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7227764 No.7227764 [Reply] [Original]

what's the Oblivion of books?

>> No.7227766

Daily reminder that posts like this should be against the rules.

>> No.7227772
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>> No.7227788

This cover is a fucking mess, oblivion isn't capitalized, stories is about ten times smaller than the title while the title itself is so fucking big the word got split into two, what the fuck, fire whoever made this.

>> No.7227795

I like it.

>> No.7227799


>a book from a great author that everyone masturbates to but is actually complete and utter shit compared to its direct predecessor which is the author's real masterpiece

>> No.7227804

If it helps any, the bottom word wraps around, so that a blue v is on the spine. I always wonder if they considered that it was his fifth book of fiction.

>> No.7227810

Or, alternatively, a disappointing follow-up to a masterpiece that gets a ton of shit it doesn't deserve and is actually pretty enjoyable.

The Oblivion of books is Vineland.

>> No.7228269


This isn't a thread about Skyrim

>> No.7228284

>he fell for the Morrowind is better meme

Oblivion's the true masterpiece.

>> No.7228293

it's a fun game and I had a great time with it back in the day but it's not exactly a well made game

>> No.7228305

I 2nd this motion.

>> No.7228328

anything that's wide as an ocean and deep as a puddle

order of phoenix is a good bet

>> No.7228564

>being young enough to think morrowind's greatness is a meme
i weep for the future

>> No.7228572

i want to live in a future where a conservative social critic of my generation devotes a chapter of his book to young people thinking morrowind's greatness is a meme

>> No.7228585

Vineland was only mildly enjoyable. I didn't hate it but I'd say it earned its reputation.

>> No.7229651

It's aged like milk though.

>> No.7229681
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>> No.7229721

Well since the mythology and dialogue is such utter horse shit, any fantasy novel written by a 12 year old will do the job

>> No.7229754


You finish it and you think "Wow, that was great. I can't wait for the sequel, which I'm sure will expand and improve on everything which made this one good!"

And then you experience the sequel and you want to murder those responsible for creating it for so badly misunderstanding what made the original one good and turning it into such a flaming pile of shit.


>> No.7229760

>Oblivion > Skyrim
>not Morrowind > Skyrim > Oblivion

>> No.7229799


I take it you were born after 1995-1997?

>> No.7230039

This is the Meme opinion

>> No.7231408
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As do I, friend.

>> No.7232291

Skyrim> Oblivion
Oblivion of its time > skyrim of its time

>> No.7232293


How about you just read the in-game books? Aren't there like dozens of them???

>> No.7232307

i prefer oblivion to skyrim. neither setting is very varied, but oblivion's is a lot prettier. blue skies, trees. skyrim is a grey wasteland. and there's no city like the imperial city in skyrim. the imperial city is amazing. solitude comes closest. also, i think the quests in oblivion were better. im glad skyrim fixed the faces and made the combat better, but i'd still rather play oblivion for its world and story. (neither is better than morrowind)

>> No.7232317

who /fallout3/ here???

>> No.7232406
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I gotta agree with you.
Everyone memes about Morrowind, but I played Oblivion first and enjoyed it the most. Maybe it's because I'm a 1994 babby.

>> No.7232415

It's funny you guys are talking about this. I recently spent half a day getting both morrowind and oblivion to work on my mac (inb4 mac fag) with wineskin wrappers etc.

Played some morrowind, and managed to avoid the temptation of making myself op with the alchemy bug for the first time since my second play through. Really enjoyed/enjoying it.

Also oblivion, played until lvl 24 i think with a female high elf. Nearing the end of mages guild and about a third of the way through the dark brotherhood. It's amazing (inb4 overused word) how much there is to do in these games.

So yeah, I enjoy both games. I'd say Morrowind has better lore which they were mainly able to do because they didn't need to voice act everything so they could just spam walls of text. Which are fun sometimes. Also I love how you get conflicting info on some of the history, nerevar & disappearance of dwemer notably. Oblivion never really had that, it's just handed to you.

Anyway, to answer the question:
Morrowind = down and out in paris and london
oblivion = animal farm
skyrim = 1984

>> No.7232422
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can you mod on a Mac?

>> No.7232437

I haven't done it myself but there was a lot of info about that on some of the forums i visited. From what i gather it's pretty simple since you can just move the files into the data directory. I did attempt to install oblivion mod manager (which is only necessary for some mods) but wasn't able to so i just played vanilla.

I played morrowind as a kid so the graphics and shitty combat don't really bother me that much.

Also mods are great and i remember modding the fuck out of oblivion when i used to play it. Now though, there's more than enough for me in the vanilla game.

>> No.7232450
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>oblivion mod manager is only required for a couple mods
only if you intend to use them 1 at a time like some kind of weirdo. otherwise you run into trouble with the load orders and interaction and what not

If it works more power to you, though.

Also, what about the script extenders?

>> No.7232462

you can choose the load order in the oblivion splash menu that opens up. oblivion mod manager optimises it or whatever (i'm no expert) but it is more than possible to use several mods simultaneously without the manager. (I've done it myself in the past).

>script extenders
no idea

I actually only wanted to mod oblivion it to change the ui because the default one is shit.

>> No.7232469

but hyperion was shit anon

>> No.7232482
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In the end all you really need to play Morrowind/Oblivion is the console so you can mod your own stats, because the level-up system is paint-sniffing, down syndrome retarded.

I can't imagine playing as a console peasant without the "~". Truly they must suffer.

>> No.7232508

I didn't like Oblivion's setting very much.

It felt too generic fantasy to me.

Skyrim was interesting because it was a cold and harsh wasteland.

Morrowind was an interesting alien like world.

>> No.7233699

The Fall of Hyperion looks like a fucking masterpiece when you read Endymion and whatever is called its sequel

>> No.7233703

The fuck is this doing back on my front page?


>> No.7233721

Morrowind > Daggerfall > Skyrim > shit > Oblivion

>> No.7233744

Would you rather DFW memes?

>> No.7233748

shit > infinite torture > all elder scrolls games

>> No.7233771

Daggerfall > Morrowind > Infinite Jest > Brief Interviews > Skyrim > Oblivion

>> No.7233774
