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7216598 No.7216598 [Reply] [Original]

What's the edgiest book ever written /lit/?

>> No.7216602
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>> No.7216603

tundra tbhwy

>> No.7216604
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Totalitarian, Hyperspace, Catcher in the Rye, End of all Evil, A Pickle for The Knowing Ones....

>> No.7216615

Teenage anarchist-core isn't the pinnacle of edginess, only cringiness

>> No.7216748

Anything by Blake Butler

>> No.7216751
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>> No.7216755

Anthem, 1984, and pretty much anything with the purpose of trying to show how the authors shitty world ideals are better than others.

>> No.7216760

You don't seem to understand what edgy means

>> No.7216890
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>> No.7216906

Pure filthy.

>> No.7216908


>> No.7216973

satire bro

I'd say candide, even though it was satire too it actually landed him in trouble

>> No.7216986
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Dat cover :)

>> No.7217155

'Orgy of the Will' by the Overman.

>> No.7217327

1984 was almost comical with how hard George tried to push the idea of a big boogie man government.

Anthem just so happened to make the protaganist a tall strongman while making others short manlets with mental issuez. In the end strong alpha chad™ gets banished with his virgin qt hecause hes too awesome.

>> No.7217463

>1984 was almost comical with how hard George tried to push the idea of a big boogie man government.
And look where we are now.

>> No.7217468

Edgy is not about drumming up your cause whether it's wrong or not, it's about that kid which read Thus Sprach Zarathustra and then sodomized all of his livestock and disemboweled it with his katana while maggots crawled out of their intestines.

>> No.7217485

The communist manifesto

If brits back then had the word "edgy" theyd say "wow, marx, destroy capitalism, super edgy dude"

>> No.7217490
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>> No.7217492

edgy = shock value

Also, *backs away slowly*

>> No.7217493


>> No.7217500
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>> No.7217504
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>> No.7217505

American Psycho, the books by Poppy Z Brite and the Marquis De Sade are up there. Also Mirbeau and Bataille

>> No.7217508
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>> No.7217511
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>> No.7217513

*teleports behind you* *grabs by the throat*
Nothing personnel kid... *slices you in half*

>> No.7217520

*it was a hologram*

>> No.7217521


>> No.7217620


>> No.7217628

Have you read it?

>> No.7217630


windows 10 user detected

>> No.7217632

Yes. I liked it.

>> No.7217817

Justine by de Sade is an edge-man classic.

>> No.7217906

the Micheal Gira book

>> No.7218282

NAOS by Order of Nine Angles

If the most extreme on /pol/, /x/ and /r9k/ got together and wrote a book, this would be it

>> No.7218555

>nazi satanists condoning human sacrifices
Good one

>> No.7218698

A book about being an epic free thinker who is superior to all other humans is pretty edgy tbh.

>> No.7218719

American Psycho obv

>> No.7218813

inb4 my diary tbh

>> No.7218888 [DELETED] 
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X posts in, no one's mentioned Story of the Eye.


>> No.7218895
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>no story of the eye

>> No.7218902
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Not bad though

>> No.7218905

great answers

the lack of "Hogg" is real embarrassing though

>> No.7218928

No one does because it doesn't fucking mean anything.