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File: 30 KB, 490x580, AUTHOR_Roberto_Bolano[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7220646 No.7220646 [Reply] [Original]

Daily reminder that you don't need a college education to become a great writer. Just do it /lit/.

>> No.7220659
File: 9 KB, 350x490, bloom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I suspect Bolano is another period piece. His excess attracts but flows away.

>> No.7220684

Thank you

>> No.7220688

But I don't know how to start.

>> No.7220691

fake ass nigga promoted by a publishing industry desperate to cash in on the latino market:

>Questions have arisen over his published persona and his actual life. His widow, Carolina Lopez, from whom he was separated at the time of his death, and Andrew Wylie, the American agent she hired, dispute the idea, originally suggested by Bolaño himself, endorsed by his American translator and mentioned in several of the rapturous recent reviews of "2666" in the United States that the writer was ever an addict. At the same time, some of his friends flatly contradict Bolaño’s assertion that he was in Chile at the time of the military coup that brought Gen. Augusto Pinochet to power, another aspect of the life story the writer constructed for himself.

>> No.7220696

>Daily reminder that you don't need a college education to become a great writer. Just do it /lit/.

but you do need to be able to get mad pussy, no forever alone author will ever be considered great, and that is where your fantasy of ever being a great novelist slips away, one fap at a time. have a nice day.

>> No.7220699

The first draft it's just you telling the story to yourself.
Write anything that comes to your mind without editing or being to critical about it.
Remember, fear is the mind killer.

>> No.7220707

College is mostly a scam these days anyway.

>> No.7220746

I know but I just can't. Maybe I should try writing some notes down first and make an outline.

>> No.7220773

>I am uneducated but I think my opinion matters
lmao at your life

>> No.7220792

Hell -- even if you're educated your opinion doesn't matter!

>> No.7220826


>> No.7220835

A college education isn't useless if you aim at being cultured! Also, many great authors had a college degree in one way or another. Louis-Ferdinand Céline and François Rabelais were both physicians, Saint-John Perse was a diplomat, François Mauriac and Anatole France both journalists, Fyodor Dostoyevsky an engineer, Maurice Maeterlinck a lawyer, and so on. College is a fantastic opportunity to get to know interesting and well-read people who could help you achieve your literary ambition! You shouldn't disregard it.

>> No.7220846

It isn't useless, but also it isnt in any way required.

>> No.7220850

By starting. If it's hard to do by yourself (and it is, no shame in admitting that) find a writer's group. Lots of libraries have them. You'll be motivated to produce work and you'll get opinions from real people about it.

>> No.7220866

who gives a shit if he wrote good stuff?

fucking plebs smh

>> No.7220871

Only the brilliant and the retarded believe this.

>> No.7220877

he didn't need college to realize that poetry is homosexual, and prose heterosexual.

>> No.7220889


>tfw both and neither

>> No.7220910


>that constant look of dreary anxiety

Harold Bloom must be a happy man.

>> No.7220997

Are you even worth the air you breathe? Get skull fucked already. Or at least start reading books instead of e-mags. I'm guessing argueing with your cancer-worthy mind must be akin to playing chess with a chicken. Grow the fuck up.

>> No.7221021
File: 38 KB, 512x343, winklevoss_twins_interview_social_network_movie_armie_hammer_josh_pence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not everybody does, but plenty of artists benefit enough from college that it's worth some soul-searching to decide if you really want to go without. Honestly, I question whether anyone who lacks the juice to get a scholarship to a state school should really stake their future on a cerebral, self-disciplined endeavour like writing fiction.

>> No.7221025

>A few years later Epler watched, in awe, as the much larger house Farrar, Straus and Giroux launched “The Savage Detectives” with a publicity campaign that included aggressive, early use of Twitter, a New York event with free tote bags and glasses of whiskey, and an author photograph of a very young and very long-haired Bolaño looking like some Latin American rock star. The American legend of Bolaño had been set in motion, Epler said, and in the years since it’s taken on a life of its own.

>> No.7221042
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>Projecting this hard

>> No.7221050 [DELETED] 

>thinks everyone wants to be an author

nah buddy looks like you're the only faggoty ass homothug project around here

>> No.7221064

>think everyone is as desperate to be an author as himself

nah fag, seems like you're the only one projecting around here, have fun knowing you will never be a great author next time you wack it, loser

>> No.7221070
File: 16 KB, 905x213, keeeek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he has to delete and re-write his posts

Wow! What a loser lol

>> No.7221073

isn't it funny how leftists will cling to some mediocrity like bolagno as an example of how "you don't need to go to college to be successful" but if you mention any of the dozens of successful entrepreneurs who became wealthy without college they will say "oh sure buddy that's just what the one percent want you to believe!" etc. ahh how people fool themselves...

>> No.7221079

fiction writers are prone to fictionalize

>> No.7221081

>goes and searches for deleted posts in some nerdy 4chan archive for lifelong losers

u sure showed me bro!

>> No.7221086

but what about "muh life experience"? are you saying fiction isn't real and life experience is fucking gay shit? gosh i dont know what to believe any more!

>> No.7221090


4chanX m8. The appear automatically.

Wait, you're telling me you browse 4chan without add-ons?

>> No.7221096

>using 4chan addons

lol not everyone is as much as a loser as you bro i just come here to laugh at faggots on my down time

>> No.7221098

>i just come here to laugh at faggots on my down time

Wow bro what's wrong with you? Your parents dead or something?

>> No.7221099

>are you saying fiction isn't real and life experience is fucking gay shit?
wtf are you on about?

>> No.7221109

Who gives a flying fuck about an american publisher's marketing strategies? Would you read the book already? The fucking nerve...

>> No.7221128

i can't take an author who holds up cigarettes like that in his promotional material seriously

>> No.7221146

Yeah cuz all those YA authors are CEREBRAL as fuck. Especially the teenage ones.

>> No.7221156

now that it turns out all the hype about bolagno as some kind of che-guevara-on-heroin radical dude was all bullshit, we find out he was actually a just a disciplined jounreyman with a franzen-like work ethic, meh, pretty boring, "the spanish franzen" might win a couple awards from univision or some other latino interest group, but won't catapult you into the canon of white approved minority authors, you need to be a dropout junkie for that!

>> No.7221329

University libraries are VERY key.

Spend a lot of time in libraries, that's really where all the learning takes place on campus. Lectures are for profs to name drop other critics and subtly hint that they want you to write an essay confirming their main thesis.

>> No.7221389

Hello chicken. I see you're shitting all over the board. Now prance around.

>> No.7221420

u mad nigga?

>> No.7221521

how many pages of his work have you actually read ?...seriously

>> No.7221556

You do though. OP is another retard who will never write anything great because he's a NEET without a proper education.

>> No.7221575
File: 76 KB, 620x387, shia1_3324557b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7222395

Now flap your wings.

>> No.7222439

I don't come here often. This convo was all ironic, right? That's what 4chan is all about?

>> No.7222453

basically the only way not to hate this place is to pretend everything everyone is saying is ironic. so yes

>> No.7222497

The problem is most people don't have self discipline, if everyone on this board who wanted to be a writer read from all genres, day in and day out, wrote daily, short stories ,novellas, essays etc wrote till their hand couldn't write anymore, we'd probably have some bretty good writers, but unfortunately people get insecure, lack confidence, don't believe in themselves, give up, etc.

>> No.7222526

I think about things like this sometimes. I think of like any sort of massacre or natural disaster or any event that's killed a lot of people and wonder how many potential great artists we've lost.

But your post made me realize that number is even bigger taking into account the amount of people who let insecurities stop them.

This is all so tragic

>> No.7222584
File: 531 KB, 500x340, winter sheep snow.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you will never be a homothug project

>> No.7224070

If you're in it for the love of lit, op's advice is ok, but also know that Bolaño worked menial jobs throughout his adult life and he was no stranger to rice dinners. In other words, he was poor, like any good novelist should be -at some point in life-. It wasn't until his later years when he attained a modicum of financial comfort, and even then he is the exception to the norm.

>> No.7224078

dp to recommend Vila-Matas.

>> No.7224084

In your opinion is 2666 good to start with or should I start with earlier work?

>> No.7224114

There's no contradiction. You don't need to go to college to be good writer, but you do need to go to be a successful one.

>> No.7224120

the savage detectives

>> No.7224126

Why do you say that

>> No.7224206

college are a scam though. However, they're the norm - if you don't have a college education, something must be wrong with you (or you are a startup). At least in USA

>> No.7224231


You don't need to go to college, but you need to be creative. I'm intelligent, but I'm not brilliant. I've never had the creative capacity that pushes one beyond smart.

>> No.7224305


My nigga. I love that series of blog posts, honestly some of the most incisive and entertaining commentary I've read on modern society.

>> No.7224329

it's the anxiety that comes with the knowledge that mankind's problems are both perennial and insuperable

>> No.7224342

>A college education isn't useless if you aim at being cultured!

It really kind of is.

>College is a fantastic opportunity to get to know interesting and well-read people who could help you achieve your literary ambition!

>network for literary success


Look, college is okay and all if you want to have a career in a field that requires it like medicine, engineering, accountancy, whatever. But if you don't know what you want to do, and you think maybe you want to be a writer, do yourself a favour and don't go get in massive debt right now, just be independent in the world for a few years and read and try to write and see how it goes. If you decide you want to go to college it's not too late.

Kids fresh out of high school going to college and studying liberal arts because they don't know what else to do or 'for the experience' (or even, god forbid, because they think it's going to give them a classical education) are milk cows for an industry that has grown old and weird. Its past business model is basically dead and now it shambles along by taking huge amounts of debt-fuelled money from young directionless people and giving them nothing in return except to keep them out of a labour market that is currently hostile to people who don't want to work hard and don't know what the fuck they want to do.

>> No.7224381
