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File: 250 KB, 459x459, ludwig-wittgenstein-e1420817612309.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7231340 No.7231340 [Reply] [Original]

What do you lads think of Wittgenstein?

>> No.7231348

best analytic philosopher

second best philosopher (second to the best continental: kierkegaard )

with these to you can simultaneously rationally understand things and feel things passionately and it's a pleasant way to live

>> No.7231354
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>> No.7231380

best philosopher period

how you can agree with wittgenstein and yet still be religious is beyond me

>> No.7231385

>how you can agree with wittgenstein and yet still be religious
Not him, but Wittgenstein is heavy on the mystical himself.

>> No.7231391

nice philosopher, but his whole 'metaphysic is a hack' stuff really got on my nerves.

>> No.7231392

If you want autism - albeit, constructive and useful autism, read his Remarks on Mathematics.

>> No.7231396

But metaphysics is a hack

>> No.7231402

He was the best analytic philosopher and in the top 10 smartest people to ever live.

>> No.7231411

u just went full foolishness! wittgenstein was extremely religious. he would read scripture to soldiers and used to work in a monastery. only in his college days was he an atheist

witt against scientism:

>> No.7231413
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>and in the top 10 smartest people to ever live.

>> No.7231415

I distinctly remember somewhere saying that he wanted to have faith yet found no logical ground supporting it. He _wanted_ to be mystical, but not that he necessarily was.

>> No.7231422

>I distinctly remember somewhere saying that he wanted to have faith yet found no logical ground supporting it
So you distinctly remember reading a load of bollox

>> No.7231440

I don't think you know anything about Wittgenstein

>> No.7231456
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You got memed
For real
Thats like attributing "should i kill myself or drink coffe" to camus
memes are dangerous

>> No.7232087

> foolishness! wittgenstein was extremely religious.

That's an exaggeration, he prayed and read but never engaged in any group worship or organized religion and ragged on Aristotle.

>> No.7232126

average philosopher, pretty overrated

>> No.7232133

i simply don't understand why /lit/ worships him!?

>> No.7232139


Technically, he ended philosophy.

>> No.7232149

From what I've read about him, what is the point of reading TLP if he just takes back what he says in the book later on in his life?

>> No.7232152

what makes a philosopher "average"?

>> No.7232247

Haven't you heard of Wittgensteinian fideism?

>> No.7232257

his philosphy is 3/10 but his eccentric mannerisms are 9/10 easily with dfw being 10/10

>> No.7232270

being the best analytic philosopher is like being the smartest retard. That said, he has at least some good work.

>> No.7232273

Technically, philosophy ended him.

>> No.7232274

How do I get into Wittgenstein? Any good introduction?

>> No.7232279

He is a god of language manipulation.

>> No.7232284
File: 455 KB, 1579x1600, Heidegger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi leddit

>> No.7232371

"G.E.M. Anscombe is the one who best understands my work." - Wittgenstein

Like all literary geniuses, from Shakespeare to Joyce to Pynchon, Wittgenstein was Catholic.

>> No.7232731

bump for answer

>> No.7232757

>He was the best analytic philosopher and in the top 10 smartest people to ever live.
he is a normie understanding his mediocrity

>> No.7232766

the fuck you think this is, /r9k/?

>> No.7232777

Is it possible to understand the Tractatus without any formal education on logic?

>> No.7232792

>Catholics claiming Joyce
You've got be fucking kidding me.

>> No.7232871

You read him

>> No.7233153

Wasnt that because she was his student?

I mean he wasnt a church goer and he tried to emigrate to the Soviet Union. These dont sound like something a Catholic would do

>> No.7233209

Read the SEP articles on referentialism, picture theory of meaning, theory of descriptions, dualism and verificationsim. You just need a basic understanding of these topics.

Next, read Philosophical Investigation and Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius by Ray Monk.

This should enable you to read whatever works of Wittgy you like and eventually apply his method to clear up confusion in other philosophers.

>> No.7233219
File: 24 KB, 460x276, wittgenstein.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Is it possible to understand _________

I don't know, is it?

>> No.7233240

a lot of lame developments that I'm completely bored of largely started - or congealed - with Wittgenstein. like basically you get to a dead end in theory and art until you learn how to get past him (while still being able to use what he does contribute to an appropriate extent)

>> No.7234292

So can i read Wittgenstein as my first philosophy? or should i start with the Greeks?

>> No.7234319

You should have at least some background understanding of philosophy in general otherwise you won't understand why he's important.

>> No.7234398



>> No.7234406

He's the end point of philosophy though

>> No.7234422

Is it enough to know the basics? Like an introductory collage course?

>> No.7234427

>second to the best continental: kierkegaard


>> No.7234430

You'll get fucking wrecked

>> No.7234459

Wittgenstein fanboyism is pure autism. He's like a shitty Hegel for analytics and much less interesting too.

Protip: his only significant contributions were to math, literally nobody gives a fuck about his philosophy

>> No.7234694

Joyce only became Catholic on his deathbed. Shakespeare would have renounced his religion if he lived today and became a movie director. Pynchon is a memester, and Wittgenstein wanted to -- but ultimately didn't -- believe in God.

Yes. Witty was a human; you're a human. His book is a form of communication. You and him both share commonalities which allow for the transfer of information. Therefore, you are apt to understand his ideas. (Source: Philosophical Investigations)


>> No.7235271

>He's the end point of philosophy though

well, that is what buying into him would have you think, and what a terrible and simply incorrect notion that is

>> No.7235279

There can't be an end to the philosophy because philosophy doesn't need to be solved. Philosophy is literally a tool.

>> No.7235365

start with the greeks

have a reply

>> No.7235380

Exposure to the autistic master of language has made my life more difficult and better.

Read wittypants.

>> No.7235427

In his later writings, he claimed that what are grammatically statements about religious matters aren't factual propositions at all, and instead advocated an emotivist theory of religion.

>> No.7235547

Wittgentstein is hands down the best edgelord with all his pictures. On a serious note his work is bullshit but sure if you don't know logic it may look impressive.

>> No.7235590

Not even bait. Nobody in academic reads Wittgenstein for the TLP

>> No.7235951
File: 62 KB, 360x600, kiKABtV.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

TLP leads the way to PI leads the way to enlightenment

>> No.7235953



>> No.7235958


Double ugh.

>> No.7235972
