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7231475 No.7231475 [Reply] [Original]

Sup /lit/erati, I'm ordering some books, anyone have any suggestions?

Currently in the checkout list are

>Infinite Meme
>Mason & Dixon
>Blood Meridian
>Norwegian Wood

Anything else that I really have to get?

Please keep the memes to a minimum, I know people have different tastes.

>> No.7231477

Yes, I suggest that you read them before you buy more books.

>> No.7231486


Good call.


Get Gogol's collected short stories or Dead Souls. It's pretty brilliant.

>> No.7231488

Yeah, I was thinking that too. I was just thinking I should check if you guys had some immediate suggestions while I actually have money.

>> No.7231498

Neuromancer by William Gibson (Since you posted Ghost in the Shell in the OP)

Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov

The Sun Also Rises by Ernest Hemingway

>> No.7231502

Read Neuromancer, pretty good actually.

Thanks for the other suggestions. Totally forgot about Nabokov.

>> No.7231508

Thanks for the suggestions. Dead Souls looks right up my street.

>> No.7231580

I personally see nothing in David Foster Wallace, Cormac McCarthy, or Haruki Murakami.

Avoid: Salman Rushdie and contemporary British literature in general, Bertrand Russell and David Hume

Basic Writings - Martin Heidegger
Les Fleurs du Mal - Charles Baudelaire [Better if you are savvy in regards to the French language]
Bibliography - Thomas Pynchon
1001 Nights - Various
Bibliography - Thomas Mann [Better if you are savvy in regards to the German language]
Paradife Loft - John Milton
Bibliography - Edgar Allen Poe
Bibliography - Fjodor Dostojevski
Bibliography - Phillip K. Dick
Bibliography - William Gibson
In Search of Lost Time - Marcel Proust [Better if you are savvy in regards to the French language]
Bibliography - Vladimir Nabakov
Ring of Steel - Alexander Watson
From the Ruins of Empire - Pankaj Mishra
History of Modern China - Johnathan Fenby
Bloodlands - Timothy Snyder
Das Elisabethanische Zeitalter - Ulrich Suerbaum [In German - Unaware of translations]
Der Dreissigjaehrige Krieg - Deitmar Pieper ["]
Karl der Grosse - Dieter Haegermann ["]
Deutschland im Ersten Weltkrieg - Various ["]
Leaves of Grass - Walt Whitman
The Complete Poems - Emily Dickinson
The Waste Land and Other Writings - T.S. Eliot
Selected Poems - Rilke
Poems - Wang Wei
Selected Poetry - Keats
New Selected Poems and Translations - Ezra Pound
Selected Poems - Jorge Luis Borges
Collected Poems - Rimbaud [Better if you are savvy in regards to the French language]
Deutsche Geschichte - Various [In German - Unaware of translations]
Der Einzige und sein Eigentum [Better if you are savvy in regards to the German language]
Bibliography - Gogol
Bibliography - Goethe
Bibliography - Sophokles
Divine Comedy - Dante
Bibliography - Franz Kafka
Bibliography - Gilles Deleuze [Better if you are savvy in regards to the French language]
Bibliography - Georg Friedrich Hegel [Better if you are savvy in regards to the German language]
Bibliography - Immanuel Kant ["]
Bibliography - Arthur Schopenhauer ["]
Bibliography - Friedrich Nietzsche ["]
[Various Greek literature]

>> No.7231584

hold the norwegian wood brudi. It's fucking shit

>> No.7231590

>this german.

>> No.7231631

>Fjodor Dostojevski


>> No.7231637

>Paradife Loft

No way

>> No.7231669

>Paradaife Loft

>> No.7231675

fuck, messed up
>Paradife Loft

>> No.7231689
File: 34 KB, 629x143, 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Archaic English and German writing styles s's looked similar to f's.
Germans still wrote archaically until the early 20th century.

German spelling of the name,
if I am not mistaken.
I concerned myself primarily with German translations.

>> No.7231690

I just went on german amazon

It's Dostojewski

>> No.7231696

Yes. W instead of V.

>> No.7231705

Fine thats how they spell Dostoevsky in german because j's sound like y's and w's like v's... Fine.

Paradife Loft ... That's indefensible.

>> No.7231710

>hated jews

>> No.7231749

I know, I was mocking >>7231580 for not knowing that.

>> No.7231767

Both posts are mine.

>> No.7231907

thats a big bitch

>> No.7231997

Instead of Norwegian Wood buy The Temple of the Golden Pavilion by Mishima.