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/lit/ - Literature

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7206629 No.7206629 [Reply] [Original]

You want to be a great writer? Why aren't you spending your youth travelling and developing?

>> No.7206633

Because I'm 47 years old.

>> No.7206634

You want to be a great writer? Why are you posting on 4chan instead of actually writing?

>> No.7206636
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>> No.7206637
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A Sufi parable

"The mystic Rabi‘a was sitting inside her home, in intimate prayer and sweet meditation with her Beloved God. A friend came in and said: “Rabi‘a, come outside and see the glory God has made!”
Rabi’a answered:
“Come inside, my friend,
and marvel at the vastly greater glory
God has made
in here!”

>> No.7206638

Che Guevara wasn't known for being a writer.

>> No.7206643

Everything costs too much

>> No.7206646

not insanely rich
no one to travel with
a fuck ton of social anxiety

>> No.7206649


>> No.7206650


walking = free
go outside and ~LIVE~

>> No.7206670

because i don't come from a rich family
i don't have money or skills to just drop my stuff and ~live free~
i live in mexico so traveling and being ~free~ is about as safe as playing russian roulette

>> No.7206699


>> No.7206706


>> No.7206714

>no rich
>no one to travel with
If this is your attitude then you probably are destined to have great experiences. Travelling does not require wealth,fucking save up some money and go somewhere. Maybe you'll have to pick up a job along the way, so what? Any great experience comes with some struggle. And you can make friends during your travels.

>> No.7206718

traveling gives you the most superficial experience of people and the world. it appeals to white yuppies because you get a fun story out of it that reads well. you need to actually live in a place to understand people and how they live.

>> No.7206727


>> No.7206767

This. Most upper class faggots in my uni who backpacked in europe for a summer avoided eastern europe like the fucking plague.

>> No.7206803
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Possibly I'm just not resourceful or bold enough, but I haven't figured out how to financially support myself *and* have decent free time for reading/self improvement/travelling. I've considered diverse jobs and strategies.

I live with my parents in the 'burbs and work a shitty, long-hours labor job making peanuts. (At least I don't work at a start-up marketing firm; that would be worse, right?) If I moved out, I would be living paycheck to paycheck, and if I tried to live in a hip millenial neighborhood somewhere, it would be even harder.

I work earnestly and hard, I get along with people, and I'm low maintenance. I really want to have le adventures and generally live a more active, visceral life.

I fantasize about vagabonding but I lack the self-assuredness to drop out of society like that. Am I going to be a milquetoast forever? Anyone have inspiration or advice?

>> No.7206815

However true that is it doesn't diminish what traveling CAN give you if you try

>> No.7207254

I want to hit you hard on your face.

>> No.7207368

Try a short trip rather than a long-ass vagabonding thing. I went to Europe for 17 days pretty much on a whim last year, and it was one of the best decisions I've ever made, even if it didn't amount to much on a purely materialistic/practical level. The memory of the trip alone was worth it, although I've been permanently infected with a wanderlust I never used to have.

>> No.7207443

No money.

>> No.7207456

This is why you write historical fiction. Normies can't criticize you for not being true to life enough when your works are based on studying the dead.

>> No.7207458

because i'm physically disabled and if i went traveling alone, i would likely get mugged.

i desperately want to travel though

>> No.7207508

i'm not a posh fuck and i'd rather understand a place than write trite bullshit for trust fund kids who never got told they weren't shit

>> No.7207511

I'm a trust fund kid who's lived in the third world for over a year, teaching and writing. Kill yourself if you're going to go through life making those kinds of assumptions about people and justifying your own mediocrity.

>> No.7207519

>making those kinds of assumptions
Correct ones?

>> No.7207528

'don't make assumptions' assumed you were a trust fund kid and you were

i'm not mediocre, i just don't need to fly half way across the world just to escape my lack of talent

>> No.7207530

Because I'm spending my time reading and writing so I can become a great writer.

Good movie in your pic, OP.

>> No.7207531

Take it from a scholarship kid
Rich people are generally better than poor people

>> No.7207538

i'm a scholarship kid too, i know some good rich people and i know some shit rich people, the shit ones are the ones that think travelling makes them better humans

>> No.7207542

That's common knowledge tbh

>> No.7207544

Sound bitter tbh
Worldliness is good

>> No.7207557

i am bitter, but mostly because they're all going to have better jobs than me despite being much dumber, if i wanted to travel i would've

>> No.7207561

i'm also a literal communist fwiw

>> No.7207564

This. I'd believe people who travel actually got anything out of it if they could articulate a narrative explaining the value of their experience, or if they at least displayed an interest learning about why exactly their destination was different from their home and what that difference means. Instead they usually talk about it with all the depth you'd use to describe a youtube video - as tho simply being in another spot meant they were actually learning anything about life.

>> No.7207568
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>despite being dumber
>write trite bullshit
This is what I meant about making assumptions. I don't think a long-term, working exposure to a place and its people is likely to be the basis for triteness, but you assume that to make yourself feel better the same way that other guy assumes rich kids who do things he's jealous of are predominantly dumber than him despite wealthy people having higher average IQs, stacking the odds against that conclusion, all this without running down my own credentials since you just wouldn't believe me anyway.

>> No.7207569

As a person who legitimately got something out of travelling, definitely it is a thing. It's just most people don't.

Really living a different culture and seeing another place, feeling out how it works and experiencing the history really opens your mind up to different possibilities, different values, different ways of living.

Most people just go to a foreign place, hit the clubs, do a city tour and then go home though. Travel, like everything, is exactly what you make it.

>> No.7207586

if you want to be a good writer you have to have a practicaly exncyclopedia of expierence.

but human beingness is infintly large and infintly small.

some talk about times when they took a risk and survived
some talk about times when others took risk and failed
some just talk about others
some just talk about themselves

they all like to be understood.

>> No.7207600

lol i'm both of those posts

i don't think long-term exposure to a place necessarily makes you trite i just think anyone who agrees with what op says is a complete and utter moron, and incapable of writing anything of worth

sure, travelling i suppose can expose you to new things, but it's not as though there isn't so much to experience close to home

and again, anyone who needs to fly halfway across the globe to find something new is running from a lack of insight

re: rich people being dumber than me, it's not because they're rich, it's because i'm smart, i'm studying functional analysis at a graduate level during my last year of undergrad under an advisor but more or less on my own

like i'm sure there's someone out there who's rich and smarter than me

it's just definitely not a trust fund kid who gets offended by people accurately describing them

>> No.7207609

So you're saying that traveling only does something for you if you were a complete retard with no understanding of the world whatsoever beforehand?

>> No.7207631


>> No.7207636
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Your reading comprehension's not so tight. Maybe you should take a year off to travel to the great libraries of the world and work on that :')

>> No.7207644

wow used an emoticon, but ironically, truly this is the brilliance of the rich and powerful

>> No.7207652
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>> No.7207950

I'm going to India for four months after New Years. Not sure what to expect really. Maybe dysentery.

>> No.7207966

traveling is overrated in my opinion. If you're socially awkward you're not going to change. And site seeing is always a chore. Visiting the museums is fun and so is seeing monuments and other sites. But with the availability of internet and high quality photographs you can get a pretty good idea of what it's like to go to a place. The Florence I've read about and seen in the books I've read, for example, is far superior to Florence as it exists today. It's actually depressing if you think most stuff you see in museums is entirely displaced from its original context. At the same time, the monuments you see, such as the churches in Europe, would have been elaborately adorned with paintings and tapestries and altarpieces that you see in museums. At least in books the author allows you to envision how objects and structures interacted with each other.

>> No.7207974

That being said, I still believe someone should take one to three travels abroad in their lives. However, it's no the end all and be all of the /lit/erary lifestyle. Let me add too that the world is becoming more and more Americanized by the year and it's very hard to have an "authentic" experience when the world is so damn neoliberal and interconnected

>> No.7207991


No the first, and I am to the second.

>tfw going interrailing this November, Bavaria, Austria, Tuscany, the French Riviera

>> No.7208007

Are you that kid who studied in Oxford for a year? The tone is very familiar but I could be wrong tbh

>> No.7208022

I'm not but it's heartening that I could be mistaken for someone from Oxford

>> No.7208137

I relate to this, although I live alone and work in an office environment. Why don't you go part-time if you're living with your folks?

>> No.7208153

Where in Europe?

>> No.7208158

I live in London and I traveled to Normandy. Stayed in a hostel there for two weeks since it had good wifi.

>> No.7208160

I'm a poorfag with no money. I'd love to travel but it's for the rich.

>> No.7208164

This isn't necessarily true, but it's much easier for rich folk since they know they can get a job at the end of it or return to university. Poorfags can travel but it just makes them seem like layabouts to recruiters etc.

>> No.7208175

This is my point really. Even if you get a decent job and have money to travel, you're so tied down that you don't really get the chance. You're not just going to be able to quit your job in most circumstances.

By travelling, i'm not referring to going on a two week vacation somewhere once a year or so.

>> No.7208188

Yeah I know what you mean. I mean even taking a year out to travel before college was something only the kids from wealthier families did from my school.

The whole meme about gaining experiencing because you got drunk in Prague with some schizophrenic Australian guy in your hostel is pretty lame. I think a lot of people treat life over-practically in that sense, in that if they went "experience" they fly to India and if they want to become a "writer" they read a bunch of how-to books and fork money over for classes and MFAs etc.

>> No.7208192

Is this the new "You have to be published before 22 years or X"?

Proust never left France, even with the army he just went to Orleans.

>> No.7208195

Yeah, but Proust had all the experience he needed from all those dead rats he masturbated to.

>> No.7208201

Travelling is only encouraged because capitalism benefits from it. People who travel on their vacations just eat uncommom food and see different places/landscapes. Everything is so superficial, but still helos the economy of the place visited.

Tourism doesn't care about history, language and actual lives of the people who live in the visited places.

>> No.7208204

Because Ive spent my first 19 years emotionally walling myself from the world and now I know that now when I try interacting with someone it's doomed to be superficial and never have any importance to them. It drains me.

That's the only reason I look inside for enlightenment

>> No.7208206

Very good discussion in this thread. I used to go to /trv/ for that, but now it's mostly a cancer-infested shithole.

I agree with the notion that to truly experience a place you have to stay there for longer - as in actually live there for at least a year.

I don't really get any valuable "experience" from doing those short meme-vacation trips (except take some nice photos). But even these short trips can be good fun, just to see some different places. I just hate it when people have this false pretense of "developing as a person" just because they spent like 3 weeks in India.

>> No.7208213

It's 25

>> No.7208217

you seem to lack thinking resources, you do not need to be rich, there are other options other than planes.
and just pop some pills on the way and you'll be fine

>> No.7208227

I think a certain type of traveling is superficial. The "vacation" type of travel; where nothing is asked of you and you pay your way entirely, meeting people who are also paying their way and locals who are only there to provide service. But people who make their way working along the way and meeting people in odd jobs, or for work functions certainly get a taste of what people are like.

Also as an aside "yuppie" does not mean what you think it means and certainly make up almost none of the typical "travel and see the world XD" types you are trying to caricature.

>> No.7208303

I blame the beat generation, and Kerouac specifically for making people mistake traveling with growing up. If he had been a shut-in we'd be having a discussion whether you have to lock yourself in your cellar for a year to truly become a great writer or not.

>> No.7208314
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That's not what makes a great writer. Pic very fucking related. A great writer is a great writer and there is no formula to create one. They just are.

>> No.7208322

Traveling alone is the only worthwhile way to travel.
I used to travel with friends. We would travel all over Europe across cities and landscapes full of arts and history. Yet we would see none of it because my plebeian friends just wanted to go from party to party just to get wasted or high. Now i do bike touring on my own and i can spend the time to visit that little 10th church in that remote village.

>> No.7208389

It costs as much as the luxury you feel attached to. And don't hide behind some 'hur go back to reading walden of fight club'
its fucking true

>> No.7208448

Meh. Every uni student travels and they're not churning out Great American Novels.

More important thing for a writer in the 21st century is to unplug.

It's OK to be a luddite ; )

>> No.7208451

Not true. Avoiding the internet is counter-productive in the contemporary age. It has consumed our lives, and must be confronted via text.

>> No.7208521

"The real voyage of discovery consists not in seeking new landscapes, but in having new eyes" -Proust

take some psychedelics

>> No.7208539

why is /trv/ so bad nowadays?

>> No.7208567

I travel to places chosen intentionally for not being where people would go. Especially if there's some girl with daddy issues I can fuck while I'm there. Why backpack around India and just have the same experience as everyone else who aspires to be a writer? It's much more interesting to visit some shambles of a town in the middle of nowhere.
I used to take a lot of psychedelics but I got the message. I spend a lot of time at home on the internet but I have a lot of stories to tell and I'm getting better at telling them.
Thing is, it's my writing about the alienation and isolation of being at home that other people connect with the most. Because everyone has times like that, but not everyone is a trustfund kiddie who had the time to tour China on their gap yah, and no-one likes those people anyway.

>> No.7208588

Where at?

>> No.7208600

Way to deform his argument through hyperbole. Someone who's spent a large majority of their life in NYC would gain quite a bit of insight into humanity by living in the DRC, even if that insight is that people are all the same.

>> No.7208649

I spent a year stationed in war torn Bosnia in the mid 90's as a private in the army. You get a grander sense of self when you realize you're risking get picked off by a sniper for college money

>> No.7208659

Go to bed James Blunt

>> No.7208840
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This. That anyone denies that it's more pleasant to live amongst rich people is the world's greatest case of butthurt.

>better looking
>better manners (I haven't seen someone chew with their mouth open since I left my depressed hometown)
>more secure
>more stable marriages (yes, the wealthy have a lower divorce rate. Money troubles cause other troubles)
>more cultured

Join 'em (the above statements are only averages, so if you're at all exceptional you should fit right in. You are exceptional, aren't you?) or make peace with yourself, but railing on about how they're not really all that good is just sad. Sorry some upper middle class dentist's kid picked on you in middle school.

>> No.7208863

I literally can't express how much better my life has been since I attended Oxford. I went to a state school and gradually became the stereotypical moody, withdrawn sensitive type who both despises the quality of his immediate culture and feels a weird pride for having been raised in a sort of anti-intellectual and brutal environment. I was all set to take my Russell Group humanities BA and spend my life working as an anonymous, insecure wageslave forever thankful of being offered a job and forever too insecure to pursue my creative ambitions. The chip on my shoulder had become something of a wedge, and I felt too out of place regardless of my environment, too resentful and bitter to even attempt to make it in the artistic world. Then I finally applied for Oxford and got in to study an English MA, with reassurance that should I work hard enough a career in academia or within one of Oxford's affiliated companies would be almost guaranteed. I turned up as apprehensive as usual, and the first few days were spent regretting my decision and desperately feigning a cultured personality. But then I realized that the people there were just interesting and that the snobbery and exclusivity I had anticipated was just a myth borne out of my working class upbringing. I've since graduated, having spend the year dining in grand halls with groups of interesting people, dating several girls (one of whom, a petite Russian whose family traces back to the aristocracy, is now my fiancee). I work four days a week at a publishing company and earn £38k a year. I regularly meet up with friends from my college and visit Oxford for nights out and for meetings with my professors. The Martin Eden-esque novel I have been writing for two years has been selected for publication at a major British publishing house and, honestly, I could not have imagined a few years ago how great life could be. I come on /lit/ and see how pathetic you all are and just shake my head and chuckle. If I saw you guys on the street I would of course throw you a penny or discuss Bukowski or whatever "realist" writers you enjoy, but ultimately I would be able to tell within ten seconds if you're an Oxbridge grad and would dismiss you as a potential source of good company if you are not. I never thought I'd know what it was like to be objectively better than somebody else, for the value of my existence to be superior to the value of a stranger's, but now I do and I've never been happier. People are awed by power and prestige. All I need to do is mention the university I attended (if only for a year) and they immediately begin to hunch and look at their feet because they know they are in the presence of greatness.

>> No.7208869

This is a little over the top, but I went to an Ivy League and I've gotta say there's a grain of truth behind every statement in that pasta.

>> No.7208891

I don't care.

>> No.7208966

pls elaborate, gas-kun
sounds really interesting

>> No.7209002

My uncle is a top consultant oncologist at a private hospital and earns an insane amount of money, and even he is pretty grounded. You sound like a fanny.

>> No.7209007

Shit... I fell for delishious pasta

>> No.7209025

>i can spend the time to visit that little 10th church in that remote village.

wow, you are such a sophisticated individual.

>> No.7209152
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Spent 1/2 my deployment in Panzer Kaserne, Germany and the other half in Bosnia. I had to do the jobs of four supply people so life usually sucked. Not all of it was bad, though. A reserve MP unit out of Ohio was stationed there and since they didn't have non military vehicles like my unit did, I was charging them $25 bucks each to take them into vihingen to the brothels. I made more cash as a taxi to whorehouses then I did as a soldier. I was taking 20 guys a weekend (two trips of five each saturday and Sunday) there's top shelf pussy to be had in Germany and none of it cost me a dime. I was also dating a 22 yr old kindergarten teacher named Heike as well as a 19 yr old French girl named Marie who wouldn't shave her pits but fucked like she was possessed. I had a squad leader named Troy who looked like a clean shaven James Hetfield. He was bringing home 9's and 10's nightly.

If you look at this map find the red number 23 and look down at about 7o clock. Building 2914 was my home


>> No.7209183


yeah, how come you're working at a gas station now though? The military thing was just temporary?

>> No.7209189

>You want to be a great writer?
Not really.
>Why aren't you spending your youth travelling and developing?
Kind of did. Not really young anymore.

>> No.7209192

This movie was absolute trasj

>> No.7209197

>tfw regret not joining the military for the life experience
>probably would have died anyway

>> No.7209198

Not that anon, but I find meaningless anti-intellectual criticisms like this interesting. Does wanting to visit cultural sites instead of getting drunk not suggest that someone is more sophisticated? If not, why not? What's the thinking here?

>> No.7209206

a litttle obscure church isn't a cultural site. it's a little obscure church where people pray.

>> No.7209209
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Because the people in this thread trashing on fun stuff are bitter faggots who don't want to face how pathetic it is that they've never owned their life enough to carve out some time to move around a bit.

They shy away from experience out of cowardice and are trying to shame others into following their lead.

>> No.7209212

Traveling does jackshit for you unless you're home schooled or something. It does bloat your ego though, and might improve your state of mind if you have issues with that but then again there are probably better ways to deal with that.

>> No.7209220

I took the '10th century' bit to imply that it was relatively culturally significant, if only for being old. Also old churches are pretty cool.

But again, even if it's a random church in a random country, is that not more sophisticated than getting drunk? Assuming that you're getting drunk in a generic urban bar and not downing fermented goat's milk off the back of a giraffe with nomadic tribesmen, of course.

>> No.7209223

Umm, ok, I'm a girl poster and I really don't appreciate you talking about women like that. I mean do you even realize how sexist you're being reducing women to numbers as if they're fucking prizes? This board makes me sick.

>> No.7209230

>tfw bracing for impact

>> No.7209233
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>can't imagine any way a church in a backwater could be interesting
Now I know you're talking about things you know nothing about.

>it does bloat your ego
Or you could have your worldview broken by encountering people with totally alien ones that challenge you in unexpected ways. I guess resentment is fun too though.

>> No.7209247

When my first enlistment ended, I wanted out of the quartermaster corp. when you're stationed in ft Bragg, you see some high speed shit. When my reenlistment sgt asked what he could do to keep me in I told him I enjoyed my time spent helping to train the green berets as a cadre assistant and told him I wanted to become one. He said there's no way the undermanned QM corps would allow me to quit being a box counter and armorer. When I tried to appeal to the greater argument of "at least let me try to make it through qualification and if I fail I'll be a box counter for four more years" he still said no. I became dissolutioned. For the physical year of 98 I spent most of my time drinking heavily and wandering the posts military museums wondering why I wasn't allowed to have the job most people wouldn't want. One time I accidently left some of my "dark, truly terrible edgy goth poetry" In a notebook on my desk at work and when my first sgt saw it I got roped into visiting the psych ward. (I was a dipshit listening to too much Marilyn Manson) after that I really got lost and started taking what hunter s Thompson would call heroic doses of LSD on the weekends. Sometimes I even jumped out of the planes and went to rifle ranges tripping nuts. It turns out I could still shoot 35-38 targets out of 40 with an m16 while high as shit. I just pretended I was g.i.joe and I was fighting cobra. In 98 I reenlisted with no idea what my future was going to be. One of my friends got busted for weed and gave internal affairs and brought an agent into my barracks room. They busted me for possession and rigged a charge to imply I was a dealer. Uncle Sam sent me to a military prison for a year for rehab. You're not an inmate, you're a prisoner. I spent a month in solitary confinement at the camp lejune facility with the jarheads before they sent me to ft Knox. 30 days in a steel 8x4 box with no human interaction besides a trey being slipped through a door is a strange existence.

>> No.7209249



You get points primarily for writing out the "Umm".

>> No.7209251

Baudelaire wrote a lot about how the true artist or writer was "l'homme du monde" (a travelling man if you will) in Le Peintre de la Vie Moderne
I definitely rec this collection of essays if you're interested in the subject
Idk if english translations exist however; I'm sure they do though

>> No.7209252

Ease your tits. I was different person then. Shave your pits.

>> No.7209257


>downing fermented goat's milk off the back of a giraffe with nomadic tribesmen, of course.

I need to experience this. It's my new life goal.

>> No.7209271

>ease your tits and shave your pits

>> No.7209280

seem like the same old douche to me

>> No.7209289

because I am busy drinking and loathing myself

>> No.7209292


Wow, have you written a book or something? This shit is awesome as fuck, yes, moar pls. Different anon who just came in btw.

>> No.7209293

That's because you don't shave your pits.

>> No.7209314

If you're so limited that some other persons anecdotes turns your world upsidedown you probably shouldn't write anything at all and be content with consuming.

"muh emotional experiences"

Very very few people can absorb the world and create something of value with it. 99.9999% goes to some shithole in africa and believe they've become enlightened after seeing some guy eat goatshit to avoid starvation. Little do they know that these emotional experiences does absolutely nothing for their cognitive and creative capacity.

>> No.7209334

After I came home I spent 6 months living at my dads house. If you watch the episode of American pickers where the two fucktards get shit for William shatners house you'll see the grey house. My dad was getting old and sold the five acre lot to move into town (Versailles) oddly enough he ended up swapping bill shatner houses. Fortunately for me, all the charges were military so I still don't have a permenant record. For the next two years I found a small one room apartment And jockeyed a register and tried making it as an artist. I'm not very good at it but the experience was worth it. I made extra money being a nude artists model for UK (ten bucks and hour tax free is great when you're starving) and college girls are eager to hand over phone numbers when they've stared at your shwang for two hours. In 2001 I landed a job working for a state run children's home as a purchasing agent. At night I mentored troubled teens who were wards of the state. One kid would act up just to get you to restrain them and then he'd acutually spooge himself because he was so starved for human interaction. Another would sling feces.

>> No.7209343


Hah, wow, this is gold. Of course we want to hear more. How old are you, btw?

>> No.7209350

I'm 65 years young :)

>> No.7209368

I'll be 40 in January. Weird thing is, I still look 25. People call me boy, son, and young man all the time. I don't feel or look any different then I did in 99. It feels like a PKD cardboard universe where everything around me changes. I haven't gained or lost a pound since high school and my 20 year high school reunion is later this month.

Anyway. In 2003 the children's home fell on hard times and they had to cut payroll. I was low man on the totem pole so I got let go with severance. I took a janitors position at a gay bar in Lexington called the "bar complex" on main st. Here's the deal though. The bar complex is one of the last remaining discotechs from the 70's. The dancefloor looks like something out of a movie. They throw a hell of a party on Halloween and New Years. The sound system and lights are a quarter million dollars worth of equipment on their own.

>> No.7209406

Post a pic of your body. What are the people from your highschool doing now? What kind of jobs do they have? Were you poor growing up?

>tfw you will never make food for Gas-kun for when he gets home from work then bathe him as he sits in the bathtub before cuddling with each other in bed

>> No.7209409

hahaha yes this was it

>> No.7209414

I'm the guy who wrote that and I didn't attend Oxford btw.

>> No.7209430
File: 1.66 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tell you what. Since you asked I'll have a coworker take a pic. It's almost been a year since I first posted. Mechanics clothes are never flattering but oh well.

>> No.7209432

Oh it shows, anon, it shows.

>> No.7209435


>drinking cheap lambrusco wine on the gianicolo hill overlooking rome

>> No.7209443
File: 38 KB, 400x402, disdain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some other guy on /lit/ has this exact same memory

>I didn't attend Oxford, btw
Yes anon, you didn't have to tell us twice.

>> No.7209465

This you?

Damn man that's a nice figure. When was the last time you made out with a girl? If I was a girl I'd be excited to have you pick me up and take me for a long drive while looking over at me occasionally with a sly grin. You seem like a total bro.

>> No.7209476

You learn out of filure, not of experience.
You all are a bunch of shittards.

>> No.7209484

6'4 180. The mrs. Has been blowing up the phone all day for the d so I guess that's the next time I'll touch a woman. I'll have to figure out a story to tell our kids about how we met though. I met her at the gay bar I was working at. She was wearing boots up to her knees, a black leather mini skirt, electrical tape over her nipples and had kabuki make up on. I was like "holy shit, she's wearing exactly what I'm wearing."

>> No.7209502

What does your gf / wife do for a living?

>> No.7209504

He he he you da Bukowski mango ^_~^ _~^ ~_


>> No.7209507


I hope you learned from that failure.

>> No.7209572

Medical coding. She likes it and it's decent pay. Interesting side note about those hungrier years. The VP of 5/3 bank offered to be my sugar daddy after I delivered a $300 dollar piece of my art to his house. He offered me his summer home and a Range Rover to be his "cabin boy". It's a shame I'm not gay or I'd have been set.

>> No.7209591

Nobody wants to read about the garbage in your room.

>> No.7209617

9/10 best new pasta

>> No.7209653

>tfw you will never be as based as Gaskun

>> No.7209679


Gas-kun you are an ubermensch.
pls be my sugardaddy

>> No.7209736
File: 3.18 MB, 3024x5376, IMAG0195.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why don't you write an autobiography? I'd honestly rather read that than a space opera.

>> No.7209750
File: 274 KB, 457x584, dfw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can't get published

>> No.7209777
File: 1.74 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kind words. No agent will ever opt to represent my eventual autobiography. They'll take one look and be and like. "No one is going to believe this shit"

Chapter 30: the dream.
In 2004 my gay, Jewish, middle aged roommate was taking the money I was giving him for rent and spending it to take the poor souls he picked up down at the homeless center out to dinner so they'd fuck him. I nicknamed him the "cockroach" because he was bribing the homeless with food for oral and anal. I came home from work one day and found an eviction notice on the front door. If that wasn't odd enough, the cockroach was inviting underage traps to live with us. I borrowed a pick up and talked with my mom. My grandmother had just passed away and her house was still empty so I moved to her house in time to find out that her will was incomplete and my stepdad would have to sell the place and give half to asshole family members that didn't know she was even dead. In August of 2004 I went to sleep in her bed and had a super vivid dream of a space epic. When I woke up the next morning I actually said the words "I have to write that" it started with pen and paper to get the gist down but I scraped some money together for an old dell laptop and started writing. On September 12th I officially started my series and I finished the eleventh book on August 9th? Of 2013. In the meantime I've gotten married, put myself through college and stayed employed full time. And that's just scratching the surface. On February 4th of this year I had a new vision for a hard sci fi series while deliveries with the flu and the pneumonia at the same time. It'll be a 12-16 volume epic. Right now I'm trying to push the first series out the door. If I couldn't write, I don't know what I'd do. I suppose I wouldn't want to exist

>> No.7209789

>In 2004 my gay, Jewish, middle aged roommate was taking the money I was giving him for rent and spending it to take the poor souls he picked up down at the homeless center out to dinner so they'd fuck him. I nicknamed him the "cockroach" because he was bribing the homeless with food for oral and anal.

I vaguely remember this. Have you posted this story before? I was trying to remember the other day where I'd heard about some jewish guy bribing the homeless with dinner so he can fuck them.

>> No.7209807

Jesus. If that's happened to someone else I don't want to know about it.

>> No.7209829

I think my autobiography would read like a fucked version of Forrest Gump

"I'm not a smart man but I know what bribing the homeless with food for anal sex is" doesn't have the same academy award winning ring to it

>> No.7209834
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>> No.7209840

That's just what Jews do dude.

>> No.7209852

OP was just giving an example of the advantages of travelling alone, no need to be rude.

>> No.7210943

Because I live in Mexico and there are reports of people who wanted to "travel" be disappeared.

And they where foreigners, fucking idiots.

>> No.7211159

Came into debt due to a bad decision.
I can't leave until I pay what's owed.

>> No.7211555


I once mentioned I'm writing books to some random guy and he asked me in return, isn't that an old guys' hobby. When you're young, you should live your life, and you can start writing when you're a geezer with nothing better to do.
I was stunned by his poignant argument for some time and thought about it.

But in the end, there are some things that you can only write when you're young. You won't remember what they felt like anymore when you're old, you can't relate to that world, or easily imitate it.