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File: 63 KB, 552x539, Jumping couple.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7202309 No.7202309 [Reply] [Original]

Best quotes on suicide.

>> No.7202313

"Theres no point in killing yourself, because you always do it too late."

>> No.7202315

My nigga
I was just about to post that

>> No.7202364

But you're so useless. So useless you can't even kill yourself!

>> No.7202370

one who is trapped within himself, will do anything to be free.

>> No.7202376

Hunter S Thompson's last words of his suicide note: "Relax, it wont hurt."

>> No.7202382

read/watch Welcome to the NHK

>> No.7202399
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>chinese cartoon

>> No.7202401

>brb, Gensokyo
I'm quoting >>>/jp/ btw.

>> No.7202402

thread ruined

>> No.7202406
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>> No.7202414

There's something really sick about the blurb accompanying that photo. It's symptomatic of this tendency, especially on social media, to fetishise pain and misery for the sole purpose of getting people to like you. It's like sadness tourism.

>> No.7202426

Yeah it's pretty fucked. The picture's photoshopped too which makes it seem more fucked.

>> No.7202437
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I think there must be probably different types of suicides. I'm not one of the self-hating ones. The type of like "I'm shit and the world'd be better off without poor me" type that says that but also imagines what everybody'll say at their funeral. I've met types like that on wards. Poor-me-I-hate-me-punish-me-come-to-my-funeral. Then they show you a 20 X 25 glossy of their dead cat. It's all self-pity bullshit. It's bullshit. I didn't have any special grudges. I didn't fail an exam or get dumped by anybody. All these types. Hurt themselves. I didn't want to especially hurt myself. Or like punish. I don't hate myself. I just wanted out. I didn't want to play anymore is all. I wanted to just stop being conscious. I'm a whole different type. I wanted to stop feeling this way. If I could have just put myself in a really long coma I would have done that. Or given myself shock I would have done that. Instead.

>> No.7202439

youre going to have to explain because im not getting the same vibe as you, I understand what youre saying I just dont see how you could feel that way. In what way shape or form is this being used to get people to like you? Granted its poorly worded and lacking emotion but still the last line has meaning. Excluding, "I love it"

>> No.7202446


>> No.7202447

this photograph arouses me so much! Why isn't this the most famous photo from al-qaeda's triumph instead of the nose dive man? Isn't two people holding hands after one pulled the other off a building more cooler than one man? It makes me want to write fan-fiction on this photo, were they bros or homos? And did they get all smushed together? It shows that people will find entertainment in any tragic event

>> No.7202451

sometimes I hate people who over analyze everything just to present some over logical scenario as to why its wrong because they have a hard on for trying to prove things otherwise.

>> No.7202468


>> No.7202492


Note the streaks behind them are from being on fire. They jumped from the pain.

>> No.7202500
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They fell. No one fucking jumped. Everyone just needs to add fucking drama to a typical 9/11 style terrorist attack. Pathetic.

>> No.7202506

This is a great quote.

>> No.7202605

i don't get it.

>> No.7202617
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>> No.7202648
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>The so-called ‘psychotically depressed’ person who tries to kill herself doesn’t do so out of quote ‘hopelessness’ or any abstract conviction that life’s assets and debits do not square. And surely not because death seems suddenly appealing. The person in whom Its invisible agony reaches a certain unendurable level will kill herself the same way a trapped person will eventually jump from the window of a burning high-rise. Make no mistake about people who leap from burning windows. Their terror of falling from a great height is still just as great as it would be for you or me standing speculatively at the same window just checking out the view; i.e. the fear of falling remains a constant. The variable here is the other terror, the fire’s flames: when the flames get close enough, falling to death becomes the slightly less terrible of two terrors. It’s not desiring the fall; it’s terror of the flames. And yet nobody down on the sidewalk, looking up and yelling ‘Don’t!’ and ‘Hang on!’, can understand the jump. Not really. You’d have to have personally been trapped and felt flames to really understand a terror way beyond falling.

>> No.7202724


Why the fuck are you so offended?

>> No.7202773

not even him, how do you not see that it fetishizes tragedy?

>> No.7202776

>that spinal tilt to hide her disgusting prepubescent body
>that critically low hormonal production
gross tbh fam

>> No.7202791


can someone tell me what the fuck i'm looking at

>> No.7202814
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based cioran

>> No.7202821
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“A traveler walled in by fire on the twentieth floor of a hotel has to choose between burning up and leaping into space. He will jump; this is documented by photographs.“ – Ernst Jünger

>> No.7202942

"Can you no longer see a road to freedom? It's right in front of you! You need only turn over your wrists."


>> No.7202950

Best part is that he actually went through with it

At Nero's behest, though, and in front of his entire family...

>> No.7202969

"What need is there to weep over parts of life? The whole of it calls for tears."

>> No.7203026

if anything the writer trivializes pain and misery by drawing a lesson from two people handholding as they jump to their deaths. that's a pretty tangential lesson to draw from the shittiness that was 911 for those people

>> No.7203071

I died in 911 and it was fucking awesome. Stop speaking for me shitlord.

>> No.7203322
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"Unlike animals, man is not only a prey to bodily pain limited to the passing moment, but also to those incomparably greater mental sufferings, which, reaching forwards and backwards, draw upon the future and the past; and nature, by way of compensation, has granted to man alone the privilege of being able to end his life at his own pleasure, before she herself sets a term to it; thus, while animals necessarily live so long as they can, man need only live so long as he will."

- The Basis of Morality

>> No.7203342


>> No.7203346

For mere living is not a good, but living well. Accordingly, the wise man will live as long as he ought, not as long as he can.
-- Epistles

Senny certainly had a hardon for suicide.

>> No.7203350

I am curious. Is there a philosopher who outright advocates suicide? I mean in the case of virtually everyone who is experiencing existential angst or malaise

>> No.7203358

This is ripped off of Nietzsche

>> No.7203388


This asswipe, pretty much

>> No.7203412

I just came back from a night out with friends, so I'm a bit drunk and maybe not entirely accurate, but here's what I have learned.

To preface my post I admit that suicide is something I have researched and thought about a lot. And in some fucked up and perhaps biased way I view suicide as appropriate for myself. I don't entirely know what that means, but well, I'm still here so.

I can't cite any names of famous people who advocate suicide, but I have listened to and participated in discussion of the topic.

I have encountered many individuals who view suicide as an acceptable resolution to life if, and only if, you have absolute certainty that our future will only result in pain and suffering for yourself and be detrimental to others.

In pretty much all cases of life, we do not have certainty of either of these. So suicide is largely discouraged. This of course includes people who suffer from mental disorders. I suffer from serious depression and even though I have supportive friends and family, I see each day as a painful challenge. From my perspective, suicide seems like the only option. But in reality, I have many options to ameliorate my life.

So there are definitely some exceptions for people who are not thinking clearly. But then the problem of who determines who is thinking clearly arises. We are perhaps on the precipice of discovering the biological and chemical components of thought. Even so, there still remains the problem of what is proper thought.

To get back to the topic of suicide, there is the issue of the right to die. If you are aged and begin to experience the deteriorating effects of aging, is it acceptable to kill yourself?

Many people think that it is acceptable. I tend to agree, but at the same time, I would be saddened if my elderly family or friends chose to die instead of continue living with me. On the other hand, I would hate to see them slowly deteriorate to the point where they can't even feed themselves.

>> No.7203422

Wow. DFW stole this for his "so-called psychotically depressed" quote. He really was a hack!

>> No.7203436

To summarize what I have read, there is generally a lot of support for suicide in the circumstances of the deteriorating effects of aging or terminal illness in an attempt to reduce suffering.

When it comes to a healthy and young person, suicide is largely discouraged as such an individual still has the potential to live a fulfilling life and to contribute to humanity.

There might be some rare circumstances where this is not true. In this case, suicide could be considered acceptable. However, with our current understanding of the human mind and potential, it is impossible to know if continued life would be a net negative.

Essentially, even though life seems fucked up and shitty, you really can't predict the future. So you should try to make the best of it.

Unfortunately, I don't know how to do that. And ultimately, I might just become another who dies before he achieves his potential.

>> No.7203492

Or maybe it's just a fucking thing written by one person who felt a thing and then it got posted here so stop being a little bitch.

>> No.7203500

Animals remember abuse and can draw fear from future events. It's biological synapses firings in the brain. Fucking hubris filled fool trying to sound smart.

Also I'm not sure but it's pretty likely that an animal has at some point tried to kill itself somewhere in the billions of years the earth has been here.

>> No.7203563
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>> No.7203585

Why did that make me feel so sad?

>> No.7203616

you can't stop me

you mean the post I was responding too? Well it was a retarded generalization that gets thrown around nowadays about how social media does this or that evil thing.

>> No.7203641
File: 64 KB, 1000x551, march of the penguin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's some pretty powerful imagery, isn't it.

>> No.7203646

It's not depressing it's awe inspiring.


This little fella knew that whatever the colony held in store for him it'd be a life of routine and hardship and that it simply wasn't for him. We are all marching toward certain death, this guy just wanted to do it is own way. So when you guys sit in your fucking cubicle and whine about not having time to write your magnum opus or doing that thing that you really should be doing, that you were meant to do. Think about that penguin, because you chose the colony. He chose the infiniteness beyond the mountain range.

>> No.7203662

That's just bad anthropomorphism. Imaging that an aquatic bird that eats raw fish and lives in an environment that would kill you, thinks any like you is a foolish conceit. The whole thing is manipulative filmmaking at its worse, it isn't about investigating animal behaviour, it is about imposing their own fantasies on an animal. It's quite possibly just a brain damaged creature, whose sense of smell, or whatever else it uses for orientation, is faulty.

>> No.7203680

>disgusting prepubescent
I don't understand

>> No.7203682

I share your viewpoint entirely.

>> No.7204198


>> No.7204225

I agree that this practice is gay as hell but if the text wasn't so tailored for exactly that purpose(empathy, likes) it would be pretty interesting(however faggy it is)

Also totally photoshopped

>> No.7204275

>that part when he turned back to give one last look what was behind him

>> No.7204440
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Schopenhauer would say that such behaviors in non-human animals are due to blind instincts and trained reflexes, rather than due to explicit consciousness of memories or conceptual expectations of future events - with the possible exception, to varying degrees, of the "higher" animals: elephants, other apes, dogs.

This is just to say that he wouldn't be at a total loss to account for the facts you're pointing to - though he might have constructed a somewhat different system if he had access to contemporary biological data, and didn't... ya know... die in 1860.

>> No.7204461
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>> No.7204490 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7204506

What an obnoxious little shit. It is this kind of reasoning that changes me from being ambivalent on the subject of suicide to being firmly convinced that it is wrong and cowardly. He couldn't make his point worse if he tried.

>> No.7204917

Dogs are stupider than octopi and magpies tho

>> No.7204931

>Lazy Town

>> No.7204933

An idiot who thinks powerful people are keeping us from realizing the universe is an infinite plane by telling us antarctica is not just a mass of land but a gigantic ring encompassing the whole of earth as we know it.

>> No.7204959


>> No.7205466

the truth that herzog depicts isn't inferior to the scientific truth of the situation, and the fact that you consider it to be not even a truth is pretty disappointing from somebody on /lit/. you say it's "bad anthropomorphism" which is a matter of opinion, but you seem to be rejecting it just because it's anthropomorphism, which is stupid because it's a literary technique.

i also wouldn't be so certain that you're right, to just write off it as "brain damage". that's as speculative as what herzog is saying. hypothetically you could attribute similar actions by humans as, if not brain damage, then 'schizophrenia' or some other pseudoscientific write-off explanation. i don't think that makes you too much smarter than your strawman who believes that what herzog is saying is the literal objective truth. herzog isn't attenborough. that's not what he's attempting.

>> No.7205760

>says its obnoxious and makes the point worse
>doesn't say what makes it obnoxious and shit

>> No.7205965

Anthropomorphism is an essential literary technique, I of course know this. That is why I said it was manipulative filmmaking because it clumsily applies that useful literary technique in order to get people to believe some stupid fantasy about the real world when presented in an apparently serious documentary. If you want to write an existentialist fable about penguin mountain climbing or Camus like individualism that's fine, it should probably be called Happy Feet or something though.

I'm no penguin biologist so I don't happen to know the reasons for that penguin's behaviour, brain damage wasn't a strawman it was a guess at a far more likely reason than angst. No herzog isn't a biologist either and biology isn't what he is attempting. What he seems to be doing is to apply some ridiculous human narrative to penguin behavior creating a tearjerker or a comedy, thereby hiding the actual interesting story. The whole effect is dishonest and not half as good as a Danny Devito voiced cartoon version of the same story without the fake veneer of realism that live creatures offer.

>> No.7206256

So there must be a threshold to the amount of pleasure and purpose that fit into one life and your remainig time on this planet depends on how densely you spread it out on your daily timescale?

How can one measure living a life well? Is living a long life full of videogames as a rich life with an early death?

>> No.7206296

Science is inferior to art and the scientific truth is inferior to Herzog.

Accept it.

>> No.7206520

By the time you are driven to suicide, you've already gone through some terrible experiences that drove you to kill yourself. By the time youre dead, you already have experience the terrible things you want to escape from by suicide.

>> No.7206525

"Not only is suicide a sin, it is the sin. It is the ultimate and absolute evil, the refusal to take an interest in existence; the refusal to take the oath of loyalty to life. The man who kills a man, kills a man. The man who kills himself, kills all men; as far as he is concerned he wipes out the world."

>> No.7206532

Suicide is great and everybody should who can hack doing it

>> No.7206540

There's nothing wrong with embracing tragedy amigo.

>> No.7206545

i agree

>> No.7206659


It's romanticizing tragedy at best and blatantly voyeuristic at worst. It's the same ideology that drives those insipid "feels" threads on /b/, where people all get together to revel in the pain of others in the name of cheap and shallow emotional stimulation.

Private moments of suffering or sadness shouldn't be trivialized.

>> No.7207896

Maybe psychedelics can help you. Maybe they change your consciousness in a way you like it

>> No.7207900

>It shows that people will find entertainment in any tragic event
Sick entertainment. Within seconds they made the decision it might be better to die from falling than getting burned alive. The, why not jump together, holding hands. I don't see much to write about.

>> No.7207969
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>> No.7208003

>Private moments of suffering or sadness shouldn't be trivialized.
This goes through my mind every time I see one of those ''giving a homeless guy ****** watch his reaction!'' videos. It makes you question all genuineness of the social kindness displayed. Too many people do it, though, because a moment not recorded is a moment not lived nowadays.

>> No.7208008

This sounds of the most platitudinous tripe I have ever read

>> No.7208025
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catching up on our h3h3, aren't we?

>> No.7208050

Yeah, you pretty much didn't read him, asswipe.

>> No.7208061

I don't exactly call it ripping off when it's made painfully clear for anyone who knows it that he's refferencing someone.

>> No.7208096


>> No.7208127

made me cringe

>> No.7208148

>Suicide note plastered over a nun

>> No.7208214

What's a h3h3?

>> No.7208215

>fulfilling life and to contribute to humanity

What does that even mean?

>> No.7208492
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>oath of loyalty to life
This shit triggers me

>> No.7210090
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>> No.7210098


So homo.

>> No.7210810

How the fuck does these people explain the flights that go over the antartic pole?
Do they somehow go around all of that?

>> No.7210823

"Of an apartment-building manager who had killed himself I was told that he had lost his daughter five years before, that he had greatly changed since, and that the experience had “undermined” him. A more exact word cannot be imagined. Beginning to think is beginning to be undermined. Society has but little connection with such beginnings. The worm is in man’s heart."

>> No.7210829

They will say that the flight is taking a circular path in order to help maintain this illusion. They are very very dumb and silly people

>> No.7210830

"...through reflection. What sets off the crisis is almost always unverifiable. Newspapers often speak of “personal sorrows” or of “incurable illness.” These explanations are plausible. But one would have to know whether a friend of the desperate man had not that very day addressed him indifferently. He is the guilty one. For that is enough to precipitate all the rancors and all the boredom still in suspension."

These are excerpts of Ben Price's analysis of The Myth of Sisyphus. Mr. Price did end up committing suicide at the age of 27.

>> No.7210838

>the flight is taking a circular path
These people aren't for real right? What about the enormous time difference this should create?

>> No.7210905

That is the most reddit/tumblr tier shit I have seen.

>> No.7211020

There is a really good one in Purity about suicide being a proxy murder for someone the victim could not bear to kill. It's worded much better and also seems sorta spiteful but all in all i thought it was an interesting point,

>> No.7211066

That's it

>> No.7211097

The passage in Cloud Atlas was really good tbh.

>> No.7211120

At this point you should just refer to the second part of my post

>> No.7211130


Shot? so quick, so clean an ending?
Oh that was right, lad, that was brave:
Yours was not an ill for mending,
’Twas best to take it to the grave.

Oh you had forethought, you could reason,
And saw your road and where it led,
And early wise and brave in season
Put the pistol to your head.

>> No.7211146
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err...how often is a building about to burn down, or a plane about to crash, and one perseptive nigga like me goes ahead, and gets a girl to blow him, or just totally fuck right then and there, and then it turns out we both survive, and we have to just go on, not sure if it was rape or what it was?

>> No.7211560

Bust a nut into a bitches womb fam

>> No.7211573

I still really don't get it.

You kill yourself, usually, when "your pain exceeds your ability to cope with pain".

So you don't kill yourself because you've been through something terrible, you kill yourself because you're *presently* going through something terrible, and there doesn't seem to be any way out.

What am I missing?

>> No.7211576
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>When, in some dreadful and ghastly dream, we reach the moment of greatest horror, it awakes us; thereby banishing all the hideous shapes that were born of the night. And life is a dream: when the moment of greatest horror compels us to break it off, the same thing happens.

>Suicide may also be regarded as an experiment — a question which man puts to Nature, trying to force her to an answer. The question is this: What change will death produce in a man’s existence and in his insight into the nature of things? It is a clumsy experiment to make; for it involves the destruction of the very consciousness which puts the question and awaits the answer.

>> No.7211580

just believe in yourself and everything will be okay, bro

>> No.7211582

Schopenhauer didn't find it repugnant, although that's hardly supporting the institution of suicide. Rather he wanted to oppose the Judeo-Christian disgust with it, I think.

>> No.7211587
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And many a one who went into the desert and suffered thirst with beasts of prey merely did not wish to sit around the cistern with dirty camel-drivers.

>> No.7211592


>leaving penguinkind behind

>> No.7211705

David Benatar doesn't explicitly advocate it per se but I doubt he'd have anything against absolutely instantaneous annihilation of the planet by a hypothetical Death Star equivalent. Suicides in a slow sequence one after another would probably cause more suffering then prevent unless people wouldn't procreate faster than they'd die out.

>> No.7211715

Noel Ignatiev told the White should kill themselves

>> No.7211719

Yeah well he is a duplicitous kike, not a philosopher

>> No.7211780


My diary tbh.

"We are superior to God in one respect, that we may lay ourselves to rest after staring into the pit of man's soul."

>> No.7213349

Found it "...every suicide was a proxy for a murder that the perpetrator could only symbolically commit; every suicide a murder gone awry."
If someone leaves their body to be found by someone who loves them then i beleive this quote is applicable

>> No.7213367



>> No.7213429

Not the only animal. Dolphins and other marine mammals have been known to sink to the depths and drown after the loss of a loved one or other causes of grief.

>> No.7214414

Great quote tbh

>> No.7214418
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>> No.7214436
File: 63 KB, 850x400, quote-the-refutation-of-suicide-is-it-not-inelegant-to-abandon-a-world-which-has-so-willingly-emile-m-cioran-65-77-35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.7214473

Why can't i sympathize with suicide ? I've suffered so much, lost so much and so many in my life. I've wanted to fall into a coma and disappear before. Yet, i've never tried to kill myself, nor i find it reasonable for anyone to do it. I understand there are unbearable pain for some, but. Why not try ? There is always another way. Why go to the easiest, most extreme path ? There are stronger and weaker people. But why not try to become stronger ? What i'm saying may be sounding extremely ignorant, i'm aware. I'm also in constant company of suicidal people (some even tried more than once to die), yet i'm unable to sympathize. What gives ?

>> No.7214773


>> No.7214808

they don't need your sympathy. Some people just don't like life. it can be uncomfortable. you don't really gain anything from being "stronger", you just get to exist slightly longer with the same end result.

>> No.7214844

I'm not saying they need my sympathy. I want to know why i don't like them exactly. And not saying that i'm stronger, but strong people do gain something. By your logic, no one should attempt or be anything in life because the ultimate end result will be the same.

>> No.7214879

You can allow yourself to have infinite purpose or a defined amount, or you can allow extraneous forces assign you a set amount of purpose. Purpose is subjective and you can choose to measure it however you feel. There's no threshold written on the Ten Commandments and there's no threshold written into the basis of the human experience. You can extrapolate this to living well. If you believe that you have lived well, there's no court or council who can adequately say yes you did or no you didn't. On what basis would they argue. Who would you argue had the more fulfilling life Alexander the Great or Diogenes? You answer only tells you where your values lie, and in how you measure purpose. Your answer doesn't justify on discredit another's answer.

>> No.7214883



requesting DFW quotes

>> No.7214953
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>Mater Dolorsa
How triggered can you really be when you don't even know the content that "triggers" you?

>> No.7214967

Stoicism suggests that suicide is the right decision if you are no longer able to lead a virtuous life, e.g. physical condition is too poor, you are enslaved, mental condition deteriorates, etc.

Platonism does as well, to a lesser extent. Socrates' suicide was seen as an extremely virtuous act. Both philosophies view life as "practice for death," but their views on death are different. Their ideas on suicide are similar, though; kill yourself if something in your life is preventing your from practicing virtue (Seneca) or philosophy (Socrates).

>> No.7214979

You should have killed yourself before you even began to feel pain. If you're killing yourself to escape from pain, it implies that you have been living with that pain. Death is the escape, but the escape comes a little late once you've lived with the pain.

>> No.7215007

they knew that their life gonna end they just decide to not suffer !they were cowards!

>> No.7215442

Agreed. It's reddit type bullshit

>> No.7215449

> as if a woman would kill herself in a slow and painful way

>> No.7215455

>muh leddit hate
you sound like a retard

>> No.7215461

Are serious dude? That kind of fishing for attention sick bullshit is precisely indicative of the bullshit on that site.

>> No.7215464


It reminds me of what this one idiot I know said about his time in Cuba, he basically said that Cuban society was quaint and he loved his time there. He was using this to argue why the totalitarian Castro regime was good.

I think it's the patronizing detached tone that pisses me off.

>> No.7215473

it's 2015, can we stop with the childish homophobia?

>> No.7215477

>Cloud Atlas

“People pontificate, "Suicide is selfishness." Career churchmen like Pater go a step further and call in a cowardly assault on the living. Oafs argue this specious line for varying reason: to evade fingers of blame, to impress one's audience with one's mental fiber, to vent anger, or just because one lacks the necessary suffering to sympathize. Cowardice is nothing to do with it - suicide takes considerable courage. Japanese have the right idea. No, what's selfish is to demand another to endure an intolerable existence, just to spare families, friends, and enemies a bit of soul-searching.”

>> No.7215488
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>The Japanese have the right idea

>> No.7215495

That's hardly "too late", though. Better late than never imo

>> No.7215883

I never understood this. And I actually tried to kill myself once from mental illness.

People don't seem to kill themselves because of suffering they experienced in the past, but rather to end their present suffering. So I don't see why it's too late? And even if so, its better late than never.

Lets say someone sets you on fire with gasoline while you are asleep, you wake up suddenly in extreme agony completely engulfed in flame, it is the worst most unimaginable pain you've experienced. Then your life pauses. God comes to you and says that because he is all knowing he can tell you that you will die from being burnt to death, there is no escape. But he says that due to being a good person he will give you the opportunity to die right now, he will smite you where you stand, saving you from the worst of the pain, from your eyeballs burning and the thick acrid smoke choking your lungs and burning your throat and mouth.

You reply, "there's no point. you see god, if I decide to be smited it will have been to late, for I am already on fire" with a smug grin on your face.

God sighs, he knew you were going to say that. And so you burn over the next 15 minutes, experiencing some of the worst pain a human can undergo, finally succumbing into death with 95% 3rd degree burns, your balls cock fingers hair and clothes turned to ash leaving nothing but a smoking blackened mass - stiff, for your parents to bury".

>> No.7215891

No, homophobes are mentally ill and degenerates.

>> No.7215909

suicide is not a question man puts to nature

that's the most retarded shit I've ever read

suicide is an act people take to end their suffering mostly

>> No.7215918

most shit that people say about suicide is fucking dumb. the "permanent solution to a temporary problem" garbage that is always repeated is stupid on multiple levels for instance

>> No.7215922

you sound like the typical american lashing out impotently at shit you dont understand tbh

>> No.7217648


>> No.7219812

If it chance your eye offend you,
Pluck it out, lad, and be sound:
’Twill hurt, but here are salves to friend you,
And many a balsam grows on ground.

And if your hand or foot offend you,
Cut it off, lad, and be whole;
But play the man, stand up and end you,
When your sickness is your soul.

>> No.7219917

Herzog's narration is like getting a hug and a supportive pat on the back.