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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 572 KB, 2191x3000, tmp_12915-Malcolm_X_NYWTS_41129791497.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7209528 No.7209528 [Reply] [Original]

>The white liberal differs from the white conservative in only one way, the white liberal is decietful.
What did he mean by this?

>> No.7209537

That they hide racism behind newspeak and a backpack full of guilt

>> No.7209539

he meant liberals should be gassed

>> No.7209594

>The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way. The liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro’s friend and benefactor, and by winning the friendship and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political football game. Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football, and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball. Through tricks of tokenism and false promises, and they have the willing cooperation of Negro leaders. These leaders sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains

>> No.7209791

He's not wrong tbh fam

>> No.7210669


It means gimme dem benefits.

>> No.7210676

White liberals are ultimately holding up a racist and classist society and culture, they just do it while smiling at black people instead of frowning.

>> No.7210723
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Isn't this basically what Zizek preaches?

>> No.7210729
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Zizek, the Unabomber and every other non-liberal that criticizes liberalism

>> No.7211589

Who knows, I don't think most niggers are capable of forming very coherent thoughts so it may have no meaning at all, much like the aimless chattering of a small child.

>> No.7211854
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>/pol/ complaining about someone else not having coherent thought

>> No.7211860

go away tumblr

>> No.7211879
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>> No.7211881
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Oh I'm sorry. Did I trigger you? I think you've wandered out of the place for special people just like you.

If you've forgotten your way (you are special after all) It's over here:

>> No.7211888


This. Although I believe the liberals (or left, as I prefer to call them) are not even aware that they are doing this.


gj letting /pol/ tier bullshit derail the thread by responding to it, moron

>> No.7211895

>/lit/ - catty high school girls

>> No.7212048

>hurr durr dah libruls are da real racists

I love this cuckservative talking point. God forbid anyone call you a racist!

>> No.7212139 [DELETED] 

>It means gimme dem benefits.
No, you moron, he's saying that he doesn't want dem benefits, he wants political power. He's saying that 'dem benefits' is a bribe liberals give to blacks.

>> No.7212172

take the redpill idiot. Racism just means you aren't brainwashed by the Judaic-feminist media machine.

Racist and proud here.

>> No.7212174

Why won't this bird cap fuck off already. Why is it held up as some kind of all time god-tier post. That anon isn't making good points or arguing well, they just sound asshurt. Especially when you consider it was two years ago, what was happening then?

>> No.7212183

it's probably a feminist cuck who just can't deal with the facts and science that /pol/ uses to prove all their points.

Leftism is a mental illness. The cultural marxist professors are rotting their brains away with liberal nonsense

>> No.7212187


And who will manage this political power? Those who complained the loudest will take control and corruption will flourish. The outcome for the average black man will be far worse.

>> No.7212193

no. conservatives will fuck you in the face, but at least you can fight conservatives because they're relatively transparent about what they're doing. Liberals will be nice to your face, then fuck you in the ass and act confused that you're mad, like what you're doing now.

>> No.7212194


Give blacks power and you'll very quickly see the fabric of society go down the drain. They arne't made to rule; they're made to be ruled.

>> No.7212200
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>thinks liberals are the left

>> No.7212206

>cultural marxist
Did this term just spring into existence on 4chan one day? I'm pretty sure I've only seen it here and maybe Breivik said it. Did he browse /pol/? His manifesto made me think he understands world politics about as well as the average /int/ shitposter.

>> No.7212209

Fuck whitey, basically. But especially the whitey who pretends to be a friend to the minorities.

>> No.7212213

>liberal cuckold detected

Breivik nailed it. Take the redpill and see for yourself.

>> No.7212217

it's a real thing and forms the basis of a lot of studies of the humanities, which encompasses stuff like postcolonial and feminist theory.

people are essentially frightened and angry about it because it says that they're wrong and that there's an entire other perspective to work from that validates the experiences and struggles of marginalized groups.

>> No.7212224

It has nothing to do with Marxism though.

>> No.7212225

Breivik skimmed Unabomber's stuff to reinforce his belief that people he didn't like were killing society and then slaughtered helpless people for fame and glory.

Scandinavian politics do sound awful but Breivik is only admirable if you have a fascination with mass murders. I kind of do though, it's impressive how a man with such seemingly shallow motives could plan in so much depth.

>> No.7212227

uh, but an analysis of racism/sexism/what-have-you leads back to capitalism/colonization/exploitation

>> No.7212229

For me, he embodies the spirit of those who don't want to see the world turn brown through interracial interbreeding. We can't have that sort of communism. We have to abolish to socialist policies and have capitalism with closed boarders, and without degeneracy in the media.

>> No.7212230
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>this logic

>> No.7212234
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Because it's clearly true if you've been on 4chan for more than 15 minutes. People with the social and political beliefs of /pol/fags have always been here and that's fine. You could even consider it a good thing. But part of the reason that 4chan was great was that you weren't expected to have a certain opinion to be le real 4channer unlike contemporary reddit or tumblr (even though people were more concerned with digg and ebaums back then) . /pol/ is changing that. /pol/would have 4chan become tumblr or reddit for a different kind of faggot.

>> No.7212239

>muh feels

Fuck off back to reddit, princess

>> No.7212242

why do you think people do racist shit? because there are economic benefits. with few exceptions, oppression doesn't exist without actual economic disparity.

>> No.7212244

>His manifesto made me think he understands world politics about as well as the average /int/ shitposter

"My God, he is completely clueless about the flows of global capital." - Slavoj Zizek on Breivik

>> No.7212247


>why do you think people do racist shit? because there are economic benefits. with few exceptions, oppression doesn't exist without actual economic disparity

It gets better (or is that worse?).

>> No.7212250
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He's just being a racist bigot. He blamed the imaginary white conspiracy for all his problems. /pol/ shouting 'JOOOOS' is no different to blacks shouting 'WHITEY'.

>> No.7212256


>> No.7212258
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Sounds like you're the one who's offended with that emotionally charged response, pal

>> No.7212259

This. The black community hasn't been oppressed for well over thirty years and they're still acting like savage monkeys

Saw some great statistics on /pol/ the other day, you wouldn't believe the amount of crime these people do.

>> No.7212261

Fuck off, nigger, you know it's true. There is no evil whitey keeping you down, you're keeping yourself down and blaming the whitey anyway.

>> No.7212264

seriously. you don't let black people move in to the neighborhood, not because you are personally racist, but because it lowers property values.

you don't hire tyrone as a sales rep not because you're racist, but because people won't trust a black man as much as they'd trust a white one, and that hurts sales.

>> No.7212267

>being convinced by shitposting on /pol/

society is doomed

>> No.7212270

And Tyrone is more likely to be a criminal or a bad worker. Black neighbours are also more likely to be poor, loud, criminal, and destructive.

>> No.7212271

>not because you are personally racist

Speak for yourself, liberal cuckold. Take your marxist shit back to tumblr

>> No.7212273

Society is doomed by the likes of you who put foreigners in front of your own people. We didn't get this far by giving inferior races a leg up on our backs.

>> No.7212275
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>> No.7212276

>He talks about blacks not being oppressed for 30 years
>Malcolm X died over 30 years ago so his post is all but irrelevant to the thread
Clear bait yet you still respond.

>> No.7212277

Except he's not. He reevaluates and blames a White America.

>> No.7212279

I think what Malcom X meant, back in 1963 (which is now over 50 years ago mind you) is that white people are only interested in laws that benefit white people, regardless of party affiliation.

I can understand why he was so salty, but it's still just salt - the political process strips all sorts of gains by requiring compromise, and he was stupid to deny allies that were genuinely on his side.

>> No.7212284

Tell him to go live in Liberia, then. He's such a self serving, greedy, scum bag. All he wants is power. He wants to be on top. When he finds out how inadequate he is he finds a scapegoat. Just blaming whitey. Maybe he shouldn't live in a majority white, democratic country if he hates white people so much.

>> No.7212291

>Born in mid-20th century America
>Wants to be treated like an American
Fucking greedy niggers and their nigger logic smh

>> No.7212293

okay, but where did you get this information from? can you show me a study from a peer-reviewed journal with empirical data?

not that this isn't necessarily true, but why do you believe that it is? you can choose to be skeptical of it, but you don't.

>> No.7212294

He meant that he's a racist and he hates white people.

>> No.7212296

He got it from his evaluation of another amateur's evaluation of a DoJ report he has never actually read himself. I'd bet my left nut on it.

>> No.7212299
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> every 4chan thread MUST devolve into /pol/ vs. tumblr
> It's not enough to hate niggers, you must also remind people that you hate niggers.

>> No.7212301

the redpill teaches us to hate women too.

So fuck off, cunt. Men are talking

>> No.7212305

Who are you talking to, retard?

>> No.7212307

Personal experience. As humans we recognise patterns quite well, it is a sign of intelligence. The pattern quickly emerges, once one has lived near niggers for an extended time, that those people are criminal, lazy, obnoxious, oblivious, and stupid.
He wanted to be treated like a member of the majority white population, is what you mean. But he actually didn't, he wanted to be a ruler.

>> No.7212317

>not understanding how sample sizes work
>not understanding confirmation bias
>no metacognition whatsoever
clear signs of intelligence here, folks

>> No.7212320

Pattern recognition also leads to phenomena like pareidolia. Anyone can recognize patterns in almost anything. It's knowing when to ignore patterns and when to acknowledge them that separates people from morons

>> No.7212321

if blacks had power they'd want to genocide whites.

>> No.7212326 [DELETED] 
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Go down to Detroit and see how great your precious blacks are.

>> No.7212333

>i-ignore this pattern, b-blacks are g-great
>oh, but don't eat these berries, patterns show that those who do get sick more often than not
Making more allowances for the nigger.

>> No.7212340

>Personal experience. As humans we recognise patterns quite well, it is a sign of intelligence. The pattern quickly emerges, once one has lived near vaccines for an extended time, that those drugs give you autism

>> No.7212341

I'm not talking specifically about race you idiot. I'm talking about the claim that pattern recognition is a sign intelligence beyond the intelligence you'd expect from a child or a particularly smart dog. Talk about fucking tunnel vision.

>> No.7212345

blacks are like children, in terms of intelligence and capability of abstract thought. Same with women

>> No.7212347

Not true, there has not been a single case where vaccines have caused autism.
I don't think you know what intelligence quotient is.

>> No.7212348

if blacks were in charge of detroit, and not simply at the mercy of all of the manufacturing jobs that decided to move to china, then maybe it wouldn't be a shithole.

>> No.7212353

i don't think you particularly understand what an intelligence quotient is either if you're stupid enough to imagine that it functions as a proper measure of intelligence.

>> No.7212355

>muh excuses

seriously, end yourself, cuckold

>> No.7212358

> /pol/ wants to destroy this


>> No.7212363

This entire thread is a false-flag attack staged by the Jewish media to blue-pill the goyim to take away their guns. Jews did 9/11, muh steel beams, cultural marxism!

>> No.7212364

/pol/ fact number #257:

For every accomplished black person there are hundredfold of rapists, thieves, and murderers

>> No.7212365
File: 21 KB, 494x329, marijuana_arrest_rates_by_race_year.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Explain how black incarceration rates for the same crimes are always significantly higher, then.

Blacks are more likely to be targeted by police, more likely to be arrested, less likely to have funds available for their defense, get convicted more often and with severer sentences (which causes more black families to be disrupted and less economic gains)

You can see this effect nicely in the disparity of black/white marijuana arrests as reported by the ACLU. White and black people report close to the same usage of marijuana (white people are actually more likely to report using it as you can see by the "never used" chart). And yet, pic related. http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/wonkblog/wp/2013/06/04/the-blackwhite-marijuana-arrest-gap-in-nine-charts/

for all you faggots claiming "oh go live near blacks" well I lived in downtown Baltimore for about five years, and the worst offenders are all just the same as the dumbass methhead rednecks that populate the suburban areas. Those rotmouth shitbags happen to be exactly the same incoherent racist morons you find on /pol/ and probably in this thread), so excuse me if I don't find /pol/ particularly intelligent. Racism is moronic tribalism perpetuated by the real enemy (i.e. "the Jews" to you, although they're not actually jewish, just wealthy) and picked up by insecure morons to make themselves feel better about their shitty lives by telling them they're better than X other group.

>> No.7212369

You are the densest motherfucker on 4chan. Congrats. This has nothing to do with your views on race. You are not being persecuted for those and I want you to know that. There are plenty of very intelligent racists on here at any given time. You are just retarded.

>> No.7212370

So blacks need to be given jobs and money to keep them satiated? Why can't they do anything themselves?
Low IQ detected
Some bad folk songs? Gladly. We need culture, not low brow nigger shit.

>> No.7212382

good to see a fellow dark enlightenment hero in this depraved hive of villainy

>> No.7212386

Great argument. Resorting to ad hom when you're beaten.
Police profile groups more likely to be criminal. Big surprise. I don't think it's good that blacks are equal to whites in crime, when there are almost 5x more white people in America, you retard. Look at the statistics in black majority Atlanta, Chicago, or Detroit. Niggers commit more crime, plain and simple.

>> No.7212390
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>Resorting to ad hom when you're beaten.

>> No.7212393

pattern recognition is certainly a sign of intelligence

>> No.7212397

You stupid Amerifat.




>> No.7212400

How are niggers working out in Sweden, the rape capital of Europe?

>> No.7212424

Weak trolling or even weaker arguments

>> No.7212434

Good description of the defence of niggers ITT, anon.

>> No.7212461
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you dont like the thing


here trophy

>> No.7212472

ITT: degenerate lefteyes getting assraped by the redpill

>> No.7212486

hola senor reddit

>> No.7212487

is that why women like blacks so much?

>> No.7212509
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>thinks reddit is enlightened like /pol/

>> No.7212543
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>thinks /pol/ is enlightened

>> No.7212558

"inferior races" apart, this is exactly what Europe and Murrika did for about 600 years

>> No.7212578

for every accomplished person there are hundredfold of rapists, thieves and murderers tbh

The very fact you think this is a "folk song" shows you shouldn't be allowed to talk about music

>> No.7212679

im glad you got so much amusement out of the bear picture i posted and post it on every thread now.

>> No.7213855

Wagner was the last composer worth a damn. Music is dead.

>> No.7213876

You have tin ears if you think that schlock is the high point of music.

>> No.7213884

The short answer is this OP:


>> No.7213892

He attributed idiocy to deceit

>> No.7214057

Let me guess: you're a degenerate who listens to rap and jazz.

>> No.7214074

I love how stormfags try to emulate 'academic speak' to sounds more dignified but it always comes of as cringeworthy as fuck like
>most niggers are capable of forming very coherent thoughts so it may have no meaning at all, much like the aimless chattering of a small child.

trying too hard fam

>> No.7214083

That's some mega-watt projection right there.

>> No.7214088

I said he was the last composer worth a damn, not the high point of music. I thought a literature board would know how to read.

>> No.7214109

it says right there. they are the same, the one difference being that the liberal can conceal that fact.

>> No.7214129

How is that not racist as fuck?

>> No.7214134

'i trust like white people'

>> No.7214140

suck my cock

>> No.7214151

It is. That's the point.

>> No.7214397

this thread and all its replies are incredibly cringeworthy

>> No.7214430

Especially this one, nothing makes people cringe as much as the person who believes they are above all this with their fake superior attitude.

>> No.7214438

Malcolm X was a separatist. You should support his thoughts.

>> No.7214465

so I don't see any white liberals here disagreeing with the original quote, so I guess you're all in agreement?

If that's the case, you don't have any case to bring against /pol/. After all, /lit/, you're just the same but more deceitful and pretentious about it. Doesn't matter what fancy books you read (by the way, how many books do you actually read that are written by black people?)

>> No.7214472

lit probably has more leftists who would declare their hatred of liberals than it has self-identified liberals

>> No.7214491

No it's not. We can see your idiocy right in front of our faces. What is there to project?

>> No.7214492


>> No.7214502

And why do you think Tyrone is a bad worker? Could it be because he's systematically oppressed? No? Why not? Do you think he does this by choice? Yes? Why?

And this is where all racist argumentation crumbles. Once we get past the "durr dey r more stoopid and commit crimes" garbage and actual begin to examine the social and economic circumstances of the world we live in things begin to look different.

>> No.7214503

you're not mentally qualified to read statistics

>> No.7214504

Because "liberal" and "conservative" aren't races? Are you actually retarded?

>> No.7214510
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>> No.7214593
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>tfw my comment triggered /lit/ this hard

How about some Pope St. Pius X.