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/lit/ - Literature

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7232642 No.7232642 [Reply] [Original]

Hi guys. Aspiring writer here. I'm new to the board so if I'm asking stupid questions just ignore me and I'll go away. I just started a blog to give me something to do when not working on creative writing projects. I've got a couple novellas I'm looking to publish on Kindle by the end of the year, and I'm hoping to use my blog to increase my visibility. The problem is I'm really struggling to get views. Anyone have an experience in this area? What's the best way to get your foot in the door in the world of self-published ebooks?

Pic related because I like spoopy stories.

>> No.7232647

my diary tbh

>> No.7232668

whats yer blog

>> No.7232671

Not trying to be rude but that doesn't answer my question.

>> No.7232674

Post your blog please

>> No.7232676

Its brand new, I only have three posts on there, and frankly I'm too scared from /b/ to feel comfortable linking to it here. Like I said, I'm new to this board.

>> No.7232679

We aren't /b/ so don't worry, it'll be alright.

If you post your blog I'll give you real advice...

>> No.7232688

Ads. Lots of ads. The deeper your pockets, the more attention you'll be able to attract.

>> No.7232692

Okay fine. I feel like I might regret this, but I'll share. Bear in mind I haven't really found my vision for the blog yet, so all three posts are all over the place. I know its really cringey, so please don't be too harsh. Again, its something I just started. http://www.jeffsstorycorner.com/

My pockets aren't very deep. I got laid off earlier this year and I'm only getting part time hours at my new job.

>> No.7232705

For those of you taking a look, please let me know what you'd change before ripping me a new one. I openly admit I'm not experienced.

>> No.7232712
File: 1.66 MB, 756x9800, 1434741717772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The problem is I'm really struggling to get views
Have you tried viral marketing and shitty blog spam on Reddit? There must be a sub for spooky stories and or writing help, put one of your stories there and casually drop your blogs name. Also consider starting up a thread on /r/books that's thinly veiled blog shit.

If it's all spooky stories maybe tweet Stephen King?

Yes I'm serious

>What's the best way to get your foot in the door in the world of self-published ebooks?
Is Amazon not ePublishing anyone and everyone?

>pic related is soon to be you

>> No.7232724

Anyone can technically self-publish on amazon but what he's probably concerned about is the fact that you're basically invisible on Amazon unless you heavily promote your books through other channels.

>> No.7232727

Lol pic related didn't moderate her comment section, but I get your drift. It wont all be spooky stories, but I'd love to write horror. For my blog I'm hoping to update with content a wide audience might enjoy, and later plug what I publish on Amazon. But no I haven't gone to reddit yet. I'm a bit afraid of the backlash, which sounds strange considering I'm here.

>> No.7232736

There probably won't be any. Reddit either ignores things or likes them. You're more likely to face real backlash on tumblr or goodreads.

>> No.7232760


You're too good, man. Too pure and innocent and unironic. You're beautiful and you make me want to weep.

>> No.7232769

I like it, posts might be a little long for average geek chic types.

>your comment must be approved
where is your sense of adventure jeff?

>> No.7232778

Thanks. I know that NYCC entry got a little wordy, but I was excited. And haha, I suppose I could allow comments without approval, but I'm scared.

>> No.7232781

Comments no longer require approval. If I can't get hits, I can at least make it fun for the visitors, right?

>> No.7232787

Not the emotion I was looking for but I'll take it.

>> No.7232827

Thanks for taking a look guys, and thanks to whoever commented. It means a lot. I'm gonna keep updating, so hopefully if you ever come across it again, I'll have more good stuff.

>> No.7232834

If you like spooks then try making some short stories to post on reddit's /r/nosleep. They have competitions monthly there and that's a guaranteed way to get exposure if you win or at least get 2nd, 3rd place.

>> No.7232839

I have quite a lot of short stories but I'm afraid if I post anything good to reddit someone will just rip it off. I'm also pretty unfamiliar with reddit in general so I don't know if I'd need to reformat my stories to post them there or what. I'm totally new at this, so I'm really appreciating all advice itt.

>> No.7232847

Just use some of your less precious ideas, if someone rips it off then they're probably retarded anyways and won't amount to anything.

>> No.7232849

This is an age where talentless retards are the ones who "amount" to things. Just look at dumbfucks like Pewdiepie.

>> No.7232852

This. Dude, get out of here. This place is a cancer which has taught itself to be infectious. You're like Myshkin coming into Russia. It breaks my heart.

>> No.7232860

The entire internet is live feed of raw humanity. No matter where I go for advice, I risk the scum of the world ridiculing me. While you're here, why not lend your thoughts?

>> No.7232917

Try an angle. Don't write the same stuff everyone else does. Be funny. Be ridiculous. Be tragic. Be insane. Write those spooky stories.

Read some good books too. I recommend Steinbeck, O'brien, McCarthy, the KJV bible (seriously, its good writing) if you haven't already read them (if you have, doesn't hurt to read 'em again).

As for views, you need to have an existing fan-base. Try youtube. Try advertising on social media (Reddit, fb, etc.). Make yourself accessible.

Good luck, Myshkin, keep on carrying that cross.

>> No.7232983

Oh you guys called me an idiot, lol. Thanks anyway jackasses.

>> No.7232994

increase the font size, or decrease it.

>> No.7232997

Both sound like good ideas.

>> No.7233004

Is this guy fucking retarded, and also, why aren't people pummelling his comments section?
I remember when /lit/ used to be all about the Katies and less about the christposting

>> No.7233007

OP here. Lets see something you've worked on. I know my work is cringey, but I posted all three of those entries on my FB. I want to get better at so I'm exposing myself to criticism. Would you like to offer some?

>> No.7233012
File: 77 KB, 700x566, Moichendizing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7233060

It has less to do with your writing and more to do with me getting to imagine your furious, inadequately endowed tears.
Didn't even read your stories tbh fam, though johnsbookcorner sounds wildly peadophilic

>> No.7233083

>didn't read

we have something in common

>> No.7233104

Out here trying to spam his horror stories

We only like you if you are dead but we're popular when you were alive. It fits our universal wish fulfilment

>> No.7233106


>> No.7233134

What horror story did I spam?

>> No.7233148

This has got to be Katie's husband come to shake us up with some low level b8

>> No.7233446

I don't know about anyone else but I don't read walls of text online unless they're pro.

I would shorten each post if I were Jeff, put more photos and video.