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File: 161 KB, 625x404, the-martian-trailer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7212811 No.7212811 [Reply] [Original]

why are scientists such plebs when it comes to art?

>> No.7212819 [DELETED] 

Because they care more about science than art.

>> No.7212821

>why are banausoi such banausoi?

>> No.7212835


>> No.7212839

Not everyone of them. A lot of great authors were also scientists/engineers.

>> No.7212840

Why don't artists read arxiv papers on cuckolding in the protista kingdom all day?

>> No.7212842

I just can't imagine a more predictable, pop culture reference laden product than the martian.

It take the bourgeois "pull yourself up by your bootstraps" morality nonsense to the next level of impossibly overly optimistic.

>> No.7212862

>not believing some hot astronaut's life is worth the world's gdp/intellectual resources.

>> No.7212863

I feel like science is an art, if it wasn't for science we would still be in the paleolithic, if it wasn't for science we would not discover the amazing wonders of the universe, like we're simply stardust, tha's poetic, stars had to die for us to be here. Science is more artistic than any other form of artistic expression i can think of.

>> No.7212864

>pull yourself up by your bootstraps nonsense

Fuck off back to tumblr

>> No.7212876

They can discover things, yes, but they seem to lack the ability to understand the poetic nature of existence or rather how to express what they've found in any way other than aspie-themed spreadsheets and LoTR references.

>> No.7212882

Maybe it's an exaggeration, but do you really drink the "the haves and soon-to-haves" kool aid? American economic values are a ponzi scheme.

>> No.7212888

The fuck does that have to do with science? That's just reality. Christ i wish STEMfags would stop acting like no one thought the night sky was beautiful before fucking galileo

>> No.7212890

Good movie tbh.

contrarian shills will be contrarian shills though i.e. OP

>> No.7212894

English/math double major here. It's because they are all completely convinced that study of the humanities is pointless, where as study of science is fruitful. This is mostly based on earnings figures that they think are justified, which to them obviates any question of "well but what is life for then" or "how should you spend your free time once you have all that money."

STEM types, as a rule, fetishise both an abstract concept of "science" and, less explicitly and more insidiously, work and their jobs. An unfunny, aesthetically null 400-page Reddit post about the ultimate worker bee trying to save himself because his Good Ass Science Knowledge is so valuable to humanity is basically their Holy Grail as far as art goes.

>> No.7212896

>if it wasnt science we'd still be in the paleolithic


>> No.7212905

there's an order of magnitude difference in the reasoning between scientific beauty and artistic beauty.
and it isn't "reality". you need to interpret reality through the lens of science (order, rationality, symmetry, etc) or art (chaos, irrational, natural, magic, etc)

>> No.7212906

do you actually believe this? Please say no

>> No.7212917

Do I think it's true for everyone who works in STEM? No. It's not true for my friends, who are all cool enlightened socialist scientists who read Kim Stanley Robinson. It is true for the majority of STEM people though, which explains a whole fucking lot - especially the prevalence of libertarians in Silicon Valley.

>> No.7212920

Is there a single person out there who doesn't believe in the value of art? Serious question.

>> No.7212932

This is such a superficial, child-like thought process

>> No.7212943

what does it say about all the retards who gravitate to marxism on this board?

>> No.7212945

Sorry to hear you think so but it's correct. Have you seen Neil DeGrasse Tyson's reaction to this artistic abomination? And that's the guy articulate enough to be appointed as their spokesman.

>> No.7212952


I have a STEM friend that does not enjoy and refuses to listen to music.

Another going to Harvard Law that is made uncomfortable by anything without direct literal interpretation.

And I have a Finance friend that categorically hates any film made with practical effects and has never to my knowledge read any book for pleasure.

>> No.7212962


>looking at what's in front of your face is artistic

Please don't try to talk like you somehow know what you're saying.

>> No.7212967

What does what say about that? I'm not sure I said anything relevant to that question. I'm not a Marxist but there are stupid Marxists and smart Marxists, like just about every other ideology in the world. There are smart STEM libertarians too. Being smart doesn't mean you're right about shit.

>> No.7212970
File: 781 KB, 968x758, face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit


>> No.7212975


Like, the majority of the western world? Pretty much every country has been doing their best to shut down cultural education for the past decade.

>> No.7212983

The fact you've bought into memes like: 'all STEM interested people - minus my cool friends - are all drones and don't get it like i do even though i'm basing this literally on the satirisation of these people on le ebin 4chan' is very sad and certainly not correct.

Hopefully you're memeing, if not, seriously get a grip dude

>> No.7213002

You're either an idiot or a clever troll. By definition, science cannot be art, and it is language that propelled us from the Neolithic Age, not science.

>> No.7213004

I'm still not sure what you disagree with other than my tone and the fact that my opinion is similar to other opinions you've seen before (does "memes" really mean anything more than that)? I also don't really get what your stakes are here. Did you love The Martian or something?

>> No.7213007

You're retarded. Stop talking about something you know nothing about.

>> No.7213009

There is science in art and art in science

>> No.7213020

Disagree with your opinions, would've thought that was clear. Stakes are small, same as almost all discussion on forums. The martian was quite enjoyable.

>> No.7213034

It wasn't clear, since you never said a single thing you disagreed with, just that my thoughts were childish and memes. Have a blessed day.

>> No.7213043
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jesus christ

>> No.7213047

``After a certain high level of technical skill is achieved, science and art tend to coalesce in esthetics, plasticity, and form. The greatest scientists are artists as well.`` -- Albert Einstein

I agree with this to a certain extent. For me, the scientific and artistic process are very similar with the main difference being their purpose. One is seeking to find a way to express objective truth, the other to express a subjective truth like emotions and perception.
Both seek to understand the world. Engineers try to give form to nature like artists. Both, aim to build something, to create something novel.
I am an engineer who writes fiction in my spare time. I am also a composer and i draw often. I only went to college to learn engineering because the technical ceiling in STEM is really high compared to any art, and you need to grasp the technical stuff to be able to be creative and explore the field in an ``artistic way``.
Art doesn`t need, and actually can`t be taught in college. The only thing you can learn is the technical part required for your craft. The rest is self-expression. This is the main reason, i think, people view STEM as something unrelated to arts. Because of some academic division that shouldn`t exist in the first place.

>> No.7213057
File: 988 KB, 480x272, dawkins.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Science is the poetry of reality" - Richard Dawkins

>> No.7213058

>One is seeking to find a way to express objective truth, the other to express a subjective truth like emotions and perception.
This is one of those made up distinctions.

It presupposes both seek a "truth" which is both not necessarily the case and the distinction between objective and subjective is impossible to distinguish from a subjective viewpoint.

>> No.7213071
File: 59 KB, 257x257, downs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it wasn't for science we would still be in the paleolithic

>> No.7213076

either dense or choosing not to address what i said in the subsequent post. Have a blessed day.

>> No.7213080
File: 52 KB, 1200x500, nixon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you just can't go wrong if you're going to use science as a verb.

>> No.7213097

It's true that I didn't respond to your engage with your considered opinion that I am "very sad and certainly not correct." Guilty as charged.

>> No.7213101

Name 5

>> No.7213103

Are there truths that you can't express scientifically?
Are there truths that you can't express poetically?

>> No.7213118

Oh, I see a lot of artistic people here.

But i have a long-lasting question of mine, you might want to answer. Not a troll, just really interested in the thing.

What is the point of art? What is art?

I am a materialist. I'd like to have some other ideology, but cant really see any good alternatives. From a materialistic point of view, the "art" basically means "the thingy that people like to look at". It is a simplified definition, but still, you got the idea. And with that definition, there's no such a thing as objectively "bad art" or "good art", there's just things that people like more, or they like less. And from that point of view, there's no real difference between "The martian" and *put_the_name_of_the_most_adored_by4chan_book".

If there were some kind of objective usefulness of art, we could differentiate it. We could tell something is better or worse. But there's not such a thing, or it's existence has not yet been proven. So, is there something like that? Or it's just the "spiritual feelings"?

Thanks for your attention.

P.S. Not a native English speaker, sorry for possible mistakes.

>> No.7213130

I disagree with you.

Objective truth have to be validated through reason. Have to be in check with the reality of everyone.
Subjective truth in the other hand only need to be in check with personal feelings and emotions. Only need to be true in one`s perception of the world.

But anyway, i don`t actually care that much about this kind of discussion. I enjoy art that is more experience then thought.

>> No.7213144

This is a great post about science and art

>> No.7213150

"If what is seen and experienced is portrayed in the language of logic, then it is science. If it is communicated through forms whose constructions are not accessible to the conscious mind but are recognized intuitively, then it is art``

>> No.7213154

That's like asking why a lawyer sucks at playing professional tennis OP.

i.e fucking stupid

>> No.7213156

No objective quality. No objective point. An essential part of culture, in fact, a major part of every human culture in history. Here's some help: think of "art" as "the thingy people like to make and share with people" instead of just "the thingy people like to look at."

If you'd like a more in-depth discussion of this issue, there's a great one in the David Graeber book "Toward an Anthropological Theory of Value: the False Coin of Our Dreams"

>> No.7213236

>Objective truth have to be validated through reason.
Reason isn't objective and cannot validate "objective truths".

Read some post structuralism.

>> No.7213359

"Subjective" truth is objective in context.

>> No.7213368

>Read some post structuralism

u trollin?

>> No.7214654
File: 186 KB, 500x500, everything awful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not always though
and there is an equal number of artists who are idiots too

>> No.7214738

Because they are like greasy chinamen. They cannot see nor appreciate beauty, they only see beads to be counted on an abacus.

>> No.7214755

observation is a fundamental artistic skill

>> No.7214779

But he's evaluating it as a work of scientific accuracy, not as a work of art.

>> No.7214785

ohohohoh woooow

>like we're simply stardust, tha's poetic
That's poetic if your reading lists solely consists of Dawkins and Hawking, if you listen to easy-listening cool jazz while drinking fruit punch out of a wine glass, wearing a synthetic electric blue shirt beneath a jacket purchased at Walmart, mutely wording "m'lady" on your kissless lips; then yes, in that case, it is indeed poetic.

>Science is more artistic than any other form of artistic expression i can think of.
That's because your sorry uneducated mind cannot think of anything at all but facts and brute concepts.

You think you got stars in your eyes but all you have is a fedora on your head and IFLS on your Facebook.

>> No.7214789


Because they're autistic when it comes to imagination and creativity. No matter what it is, they'll take it in a literal sense and correct it, even if it doesn't require correcting.

>> No.7214801

My girlfriend had to read that book for some retarded English class, I peeked at it; this is the subzero level of literature, the basest form of human expression, Homer would not have considered the man who wrote this filth as part of those possessing language; the whole of this is literally "Heck no! The water is leaking. No! Who is phone??6? Come rescue me!"

Perfect role for Matt Damon

>> No.7214823

It's okay to be a retarded humanities loser m8. I'm sure you can be poetic about that burger flipping without needing to know any chemistry.

>> No.7214839

He'll still fuck your girlfriend though.

>> No.7214855

99% of people (well, Americans) are plebs when it comes to art. Scientist or English major, doesn't really matter. Most people just don't care beyond a "good" plot.

>> No.7214861

Science is the highest form of art. You are too plebian to understand.

>> No.7214869

No, art is the highest form of science.

>> No.7214871

>implying I'm not fucking his dad

>> No.7214875

Form is the highest science of art.

>> No.7214917

well memed

>> No.7214926

>im a chemist! I make money by producing noxious chemicals that fundamentally damage both the environment and people's individual health.

>> No.7214948

>implying lsd isn't the greatest gift to mankind

>> No.7214960

>implying it isn't the ability for conscious thought.

Nice try, druggie.

>> No.7214964

>I don't understand chemistry or green chemistry in the slightest and am just going to shitpost angrily
your humanities tears are delicious m8

>> No.7214997

>green chemistry
lmao, how much money you think there is in green chem, lad?

smh tbh, fam

>> No.7215003

>who are all cool enlightened socialist scientists who read Kim Stanley Robinson
This is the most reddit thing I've ever read. Not even reddit is this reddit.

>> No.7215017
File: 72 KB, 720x960, 420.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"pull yourself up by your bootstraps" morality nonsense
there is no, say, existential reflection of the martian or even basic inquiry into his psychological condition
being isolated on another planet is basically meaningless beyond the immediate "need to survive" which he goes about with a big goofy smile on his face

>> No.7215032
File: 50 KB, 599x591, 1442256180873.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think this is true. Good artists spend their entire life trying to make art while scientists spend their life trying to learn more about whatever they decided to learn about. They're practicing different things and usually don't have time for both.

A lot of people were talking about art in science and I think there can be, but it depends on what you mean by art. I think you could argue that there's some kind of aesthetic behind the Von Richter Reaction's mechanism.

Chemists are the ones who design your toothpaste and plasitcs. They create ways to make buildings stronger, and they have created every drug and chemotherapy that you'll use to heal yourself at one point in your life.

>> No.7215044

>poetic nature of existence

Get out here faggot.

>> No.7215069

I don't know shit about art, but... what's wrong with appreciating nature (as a broad, multi-faceted reality) through our own knowledge and imagination? this is something all scientists and engineers do

>> No.7215073
File: 23 KB, 640x420, 1413525260961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Science is about the things we can talk about, art is about the rest

>> No.7215081

This is not art, though; this is a retard making a mess on a canvas.

>> No.7215095
File: 47 KB, 640x257, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is beautyful

>> No.7215126
File: 207 KB, 730x796, 1315276653416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>post yfw there are literal marxists on lit

>> No.7215140

Come on pleb, if you're gonna use a trip make sure you don't say dumb shit thatll one day come back to haunt you

>> No.7215145

Nice semicolon. *smiles condescendingly*

>> No.7215150

Dude, I've seen them cheer with delight when news broke about Japan requesting colleges to get rid of their social science majors. This is especially true for CompSci and Software Engineering, for god knows what reason.

>> No.7215153

This is the best post on 4chan right now

>> No.7215155

I'm telling all my /mu/ pals about this.

>> No.7215160

>not appreciating the juxtaposition of similar yet different forms

>> No.7215164


>> No.7215169

I'm convinced most of them are the stemfags. I just can't see how they can appreciate art.

>> No.7215170
File: 130 KB, 249x224, fucking original m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking original m8

>> No.7215171

I love art and am a film major but I cheered when that happened. You know why? Because state schools are no longer using tax-payer dollars to fund gender studies programs. That's why

>> No.7215173

wow, truly amazing. changes my world view. i can't handle that artistry

>> No.7215187


>> No.7215211
File: 146 KB, 600x600, tumblr_np3b2zRo3q1tinnpro1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a retard


>> No.7215219

You can dislike Matisse's cut outs all you wish, certainly you wouldn't be the first to do so, considering temporaries described him as senile at that point. But in retrospect, his cut outs are so influential on design and aesthetics it's ridiculous. It was era defining, and they still keep incorporating them into modern, minimalist, flat, abstract designs and they don't even care and call this design current. You have to be blind not to see that.

>> No.7215220

matisse's cutouts are retarded. whether or not he was one is irrelevant. he probably was

>> No.7215224

Gene Wolfe was an engineer for a long time before he became a full time writer

>> No.7215244

evident by the autism that permeates his work

>> No.7215303

Not him, but resident favorite sci-fi author Gene Wolfe is an engineer (for just one example)

>> No.7215514

I make more money as an actuarian than you will ever. Stay mad, retard.

>> No.7215529

I get more pussy as a gigolo than you ever will. Stay mad, nerd.

>> No.7216138

Gene Wolfe
Arthur Clarke
Lewis Carrol
Homer Hickam
Percy Bysshe Shelley
H G Wells

the list could go on....

>> No.7216366


If you think scientists are art plebs you should spend 5 minutes in a conversation with an engineer.

>> No.7216383

Lame bait thread.

Oppenheimer made his own translation of the Bhagavad Gita. Walter Gilbert runs his own photography center now. Stephen Jay Gould was into classical music and sang in choirs. Harold Edgerton's hobby was photography.

In fact, Nobel Prize winners are three times as likely to have an artistic hobby compared to a regular person: http://priceonomics.com/the-correlation-between-arts-and-crafts-and-a/

>> No.7216393


Steinbeck studied English Literature at Stanford for 6 years before dropping out to pursue the literary life.

>> No.7216399


Because smart people generally try multiple things

Fuck, I think it was even Oppenheimer who suggested the Trinity name after reading Donne

>> No.7216402

there are plenty of non-stem people who enjoy pleb shit like the martian. one must also keep in mind that the author of the martian was a software 'engineer', relevant since software is the gayest area of stem and engineers are the gayest of all stem workers.

>> No.7216403

Guy who said this is a bait thread is right. A lot of STEM types actually cultivate interests in art. Some great novelists are great novelists because of their scientific training, at least partly. JG Ballard, Primo Levi anyone?

>> No.7216407

cool, so using science as a verb is scientifically accurate?

>> No.7216415


* smart STEM types

Maybe it's because I'm only really aquainted with pure Mathematics and Computer Science students, but it is a bit rare to find one with a modicum of taste. Best I've found so far has a crush on Camus and Pynchon and loves Allen Ginsberg. I think he's salvageable and smart though so I'm going to push him over to cooler stuff like Hart Crane and George Herbert and Hopkins.

Funny enough, were both double majors in English/Mathematics-CS. I wonder if he browses this shithole

>> No.7216417
File: 158 KB, 1071x999, bazinga2[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.7216425

>Shitty flat character from a terrible TV show meets scientist long past his prime, trying to hang on for scraps of attention

Reminder about what?

>> No.7216982


Holy shit that was bad

>> No.7217136

I've discussed Céline, Verlaine, Al-Ghazali and Gongorra with maths students (and on a daily basis). You just live in a shit place m8.

>> No.7217142

pynchon tbh

>> No.7217269

Le nerd meme Reddit shit

>> No.7218522

except without the help of literally the entire world the guy would have died so i dont know what you are talking about

>> No.7218550

Probably because their profession is science and not art.

Why are artists such bad scientists?

>> No.7218551

The epilogue he gives at the end is embarrassing. He understands nothing about humans and attempts to pretend he does lmao.

What's /lit/'s version of /tv/'s "flick" does anyone know? Whatever it is, this book fits in well with that.

>> No.7218576

>my favourite line is "I'm going to have to science the shit out of this" hehehe

Good fucking god

>> No.7218586

Do people honestly try to pretend this is art

>> No.7218959

I feel like people spend more time criticizing the presumed fanbase of this book than criticizing the book. It's like the idea of enjoying or critiquing something based solely upon the work itself is anathema for some of you uppity cunts.

>> No.7219384

Science has nothing to say about the correctness of grammar.

>> No.7219411

There was a really great critique of the book itself I saw a few weeks ago. It had extensive quotations from the book itself. I'm confident in saying it is a complete piece of shit based on those excerpts alone.

>> No.7219456

Is there any work where the science and literature complement each other?
I though Stoppards Arcadia was good.

>> No.7219590

Tell me why it isn't you little queer

>> No.7219616

"Genre fiction"?

>> No.7221230

What's your point? They're obviously brilliantly smart in their field, it's just common that they also are dilettantes.

>> No.7221493

They ate a fuck load of stories and cave paintings to get out of the Neolithic age.

>> No.7221507

>Are there truths that you can't express scientifically?
Yes, science as we practise it has inbuilt limitation that put things outside its scope. One example of something on the border is String theory.

>Are there truths that you can't express poetically?
Yes, some things can only be expressed with equations or algorithms.

>> No.7221639

>not liking based Wolfe
You are such a fag holy shit