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/lit/ - Literature

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7205298 No.7205298[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>https://www facebook com/ssam.hyde/posts/965483350159828

So he's literally just /pol/? Kinda disappointing, he should stick to comedy.

>> No.7206486

Didn't mind this until he said the word "cuck".

>> No.7206498

He's 100% right.


>> No.7206506

He said the word "cuck" though. That's bad.

>> No.7206509

You're acting like he was that funny in the first place.

>> No.7206510

/lit/ - not literature

>> No.7206517

i hate to be the one to break it to you but facebook isn't a book m9

>> No.7206519

The guy wrote a book so he's /lit/

>> No.7206526

He wrote a book after 1950, he's not /lit/ and you're substandard for spending time reading it. Enjoy your TV Guide.

>> No.7206534

Wow I didn't know capsguy was back. Where've you been, and where are your caps?

>> No.7206542

I'm only some of the memes warm.

>> No.7206548

He's an old meme, don't worry about it.

>> No.7206578

I'm glad Sam went to the dark side because it's more fun that way

>> No.7206631

he's gone full autism
prettyfunny if he is conscious of what he is doing

>> No.7206668

The anime thing was fun, so was the paradigm shift, and officer maggot clips.

Nick's hilarious.

His schtick is getting a bit tiring now

>> No.7206689

>complain about gays
>pay to fuck transsexuals in your spare time

Someone remember to mention this in every Sam Hyde thread, I can't be here 24 hours a day

>> No.7206709

I'm gay and I support sam hyde

>> No.7206715

Is it possible to report posts on 4chan

>> No.7206720

No you can't do that and it definitely isn't one of 4chan's most important features

>> No.7206729

I forgot im on cuckchan


>> No.7206732

Sam hyde has always been cryptopol

>> No.7206735

>"b-but he did that i-i-ironically!!"

>> No.7206740

I don't see the problem with Sam Hyde having sex with transgender sex workers.

>> No.7206745

this isn't really /pol/
though i am beginning to think he's much less clever than i initially assumed and his collaborators are far more important
he's just angry, i think a lot of us are angry and see the whole thing as a mess without being "/pol/"

>> No.7206746

Wow that sucks
I legitimately wonder if Hyde's gotten in so deep that he's incapable of genuinely connecting with other human beings. Maybe he can't even tell the difference and his whole life has become this fucked up hellscape performance art.

>> No.7206757

he literally supports trump, it's not even a joke on his part

now please, PLEASE, every time I mention this in an MDE thread some asshole is like "there's nothing wrong with Trump". Trump hate isn't a fucking meme. Even if you don't know English you can still understand him in the way he talks about every problem as if he's a coach at half time at a middle schooler's football game

>> No.7206762

I hate anti-Trump fags though because they have nothing interesting to say. 90% of the time it's people making jokes on facebook/twitter comparing him literally to shit.

He appeals to people for a reason, and that's 10x more interesting than "le he's so shit". of course he's shit. and he's not that different from the other leaders, he's just honest. the real question is wtf do we do about it?

>> No.7206765

Supporting Trump usually isn't a result of nuanced appreciation of his policies or whatever, its a mix of "he's not playing the bullshit game that the establishment uses to prevent any meaningful change from occurring" and semi-accelerationist sentiment that makes him popular.

No other candidate offers America a "lets fuck off" card. He's rich enough to have plenty of focus groups do research for him and sort shit out, and he's presidential.

>> No.7206770
File: 42 KB, 600x600, viper str8 stuntin stupid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>People still believe that he's honest and speaking his mind instead of just saying what people want to hear
He's loud and pretends every problem has a simple solution which makes people feel all warm and fuzzy.

>> No.7206780
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let me guess, you support Bernie "Jew" Sanders?

>> No.7206784

>If you don't support Trump you must support Sanders ;^DDD
Wow a Trump supporter thinks in black and white. I'm shocked.

>> No.7206785

I mean policy-wise, he's literally mainstream typical dude.

>> No.7206790

He's by far the most honest and effective politician running tbh.

>> No.7206797

this tbh

>> No.7206799

Well considering most 18-25 y/o males I know either support Bernie or Trump I made an educated guess.

Socialism will never work in the U.S.

>> No.7206800

>greentexting a link
>now i can't click it
literally WHY

>> No.7206804

honest lmao .. what? first off, I really hope he isn't fucking being honest because it really can't get worse than the bullshit ideas he has literally i hope he's lying about his shitty policies

>> No.7206805

But it already works, Anon.

>> No.7206807

see >>7206804 too

calling him honest is lite

>> No.7206808

Should be said that young females also prefer Bernie

>> No.7206813


No it doesn't.

>> No.7206814
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>> No.7206822

sorry I meant to say, "calling him honest is literally bullshit. He isn't consistent, he's never once been consistent, and all of his ideas (minus his retardedly simple plan to stop ISIS) are either infeasible or incompetent. Especially his tax plan.B do you know who actually his onset? Bernie Sanders. He's consistent. He's the single most consistent candidate I've ever been alive for. And I mean consistent for half a century. Look at trumps tax plan ideas from 4 years ago and compare them to his idea from less than a decade earlier.

>> No.7206832

>A guess made on anecdotal evidence with a tiny sample size compared to the general population
>Educated guess
Pick one
Please don't vote.

>> No.7206834

>socialism doesn't work
>look click on this link on the internet that was created by the government with tax payer money
good one

>> No.7206839

>clearly doesn't know what socialism means in respect Bernie Sanders being president
>thinks not defunding planned parenthood, putting money into our infrastructure (which no one else is going to fucking do because "infrastructure isn't sexy"), and taxing the shit out of the rich is socialist

>> No.7206853

Really hope it ends up being Sanders vs Trump in the general so we can have a lot more threads like this

>> No.7206855

>Liberal shills
save us Trump. Please for gods sake. These cucks man, these cucks.

>> No.7206856

>not wanting to defund planned genocide

>> No.7206865

lmao it's a good thing you have absolutely nothing of value to say


>> No.7206868

yeah keep preaching them egalitarian values bro! you'll show them! fu_k the system right my epic redditors?

>> No.7206874

Also remember that Sam is 30 years old

>> No.7206879

Whoa!! Can't believe someone who's THIRTY has THESE opinions!

>> No.7206898

>some rich guy with a big mouth is gonna save this country

This country is so fucking retarded, god help us.

>> No.7206909

This guy's always been an unfunny piece of shit, jus like every single thing to come out of /pol/. It's the worst board on this site bar-none and all the shit it churns out is not merely stupid, but dull and aggravating, and ends up spewing all over boards where it doesn't belong.

/pol/ is like a toothache. It isn't shocking, it isn't funny, it isn't informative, it's just a fucking monotonous, ceaseless drone of dumbass kids and their dumbass opinions. It speaks volumes that this "comedian" is such a bitter, sheltered little dickhead that that's the crowd he chooses to align with. Anyone saying "red pill" and "cuckservative" unironically should go the fuck outside and grow the fuck up.

/pol/ will eventually be deleted and I'll be happy when it happens.

>> No.7206946

That's about as perfect as anyone could say it.

>> No.7206947

Too bad it has literally nothing to do with Sam lol

>> No.7206953

>The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact

/r9k/ and /pol/ is what happens when new users take stuff posted on 4chan seriously

>> No.7206955

Sorry, but I doubt our new japmin is deleting /pol/ any time soon.

>> No.7206958

Except his little Facebook rant (another sign he needs to grow up) read just like /pol/ shit, and he's constantly brought up on /tv/ and other boards by /pol/fags.

>> No.7206962

Patrician boards talk about ideas. Average boards talk about events. /lit/ talks about people.

>> No.7206967

Lol yeah rants on 4chan about some obscure comedian's facebook posts are infinitely more mature

>> No.7206976

the problem with /pol/ isn't /pol/, it's /pol/ posting their dumb shit literally everywhere that's the problem

>> No.7206982

The paragon of maturity gets extremely asspained about people posting opinions on 4chan that he disagrees with

>> No.7206990

Really can't believe the racist bs being spewed all over the board about stalking child celebrities. We need to delete /pol/ NOW

>> No.7206991

Not really the same, but keep sticking up for your "red pill" funnyman. Maybe you'll realize what a pitiful mentality it is some day.

>> No.7206997

No, I get mad about seeing racist shit and unfunny memes all over the site.

>> No.7207001

You must be new here.

>> No.7207006

I think the mods gave up on /pol/, it is a highly politicized /b/ now. Pretty much any random topic that contains the word "redpill" is relevant on /pol/.

>> No.7207072

but he's only been this redpill funny man for like the last year...?

he has extreme talent and a hard work ethic and to just call him unfunny because you don't agree with him is as bad as the retards on /pol/

>> No.7207083

Whats the deal with this guy? I see him posted all over 4chan but from what I can tell he's just some ass blasted neo-nazi youtuber. Like he has all the same annoying as fuck traits as the memetubers except from what I can tell he's some kind of anti-semitic tom green.

So who is he? Some kind of 4chan e celeb?

>> No.7207093

bumping this, who is this literal who?

>> No.7207098

he the Holden Caulfield for millennials
his humour at one point was extremely different but since the popularization of anti-PC culture, it seems like his humour is stale

>> No.7207108

trump has charisma and is presidential and that often wins

>> No.7207113

>anti-semitic tom green

That's actually a pretty good description

>> No.7207118

>holden caulfield for milennials
>only fat white dudes liking his face book page

Really? Cause it looks like a bunch of anal garroted stormcucks that are mad because they can't say nigger out loud any more without pissing people off.

>> No.7207121

The only good thing Sam Hyde ever did was promote Jace Connors. That guy is going to do great things.

Sam's a sad fag who should stick behind the scenes. As soon as you internalize /pol/, you're finished. And I say this as a /pol/ browser.