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7202129 No.7202129 [Reply] [Original]

>4chan ideology, the article

>> No.7202154
File: 42 KB, 640x640, mr clean.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>generation after generation of Americans sallies forth into the unknown with their guns, wives and bibles.
>they slaughter their opposition and develop political ideologies far more individualistic and liberal than could be found on the coasts (women got the vote first in Utah and western states fiercely resisted becoming slave states)
>fasforward to 21st century
>coastal smug-shits mock and belittle these peoples' descendents for valuing their wives, guns and autonomy
>"Holy shit they're getting super mad where did that come from?! Fucking radicals!"

>> No.7202161

>Caring about mainstream politics
smh fam, smh.

>> No.7202214

Yeah tbh
>Implying America doesn't affect you

>> No.7202219

Is there anyone better than Trump running for president?

>> No.7202229
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kek, now check this article out


>> No.7202262

Bernie Sanders is best presidential candidate. Fact.

>> No.7202266

i think it's past your bedtime

>> No.7202288

I'm actually rather old. See I'm interested in keeping all those social safety nets and expanding medicare, increasing the minimum wage, and putting more manufacturing jobs in the US.

>> No.7202291
File: 55 KB, 297x365, disgusted merchant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>HBCUs being relevant in the age of affirmative action
Those schools are populated entirely by kids who couldn't be bothered to manage a 1300 SAT score to get into Princeton. They're the black equivalent of the mediocre private schools where everyone's dumb, lazy and rich, but just a shade dumber. The Obamas definitely know better.

I looked up the average SAT scores for Spelman, one of the schools listed by name and called elite in the article.
SAT Verbal 25th-75th percentile range: 470-570
That is worse than both the huge football-oriented state schools in my state. BMS probably had higher admissions standards than that.

I hope Malia goes to an Ivy (or MIT if she's got the nads) and never looks back at the sucking mediocrity that's trying to lay claim to her just because she's half-black.

>> No.7202292
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>cuckboy gun-grabber is the best presidential candidate
Yeah, nah.

>> No.7202299

>/k/ is smratest bord

You vote for who you want kid.

>> No.7202457

lol enjoy destroying the republican party

murrifats falling for a most brilliant troll

>> No.7202471

>Murrilards whine about Barack Hussein Obongo dividin muh nation
>Same Amerifags support Trump
God bless

>> No.7202489
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mind speaking up? it's difficult to hear up here.

>> No.7202494
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>> No.7202497

I'm American too. I'm just tired of seeing inbred conservatives and purple haired liberals pretending every issue is black and white, ignoring the grey areas and solving absolutely fucking nothing.

>> No.7202529

>Gun grabber

You do realize he's pro-gun?

>> No.7202544

That's so deep bro I didn't know it was good to be reasonable. Jesus christ, is this board really populated by 18 year olds?
>implying you can name the countries that border iraq without looking
>you still feel outraged at le dumb plebs

>> No.7202549

I think I'm really intellectual, special and unique for being moderate tbh

>> No.7202556
File: 89 KB, 564x796, bernie-sanders-02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7202577


>> No.7202581

>Y-you can't have a different opinion on h-h-here! Go away! You're tr-tr-tr-tr-triggering me!

>> No.7202588

Face it, your you have the rest of the internet to spout your braindead establishment rhetoric but this website will remain a haven for intelligent people that value open debate and alternative viewpoints.

>> No.7202591

I don't support Sanders you newfag.

>> No.7202595

Only newfags call others newfags

>> No.7202599

Good. Sanders is for gays and mentally ill leftists.
REal men vote conservative.


no one can stump the trump!

>> No.7202602

Been here since 2007. You're clearly post-2010 if you think that this site is only for people with certain political beliefs.

>Not voting for Carson so we can have the first black president instead of the first woman president

>> No.7202734

If Bernie Sanders is lying, he's the craftiest, longest term liar of any politician.

>trusting a billionaire like Trump

>> No.7202871

>he has money so he must be evil
you are just as spooked fam

>> No.7202894
File: 73 KB, 500x366, 1425318490001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world is a mess, obama is going to sign the tpp, there will be more surveillance, corporations will get more powerful, putin is treating him and America like some punk prison bitch, he annexed the ukraine and is currently going into syria to do the thing obongo couldn't do and kill isis.
The culture of america has turned into hardcore identity politics, sjw's, trigger warnings, check your privilege....
we need a fascist populist strongman like trump.
Hope and change is dead, or it never existed, or the change was actually very toxic.

This is the new revolution against the neo liberal progressive sjw establishment.