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File: 21 KB, 300x300, guardian.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7196175 No.7196175 [Reply] [Original]

Where does /lit/ get its news from?

>> No.7196186

>reading the news

If something's really important, people will tell me eventually. I don't have time to read the news, since most of it is bogus, it doesn't teach me anything.

>> No.7196214

Not OP, but I think you should reconsider your position.

>> No.7196223

/pol/, not even joking

>> No.7196225

NYTimes, The Guardian, and the Financial Times, mostly.

>> No.7196227

The Guardian and the independent mostl. The guardian is a quality paper although leaning towards a liberal bias, fine by me, but I understand that the less biased news of the independent more better represents reality than the politically inclined Guardian.

>> No.7196231


>> No.7196232

Thanks guys! I write for buzzfeed and will now write an article about this, something like "How I got all of my news from 4chan's neonazi board for 4 weeks"

>> No.7196345

What's a good 'non-bias' paper that has quality sections on the arts? UK based preferably

>> No.7196348

>The guardian is a quality paper
The Guardian is a tabloid.

>> No.7196349

My national news service of course.

>> No.7196364

/pol/, however I triple check sources for validity. That is what /pol/ teaches you. Otherwise economist, foreign policy, new yorker, new york times, reuters, rt, guardian, and my local papers

>> No.7196369

How does 430 mm × 280 mm affect the quality of the journalism in the paper?

>> No.7196378

WaPo and NYT primarily. Al Jazeera, RT, NPR, and the Guardian if I'm feeling bored

>> No.7196384

This but reversed. Al Jazeera, RT, and NPR are all you need.

>> No.7196389

>The Guardian is a tabloid.
Berliner format actually, not really the insult that you think it is though.

>> No.7196400

/int/ tbh

>> No.7196407

News? You mean irrelevant sensationalist propagandistic tidbits that you can't act upon? Waste of time. Might as well watch soap operas.

>> No.7196410


Journalism is for erudite idiots.

>> No.7196411

>The Guardian

What a piece of shit. I summarize foreign articles on Egypt for work, and after a year of studying the country, I can safely say that the Guardian and the BBC are totally full of shit.

Wall Street Journal has some of the more reasonable coverage.

Also, as a britfag, The Guardian supports Corbyn, whose a kindly old idiot, and grossly exaggerates their writer's personal offence at banal topics for click-bait, I mean, they covered the fucking John Lewis Christmas advert as offensive for glorifying war.

I read The Times but Murdoch's influence hurts it and you can really see biased reporting in a lot of areas, like Corbyn or Israel.

>> No.7196414

>I summarize foreign articles on Egypt for work, and after a year of studying the country, I can safely say that the Guardian and the BBC are totally full of shit.

This. Good luck, Sisi.

>> No.7196417

>whose a kindly old idiot
opinion disregarded ;)

>> No.7196427

That's fine, my entire country has already disregarded Corbyn. Looks like the Labour party will be doing the same too.

>> No.7196446

>The Guardian supports Corbyn
They actually officially endorsed Yvette Cooper during the election. There are several opinion pieces supporting Corbyn, but I wouldn't say that the Guardian supports him. I do agree that they pander to the liberal orthodoxy a little too much though.

PS I voted for Corbyn, but only for accelerationist purposes

>> No.7196459
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>The Guardian

>> No.7196461

I don't care enough about the world outside my head to read the news tbh.

>> No.7196464

>voted for corbyn
>for accelerationist purposes
m8 ah
what can i say m8 ah
i kind of get the impression you've got no clue what you're doing?
time to re-read libidinal economy tbh m8
liz kendall's the accelerationist vote imho

>> No.7196469

actually it's probably tory but staying in europe's a good accel tack i'd say also i have no idea what ur politics really involve, being australian

>> No.7196470

not the fucking guardian

>> No.7196479

What a mess you've made. Heh.

>> No.7196482

Wow, yes, I am silly.

>> No.7196488

Corbyn is unelectable though fam. As well as that he had enough support to actually gain power. Liz Kendell isn't supported by either New Labour, or by radicals, so she would have been a wasted vote. The majority of Corbyn's party disagree with him on most issues. Labour will either fracture or be completely discredited. Then we have a one-party system of Tories, who the majority of the country despise. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll read it soon.

>> No.7196493

Only one for The Economist and Financial Times, respectively? Shame on you, /lit/. Despite reactionary and oftentimes perverse views, they're the best-written and curated news sources that we have.

>> No.7196496


>> No.7196500

tbh fam hearing this explanation it sounds like you're absolutely on top of stuff so i withdraw my rebut, best of luck out there, keep up the good work

>> No.7196501

My favourite past-time right now is reading Guardian online articles on controversial topics being Guardian-ized (i.e: refugees), then reading the comment section rip them to shreds by seeing through the obvious liberal spin.

>> No.7196507
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>> No.7196514

I'd love to. Could you tell me what I might get from regularly reading the news, as opposed to just lightly staying in touch? I don't isolate myself from the events, I just don't seek to learn about them.

>> No.7196515

>you share a board with people who consider The Guardian to be ''decent''

>> No.7196518

My local news (freep.com) and the NYT. Just go incognito to get around the article limit

>> No.7196519

I love that too.
It gets boring after a while though

>> No.7196522

There are a lot of Marxists here, hardly surprising. At least no one is going full /pol/ and posting retarded Daily Mail articles.

>> No.7196525

Journalism student here
tfw I dun goofed
I want out

>> No.7196528

How come?
I was thinking of going that direction

>> No.7196531

I was going to make a thread but why are there so many Marxists here? Is it the cultural critique? Is it hand-me-down ideology from professors? Prevalence in academic literature? You don't find the same kind of Marxist presence on /biz/, even if they tell you to read Capital to get a grasp of contemporary economic philosophy they're not Marxists.

>> No.7196537

I read those shills too. I give equal opportunity to leftwing shills and neoliberal shills.

>> No.7196542

non-marxist who read Marx here.

I have no idea.
I just think its the prevalence of humanities students and their retarded tendency to think they got economy figured out by just reading Capital

>> No.7196558

/pol/ and facebook pages related to it. It's a great filter of progressive propaganda and a good way to get professional journalism.

>> No.7196560

Settle down, special snowflake. You're edgy today honey.

>> No.7196562

>the guardian

what a fucking trash news site even if you are a liberal

stop reading opinions and click bait.
Dont watch 24 hour news.

Recently mu tricked an Australian news outlet into thinking anthony fanatano was the school shooter.
The media are a joke.

>> No.7196570

Because it's a dishonorable profession that is (rightly) despised.

>> No.7196571

>those disjointed sentences one after another
>getting triggered this hard

>> No.7196584

Because people here read.

Why the fuck do people keep asking this question?

>> No.7196587

I'm a journalist so I write the news tbh

>> No.7196594

he read a nassim taleb book

>> No.7196596


>> No.7196616

>read Capital and didn't become a Marxist.
You are a traitor to the revolution.

>> No.7196624


have fun with your cosy quasi-religious ideology

>> No.7196625

there really aren't that many Marxists here tbh

>> No.7196629

>using religious as an epithet
>it's religious because people believe it

>> No.7196632

Comment section on economist.com

>> No.7196634
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>reading anything owned by the Rothschild family

>> No.7196646

I go to /pol/

>> No.7196647

I used to hate-read the Guardian, but now that I know exactly what they are going to say before I've read it, I don't bother. The BBC as a broadcaster has an increasingly more left-wing bias, and some of the stuff they've been putting out recently on their website is just bile.

The thing is, I don't know where else to get my British news for free online. The BBC News website is at least comprehensive.

>> No.7196649
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>comment section
I don't even read the articles.

>> No.7196656

If you read any news from a regular source then you are a sheep. Just find out about current events from the engineered media backlashes and sensationalist headlines and then sort out the noise.

>> No.7196661

try /brit/

>> No.7196733

Why don't you participate in the conversation was instead of getting triggered by nothing?

>> No.7196742

I just go down the pub and see what the drunken old man with the chessboard has to say.

>> No.7196748

The media is used to manipulate you and change your opinion to their owners' opinion. If you read the news you are just a pawn in their game.

>> No.7196750

The Guardian is terrible. The news often doesn't relate to the UK and is heavily skewed if it does. There's no point reading it unless you want an internationalist paper with your liberal views reinforced with no challenge at all.

I have a subscription to The Times. It is well written journalism with easy to see through political leanings. Yes, it is owned by Murdoch, but who cares? It reports freely on phone hacking and it has great investigative journalism, especially Andrew Norfolk.

>> No.7196758

>usual news site starts the anti-russian propaganda machine the moment they help out Assad
dropped hard

>> No.7196763

I go through long spells of media fasting where I retreat into my Epicurean garden and try not to concern myself with those things, but then something seeps through the cracks and I get a period of obsessively following the news for a while and getting mad about the state of the world.

>> No.7196765

Most people on /pol/ aren't national socialist, actually. You get way more general conservatives/reactionaries with an economically classic liberal attitude.

>> No.7196769
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>The Economist and Financial Times
good for knowing thine enemy
>Press TV and Al-Jazeera
good redpill on zionist perfidy
>La Jornada
really left wing, unlike the guardian or nyt who are just smug neoliberals

>> No.7196772

only read news sites that have a leftist lean because it's the only objectively correct and ethical way to look at the world tbh. sorry if that offends you, though i doubt anyone posting here isn't also a leftist. just a bunch of contrarians acting like conservatives because left ideology is the dominant one today so we gotta act different on le 4chan. p pathetic tbh fam

>> No.7196773

>Not reading the Guardian, BBC and the Daily Mail every day to triangulate the truth

>> No.7196774

>everyone agrees with me even if they say they don't

>> No.7196785
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>sorry if that offends you

>> No.7196786
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The news are a joke, everything they say is some kind of bias or agenda, look at who owns the news station/website, look at the past of the journalist.
I like reading RT, press tv, they are obvious russian and Iranian propaganda but they are fun to laugh at and its interesting to see a non western perspective.
I prefer them over al jazzera which is owned by the Qatari royal family, dont know why but it just rubs me the wrong way.

I like going on youtube and hearing random peoples opinions, i respect them more than journalists.

I never watch fox, or msnbc, or cnn.
Only if some psychotic 9/11 shit is going down.
Western European news like the bbc and the guardian are just as trash and pushing a douchey corporate, government, liberal position.

Finally i like watching alex jones videos because they are pretty lol

All in all i am skeptical of all news that is fed to me and the motive behind it, whether that be clickbait or native advertising or any myriad form of journalistic corruption

>> No.7196795

>i like living in an echo chamber where everyone agrees with me

>> No.7196842

Al Jazeera, Japan Times, Reuters.

>> No.7196854

What does that even mean. Is it just elitism?

>> No.7196873

>reading MSM or the clickbaitblogosphere in the age of journalistic disintegration
>actually exposing your brain to the swirling memesphere of disinfo and misinfo propagated by infinitely atomised hack journalism majors targeting tiny little demographics with carefully tailored flavours of spin just to generate revenue
>contributing to the Metal Gear Solid 2 Bad Ending of humanity


>> No.7196889

And yet here you are, anon

>> No.7196919

>i'm a fucking idiot, please feed me dicks

>> No.7196958

>So many baitposts
>only the left-wing variant catches people

Why are righties so easily triggered?

>> No.7196983

The Guardian is a broadsheet

>> No.7196984

>unironically watching/reading news


>> No.7196985

nice bait yourself, anon

>> No.7197003

>la jornada

>> No.7197004
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>reading the Guardian


>reading newspapers
>not getting your news from the source

>> No.7197010

Mark fisher pls go

>> No.7197027

NYT, WaPo, local papers for breaking

Al Jazeera for Middle East

Realclear for US politics

Economist for long term issues

New Yorker for longform

>> No.7197229

i used to use google reader for RSS feeds that i liked, but haven't found anything since it shut down a few years ago.

anyone have a recommendation?

>> No.7197234

I read Breitbart and The Huffington Post on alternating days

>> No.7197240


I mainly read newspapers for the arts section to see if anything's happening.

>> No.7197242

>Economic/financial news
Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters
>General news
New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Reuters, local newspaper, bit of BBC
Economist, sometimes NYT
>Decent international newspapers/sites
Der Spiegel, Asahi Shimbun, Al Jazeera
>Propaganda but interesting to read
Russia Today, Xinhua

>> No.7197247

NYT, NPR, The Guardian, BBC, Al-Jazeera, and the Financial Times for news

The Baffler, Jacobin, and a handful of lefty economics bloggers (Doug Henwood, JW Mason, Mike Konczal, Steve Waldman) for opinion.

I use feedly. It's not as good but you'll forget the difference in a few days.

>> No.7197250


The Times.

>> No.7197365

>ctrl-f, no Stratfor or Foreign Affairs

You guys aint into international politics?

>> No.7197384

the guardian gives space to bad columnists but it's news coverage is easily the most respectable in the UK

>> No.7197396


Your diction is incredibly forced; you must be autistic. Of course you have to read the news. If it's propaganda, then you sample propaganda from multiple sources.

If you don't participate in politics, you are literally an idiot.

>> No.7197430



>> No.7197519

>reading ANY British newspapers

>> No.7197525

Totally unrelated, but what kind of job do you have where you summarize articles like that? (I'm not assuming that's all you do at said job, btw)

>> No.7197692


tbh, my left wing fam, this is preferable to the guardian by a huge distance

>> No.7197736

Not one mention of Private Eye? Not one?

It's the greatest news publication in the world.

I usually watch/read Al Jazeera for an overview of what's happening but normally I wait a week or two for the facts to solidify. Nothing worse than rolling news presenting half truths and sensationalism.

>> No.7197742

Bloomberg terminal, <TOP>

>> No.7197759

No fucking journalism in the Graun nowadays. You might agree with the editorial stance if you're a rich feminist Jew, otherwise it's only use is as a lifestyle magazine.

>> No.7197769

Indie and Telegraph

Both as respectable as British press gets and gives me both sides of the argument.

>> No.7197866

Maybe 5/10 years ago, it's basically a tabloid now.

>> No.7197875

They're all heading that way. There's no place for broadsheets in the instantaneous world we live in.

The mail is fucked, the Sun is just as bad in different ways and beyond that there aren't many right wing papers.

>> No.7197914
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>Mon visage quand they think writing clickbait articles will work but i just use ad block

>> No.7197968

Holy shit, we made it this far and no one has mentioned Reuters? Everyone just piggybacks off their reporting.

>Reuters for news wire
>Bloomberg View and RealClearWorld for Opinion
>New Yorker for longform and NYMag for Jonathan Chait

>> No.7198032

actually, reading comment sections of news websites is really useful

>> No.7198048

random sites, and when something different happens, I try to "extract" the fact from many sites... then I google those facts to find the real sources, if possible

*some news websites..

this, but you can actually read between lines and compare the different ideologies being pushed by the different media sources

>is heavily skewed if it does
>I have a subscription to The Times
top kek

>> No.7198083

>Holy shit, we made it this far and no one has mentioned Reuters?
>Everyone just piggybacks off their reporting.
which is why you shouldn't read it

>> No.7198090


>> No.7198112

google news

That way i can vary the sources and put subjects i'm interested in to follow ect.

>> No.7198160

I listen to C-SPAN in the morning while I'm eating breakfast. I live outside of DC so a lot of local politicians can get airtime, and their Washington Journal program is fucking fantastic.

Sometimes I'll listen to NPR's Morning Edition, but I'm getting real sick of Steve Inskeep interrupting the news to tell me irrelevant and blatantly partisan shit that I know for a fact nobody cares about, other than the sociology major in the production office of course. Like that fifteen minute long story the other day on how nobody can figure out why the Women's NBA Tournament ratings are so low. The only thing I think I care less about than sports are sports being played by women.

Reuters and Politico are my homepages. Politico is better for knowing what's going on in congress than The Hill, and I prefer its editorials.

I have a weekend subscription to The Washington Post. I try to read the whole thing every weekend but I never seem to finish it.

In the car I listen to a lot of analysis and debate podcasts from BBC Radio.

When I come home from school I usually shitpost on 4chan, and that includes arguing with people on /int/ and /pol/. I guess that's kind of a news source

>> No.7198163

That doesn't really make any sense. Why would you prefer somebody's interpretation of the news when you can read it yourself?

>> No.7198180

The Times is far less biased than The Guardian, which is easily one of the most partisan major news organizations on the planet

>> No.7198199

Reuters is good too, would have mentioned it if I had remembered it. I kept an RSS feed of their top world headlines for a while, don't even remember why I unsubscribed from it.

>> No.7198201

Not the guardian that's for fucking sure lmao

it's really just a left-wing daily mail at this point.

>> No.7198202

r/theredpill exclusively

>> No.7198204

more like boardSHIT

>> No.7198250

It doesn't matter. They all report the exact same news and headlines. The only difference is the way they write it. Which doesn't matter. It's all just biased garbage with rarely any insight whatsoever.

>> No.7198267

Financial Times, European Tribune, Research Blogs, Twitter, 4chan.

>> No.7198362


>> No.7198705

>anti-environmentalism bordering on racism
deserves to be remembered

>> No.7199219

I look at alot of stuff, but I make a point to check the following.
Real Clear Politics
Unz Review, NY Times, Reason, The Atlantic, 538

Real Time w/ Bill Maher Podcast.

>> No.7199257

Wow. That was amazing.

>> No.7199511

>no one mentioned Reuters?

>> No.7199537

do regular people (non journalists/newsies) actually read reuters? it's so barebones. i need at least a little context and history of what's going on (even if biased).

>> No.7199546

You live in a democratic country with 200-5 million voters, you have pretty much no influence on politics at all. You fell for the democratic meme.

>> No.7199548

>you are literally an idiot


>> No.7199568

facile but undeniable

>> No.7199569

>those that don't hate Muslims are unlikely to be suddenly converted to Islamophobia
this isn't true at all

>> No.7200428

I don't feel the guardian is as bad as you make it out to be. Saying both the guardian and the BBC are 'full of shit' is a gross exaggeration anyway, they're certainly of a higher standard than much of UK media. I don't regularly read them both nowadays but I recall being irked at how populist the news coverage had become in the times when I picked it up recently, so I'm not sure the allegations of 'clickbaitism' are completely fair. Did you watch the john lewis advert? It received a lot of coverage for being fairly dodgy anyway, it's not entirely unreasonable if you look at it.

>> No.7200445

What they do report on tends to be respectable, it's the bits that they intentionally leave out that grates

>> No.7200474

I wouldn't go so far as to say that: http://mediastandardstrust.org/mst-news/election-unspun-political-parties-the-pressand-twitter-during-the-2015-uk-election-campaign/
to be honest they're all way too bad at it and we could do with a lot less partisanship. But to call the guardian 'one of the most partisanship major news organisations on the planet' as if the times was a bastion of impartiality is just downright ignorant

>> No.7200523

I used to like this too but now i cannot stand the waves of ressentiment and herd mentality blasted at you from these responses

>> No.7200544

Something ive noticed about European media is they have a vested interest in making America seem as violent as possible to the point they even report on small town tragedies that aren't even big news in america

>> No.7200554

the guardian is awful, it's basically the huffington post

>> No.7200557
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is that surprising in any way?

>> No.7200583
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>> No.7200733

meant for

>> No.7200794

>Small town tragedies
Really? All I ever see is when mass shootings occur. Where is it that actually has enough space to report on minor killings

I'm not sure if that image means anything whatsoever.

>> No.7200819
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The CBC & The Globe & Mail are literally the only trustworthy North American news sources.

RT is okay for anything outside of Russia/Russian affairs

>> No.7200834



>> No.7200835

>I'm 16 years old

>> No.7200869

No, the racial bias in liberal media when reporting violent crime is the most amusing thing. Police brutality against blacks will be reported without mentioning that the suspect was resisting arrest. Violence and rape will be reported, and if the suspect is black, his entire identity is unmentionable.


>> No.7200881

Maoist Rebel News
The Young Turks
The Nation (magazine)

>> No.7200956

I only read The Register regularly. Current affairs I get from BBC, 4chan and The Guardian so I'm vaguely aware of things that are going on and the opinion pieces are hilarious.

>> No.7201019
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>> No.7201028


>> No.7201042

>The guardian is a quality paper although leaning towards a liberal bias

The Guardian is as far left as a newspaper could possibly get without being called 'The Morning Star'

>> No.7201046


The Week
The Spectator
New Scientist

>> No.7201052

The Spectator, Breitbart London and the BBC, plus The Times when I'm at home.

>> No.7201242

It's left leaning is comparable to the time's right leaning and nowhere near as bad the telegraph, sun, daily mail, or express

>> No.7201264

Economist, private eye, BBC (primarily newsnight) and guardian. Sometimes al jazeera