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/lit/ - Literature

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7231503 No.7231503 [Reply] [Original]

When did you grow out of your "KKKapitalism sux" phase?

>> No.7231505

She knows nothing about penmanship either.

>> No.7231511

That girl can't possibly be 10. I'd fuck her.

>> No.7231514

>grow out of
I was an Ayn Rand reading "objectivist" and libertarian when I was in high school.

I recognize the tradeoffs of capitalism, and sometimes I feel despair that we'll never be rid of the downsides, but I like the alternatives even less. I've actually become more skeptical of capitalism as I've aged into my mid-twenties.

>> No.7231525

When I stopped being concerned with the petty concerns of this world and started looking toward the Kingdom of God and realized that monarchism and distributism are the only feasible means of government but it doesn't even matter because this world is fallen.

>> No.7231535

>it doesn't even matter because this world is fallen
I wish people who believed this would stop running for office then.

>> No.7231543

>Discriminating against Christians
It's 2015 people

>> No.7231544

that girls definitely 14

>> No.7231548

is that you Will?

>> No.7231551

Capitalism is terrible. You have to be retarded to think otherwise. There's no absolute answer, but I think Sanders is heading in the right direction.

>> No.7231553
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>> No.7231556

>says something doesn't matter
>tries to control it
Just pointing out the obvious, fam.

>> No.7231558

Teenagers always worried about politics trying to make themselves feel like intelligent and adult ones. Everybody knows politics and so are mundane subjects for mundane minds.

>> No.7231578
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let me guess: you have never passed an economics class and are "bad at math"

>> No.7231593



>> No.7231601

I've never run for office in my life. I don't even vote.

>> No.7231614
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You're the only developed country without a sensible healthcare system, fam. The rest of the world is surpassing you.

>> No.7231622


>> No.7231626

protip: "i'm bad at math" just means "i'm stupid"

>> No.7231630


Capitalism is terrible and more or less the death of culture, but socialism is the death of men

A different kind of bad is hardly the right direction

>> No.7231633

There isn't any sensible health care system in the world today. Universal government health care is mediocre for obvious reasons, but American healthcare is FUBAR because the government enabled health insurance companies to obscure prices and thus destroy competition.

>> No.7231635

I grew into it. I didn't become a full-blown socialist until I left college and had to get a full-time job.

>> No.7231639

This tbh.

When I was a teen I was a libertarian

>> No.7231642

You don't have to be good at math to be good at economics. Protip: babby shit like tensor analysis and differential geometry isn't math, it's arithmetic.

>> No.7231646

Not OP, but mathematical physics grad student here. Capitalism is rapidly eliminating limited resources and altering global weather patterns for the worse. And governments can't really stop it at this point. Capitalism will ultimately be responsible for a massive and irreversable contraction of the global economy.

>> No.7231648

I have an IQ in the 99th percentile and I bombed the mathematics portion of the test.

>> No.7231651

leftist cuck

>> No.7231655

Being bad at math means you're bad at understanding systems and a priori truths. This can lead to babbyish beliefs like socialism

>> No.7231657
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>tfw reading hardcore value-form critique and dialectical theory on the bus to work

>> No.7231659 [DELETED] 
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Without this drifting into politics too much, can somebody rec me some good non-edgy books on Anarchism?
I've always written off anarchism as something for edgy kids who don't want to go to school, but I've read Stirner's, The Ego and His Own, and some Kropotkin I want to learn more. I tried to learn from reddit but /r/anarchism doesn't>>7231614
even relate to any of the texts that I have read.

>> No.7231661

It's funny because your proposed solution is probably the contraction of the global economy.

>> No.7231663

real men are capitalists. Cucks are leftists. It's a mental illness

>> No.7231664

Well, other systems get better results for less effort, and do at least try to have some cohesiveness, at the very least.

>> No.7231666

1. shutting off every factory in the world wouldn't substantively alter the trajectory of climate change
2. price/property is the most efficient rationing mechanism

>> No.7231668

I bet you brag about your math knowledge but didn't even take a real analysis class as an undergrad.

>> No.7231672
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When did /lit/ become this retarded?

>> No.7231674

>Protip: babby shit like tensor analysis and differential geometry isn't math, it's arithmetic.

>> No.7231679

>real men
get out

>> No.7231680

By having "cohesiveness" do you mean arbitrary and dangerous government control?

>> No.7231681

We're a /pol/-/r9k/-hybrid now

>> No.7231683
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>only uncool people believe in the bible xD this is a cool anarchist board for us punks only xD

>> No.7231685

You must be a woman, a minority, or a gay.

Ever wondered why white heterosexual property-owning males with high testosterone vote Republican, and are conservatives, while effeminate leftists, women, gays, and blacks with low testosterone are all leftists?

Take the redpill

>> No.7231688

Sorta. I'm thinking of Singapore, by the way.

>> No.7231691
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>Not being a post-humanist accelerationist

tbh is the only position that makes sense anymore

>> No.7231692


>> No.7231695
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The cancer of /lit/ shows itself.

Back to the garbage with you.

>> No.7231698

I do know Singapore has a very free market but I'm not familiar with the healthcare there.

>> No.7231709

It's best. Federal healthcare savings account and free market access to insurance.

>> No.7231719

I never entered that phase as a teenager, because I had good parents whom I loved.

>> No.7231720

Sounds pretty nice.

>> No.7231721
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euphoric post, my fellow gentleman

I dare say these less enlightened children need to go back to their trash heaps.

>> No.7231723

Factories aren't the primary contributors to climate change, agriculture is. And while climate change is somewhat irreversible, not accelerating it buys us valuable time. Of fucking course free market prices are efficient, but that doesn't mean that corporate entities should be given the rights to freely pollute and consume resources; environmental destruction is a case of market failure in which the tragedy of the commons can only be prevented with state intervention.

>> No.7231732

Keep telling yourself that while you jerk off to traps, /pol/ faggot.

>> No.7231742

leftist cuck detected.

enjoy jerking off to old man Sanders who is mentally ill. Protip: equality is not true. There is a natural hierarchy in which white men are on top

>> No.7231744
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You know someone has a good argument when his whole argument is memes. Best of luck with the delusions and literal retardation.

>> No.7231745

/lit/ is for the discussion of literature.

If you want to talk about politics, go to /pol/.

>> No.7231746
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/pol/ fags are so embarrassing for us sensible right-wingers.

>> No.7231747


I don't understand. Do /pol/ shills only come here to jerk off to the canon? Do they even read?

>> No.7231750

i'm here to redpill you brainwashed college kids who gobble up cultural marxist rhetoric from your commie professors

>> No.7231752

In my experience they mostly read about Eastern European kings and battles on Wikipedia and talk about how hardcore various empires were.

>> No.7231753

When I heard that "one of the great mistakes is to judge policies and programs by their intentions rather than their results"

>> No.7231754

Freud was a Jew, you cuckold.

>> No.7231755


>> No.7231757

>White men at the top
>Not asians and jews
Top fucking kek.

>> No.7231761

I majored in math and I'm a socialist. I know a lot of people with PhD's in math and they are overwhelmingly socialists. I would say that of all the STEM fields the pure math types are the most likely to be on the political left.

I'm not a Marxist, but there's even a famous mathematician who stayed very productive into his late years by claiming he was kept going by "the three M's - math, marriage, and Marxism."

>> No.7231766
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glad to see those new janitors are really fitting in well

>> No.7231768

Anti-semitism is dangerously related to anti-capitalism.

>> No.7231772


mein gott

>> No.7231774

>marriage and Marxism

In a Marxist state, there will be no such thing as Marxism. White women will be forced to mate with blacks to breed out whiteness. This is the goal of the Judaic-Marxist elite.

>> No.7231777
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KANYE 2020


>> No.7231781

Y'all are both being silly. High-IQ people are prone to adopt ideologies that allow them categorize and believe they understand the world. Lots of math PhDs being Marxists doesn't say a single thing about Marxism.

>> No.7231784

>new janitors
The process takes longer than that fam

>> No.7231790
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I guess that setting sounds interesting, what system are you gonna use? D20 Modern?

>> No.7231792

But isn't communism a jewish conspiracy???

>> No.7231801

I wasn't making any sort of a statement about socialism being more correct because of math students liking it. I was just pointing out that the anon who claimed "math students are less likely to be socialists because they understand systems" was talking out of his ass.

Leave this board. Don't even go to /pol/. Bring all of them to Stormfront or whatever. I want 4chan to be not garbage someday.

>> No.7231802

People who do math really ought to stick to math. The problem with intellectuals is that they stray from their fields into things they know nothing about, which usually includes politics.

>> No.7231808

Everything's a Jewish conspiracy

>> No.7231809

I don't think so.

>> No.7231816
File: 35 KB, 529x754, ben2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kanye/Carson is a serious possibility
>GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson said he would be willing to consider musician Kanye West for president during a Sunday interview with ABC’s “This Week.”
>West, who declared his intent to run for president at this year’s Video Music Awards, reportedly talked with Carson in recent weeks. The conversation included a discussion about business and how performers might write more uplifting music. Asked for his thoughts on a West 2020 candidacy, Carson said he would be willing consider it.

>> No.7231817
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>yfw you realize all of /pol/'s opinions are just based on bitterness toward their socially normal peers

Pathetic board full of pathetic people.

>> No.7231819

That applies to all of 4chan anon.

>> No.7231824

/pol/ and /r9k/ aren't all of 4chan.

>> No.7231830

I'm not making any claim that math students have particularly better or more correct politics than anyone else, just that they're generally leftists.

But I disagree pretty strongly that people who study Political Science, or politicians themselves, are particularly smarter or better politically than anyone, including math majors.

>> No.7231831
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>> No.7231839

>"The whole thing is like a competition to see who can make the biggest ass out of themselves."
Hank Hill on communists, marxists, left extremists, and other socialist flavors attempting to debate the economy.

>> No.7231842

I would agree with that. The vast majority of political belief is subconscious and irrational anyways.