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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 73 KB, 748x425, us readers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7204543 No.7204543 [Reply] [Original]

Is this the literary equivalent of retards who read popular science articles and then claim they're "like, so into science xD"?

>> No.7204547

No, it's literally this thread, this board, this site who's the literary equivalent.

>> No.7204548

Us readers, huh?

>> No.7204567

Speak for yourself. I'm published and actually write every day, as opposed to liking a shitty facebook page in order to appear "so deep" and "sophisticated" through a less-than-surface level understanding of writing.

>> No.7204618

writing fishpeople erotica on amazon doesn't count as published friend, sorry to break it to you.

>> No.7204623

No, the way you show how deep and sophisticated you are is by shitting on random people for liking a Facebook page and pretending like you know it all, which is why I said that this is literally the equivalent of those shitheads because it's filled with losers like you.

>> No.7204649

It's literary fiction published in multiple respected lit journals.

You are literally defending the people who go "omg I read outside I'm such a neeeerd Game of Thrones 4 lyfe xD xD xD" right now. I'm not saying I know it all. I'm just saying I know a hell of a lot more than these retards do, yet they overestimate their abilities and think having a mild interest in something corresponds to proficiency and understanding.

>> No.7204685

There's a girl on my facebook who shares these all the time. She reads Danielle Steele and YA, and I highly doubt she even reads these.

>> No.7204768

Lovely projection.

>> No.7204831

Can /lit/ write a powerful story in six words?

>> No.7204835

fucking simple
>my baby died im so sad

eat it hemmmingway

>> No.7204837

Literature well never be "that mainstream" or at least the act of reading / writing. Clickbait, interesting pictures or scientific explanations for everyday phenomenon are attributed to science. Alongside this show likes Big Bang Theory and Breaking Bad have made being a bit sciencey seem cool.

Literary adaptations dont count.

>> No.7204853


Literature, philosophy and to an extent anime and manga are the only activities and hobbies that are salvageable from the normalfag masses.

>> No.7204870


Not so much really--because there is a clearly defined "literary lifestyle/interest" already and so marketing is not usurping a burgeoning audience and creating an artificial identity that suits their means.

"Us gamers" and "le bazinga science XD" are not as established and so are much more prone to someone manufacturing a sense of what someone who enjoys those things "would look like" /act like, /be interested in; etc.

It's certainly pandering, but nowhere near the same phenomena.

>> No.7204872

I don't think you can ever complain about people being fake and pretentious and disingenuous without yourself seeming and being accused of being fake and pretentious and disingenuous.

>> No.7204889

>salvageable from normalfag masses

U wot m8. Im not very popular but i know of at least 4 people in my life that publically read or watch anime. Aside from that, i can walk into town and see groups of weeaboos. To contrast, ive known one person to read actual literature outside of whatevers the big screen adaptation.

Maybe my social circle / area though and people dont broadcast literature on garish hoodies / t shirts.

>> No.7204923

maybe you're just a pleb and hence your social circle consists of plebs

the true patricians are three blocks down having in depth conversations about joyce and faulkner before engaging in an all-night orgy of homosexual sex, and YOU'LL NEVER BE A PART OF IT

just off yourself now tbh.

>> No.7205067
File: 70 KB, 231x317, this fucking guy 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People who constantly post about how much they read and how educated they are, about correct spelling, grammar and punctuation and get angry at other people's mistakes.
>Only read YA shit like Harry Potter and Divergent.
>Us readers, eh?

>> No.7205160
File: 73 KB, 700x810, homuhomu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For sale: dakimakura, never hugged.
there 5 words.

>> No.7205195

>anime and manga
This is some /jp/ tier delusion. Anime and manga are normalfag as fuck. All of my anime liking friends are normal adults with good jobs. Go back to your pissbottle basement and stay there, you disgusting NEET.

>> No.7205227

The people who watch Sailor Moon and Naruto are "into anime" like the people who read John Green and Hunger Games are "into literature". It is rare to find a socially normal hardcore weeb.

>> No.7205247

Foursale babbyshoos jamaisworn.

3 joycwords motherfucker.

>> No.7205312

Ulysses for sale, never read.

>> No.7205971

Tru patrician surrounded by plebs.

Dunno about your life anon but reading here is frowned upon

>> No.7205993

link to some of it or I call bullshit

>> No.7207572

>There were leftovers in his basement

That's the best I can think of

>> No.7207587

I have seen /r/literature and it is clearly a few intellectual levels above this board. It could be better but it's better than here. Too few readers of any sort here.

>> No.7207599


>> No.7207602
File: 1.96 MB, 220x165, kramer_win.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Better. Five.
For sale: baby shoes (unused)

>> No.7207604

We were Strangers, Friends, Lovers. Strangers.

>> No.7207608

>loved someone. Went to her wedding.
Pretty good actually tbh

>> No.7207611

Thanks, man
Made my day

>> No.7207614


>> No.7207616

It's ok to cry. -Lil B

>> No.7207622

for sale. 4chan. never made money.

>> No.7207624

>into anime
>I like attack on titan, DBZ, and FMA. Such an otaku xD

Like saying you're into literature because you read John Green.

>> No.7207626

She was my Sun.
It set.

>> No.7207632

my baby died and it sucked

>> No.7207635



>> No.7207638

Already sat and shat.
No Paper.

>> No.7207640

haha, i like you

>> No.7207649

i love how they always slide manga in there at the end as though no one will notice

>> No.7207664
File: 52 KB, 543x960, 1443587199246.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>things I can never prove but it's okay because nobody will call me out on it

Fuck off. You aren't published anywhere, probably not even Amazon. Until you post these "respected lit journals" then you will forever remain some pretentious, ass blasted kid who is mad that "normal" people like to read.

>> No.7207674

Child-you is dead. You killed him.

>> No.7207678

Died at twenty. Buried at sixty.

>> No.7207679

i think he's angrier that he isn't a chad

>> No.7207698

How can you turn up missing

>> No.7207813
File: 186 KB, 800x1040, big-papa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"You're a big guy."
"For you."

>> No.7207830

Truly you are a dank knight

>> No.7207835

Anime is more normie than manga in the west

>> No.7207856

no, it's more like how manga is for retards, is what i find funny

>> No.7207999

Selling baby shoes never worn. is the same but shorter. Me > hemingway

>> No.7208224

Some many years ago, long before I started this baby, I was in a relationship and we suffered a miscarriage. Now, this relationship was toxic to begin with and doomed to fail regardless, so that the miscarriage was the straw that broke the camel's back came as no surprise. It was a pregnancy neither of us wanted in the first place, so the event didn't effect me nearly as much as it would, say, a couple who was trying for a child. Still, I saw the emotions it can bring up first hand, and I saw how it could truly hurt someone.
Long story short, I want to sell some shoes.

>> No.7208279

Took a shit.

Naming him Tyrone.

>> No.7208675

Never cared much for that Hemingway "story", why do people assume that the baby is dead? Maybe they were given by a grandmother who buys shoes two sizes too small. Maybe the mother is a shopaholic and bought 15 pairs of shoes on a shopping binge and now they have to try selling some to earn back some money.

>> No.7208679

That's pretty autistic.

>> No.7208696

manga and anime is the biggest fucking gay ass pleb garbage, am i being trolled? do you think you can trick me?

>> No.7208715

For sale:

One fur suit

Never worn


>> No.7208716

Nigger, the lessons you should have taken from that are 1) women don't deserve the pedestal 2) get a vasectomy or always wear a condom. Your lack of insight dooms you to repeat your past mistakes. The next cunt you knock up will ruin your life financial and all you will be thinking is "her feels". You will deserve it.

>> No.7208735
File: 1.85 MB, 3752x2499, bookstore.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any of you ever worked in a bookstore? What is to be expected?

>> No.7208777

pretty good actually

>> No.7208800


>> No.7208820

Expect to spend hours of your time stocking, taking inventory, and checking in new books. Expect your customers to be retards and have shit taste, just so you aren't let down.

>> No.7208859

Wrote a novel, computer crashed.

I have't cried in five years.

Shee still wont forgive me

This time i wont come back.

>> No.7208876

Released after 25 years. Proven innocent.

>> No.7208899
File: 142 KB, 500x750, Felicity-Jones-1399589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"I wish I'd aborted you."

Based on what my mother said to me years ago.

>> No.7208960

>Fat prostitute gave me turbo aids.

>tfw you would really like to write erotica for amazon but can never stretch out a few sex scenes into anything resembling a novelette

>> No.7208967

Word porn

>> No.7209377


>> No.7209561

>based on
What exactly did she say ?