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7203557 No.7203557 [Reply] [Original]

Do you have patrician or pleb parents, /lit/?

>> No.7203582

Pleb tbh. My Dad reads constantly, he's got a fucking huge collection, but all exclusively fantasy.

>> No.7203590

intermediate calibre tbh. both intelligent people, they just don't tend to read very much.

>> No.7203600


>never read
>no higher education
>no self education
>source of thoughts are youtube videos
>never seen them read books

>> No.7203612
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Patrician. I wish I could show you his study, it's got hundreds and hundreds of medical texts, hardbound copies of classic literature, natural science books, theological essays, and whatnot. He's even got a shelf of antique books with several that are over 150 years old. Seems par for the course for a neurologist.

>> No.7203614

Mid-tier. Both are very intelligent, but now that they're old, they prefer mindless entertainment over anything stimulating.

>> No.7203622

Interestingly enough, because they're plebs they motivated me to become an intellect.

I typically read 40 books a year.

>> No.7203624

Dad has a degree in theology and is also a lawyer, mom is a literature teacher.
We have a huge collection of books on history, literature theory, law, theology and national literature.
So I'd say pretty patrician.

>> No.7203626

>tfw no Patrician parents

Don't make me feel bad guise

>> No.7203629
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>Do you have patrician or pleb parents, /lit/?
pleb who do not even know that they are pleb

>> No.7203633

I would say, in any given country, the pleb to patrician ratio is 90 to 10

>> No.7203634

My Dad has never read a book in his life.

My Mum was made to read classics as a child. Now she reads mostly popular fiction like John Grisham and Donna Tartt.

>> No.7203636

Probably more like 95 to 99%, tbh.

>> No.7203638

Parent's split. Mother is colossal pleb shit-tier consumer. Father is breddy_patrican.exe: is theologian, is anglican priest, has read many classics, has read pretty much every theologian there is including augustine and aquinas, has decent library collection, can discuss literaure and philosophy with him.

>> No.7203640

95 to 5?

To be honest, I don't know many people who read books. Even the college educated don't read books anymore.

>> No.7203643

Yes. I don't think it's too much of a stretch to say that 5 people out of every 100 or less read literary fiction.

Of course plenty more people read, but those who do read generally read trash. I used to work in a warehouse for an Amazon type online bookstore, pretty depressing how many pallets of trash I had to shift for every decent novel.

>> No.7203647

Compelete plebs, however their plebdom contrasts with my my patricianship; it allows me to make some witty snaps at parties, family and friends don't appreciate my intellectual humour, but I suppose that's what you pay for being patrician

>> No.7203713

>Of course plenty more people read, but those who do read generally read trash. I used to work in a warehouse for an Amazon type online bookstore, pretty depressing how many pallets of trash I had to shift for every decent novel.

Yes, when you look at the best selling books it's also pleb tier shit.

>> No.7203718

my parents only read crime novels and thrillers, my gf's parents are patrician tho, read everything from james joyce to ryu murukami to chinua achebe. her dad refers to himself as 'australia's greatest unpublished poet' and i don't doubt him tbh.

>> No.7203741
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I'm twenty years old and I've never seen my mother pick up a book until last month. I always thought she was functionally illiterate.

>> No.7203742

Sounds like a middle aged ex /lit/fag except he never got the chance of going on here
Must be pretty cool

>> No.7203746

Becoming an intellect may not be a easy as you think

>> No.7203748

My mum is a fan of Kierkergaard and is a professional painter. My dad plays Civ V.

>> No.7203766

Terminal stage patricians both which gave me a distaste for the so-called high culture. In Russia there was no 1960s protest movement, no pythons and no sesame street so they mostly sneer at everything that is downhill from here. They won't talk to anyone whose grammar ain't perfect and they sneer at Putin, but for all the wrong things: They don't like how he behaves in public, he isn't elitist enough, and they don't like him killing journalists. As long as they're not muslim journalists, that is. Muslims are considered pleb, for some reason, and thus completely dispensable. Homosexuals are also considered completely dispensable and very pleb (unless they possess an excuse, like success in the arts) so him backing far right thugs or harrasing minorities is not a problem at all. In fact, it's great. Their perfect president would be a Hitler who makes his laundry lists in Babylonic cuneiform, doesn't touch the Muscowite tusovka and weaves all his speeches from the great novelists, poets, playwrights and speakers - Russian, Roman, French and Greek.

>> No.7203772

Mother only reads the books I buy her (Stoner, Mouchette etc)

Father probably never read and older brother, who is exactly like him, says books are "just stories inside other peoples' heads" in a dismissive way.

>> No.7203773

Did you attend a private school?

>> No.7203777

My dad is blind. He reads a lot of books in braille, or sometimes I read to him. Have done since I was a little girl.

>> No.7203779

My parents are plebs but they know it so they saved up money to send me in a Catholic private school.

>> No.7203780

indeed, the content has always been the form. the patricians put the content that is can be found in other parts of another social class, into a different form, generally appealing.

>> No.7203855

Why did you mention you were a girl? Is this some kind of milton reference?

>> No.7203856

Complete plebs, read only local drama/thriller novels, no real curiosity and thirst for knowledge and appreciation of the arts. And at any rate they have six children including me and attend to boring normie jobs so they barely even have free time. Religiously superstitious, overprotective and ridiculously paranoid with inconsistent opinions, full of logical fallacies. They think they know better merely because they're older, even in cases when they haven't the slightest idea about the particular subject. I can argue with my mom and sometimes she would literally dismiss my arguments, explanations and accusations of her being self-contradicting and irrational by saying "I don't care". Just a week ago I told my family they're brainwashed consumers that buy expansive worthless crap and what they had to say was "eeeeh you're cheap anon, go live in the mountains!"

>> No.7203857


>> No.7203881

Nope, no reference!

>> No.7203887

>reads post
>checks digits

Confirmed angel.

>> No.7203902

My Dad went to Cambridge on a scholarship and my Mum was one of the first women to go to a Russell group university (on a scholarship too).

My Mum reads basic fantasy genre fiction, hates anything unpleasant or sad being portrayed and my Dad just reads book about modern history that were published when he was at university.

Dunno what to think tbh

>> No.7203903

They're both well educated, but they hardly read books not related to their profession.

>> No.7203909

Parents are from Russia, so they read most of the russian Canon (Tolstoy, Dostojevski, Gogol, etc.)
My mom is also a huge sherlock holmes fan, my dad likes the russian equivalent of Tom Clancy.

>> No.7203915

Pleb. They both have a kind of unharnessed savage intelligence but they messed their lives up and never put it to much use. My father's mind is old and withered before his time. My mom is a constant reader and has built up a really impressive knowledge of european history but she rarely bothers to challenge herself. I don't blame her, being poor sucks the energy right out of you.

>> No.7203960

My mom is an evangelist who only reads the Bible and Protestant fan-fiction. My dad's a communist buy he reads a bunch of cool history shit

>> No.7203974 [DELETED] 

Do you have a sister? If you do I bet she's extremely attractive. They tell you Swedish women are attractive, but I've been to Stockholm and Moscow and the Russian women were so incredibly attractive, I couldn't believe it. In Stockholm there are a lot of beautiful women too, but not nearly as many on average.

>> No.7204114

My parents are both upwardly-mobile middle-class quite literate people. Dad likes sci-fi and science books, also GGM. Mum likes Jane Austen and some other 19th century classics (Dickens, the Brontes, Zola, Dostoevsky and Gogol). Maybe more. I don't really talk about books with them..

>> No.7204117

they are both big plebs, though not ostentatiously so

>> No.7204125

My dad is a Big Pleb who won't read a book without pictures in it and my mom is a Patrician who's more books than I have at this point. I took after her and my grandmother on my father's side who has read more than both of us combine.

>> No.7204134

They both have a Phd in microbiology. My father is the most intellectually curious outside of his area of expertise though. He's read most of the classics and recently started a course in French.

>> No.7204176

my father ist literally proletarian tier, never ever read a book in his lifetime. mother is above average pleb tier, reads sometimes but 95% mainstream bestseller muh emotions literature.

>> No.7204179

Dad is patrician with books (likes Delillo, loves Pinecone, loves Boyle) but not so much with movies (doesn't go more complex than New Hollywood).

Mom is pleb with books (can't into anything even mildly Pomo) but patrician with movies (introduced me to Lynch, Kurosawa, Hitchcock, etc.)

>> No.7204180


I'd rather my Dad not read at all than read loads of fantasy tbh.


I lent my Dad White Noise months ago and he still hasn't read it. He doesn't seem to like it.

>> No.7204181

Tfw when dad reads enough classics to be patrician but also reads genre fic spy stuff and pop science so prob isnt.

>> No.7204196

I actually opened up White Noise and found two things:

1. A note from my father. He was working abroad and sent a few Delillo books to my mother for Christmas. This was right after they'd gotten engaged.

2. A note from my mother to a friend that she never sent about how they'd just gotten engaged and how happy she was. She was using it as a bookmark.

I opened up that copy of White Noise about two weeks after I found out they were getting divorced.

It was not a good day.

>> No.7204197

My mom is a Ph.D in natural sciences, went to an Ivy league school, speaks 3 languages and her personal library (non work related) has over 400 books all of which she claims to have read.

Shes spastic, autistic, borderline, lacks any kind of common sense and is by far the tackiest person Ive seen in my life, squanders her money in the most incredible ways possible, constantly throws tantrums in public and has fought with every member of her family, she has no friends, smokes 2 packs of cigarettes a day and has been detained by the police a few times, I only speak to her once in a while cause I feel pity at such a miserable human being.

Being raised by an intellectual, independent, strong feminist woman has been the biggest redpill in my life and albeit considering myself a liberal I cant help now but believe that women are completely incapable of fending off for themselves and need to submit to a masculine figure in order to not go crazy, I cant see any women as being superior to any man due to the fact that regardless of how smart or accomplished that woman is, in the end shes just an illogical ball of emotions.

As for my dad, hes an orthodox muslim that hasnt read a book in his life, never got higher education, beats his current wife and wont allow any of my sister to attend college, for some reason hes the only man my genius mother ever loved.

Women: NEO

>> No.7204204

>hates anything unpleasant or sad being portrayed
my mom is the same way but she reads romance novels

>> No.7204215

mum reads cook books (and James Herbert)

dad reads all sorts of things, mainly scifi and horror fiction, some non-fiction too. I recommended him Pynchon but I don't know if he ever checked him out

>> No.7204272

Dad is a self published author with some success but I don´t think mom knows what a book is

>> No.7204297

My dad is a medic, reads a lot but it's a mixed bag. He'll read Mario Vargas Llosa and Borges, but also shit like Deepak Chopra.

My mom is an architect and loved to read latinamerican poetry but she doesn't have time now, and when she does she reads self-help stuff, though I don't blame her.

The only real pleb at home is me.

>> No.7204316

you're not a little girl you're a big guy

>> No.7204360
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Mom is a retired librarian and former English teacher. Mostly reads popular contemporary lit like Franzen. Occasionally does presentations as historical figures like Jane Austen and Susan B. Anthony.

Dad is also retired. Almost exclusively reads history books. Last fiction book I saw him read was Mark Twain more than 10 years ago. Mostly he works on his model railroad.

>> No.7204433

Think they're both quite patrician, but I can't be sure. Both of them were educated at Oxford, although my mum gave up her career to be a housewife for more than 20 years. My dad could have easily been on a salary of £100k+ with his degree, but chose to be self-employed and earn a comfortable income instead. He is now getting increasingly involved in politics too. We have a huge collection of books at my house, and both are avid lifelong readers. They are also interested in other 'patrician' areas such as classical music and art. The only thing that is holding them back from becoming truly patrician is not being ambitious enough to really push and fulfill their potential. They probably lead happier lives because of it though, so it's hard to say.

>> No.7204450

Dad reads popular fantasy, history/autobiographies, and Republican political junk. He read a lot of sci-fi 60s-80s.

Mom reads award-winning or popular fiction.

Though since Netflix and HBOGo they've been watching way more TV instead, which is disappointing.

>> No.7204466

>Old money; as in "nobles in Europe before they came to America in the 1600's to be rich" rich.
>Have buildings named named for the family on the National Historic Register in the US
>Have castles named for the family on the National Trust or still in the family in the UK
>Dad got his medical degree and became a surgeon
>Retired at 50, got a PhD in Mathematics
>Reads constantly, including the classics in Latin and Greek
>Has published several books on history and medical risk evaluation theory

>First person in her family to go to college
>Also a surgeon
>Speaks French well enough to fool Parisians
>Reads books in French, Italian, and German

Growing up 'birthday present' meant' "get whatever 10 books you like, dear"

>> No.7204474

>I read therefore I am smart

When is the meme going to stop?

>> No.7204479

My parents are proletarians. Their reading habits: my father doesn't read, both because he lacks the time and the inclination, and my mother reads for work (nurse) and entertainment. Nothing wrong with this, and it is understandable. They work(ed) their asses off for the illusion of social mobility so I and my siblings could have the luxury of reading and doing what we wanted with our lives. This has been a good thing for me, but it also leads to the danger of self-centered intellectualism and idealism. I am moving aside from that illusion by synthesizing both my reading and my family's material experiences.
/blog entry

>> No.7204500

pretty patrician
mum in publishing
dad wrote a book about the EU
both of them are former journalists

>> No.7204502

Not really intellectual though

>> No.7204510

Son what are you doing posting on this garbage website forum. I'm telling you're mother

>> No.7204512

wow your parents sound pretty awful

>> No.7204524


Dad is a business major that reads self-help and science books mostly. Some chick called him a narcissist and he said something like, "I never thought about it that way."

Mom is just as bad, if not worse. Journalism major. Her primary entertainment is shiternet (puppies, animals, black people doing funny stuff).

My parents are going to dementia hard as fuck.

>> No.7204527

>Some chick called him a narcissist and he said something like, "I never thought about it that way."
your dad sounds fucking alpha.
what's his salary? probably 6 figures at minimum

>> No.7204534
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Tricky call actually.
Patrician traits
>dad has PhD and works in his field
>extremely wealthy
>family travels extensively
>parents are both bilingual
>encouraged me to read mostly patrician books as young as possible

Pleb traits
>American fundamentalist Christians
>hardline republican partisians
>haven't read quality fiction since college

My grandmother is the real patrician. She studied biology back in the 50s and we have amazing discussions about the stuff I studied in college. She reads up to date books on neuroscience and is halfway through Mason and Dixon just because I told her it was my favorite novel.

>> No.7204537

>>American fundamentalist Christians
>>hardline republican partisians
>>haven't read quality fiction since college
>implying any of those are pleb traits

>> No.7204545

Oh, forgot that 55 year old dad is so good-looking that random girls from my university still ask me about him. We also travelled so widely and developed so many different skills as children that my teachers and some classmates seriously suspected that my dad was some sort of intelligence operative. I'm going to class that under patrician.

>> No.7204546

You described my grandparents, m8

>> No.7204563

cool family you got there

> I cant help now but believe that women are completely incapable of fending off for themselves and need to submit to a masculine figure in order to not go crazy
I'm sure you realize that the experience of what your mother is like doesn't translate to correct judgments about women in general.

I have a close friend whose father beat him, his mother didn't love him enough and his sister abused him mentally and physically. The women in his family means that he hates all women and thinks they are treacherous.

Don't be like my friend

>> No.7204570 [DELETED] 

was it 50 shades of grey ?

>> No.7204572

On the other hand, my mother is one of the most content and humane people I know, and she credits her very traditional marriage for a lot of her happiness. She also taught me, not by example, not to trust most women and showed me how insane they can be in certain situations. She's so insightful that discussing my relationships with her always either makes them stronger or ends them immediately. All of this I learned from the mouth of my mother. My father, raised in a single-mother household, disagrees with all of this and tries to be really progressive about it.

>> No.7204574

>>parents are both bilingual
that's not patrician where I'm from
I'm a Fenno-swede, so it's standard to speak FInnish, Swedish and English. Only at the 4th language does it start to become patrician

>> No.7204577

I'm from Mississippi, fam. It's like one tier more patrician than the DRC. Being able to speak and write proper English puts you in the top 10% here.

>> No.7204583 [DELETED] 

my dad has a composition notebook next to his old edition of ulysses fully filled with notes and explanations
mother writes for a newspaper
brother is also a huge reader and shared his books with me since i was a little girl

>> No.7204598
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How in the name of Allah are they not pleb traits?

>> No.7204601

He is. Not sure what his salary but it's definitely 6 figs. He drives a '01 or '02 BMW M3. He had a Porsche for a while too. He's essentially a 52 year old Chad with a lot of money.

He laughed when I told him about the single question narcissism test.

>> No.7204708

pretty pleb

conservative farm folk. my dad starts to read books occasionally but never finishes them. he likes pulpy crime stuff set in warm locations, like carl hiassen. I think he read the sun also rises in college way back when.a

my mom has never really read on her own, but i've dropped recommendations on her over the years and she's read a few well regarded books like kafka's trial and castle and infinite jest

>> No.7205009

No, its book of poems a friend gave her. It's collecting dust under the coffee table now.

>> No.7205066

Dad: philistine pleb.
Mom: has read many classics because my grandfather made her read one once a week and write interpretative essays on them. The last two books I remember her reading in the last ten or so years are Fifty Shades of Gray and Joyce's Portrait.

>> No.7205080

Bit of both I think.

He's an economist so he has a good understanding of powers and money. Sort of well read but not really. He prefers outdoorsy activities when he's not working. He definitely has a stubborn complex about being right though, a good analogy would be that he thinks he is Buddha when he's actually just Muhammad.

This is a weird one. I'd describe mom as... Dionysian? At times there is absolutely no end to her sloth. Really, you can come home and think she's cosplaying as Umaru... except that she shitposts on twitter about Palestine and immigrants instead of playing video games. However she is a doctor, and just extremely intelligent in general. Sometimes her brilliance shines through. She does have a natural understanding of aesthetics and how the world just works. I can honestly say that I've met few people that compare to her at her best. It wouldn't surprise me if she's on the spectrum or something though.

>> No.7205082


>> No.7205125

>a good analogy would be that he thinks he is Buddha when he's actually just Muhammad.
>I'd describe mom as... Dionysian?
>you can come home and think she's cosplaying as Umaru
While reading this, I had a distinct cringe for each of your awful references

>> No.7205143

Mom is pretty pleb
Dad is one of those stemfags who thinks the humanities are a joke

at least I have lit... r-right

>> No.7205145

>being snooty on 4chan
Those were jokes

>> No.7205400
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That pic is all wrong.


My mother has her masters in theology, which I think is pretty patrician (she's a Catholic chaplain at a local hospital). My dad reads trash like tom clancy or lincoln lawyer, but I give a bit of a pass as he is a research scientist at the local University.

>> No.7205410

Thanks for sharing. I like reading anecdotes from people on /lit/ :)

>> No.7205412

>married to a pleb
Your mom's a pleb. Scientists have the potential to be super-patrician but rarely are so your dad doesn't get any credit there either.

>> No.7205413
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>functionally illiterate.
>that pic

>> No.7205435
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Eh, he is an MD-PHD and deals with leukemia, so I give him a break for reading escapist garbage after a day of making rounds, seeing people in their 20s whither away in agony. But ya I agree something about the sciences seem to encourage plebdom; probably the open disdain their peers and professors have and had for the humanities.

>> No.7205441

Reading is the first step, second is critical thinking. Third step?

>> No.7205468


Bizarre thing to say.

>> No.7205476

>studying the construct of thousands of fallible minds
Could be intellectual, but it's usually just adding your own noise to a noisy signal.

God's not real

>> No.7205496

I gave my dad a copy of myth of Sisyphus when he was going through his first big boy existential crisis and he couldn't follow it so he dropped it.

>tfw these are my genes

>> No.7205521
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alright m8

>> No.7205537

>a fedora gets negative karma on reddit
>"Ha, eat shit and bow before the one true God!"
Truly theology is an intellectual powerhouse. I apologize.

>> No.7205539

My mum gave me Crime and Punishment to read when I was 9 but she herself reads all stuff like Jodi Picoult and James Patterson.

>> No.7205549
File: 114 KB, 802x552, Screen Shot 2015-06-22 at 10.53.15 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like:

>edgy opinion
>not worth my time, so I post a some memery

>> No.7205578

Why are Christians so passive-aggressive?

>> No.7205582

if posting mildly mocking images constitutes being passive aggressive, then I think you may be a bit too sensitive

>> No.7205593

>he just can't stop
Calling someone's opinion not worth your time while posting pics mocking people with the same opinion is pretty passive-aggressive. I think it's more because you're representing yourself as a representative of Christ and that's distinctly un-Christlike.

>> No.7205617

>I think it's more because you're representing yourself as a representative of Christ and that's distinctly un-Christlike.

Not a practicing Christian m8. I just don't like fedoras, and someone who says theology, a discipline with a written legacy spanning back to the dawn of writing itself, is not an intellectual pursuit, then I am going to go ahead and dismiss their opinion.

>> No.7205623
File: 197 KB, 365x790, iq and politics.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studying the history and practice of theology is one thing, but the assumptions that lie behind studying God are too great and too emotional for me to accord that the respect and brainspace that the term, "intellectual," usually connotes.

Happy now?

>> No.7205632

Yeah, in London.

>> No.7205650
File: 198 KB, 407x559, isaacnewton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dragging politics into a conversion about religion
>american politics at that

Also, you could just as easily attribute the lower IQ in the South/SouthWest to their relatively high non-white population as to their elevated levels of religiousness. Funny though as most atheists bend over backward to seem tolerant, but then they deride the south for being stupid, an area of the US that is more black.

>> No.7205667

kek I'm from Alabama and would not be described as much of a progressive and would agree with you on that explanation for the IQ gap. You're forgetting, though, that African-Americans and hispanics profess much higher rates of religiosity than whites.

I just attached that image because of the whole, "posts with images get more replies thing," but if you want to go there...

>> No.7205672

The only thing my mom reads is Danielle steel books

>> No.7205673

>I just attached that image because of the whole, "posts with images get more replies thing,"

Fair enough. I shouldn't have assumed malice so quickly.

>> No.7205674

Lol bullshit chart. According to that I'm almost 40 IQ points above my state's average, and I sincerely doubt that given how many intelligent people from my region I know.

>> No.7205700

My mom tried to read war and peace. She was very confused throughout. Kept asking questions. At least she tried. I was proud.

>> No.7205703
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It lines up with what I'd seen on the matter before. Plus if you think about the kinds of jobs people have in the super high IQ states and the racial makeup of those states it all makes sense. CT, NJ, NY and RI are inundated with people who work in technology, finance, management, academia and medicine. Meanwhile my home state, Alabama, is mostly people who collect welfare and find ways to make their trucks more obnoxious.

I actually love it here but I'm realistic about the intelligence thing.

>> No.7205719

mum is a state school educated history of art professor
dad was a public schoolboy who now works at an oil company
not bad

>> No.7205723

Only one member of my family reads.
Tom Clancy and RA Salvatore.

I had an unfortunate childhood.

>> No.7205743

Total pleb.

My mom exclusively reads Kathy Reichs novels and fiction like "The Hundred-Year-Old Man Who Climbed Out the Window and Disappeared", with those absurdly long titles to come off as intriguingly witty and intelligent. What is it with that trend, anyway?

Dad is knee-deep in his midlife crisis and pretends to be an US American from the Midwest (he's a 52 year old German who never in his life left Europe), he's expressing this by aligning himself to a more rural lifestyle.
Reads mostly alpine crime fiction.

>> No.7205748

Mom reads Danielle Steel, Jodi Picoult, Dan Brown, etc. She's read Ulysses and Lady Chatterly's Lover back in high school and said she liked them both. She defends her reading habits by saying that when she comes home from work, she just wants to relax and not have to think. I loaned her my copy of Fear and Trembling because I thought she might like Kierkegaard. A few months later, I ask her what she thinks about it and she said she tried to read it but it was too frightening. I don't think she read any of it. She's a pleb.

Dad reads popular science books mostly. Also some fantasy and self-help books.He's a lot more well-versed in philosophy than my mom. I can have more stimulating conversations with him. Also, he's into Eastern thought and Persian poetry. though he hails from a mountainous and destitute region of Kentucky, he certainly has the soul of a patrician. I don't know why he doesn't use it more often.

>> No.7205844

patrician as fuck. Dad's a published writer and so is mom. Mom works as a professor tho and her books she writes are non fiction

>> No.7205891

>tho and her books she writes are non fiction
You adopted, fam?

>> No.7205905

Fair enough. Just saying I've met plenty of intelligent people who you wouldn't hesitate to call a "redneck" or a "hick" at first glance.

>> No.7205918

Pleb. My mother reads a lot of Danielle Steele and romance and I have never seen my father read anything. My mother occasionally sends her poetry into poetry.com - which is a scam - and feels really good when she wins.

>> No.7205936
File: 378 KB, 1800x1274, goal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd be one of them. I drive a fifteen year old F150, hunt obsessively, drink cheap beer, have a thick accent, play football and watch MMA.

I also have an IQ north of 150, several published short stories and articles, and a degree in a science field a top 30 university somewhere in New England.

>> No.7206043

Are you trolling? It feels like you're trolling.

>> No.7206107

>The only thing my mom reads is Danielle steel books

True pleb.

>> No.7206133

you sound like a good fuck tbh

>> No.7206141

plebs but they both encouraged my interest in literature and sacrificed a lot so i could go to college so i don't shit on em for it

>> No.7206421

Go hang urself Antigone.

>> No.7206876
File: 652 KB, 766x656, chill.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm dead serious, actually. I try to avoid talking about these things all at once on the internet, but there it is, I'm one of the people who makes 4chan their main online community. It's a weird combo but it feels comfy, like a glock in the waistband of your favorite Japanese raw denim jeans. Like what I'm wearing right now.

I've been told I do the sex thing pretty well. I've had some really fantastic young women in my life, from Ivy League grad students to professional ballerinas and models.

>> No.7206925

Not needing your physical form anymore.

>> No.7207027
File: 41 KB, 600x600, 1442948403264.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both are full patrician. We had a large library of 3000+ books, neatly organized, primarily leather-bound philosophy and classic literature. As a teenager, my parents encouraged me to read Bulgakov over YA fiction and worked very hard to feed me Shakespeare/Dickens. They're STEM PhD professors, by the way.

I try but I'll obviously never be as smart or well educated as either of them. Patrician parenting does not necessarily make you a good intellectual - it's more about your personality, which parents have little control over.

>> No.7207043

My mom is kinda pleb. She is better than most 60+ year olds and knows quality story and plot. But she's shit at appreciating anything that works at a thematic level. Not so bad though, usually we can easily agree on a movie to see or book to read, and I look forward to talking about those things with her when we talk.

Dad is pleb of the highest order. No idea what the man even fucking likes. He used to be into sports, but even that has faded now. As far as I can tell, he's a blank slate. I barely know him, though, so there's that.

>> No.7207060


Evidently all your iq points haven't brought you a sense of humility.

>> No.7207066

It was relevant to what one anon said about people who act like hicks turning out to be smart. Sorry if that triggers you. I could list all my actual flaws (I'm on fucking 4chan for Chrissake) but that wouldn't be very relevant.

>> No.7207135

but why lie on the internet to strangers you'll never meet?

>> No.7207144
File: 177 KB, 750x864, harold.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn son I didn't even claim to have achieved anything anyone cared about. I'm a fucking nobody with some interesting stats is all. Is that really so hard to believe?

>> No.7207185

your parents sound fucking great
thanks for the insight into a particular part of russian culture
but i hope they understand that a president like that (who acted that way in public) probably wouldn't be able to rule a nation of plebs

>> No.7207202

Pleb as fuck. Both uneducated Mexican immigrants. Really dumb even for low class mexicans. I am too though. You guys should see me in action lol.

>> No.7207204
File: 38 KB, 1361x802, mexican posters.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tbh I already thought that a good 60% of /lit/ posters were subpar Mexicans.

>> No.7207213

Makes sense. White people are out there getting laid/gfs. Blacks don't have a proper home to post up with comps. Mexicans were made for the 4chin or vice versa

>> No.7207226

I'd say patrician:
>dad: used to be a special forces type guy, read every book in the house, read most of not all of the classics, also reads a fuckton of pulp novels like Janet evanovich and the like. Writes historical fiction for a living.

>mom: artist/adjunct professor at local uni. Also read a lot of lit. Speaks fluent German. Right now, I've got her reading die blechtrommel. She knows an incredible amount of art history.

>> No.7207237


>> No.7207296

I'm pretty much the result of trailer trash breeding. My parents are actually third cousins or something like that. I think I managed to avoid any major mental impairment though.

Mom buys self-help books then doesn't read them or she reads books about the Bible, but not the Bible itself. She worked for fifteen years in a factory until she was laid off, but now she's running a business raising rabbits. She seems pretty happy with it, so I'm happy for her.

Dad is actually pretty smart in some ways but he tries to act ignorant a lot of the time for some reason I still haven't figured out. He has this idea that "edjeecated folk" are the cause of all the world's problems. He sold drugs for years and that made childhood interesting. Before I learned what was going on I just assumed he had a lot of friends. He reads a lot of true crime novels and has a funny requirement that any good book or movie must be based on a true story. He currently commits disability fraud and despite having all the time in the world to do whatever he wants, he just worships the TV.

My stepdad has, to my knowledge, never read anything in his life.