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7219083 No.7219083[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Have you come to accept the inevitability of death? How do you cope with it?

Be honest

>> No.7219094
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>> No.7219106

Yes. I cope with it by caring about others and not being a self-centered freak who only loves himself.

Now go back to your containment board: >>>/r9k/

>> No.7219109

Hey, it's either gonna happen or it's not. That's not up to me, I don't worry about it.
More importantly, let's talk shit about Franco, because he's easily the most pleb patrician there's ever been.

>> No.7219140
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I try to be great.

>> No.7219146

Yeah. By living my life the way I want.

Hoping for an afterlife is a sick fantasy that breeds all kinds of wickedness. You should know this by now.

>> No.7219150

I will have an afterlife, that's literally the whole point Christ died for me.

>> No.7219169

I haven't and probably never will. Returning to non-being is the scariest thing I can think of. Everyone will say that there's nothing to fear because it's literally nothing, but the simple fact that this is it and that there are so many things I won't ever experience and enjoy and that I can't just enjoy the pleasures of life forever is a complete nightmare

>> No.7219172

Nice one stating your opinion as fact bud.

>> No.7219177

nigga you got a shit load of time before you end up dead if you're living in a first world country.

Also no one fucking knows what happens after you die, either you don't exist any longer so what ever you wont be aware or some seriously gnarly shit will happen.

>> No.7219187

Nothing is going happen. If you seriously think it's any different than before you were born that you're completely delusional. And that's what's scary. We're trapped between infinitudes and left to contemplate a return to eternity. Non-awareness is horrifying

>> No.7219194

Yes. I deal with it by reminding myself that I have one chance to have a good time here on earth and that I should do so in a way that is likely to succeed, will allow me to live well for as long as possible, and will grant me worthwhile experiences.
I think of it like a deadline. Get in all my life homework before death. Or die early in a car crash. Either is possible and must be accepted.

>> No.7219197

Sure, it's pretty easy when you realise how unimaginably horrifying life is

>> No.7219200

You could argue belieivng either side as fact to be completely delusional.

No living person has a fucking clue what happens when we die, that's why it's so highly debated and a part of society.

To claim you know for a fact there is no after life is as foolish to claim you know for a fact there is.

>> No.7219204

this tbh. lots of naive plebs ITT

>> No.7219207

It's highly debated and part of society because people are afraid and because it's ingrained in culture and tradition. This does not mean there's any merit to the idea

>> No.7219212

>We're trapped between infinitudes and left to contemplate a return to eternity

bro that sentence just scared the fuck outta me

>> No.7219239

how old are you

>> No.7219254

Why does that matter?

>> No.7219260

Nobody is arguing whether or not the debate has merit, merely that it's foolish to claim certainty.

>> No.7219263

i'm curious

>> No.7219268

Not the guy you asked, I was just curious to why it mattered.

>> No.7219272
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>> No.7219275

You wake up. You eat something. You do some work. You read a book. You do more work. You meet with friends. You eat something. You read more book. You sleep. Life is fine, even good sometimes.

>rinse and repeat

>> No.7219278

eh, even gut wrenching terror is better than none existance IMO.

>> No.7219284

so fucking retarded

>> No.7219286

Says the suicidal retard.

>> No.7219291

"hurrrrr no u!"

back to >>>/b/ you go

>> No.7219294
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>> No.7219296
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Pretty young actually. I grew up around farming and hunted all the time as a kid. I killed so many animals that there was no horror in it for me and I decided that when I die it won't be any different than the way those animals died except people won't eat me (probably). Like I said, no horror involved, just the body failing and returning to earth like every other normal body.

I used to think I was narcissistic but the self-obsession it must take to be this shaken up by your mortality is pretty severe. What's worse is that it's so common.

>> No.7219298

Why are you two still around then? Fucking get it over with.

>> No.7219299

yes but to become paralyzed by the realization is cowardice so I choose to experience as much of life as I can in the hope that on the day I die I can look back on a life of happiness and fulfillment

>> No.7219302

>i'm a sociopath so i don't feel feelings look at me!

yeh sick bro, fucking get cancer

>> No.7219305

hit a nerve did I?

>b-b-but muh life!
>muh sanctity

read a book, cunt

>> No.7219307


>> No.7219308

No seriously, why are you still alive if you worship suicide so much?

Are you a bitch or what?

>> No.7219309
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>there are people alive, walking around on the same planet as you RIGHT NOW that think like this

>> No.7219311

selflessly sacrificing myself to the extended horrors of existence so I can convince other people to kill themselves. I am a hero

>> No.7219314

Nice one avoiding the question. Looks like you can't even do the one thing you believe in.

>> No.7219321
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It's odd that you think my high exposure to the subject at hand somehow makes my opinion less valid.

Not a sociopath, either. I still cry a few times a year because I miss my buddy who killed himself. I miss him terribly, but I'm not afraid to meet his fate myself.

>> No.7219334

You need to recognize the absurdity of individual existence so you can abandon the conventional view of death.

>> No.7219335

*an hero

sorry, I'm an oldfag

>> No.7219338

>any different than before you were born
But you've already implied that there is a difference. The difference being, before you were born, there was a potential in this universe for you to be born, and that potential no longer exists.

>> No.7219342

You already make a ton of assumptions by even contesting the idea.

>> No.7219348

I answered your question you fucking mongoloid. With your sub-standard intelligence, no wonder you're so happy to be alive

>> No.7219351

>kills animals for food
>bruh whats the big deal lol have some ribs
>death is pretty cool ay dude *eats a chicken wing, face caked with grease*

you make me fuckin sick tbh

>> No.7219357

>and that potential no longer exists

how do you know that?

>> No.7219360

I don't get why people are attacking you. You seem very reasonable. Best of luck to you in whatever endeavors you choose, friend.

>> No.7219361

I'm not the one saying that, I'm implying that is what the person I quoted thinks.

>> No.7219365

Yes, all intelligent people want to die and commit suicide.

You're so above everyone else in the world with your great view on how things work, your perfect, un deniable view of this worlds reality.

Scholars for decades tried to create meaning in the world but you, the "well read" "highly intelligent" anon browsing an anime image board have found the truth and it is that life is terrible.

good for you.

I'm going to go masturbate now as my retard brain still allows me to keep an erection without having to think about the meaning of life until I go flaccid.

>> No.7219374

>he doesn't read

What are you even doing here? You have a fetish for being digitally neutered by people who know more than you?

>> No.7219376

>I'm going to go masturbate now as my retard brain still allows me to keep an erection without having to think about the meaning of life until I go flaccid.


>> No.7219377
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>two pieces of shit can't understand why people think they are pieces of shit, they like each other just fine

literally loling tbh fam

>> No.7219382


lmao what kind of animals do you think he's hunting m8.
>implying death isn't the ultimate relief

>> No.7219389

I'm going to heaven, unlike you fedora idiots

>> No.7219393

The only reason death is scary to me is that I know it's not the end. The universe will continue eternally, and suffering along with it.

>> No.7219401
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>> No.7219402

There is nothing special about suffering. Avoidance of suffering and pursuit of pleasure are both desires that splinter off the higher order desire for survival, and survival is a desire that splinters off the higher order desire to continue the existence of the bloodline. It keeps going up, and reaching the top is enlightenment.

>> No.7219403

think again heathen scum

>> No.7219406

>popularizer of univocity of being and theological voluntarism
>not in hell

>> No.7219407

I don't know for sure but it seems extremely strange to me the the world could be somehow temporal despite temporality being a feature of the world.

It's easy to be this naive in the comfort of your computer chair. If you were being brutally tortured you would think otherwise.

>> No.7219410

tbh fam, i have been brutally tortured tbh

>> No.7219413

Enlightenment is completely dependent on the body. Damage the body, and you cripple its mental abilities. And you can't say a belief is valuable just because the tortured simulacrum of a smart person said it.

>> No.7219414

>I don't know for sure but it seems extremely strange to me the the world could be somehow temporal despite temporality being a feature of the world.

surely you jest

>> No.7219416

People who are determined to be miserable can't stand seeing someone at peace. They'll just dismiss whatever that works for someone as simpleminded, because at the heart of peace is at least a grain of complacency. I'm okay with that, but some people can't handle it.

>> No.7219418

I used to have a crippling, life-destroying fear of death. It was so bad that there were many nights where I just could not sleep. All my friends tried to help me by saying that since there's nothing after death, there's nothing to be afraid of and you won't even realise that you're dead. But they don't realise that it's THAT that's horrifying; the notion that I will lose consciousness and lose my cherished memories and never be able to even realise that the world ever existed. We live in this enormous, beautiful, awesome, complicated universe and when we die, it might as well never have existed. But I did manage to get over it for three reasons.
>1: By eventually realising that there is a God and that this God (who's exact form I am not arrogant enough to say I can define) is loving, and graceful.
By self-making a semi-autobiographical and philosophical film about my existential crisis that I'm currently half-way through filming. It really helped to just get my feelings out there, to make them more than just feelings or conversations or anonymous posts on 4chan, but to actually make something out of them.

>> No.7219424

I am not miserable, my life is very good in fact. But the suffering of others is something that I cannot come to terms with. The suffering in the world is so unimaginably horrific and massive.

>> No.7219425

This, everyone on /lit/ is hell bent on being miserable as they think it means they are of a higher order than those who aren't.

So when someone says they're chill with living they attack it as a non learned person.

Pro tip, not hating life doesn't make you dumb or unread you fucking fedora wearing autists.

>> No.7219427

>i love life so much and i am so fucking scared to die!!!
so this board is shit now because it's full of normalfags. got it.

>> No.7219429

two reasons*

>> No.7219432

Of course. You'd have to be a complete naive idiot to think otherwise. Everything is in fact awful

>> No.7219433

OK so if enlightenment requires certain bodily states and some people are forced into bodily states that cannot be enlightened, that's a massive problem.

>> No.7219435

this tbh, optimists ITT (and everywhere) are exceedingly self-centered

>> No.7219442

>Pro tip, not hating life doesn't make you dumb or unread

it literally does tho lol

also i can smell how insecure you are about your intelligence through my computer screen fam, might wanna work on that

>> No.7219443

It is, but you have to compartmentalize yourself before you can address it in any way. I'm well aware of suffering but it's taken practice to suppress the way I initially felt about that enough so I can deal with suffering in spheres where I have any power.

That's not satisfying in a big picture way, but in practice it allows you to experience personal peace and help other people.

>> No.7219444

I've been having a bit of a existential crisis myself but not out of depression, more pure anxiety really.

What makes me anxious as all fuck is even if there is a god and an after life what is out purpose in that?

Like what is humanities end goal even at a higher state? You're still conscious at that point and in heaven or what ever after life awaits you but even at that plane where the fuck is humanity going?

Live in peace forever? That too seems terrifying to me, live in misery forever? Also terrifying. After life is just another step in something grander? What the fuck is that grander thing?

I chock it up to just being human and not being able to fathom these things so it brings me fear like how an ant could never understand complex language or their place on planet Earth let along in the universe.

It at least allows me to realize I am human but the purpose of humanity in the grand design of either a higher power or not is something I ponder with no resolution.

>> No.7219445
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>this whole thread
I expect better from you /lit/

>> No.7219447

Agreed and I've come to have exactly that same perspective. Thanks for your thoughts.

>> No.7219449

Have any source on that you fucking mongoloid? Yes people of high intelligence are at a higher risk of depression and the likes but that doesn't mean they're not also smart enough to find happiness in their life.

>> No.7219458

>he thinks we can do anything to turn the tide except stop sentience from existing

literally rofling atm

>> No.7219462

not sure if bait or if /lit/'s legitimately gotten this bad

>> No.7219465

You missed the point of his post.

But regardless, we can eliminate suffering in our forward light cone via biotechnology. See www.abolitionist.com

>> No.7219470

No I didn't, read both posts again and pay attention this time.

>> No.7219472

This way of thinking is very arrogant. And I don't mean that in a mean way, it's just simply what it is. How could you possibly know what our divine purpose is? How could you fathom what God is? What you need to do to be able to be at peace is to both believe in God, and love God with a true, genuine love. And then all your problems will fade away before you even realised.
It wasn't bait. If you had a problem with something I said why not address it and attempt to explain rationally why I am wrong rather than just spout memes and reduce my statements to being nothing but a joke or a part of a larger issue (/lit/ being 'bad').

>> No.7219475

>all these butthurt nihilist mad af that people have found some form of peace

it's almost like you're full of envy or something tbh

>> No.7219476

His point was that it isn't worth agonizing over the suffering you don't have the power to alleviate. He said nothing about his methodology.

>> No.7219479

We agree that there's nothing you can do to end suffering, but I think we also agree that you can't end sentience, so I offer a way to go on living for those who choose to do so. If you'd like to end your own sentience, be my guest, but I suppose you'd rather keep living so you can bother the people who actually like it.

>> No.7219483

>If you seriously think it's any different than before you were born that you're completely delusional.

I don't remember shit from the time before I was three or four years old. Does that mean I didn't exist until I was three or four?

>> No.7219486

Are you a Christian? Because I'm one of the people getting flamed for enjoying life and I'd be classed as a nihilist. The miserable nihilists are the self-centered ones who are still butthurt that things don't fall into neat little rows from their own personal perspective.

>> No.7219488

I too believe it is arrogant, which is why it bothers me. But I mean even higher existance is still existance and I question it's end goal as much as this levels.

I could cope with this current reality by believing in god and an after life, then when in the next reality I would still question that realities existence catch my drift?

Like I said though I just assume I think about the after life in this regard as it is coming from a mortal nobody and god may have the answer to it but I wont be able to process it as I am now.

Obviously that could just be a way for me to cope with it but it could be true just as much as it's not true so I basically just try not to think about it as it beings no productiveness to my life.

Ignore it or accept it I suppose.

>> No.7219492

>he doesn't know what nihilism means

what the fuck are you doing out of /b/? what could possibly compel you to comment with an air of smug superiority in a thread about a topic you nothing about?

>> No.7219494

i'm a nihilist myself actually. it's just that there's a ton of butthurt fucktards that still haven't been able to deal with the bad aspects of life while finding some measure of peace for themselves.

>> No.7219495

This is spot on and my greatest fear.

>> No.7219496

why do you think god exists?

you said 'i realised' in your other post, walk me through your though process.

>> No.7219497

Downers exist to bring uppers down a peg and uppers exist to bring downers up a peg.

We need one another to exist, fucking yin and yang fam.

>> No.7219498

I'm always "scared" of dying and to be honest that's only thing keeping me from killing myself.

>> No.7219499

It's inevitable so why give a fuck?

God why do morons waste time on these questions? Make your life kickass and stop giving a fuck

>> No.7219501

this tbh, this board has truly gone to shit over the last 2 years.

>> No.7219504


>> No.7219505

you're dumb as fuck lol, leave

>> No.7219506

Nvm I misread, he's completely wrong, I thought he meant when you die nothing happens, which is correct, but what he really meant was that everything stops existing, which is wrong.

>> No.7219507

>I don't get why people are attacking you.

It's just one retard shitposting, if the excessive use of the latest meme didn't give it away already.

>> No.7219508

People on here want to show others how intelligent they are by how miserable they see the world, so they'll push it on those who disagree with how fucked things are in their view.

It's the same the other way around, no matter what you're playing the existence game by arguing about it so any of these people who truly hate existence would stop arguing and end themselves.

No matter what you're still human and that will tie you to the world so you can argue to other humans about your human thoughts.

>> No.7219510

There's nothing to be afraid of, it's like a nap that never ends. Very comforting

>> No.7219511

>the bad aspects of life

which to you would be getting the wrong smartphone for christmas you fucking sheltered teenager. you'll realise how child-like your comprehension of the world is with more life experience, just try not to be an arrogant faggot in the meantime.

>> No.7219512

>before accepting death
>eat food
>browse 4chan
>shit out

>after accepting death
>eat food
>browse 4chan
>shit out

>> No.7219516

Ya man, how hard the world is for you growing old in a western society able to talk shit to people on your computer.

Existence sure is rough.

>> No.7219518

Everything ceasing to exist and an eternal nap world be wonderful. But when you die, the world continues on.

>> No.7219520

>to end suffering,
suffering is pain+ identification to the pain

to end suffering you must
-either be a hedonist, but it requires means and sooner or later, you face the lassitude
-or stop the identification to pain, but also common pleasure, since common pleasure leads to pain equally

>> No.7219521

Baited so hard by this ebin bait

Nice philosophy.

To the people in this thread, ask yourself the teleological question and live it fully. Being a mopey faggot about death won't change it's inevitability.

Just be like Caesar. I want my death sudden and unexpected.

>> No.7219523

I wish it was that easy.

>> No.7219524

So? Everyone will die and one day earth will be gone.

Our fate is extinction.

>> No.7219525
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>> No.7219528

why are you arguing for my point you gooba

>> No.7219529
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>> No.7219530

I seriously doubt existence will ever end. That's what's scary to me.

>> No.7219531


Pain and misery are driving forces that allow man to evolve and create. The happiness of a being of flesh will only lead to stagnancy. After all, someone who is content with the way his life is wouldn't risk breaking the status quo and losing his peace. But it's only by renouncing stability and comfort that man can reach greatness as a creator.

>> No.7219533

Yeah man, I know it's shit.

>> No.7219534
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Read and shut the fuck up.

>> No.7219535
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>> No.7219538

The aren't horrified by their own suffering. The people I was replying to are in awe of the global scale of suffering, so the best ceasing to identify with pain will do is make them feel better. There's nothing wrong with that, but someone with that mindset isn't going to be convinced to just throw that all out to feel better.

>> No.7219539

I hate myself anyway so I hope I die. It's comforting.

>> No.7219541

You keep talking as though there's anything to say.

You will die. We all will. Humans will go away from this existence forever.

Wow. 2 profound. So deep.

Next thought please, this one is over.

>> No.7219543

Nigga your life is easy shit so you find problems to entertain your mind, you could just as easily be happy as you are depressed.

You just choose to be miserable because it makes you feel like your above others.

Obviously people in shit situations with depression do exist But I highly doubt you're in that category.

>> No.7219544

It's one thing to believe that there is a God, but it's another thing to trust and love God. You don't do the last two things and that is why you have this problem.
Before I get into it you have to understand that that is a very big ask but I'll attempt to explain it anyway.
I used to be a hardcore nihilist, believe me I'm not just saying that to give myself credibility, and I basically reached a point where my beliefs were negatively impacting the lives of everyone around me, especially my girlfriend's (who I have been living with for years). And I came to the realisation that my beliefs were centered around hatred and anger, for what you might ask? For the world. I had a worldview that was nihilistic and cynical and it grew into immense hatred, for hatred is the inevitable result of cynicism. And I realised that my beliefs were ruining the life of the one thing that I loved wholeheartedly, and that my beliefs were also about to reach a point where I would stop loving her because I would see her as nothing but an animal and that our love was meaningless and false. And this notion terrified me. So I realised that I had to change my worldview, because that was the cause of all this, but I was certain that the world had no meaning, so I had to somehow continue to be a nihilist but just have a different worldview. So I decided to try as hard as I could to love everything and everyone. Every leaf, every blade of grass, every person. And you know what, it worked. Months later I realised that I hadn't thought about death or the meaninglessness of life or anything of that sort in months and that I had been loving the world for ages without even remembering that it was the result of a choice that I made. And then I came to the conclusion that people's beliefs are a choice, and that there are good choices and bad choices, because my choosing to be a nihilist ruined my life and my girlfriend's life
(I'll continue this in another post because this will take a lot of explaining)

>> No.7219545

Don't listen to that faggot

>> No.7219547

Yes but to do that you need optimism as well, you need both pain and misery as well as happiness. If you're all of one you stagnate.

>> No.7219549

So the universe magically popped into existence and will end and nothing will ever exist again? Lol...

>> No.7219550

>being mad that I'm right
>telling other people what to think

You're a pussy ass bitch who knows nothing

>> No.7219552

>We all will. Humans will go away from this existence forever.
Says fucking who? I mean, chances are high we'll fuck up and die at a young age by universe standards but god only knows where we'll end up.

>> No.7219553

OK tough guy.

>> No.7219556





I'm not replying again to this line of thought. Either talk about life or fuck off

>> No.7219558

Shut the fuck up.

Mockery is a vestige of the weak and crippled.

>> No.7219560

>It's one thing to believe that there is a God, but it's another thing to trust and love God. You don't do the last two things and that is why you have this problem.

That may very well be true, and to be honest I have been leaning back towards my Christian roots as of late. I just don't want to go back to it out of fear of no after life. I feel like that would be insulting to what Christianity is.

So I'm trying to work shit out with myself before making that choice.

>> No.7219561

I know thinking about this stuff is hard but there's no need to get angry.

>> No.7219567

Sorry I made you think optimistically you autist. I'll put trigger warnings next time.

>> No.7219570

>made me think optimistically
What are you insane? I'm the only optimist in this thread

"Uhh ablooblooblloo I'm going to die ;_;"

>> No.7219581

lol what, why?

>> No.7219582
File: 76 KB, 358x350, justfrigmeup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw this thread

>> No.7219584

congratz on finding out why permanent enlightenment is BS

>> No.7219591

Thread music:


>> No.7219599

This thread is intense.

>> No.7219600

And literally on the night after this realisation that I was free of my fear and my anger, I had a dream. And in that dream God came to me, and I fully felt its presence. God came to me with love and with grace, and since this was a dream it's hard to explain, but it was like God was hugging me and that God said "finally you have realised", all the anger and the hatred and the fear and the anxiety was all because I CHOSE not to love the world and love God, but then God, again it's hard to explain, seemed to hug me tighter as if to say "I forgive you" and I was filled with just pure love and trust and faith. And when I woke up the next morning I felt better than I've ever felt before and that feeling has lasted now for over a year. But I remembered something that I had completely forgotten, the presence I felt in my dream was exactly the same as another time I believe I was embraced by God (I probably should have described this story at the beginning) and that during my troubles I had completely forgotten about it.
Years and years ago, I was incredibly lonely, and as is often the case with people who are very lonely, I would fall helplessly in love (or at least I thought I did) with any girl who gave me attention. And I was in love with about ten different girls and every day I'd decide that I was going to chase after this, no that one, no this one etc... And it led to an awful amount of stress until one night, while listening to some music, I decided to pray to whoever or whatever was out there (this was before I was a hardcore nihilist) and I basically felt this very strong and loving presence and I asked it to reveal to me who it was that I really loved and I remember saying that I just don't care anymore, my life is shit and nothing makes sense and I will just do whatever you want me to do, I surrender to you and your plan for me. And when I opened my eyes I felt an immense feeling of being calm and at peace and suddenly I realised that I did not love any of the girls I thought I did. After the school holidays, one the first day back, I saw the girl I used to be best friends with (and who literally everyone kept telling me I was in love with) but the previous year we had a massive falling out because of my own actions which I won't get into. And it suddenly hit me, THIS was the girl I loved. And just like that I decided to apologize ask her to be with me and I did, right there and then. Which is significant because when I used to want to ask a girl out it would take weeks and weeks and weeks before I did (which I only did twice) because of fear, but this time I felt total clarity and confidence. Anyway, she forgave me and we have now been together for four years. But after I asked her out and was walking home (I asked her out after school), I took my iPod out of my pocket to play some music and amazingly, it was already playing a song, which was the EXACT same song I was listening to when I prayed.

>> No.7219601

Has /r9k/ suddenly migrated? Why are there so many mopey kids? Depression isn't even aesthetic anymore

>> No.7219604

Anyway, I had completely forgotten about this for years and I actually never really thought about the fact that it was obviously God who showed me the truth before, and after my dream I suddenly remembered.
So that's rundown of how I reached the point I'm currently at, any thoughts or questions? I'd like to help you man

>> No.7219605

Lmfao stop posting this is embarrassing

>> No.7219606

/lit/ likes to be depressed as they believe it makes them intelligent.

It's the hip thing to do.

>> No.7219612
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>So that's rundown of how I reached the point I'm currently at, any thoughts or questions? I'd like to help you man
would you say that you have equanimity and benevolence ?

does your mind jump like monkey from thoughts after thoughts ?
are you able to reach a concentration on what you feel/think ?

>> No.7219613

I have a question. How has Christianity helped develop your sexual perversion? I'm curious how a person with a mind like yours is perverted

>> No.7219614

Fuckers need some dionysus tbh

>> No.7219619

Having beliefs is way edgier than being a nihilist and Christians fuck even that up

Only a Nietzschean will get this

>> No.7219622

tbh I don't fear death, I fear the pain accompanied to most of the ways to die.

>> No.7219624

I am answering someone's question. Why do you find it embarrassing?
>would you say that you have equanimity and benevolence
>does your mind jump like monkey from thoughts after thoughts ?
Sometimes yes, but honestly, if I just think about how beautiful the world is it always make me able to concentrate and focus on what I want to achieve by whatever it is I'm currently doing or thinking about at that moment
I never said I was a Christian, I even said that I cannot define God's form.

>> No.7219630

Then how has being a faggot developed your God-form beliefs? Do you strive to become healthy again?

>> No.7219631

first time on /lit? maybe fuck off back to >>>/plebbit/, this is no country for cheerful men

>> No.7219641

>not reddit as fuck

You can only be patricianally depressed if you're an 18th century noble or a romanian

>> No.7219647
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Nice. It's always hilarious to see people who believe themselves to be intellectually superior behave like schoolchildren.

>> No.7219653

then you seem to have been acquainted with the buddhist unconditional equanimity towards your perceptions and unconditional benevolence(+charity) towards yourself and others/nature (since at the end, there is no really a distinction between what see as your self and nature).

do you pray or contemplate (the breath likely) ?
Chrisitans have their own methods of contemplation, but clearly they have one on unconditional benevolence (which is called metta for the buddhist)

you can go further, since your joy that your experimented through your unification with your deity is what is called the third jhana in buddhist categories. You have other jhanas, the fourth one being pure equanimity (but still conditioned since it ceases).

The goal is to make permanent, as opposed to conditioned on your state of mind+body, the unconditional equanimity towards your perceptions and unconditional benevolence towards yourself and others/nature.

There are few manuals for christian mystics, meanwhile you can read an exposition on the dhamma here

>> No.7219654

>not fucking besides themselves with le epic universe and le earthporn, unable to contain their erections for science and all the 'wonders' of nature
>look at all these trivial things lol how cool is life, le upboat please! xD

you're fucking retarded m8

>> No.7219662

Thanks, I'll give it a read
So what are you saying? That I'm actually falling under Christian mystic beliefs or Buddhist beliefs or...?

>> No.7219664

And you're getting angsty over memes
Not surprising behaviour from an edgy "my life is a struggle -_-" kid B)

>> No.7219675

Being afraid of death is the plebbiest thing you can do tbqhf

>> No.7219678

>buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword

yeah sick man, rebuttal of the epoch

>> No.7219686

Yeah cause "le reddit le le le upboat xD" was a great argument to begin with

>> No.7219749

>>7219109Hey, it's either gonna happen or it's not.

No, it WILL.

>> No.7219763



>> No.7219910
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> people's beliefs are a choice
no, they're not - but i can see why you'd want to escape human limitations and TRY to believe something like this

if i say to a man: "walk off this cliff. you'll fly", he cant just choose to believe he will. he can try for years and years, he can try to convince himself and hypnotize himself, but the EFFORT having to go into that, just proves to himself that he doesn't believe it.

i suspect thats why you wrote a fucking essay to try and convince us all how 'saved' you are, but its an ACT. now, acting can be fun, and you might hope it beings a self fulfilling prophecy, i managed to act out christian belief for a couple months, but its fragile as fuck and it will collapse. you cant escape human limitations you faggot

(kirkegaards faith is something different to belief)

>> No.7219923

Yeah, and it requires no coping. I receive little joy from living, but even if that weren't the case, what's so terrible about death? It's not something anyone experiences. To have an experience you must be alive and conscious. If you're dead you're neither.

>> No.7219940

First, let's get our terms straight:
> Dukkha is not "suffering", it is the painful feeling of wrongness, experienced at the time of trouble, but also when craving for unsatisfied expectations, as well as mulling over inevitable looming dangers.
> Sukha is not "happiness" (as in a joyful rapturous feeling we experience having attained a difficult goal), rather it is a quiet feeling of ease and comfort we experience when our existence is not burdened by troubles and emergencies.
>At first approximation, when Third Noble Truth promises cessation of dukkha, it hints at attainment of everlasting sukha. Indeed, once you drop your attachments (as per Second Noble Truth), including positive ones (desires, expectations) as well as negative ones (aversions, clinging to something inevitably transient etc.) then the feeling of wrongness is no longer generated. In effect, all experience becomes agreeable, resulting in a permanent experience of sukha.
>If we look deeper though, we can notice Buddha's emphasis on Three Marks of Existence: Impermanence, Corelessness and Dukkha as universal unconditional characteristics of existence-at-large. Because things are transient and lack a stable absolute point of reference, Dukkha is inevitably generated as mind in its modeling activity always lags behind reality. So even someone who fully understood the mechanism of dukkha, is never 100% free from occasional experiences of "wrongness", as fluctuations of mind over long time invariably generate mismatches between "is" and "should". So in all truth Nibbana is not and can't be a sterile ease, but rather a philosophical appreciation of things as they are (tathata) in all their complexity. Instead of being everlasting sukha Nibbana goes beyond sukha/dukkha by transcending the dichotomy altogether.
>This understanding is reflected in the succession of jhana stages in which the practitioner
> generates sukha tinted with rapture, born of withdrawal from attachments and therefore from dukkha, with help of discursive thinking.
> generates sukha tinted with rapture, born of unification of mind (lack of inner conflict), directly with no help of discursive thinking.
> establishes and maintains sukha not tinted with rapture, born of equanimity (seeing things as they are with no segregation into agreeable/disagreeable)
> goes beyond sukha and indeed beyond dichotomy of sukha and dukkha, resulting in pure nonjudgmental awareness.
>To summarize, Buddhist practice initially focuses on reducing and ceasing dukkha, then on generating sukha, and finally on transcending dukkha-sukha altogether.

>> No.7219943


>To answer your question directly, because experience of sukha relies on "what is" matching "what should be", (just like experience of dukkha relies on the two mismatching) it still belongs in the category of conditional experience. In this sense the experience of sukha always has a shadow of dukkha looming over it, like you correctly supposed. Like you said, right and wrong co-imply each other, and Impermanence connects the two, guaranteeing that any "right" condition will not last forever. It is that feeling of being unable to fully enjoy vacation because of the need to return to work eventually. So your original premise is correct, by its very nature sukha always has a seed of dukkha in it, due to it being conditional.
>Thankfully, Buddha-Dharma does not leave us at that. To build on vacation metaphor, Buddhism solves the problem of having to return to work by dissolving the essential difference between vacation and work. Nibbana-as-permanent-vacation is just a provisional motivator (upaya) utilized on initial (Hinayana) stages, before the student progresses enough to appreciate the full-scale teaching. When our mind is fully integrated, and we always do our best, then our creative spirit is shining continuously wherever we are and whatever we do. This fully integrated (and therefore unconditional!) experience is known as tathata and the one who realized it is called tathagata.