtape letters

>> No.7234550

fuck off if you want to join us Catholics just to have an excuse for you stupidity and bigotry, we don't want you

>> No.7234551

You're the same guy who literally said "le Jesus was a hippie" a few posts ago, right? Opinion discarded.

No one ever said the church is perfect. Relax on the guilt by association, though.

Aren't Quakers pretty much dead? Isn't there like 100 of them left now, or am I thinking Shakers? Also depending on what you mean by Anabaptists they should be dead too. The original Anabaptists were wiped out by persecution. They did some wacky things like public nudity. Then there was a revival...

>> No.7234559

Real Q.: Why don't you just go to 40k LARPs? Are you afraid to just speak plainly to your fellow man about shared love for pics of burly religious dudes with swords and guns?

>> No.7234561

Christians have every right to materially defend themselves through just warfare. If you want to impose pacifism on a religion, try Islam.

Because I actually understand my religion, unlike you. Let me guess. Your next move is "turn the other cheek" right?

>> No.7234569

>You're the same guy who literally said "le Jesus was a hippie" a few posts ago, right? Opinion discarded.
Nah that wasnt me. I think he was initially an apostle of John the Baptist, probably with contacts in the Essenes, and in the end was a prime mover in the synagogue reform movement at the end of 2nd temple judaisim. I dont believe he was an apocalyptic, too much of his teachings dwell upon living a virtuous life.

>> No.7234572

>no on ever said the church is perfect
Really now? Nobody with authority in the RCC has ever said this?

I never said anything about perfection myself, but when you get upset that people want to see some evidence of your highly touted spirit and love, I have to wonder what you've got going for you.


>> No.7234577

>Because I actually understand my religion
Being an armchair crusader posting DEUS VULT in every thread doesn't make you a proper christian

>> No.7234578

>Christians have every right to materially defend themselves through just warfare
They literally dont. Matthew 5:39: Do not resist an evil person.

>> No.7234581

fuck muzzie cunts join us catholics B)

>> No.7234587

You have five minutes to explain how Jesus is different from hippies besides claiming that he fulfilled prophecy (plenty of hippies claim to fulfill prophecies but this is a real go-to for church types).

>> No.7234590

Quakers are still around, mostly in northeastern America. They're a lot like Unitarians anymore, they really downplay the Christian stuff - everyone has an extremely personal relationship with the godhead and stuff.

>> No.7234594

>using anymore to mean lately

>> No.7234595

>Christians have every right to materially defend themselves through just warfare.
You...you have read about martyrology right. This is the exact opposite of what Christians are allowed to do.

>> No.7234604

Jesus wasn't a hippie and if you think He was you're retarded.

No, no one has ever said that the church is perfect. It's made up of human beings.

If you want to see evidence of its goodness post your city and I'll direct you to the nearest Catholic food bank.

Neither does listening to anything you say.

None of you guys are Christians. None of you are authorities on what Christianity is. None of you even understand the religion. Stop being so presumptuous. Stop being so arrogant. Being a heathen or an apostate does not give you the authority or insight you're claiming. Quite the opposite.

>> No.7234606

>Only *I'm* a true christian guys; you just don't understand -_-

>> No.7234611

stop taking such obvious bait, man.
you're better than this.

>> No.7234612

>I dont think Jesus was a hippie
>Jesus wasn't a hippie and if you think He was you're retarded.

I think we know who the retard is

>> No.7234617

You won't win an argument with a holier than thou attitude.

>> No.7234627
File: 118 KB, 336x475, evangelion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you want to see evidence of its goodness post your city and I'll direct you to the nearest Catholic food bank.
All the food banks here are run by the state, with the exception of one run by a baptist church. With all those bazillions of dollars and billions of followers can you really not do better than the government of my fucking corrupt state? I have a hard time believing these are the fruitful results of following an all-powerful deity.

>> No.7234636

>but guuuys I wanna be a hardcore zealot dude
>like a space marine or those monk guys on GoT
>can't /lit/ help me with that

>> No.7234638

>being an apostate does not give you the authority or insight you're claiming
Literally, "if you disagree with me, you're wrong." The Holy Spirit is really speaking though you today, anon. Maybe if you believe a little harder he'll help you type in tongues.

>> No.7234639

Was Christ describing conflicts between states? No. I can't look up the specific verse because Im on a phone, but I'm guessing that's the passage about accepting losing lawsuits with humility, or obeying the law and going with a Roman soldier an extra mile, or not getting into a fistfight over a petty insult.

>states engaged in warfare
You've never even heard the phrase "just war" before, have you? Do you even know what a war is? Do you not understand how that's distinct from being executed by your own government?

Oh look he gave me a time limit. What a big important person you are to be ordering people around like that. I actually would have given you an answer if it hadn't been for that little display of arrogance. Ask me again nicely.

>> No.7234647

>ask me again nicely
Dude it's a common expression on 4chan. Did you just wander over here from askamormon.com?

>> No.7234649

>dodging every question like he were Neo from the matrix

>> No.7234651

>Oh look he gave me a time limit. What a big important person you are to be ordering people around like that. I actually would have given you an answer if it hadn't been for that little display of arrogance. Ask me again nicely.

how old are you?

>> No.7234658

>tfw not sure if bait or dumb /pol/ack
What do you guys reckon?

>> No.7234665

Its actually the sentence before "turn the other cheek"

Love Your Enemies:
38"You have heard that it was said, 'AN EYE FOR AN EYE, AND A TOOTH FOR A TOOTH.' 39"But I say to you, do not resist an evil person; but whoever slaps you on your right cheek, turn the other to him also. 40"If anyone wants to sue you and take your shirt, let him have your coat also.…

War is abhorrent to the christian man, and by this attitude the paganism of rome was overthrown.

>> No.7234669

this isn't literature

>> No.7234671
File: 283 KB, 1440x1424, 65-9-062.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's legit
Legitimately stupid

>> No.7234673

it's bait.

/pol/ hacks usually don't try to sound this much like they aspire to be space marines.

>> No.7234688

No you don't understand. You're not a Christian. You've never even studied the religion in any depth from the outside, let alone the inside, which is what you need to get any kind of real understanding of it. Why would you understand?

No. "Le Jesus was a hippie" is literally something braindead retards sputter.

I notice you didn't post your city. Interesting. Anyway, there's one baptist church running a food bank, which is more good than you'll ever do in your life. Anyway, post your city. We'll find the nearest good the largest cheritable organization on earth does and you can volunteer at it how about?

That isn't my reasoning. I'm just trying to get you guys to stop behaving like assholes who think they know everything. The first step to learning anything about a belief system that is not your own is approaching it in a state of humility with the willingness to learn something. Being an infidel doesn't make you an expert. Stop acting like it.

>> No.7234695

>Catholicism as it is the redpilled religion

That would be Protestantism. And not American Evangival Style™ but real Protestanism

>> No.7234699

Off-topic; but what the fuck is The Message translation?

Our Father in heaven,
Reveal who you are.
Set the world right;
Do what’s best—
as above, so below.
Keep us alive with three square meals.
Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others.
Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil.
You’re in charge!
You can do anything you want!
You’re ablaze in beauty!
Yes. Yes. Yes.


After this manner therefore pray ye: Our Father which art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors.
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.

>> No.7234701

>No. "Le Jesus was a hippie" is literally something braindead retards sputter.

The point is flying so far above your head it would have overshot the twin towers.

>> No.7234709

>being an infidel doesn't make you an expert
No, but believing it earnestly until I was 25 and continuing to study it since then has taught me an awful lot.

>> No.7234710

Cool non-responses. Great contributions to the discussion.

That's an injunction against seeking petty personal revenge, not against self-defense, and not against just war. Jesus wasn't a pacifist.

>> No.7234716

Daily reminder that The Devil and the concept of Hell being an eternal torture chamber are no where in the Bible, and if they are, it's just someone's wrong translation

>> No.7234722

Like I said, you're an infidel. You think being a cradle apostate makes you an expert? Why wave that around like it's a diploma?

>> No.7234724

All you contribute is "YOUR WRONG, im right you retard"

>> No.7234729

>I don't have to argue. You don't understand. You have to argue. I haven't argued. You're arguing.

>> No.7234732

Well to be fair that isn't all I've contributed but it is a truthful statement.

>> No.7234735

Oh it's real. And it's spectacular. In the sense that something horrifying can be spectacular.

>> No.7234741

And you think believing in something makes you an expert. Anyway, you seem more concerned with tone-policing than actual arguments. Maybe go have a wank and calm down.

>> No.7234747

I love how there's like four of you fedoras spamming these worthless non-posts and patting each other on the back and I'm still managing to outflank you.

>> No.7234749
File: 70 KB, 288x499, fDJnM2b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw im OP

>> No.7234764

>Hey /lit/ give me babby's first reactionary Christianity
>Nah dude jesus was nice
>No he wasn't
>Yes he was
>You couldn't possibly understand you heretic
>Lol you're a nerd
>I-I've caught you in a masterful pincer maneuver
>Y-you've been outflanked

>> No.7234768

All you godless morons have done is tone police. Your entire collective response to this thread has been

>oh no OP used a crusader pic! I happen to be an expert on Christianity so watch me blow his tiny mind with these cool obscure things I know like that one part where Jesus said to turn the other cheek! That'll destroy him!

You people have a puerile grasp of Christianity. The thing that elevates OP above you is that he's willing to learn about Christianity, while you just want to tip your fedoras.

>> No.7234771
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>I'm still managing to outflank you.

>> No.7234783

Jesus was nice. He just wasn't a pacifist.

>> No.7234793

Stolen memes just aren't as good as the real thing. Apply yourself.

>> No.7234802


They are when you end up acting even more autistic than the thing you're rebelling against

>> No.7234804

>OP doesn't know a thing about Christianity
>here are some things about Christianity
That's not tone-policing. That's just mocking a child.

>> No.7234813

Go ahead, tell OP about the sacraments and what it means to be a part of the Catholic community and tradition. You seem just bursting at the seams with Christian wisdom.

>> No.7234815

Have you tried to educate OP at all?

>> No.7234829

Story of your life eh?

One guy actually posted some books OP was looking for. But your fedora was so massive a half dozen of you just couldn't stop yourselves from cramming your fake muh hippie Jesus down his throat. Your entire existence is tone policing. Fuck, I can just imagine you idiots hiding behind corners on r/Christianity waiting for someone to say anything even remotely pro-Christian so you can jump out with a dozen out of context Bible verses showing how Jesus is Really On Our Side (even though our side doesnt believe in Jesus or God or anything besides our own egos). Disgusting.

>> No.7234831
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>> No.7234837

>Christians have every right to materially defend themselves through just warfare.
read a book, breadcuck.

>> No.7234840

>Jesus wasn't a hippie
Real curious how a man who wandered around relying on the aid of strangers and encouraging men to leave their families to spread a world-changing ideology of peace and forgiveness isn't a hippy.

>> No.7234845

To quote myself:
>Read the Bible OP, starting with the Gospels and then the New Testament followed by the Old, after that the Church Fathers.
Seems like a good place for anyone to start. Maybe you might want to give it a go sometime? :)

>> No.7234847

>Story of your life eh?

For watching this thread and all the le ebin outflankings you did that only le redpilled crusaders know about, I can safely conclude that it describes you to a tee

>> No.7234862

>Jesus is Really On Our Side (even though our side doesnt believe in Jesus
You aren't even aware that this is actually possible, right?

>> No.7234864
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>OP will defend this

>> No.7234869

How many hippies got their followers to buy swords, besides Charlie Manson?

How many hippies never spoke out against occupying military superpowers?

How many hippies never engaged in free love?

How many hippies said soldiering is a fine profession?

How many hippies never did drugs?

How many hippies drove out money changers with whips?


>> No.7234873
File: 177 KB, 750x864, harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying I haven't
I was a Christian for a long time before I was an apostate, but apparently becoming an apostate means I couldn't have possibly understood the bible, church fathers and later theologians when I read them.

>> No.7234876

Nice try, I'm behind 1200 pages of scripture ;)

>> No.7234882

No you.
Cool response tho.

Yeah if you completely throw out the Bible Jesus could have been an Objectivist, too. "Possible" my ass. You reject God yet you still have the hubris to claim His authority as your own. Disposable.

>> No.7234890

An old meme ey? I like that.

>> No.7234891
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> Disposable

>> No.7234901
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>> No.7234902

>that black and white thinking
Nice to see a fellow American on /lit/

>> No.7234906

Maybe you should get over yourself and give it another shot?

If you want to understand Christianity you should probably read the Bible. Of course the operative term here is "want."

>> No.7234912

>You don't get it because you don't want to
Undercover Protestant detected

>> No.7234913

>hurr he thinks that Jesus wasn't a communist anarchist feminist furry other kin demisexual Buddhist just because he doesn't ignore what the Bible says about Jesus how blackwhite

>> No.7234928

>If you want to understand Christianity you should probably read the Bible. Of course the operative term here is "want."

I joked, but I wasn't joking. I've read the bible, some apocrypha, and a great deal about Christian art, law and society in the late middle ages and early modern. Muh unbeliebers can't possibly.

>> No.7234930

>just spend the rest of your life studying this until you agree with my interpretation of it
I have other things to do.

>the operative term here is, "want"
Kek this is basically what the non-Christians are saying but you somehow think that's a good thing.

>> No.7234944

Anyway, the faith has been defended. Godspeed in your quest, OP. Remember to crush heretics wherever you find them. Their lies are like tissue paper, and their bottoms prone to red soreness. DEUS VULT

>> No.7234946

Jesus was a pacifist. "Turn the other cheek" is very clear, and he never taught anything about how defending yourself or using violence is morally justified (if you disagree, please post the verse.) furthermore, the Jews were oppressed under Roman rule during Jesus lifetime. If Jesus believed in just war, do you not think he would have mentioned how the Jews should rebel against the Romans? Instead we have "render unto Caesar what is Caesars." The Zealot movement advocated a revolution against the Roman rule of Israel during Jesus life, and yet he never joined them or associated with them in any way. Jesus was a pacifist.

>> No.7234961

>I plan on converting to Catholicism as it is the redpilled religion

You do realize that a Jesuit is currently Pope right?

>> No.7234969

What's the matter with Jesuits? Really curious since they come up as a dark force in Mason and Dixon.

>> No.7234977
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>and the Quakers or other Anabaptist groups from pre-Nicene Christianity.


>> No.7234978

2 seconds on Google


Try harder.

>> No.7234984
File: 62 KB, 209x277, Might_is_right.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not going to read this thread but i hate you all.