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7230638 No.7230638 [Reply] [Original]


“No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man.” - Heraclitus

I am drifting through farce and its alternative, as well as mythology and its alternative. People live through farce and mythology: Farce reveals itself at its most farcical when it claims to be free of itself. Mythology reveals itself at its most mythological when it claims to be free of itself. There is an ignorance that is imposed during contemplation: Ignorance only reveals itself in the face of a task which can not be completed. I am seeking something: An apparition. There are times when we take something to be negative and wish to remove its attributes but can not understand the procedures necessary for its removal. We may suddenly get strange mythological ideas that may or may not align with the truth. We may begin journeys with intentions which change halfway through. We may pretend myths are completely without substance. We may associate our myths with an objective attribute. We may trigger a change in colour or sense-data and assume we have an objective for the journey. We name separate ideas of objects and persons based on preference, observation, and ignorance. We separate ideas of objects and persons based on preference, observation, and ignorance. We presuppose attributes and laws based on memories of the migration of colour and "sense-data". Every moment we are seized by phenomenological apparitions revealing themselves as "sense-data".

>> No.7230887

"Only if Science exists on the basis of metaphysics can it advance further in its essential task, which is not to amass and classify bits of knowledge but to disclose in ever-renewed fashion the entire region of truth in nature and history." - [Martin Heidegger/ What is Metaphysics/Basic Writings pg. 56/57]

>> No.7230915

>perception is subjective

Yes, we know. Moderns love parroting that shit. You're not sharing anything insightful.

>> No.7230930

You misquoted me.
There are 18 sentences in the paragraph I posted and you responded to none of them.

>> No.7231004

"Common sense has its own necessity; it asserts its rights with the weapon peculiarly suitable to it, namely, appeal to the "obviousness" of its claims and considerations. However, philosophy can never refute common sense, for the latter is deaf to the language of philosophy. Nor may it even wish to do so, since common sense is blind to what philosophy sets before its essential vision." - [Martin Heidegger/ On the Essence of Truth/ Basic Writings pg. 66]

>> No.7231051

idea precedes form
the apparitions have their uses
you see with the eyes, but not through them
metaphysics is about the principle behind what you see
the truth, and the signature of it's creator made known.
there is a reason for the way we see things, but there is a purpose for the way things are made.
we granulate time and space into units and increments because of our linear thinking brain. but all philosophy is but a remembrance of the essential spiritual depth of things.
on the one hand, we recognize that our perceptions are flawed and hold holes but to the trained mind we know that it is not the apparitions that we should attribute the truth to, but the principle behind it. the idea. and this can only be known through the things relationship with things. my two cents

>> No.7231084

>idea precedes form
"Being" is imposed and out of them grow ideas of separation: abstract thought that knows itself or doesn't.

>the apparitions have their uses
What are the prerequisites for something being useful or not?
What goal is not a farce?
I hear "Occam's Razor" in the distance.

Toward the other sentences I have no response.
These two I was seized by an afflatus to respond to.

>> No.7231129

>What goal is not a farce?

>What are the prerequisites for something being useful or not?
whether or not it dilutes self-remembering or consciousness

towards your other points i don't feel like responding to

>> No.7231147

Definitely some good threads in what you wrote, OP. I think that you should thoroughly study & detail the claim that we operate in mythology in some capacity.

I can tell that you're young and that you have the spirit of philosophy. Just keep thinking and writing, and don't be afraid to work towards writing a book. There will be plenty of nay-sayers along the way, but just focus on philosophy as an art, craft, and way of life & you'll do/say/make something big.

>> No.7231206

The word may be incorporated in to your mythology.
You may appropriate the opening and passing through of the door as a transcending of the limits of a room,
or the firing of a rocket as the transcending of the limits of earth,
but why this word as opposed to any other?

>whether or not it dilutes self-remembering or consciousness
To remember what?
What is of importance that should be remembered?

>> No.7231250

>I think that you should thoroughly study & detail the claim that we operate in mythology in some capacity
True. Perhaps in the future I will gather information about the etymology of the word "mythology" and how it relates to what I am concerning myself with.

>don't be afraid to work towards writing a book
Writing essays currently,
but they could potentially be gathered in to a book.
The problem is: "Who is my audience?"

>> No.7231389

Can you explain to me why you felt the need to write this, and to give it 18 sentences? Are you clarifying it for yourself, or do you assume that somebody could benefit or learn something from what you've written? I know the tone of my post reads as critical, but it's neutral.

>> No.7231425

>Can you explain to me why you felt the need to write this, and to give it 18 sentences?
I have a schedule written out for the day and I happened to follow the schedule today,
which includes spending time writing.
I had written something beforehand which happened to have 18 sentences.
The number is arbitrary.
I was seized by the afflatus to post it on the literature board of 4chan,
considering it begins with a quote related to literature,
not to mention what it would most likely be associated with,
the field of philosophy, knows itself primarily through literature.
I did it as opposed to not.

>Are you clarifying it for yourself, or do you assume that somebody could benefit or learn something from what you've written?
They would learn something from what I have written and no,
it is not necessarily clarification, but I see no reason not to read responses to the sentences I have written.

>> No.7231436

What's the source for that heraclitus quote?

"On those who step into the same river ever different waters are flowing" - Heraclitus, (Arius Didymus, fr. 39 Diels

"It is impossible to step twice into the same river, it scatters and regathers, comes together and dissolves, approaches and departs" - Heraclitus (Plutarch, On the E at Delphi 392bIO-c3 Babbit)

"We step and do not step into the same rivers, we are and are not" - Heraclitus (Heraclitus Homericus, Homeric Questions 24.10-12 Oelmann)

>> No.7231476

Similar quotes are found in Plato's Cratylus.
I had written the sentence written from either that or another book a few weeks ago, but never wrote down what exact page or book it was.
I tend to re-read so I will write it down once I find it again.

>> No.7231513

Don't worry bud I gotcha
"Heraclitus says sonewhere that everything gives way and that nothing is stable, and in likening things to the flowing of a river he says that one cannot step twice into the same river." (Plato, Cratylus 402a8-10 Duke et al)

>> No.7231568

Can you post the schedule?

>> No.7231611


Read 50 pages
Eat, while watching a film
Brush Teeth
Read 50 pages
Read 50 pages
Brush Teeth
Read a few Poems
Eat, while watching a film

And after that I do various things that will change daily,
as well repeating some things that are already on my list [Reading another 50 pages, reading poetry or writing, generally speaking. The schedule tends to be stuck to, but what happens afterward varies.].