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File: 130 KB, 570x813, barack_obama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
7197730 No.7197730 [Reply] [Original]

Why are there so few black philosophers /lit/?

>> No.7197739

cultural hegemony

>> No.7197740

Most likely this post will be misconstrued but the answer is the same as for the ancient Greek slaves.

>> No.7197763

mup do do didda bix nood mufugga

>> No.7197770

Black culture doesn't reward abstraction. Even their church culture is the height of sensuality.

>> No.7197779


>> No.7197792

because neegars cannot into abstract thought

>> No.7197799
File: 51 KB, 620x350, RIZE UP.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whitey been keepin em down tbh fam


FOLLOW ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! @BigPharoahRamses420

>> No.7197800

This. Anything else is /pol/ and wrong.

>> No.7197811

Zizek is an honorary black man.

>> No.7197817


*shh* You may call me, Neeger! *tuggs shirt*

>> No.7197831

>those bitchmade yte boiz in that picture
You know they're just there to break off a piece of juicy black ass.

>> No.7197834
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"Have you ever asked your bitch for other bitches"?-mc hammer

>> No.7197837 [DELETED] 
File: 38 KB, 416x416, will-smith_416x416.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*smacks lips together loudly*
*gets jiggy wit it*
*eats grits*
*checks for nearest friend chicken joint*
*collects welfare*
*licks teeths and smacks lips*
*does the crip walk*

>> No.7197843
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>implying they aren't there looking for virile bucks to please their sisters and wives

>> No.7197844

Maybe they just aren't interested. Considering there are already very few white philosophers worth mentioning....

>> No.7198170

Is this supposed to be funny

>> No.7198175

I like Frantz Fanon

>> No.7198176

And it is.

>> No.7198177

yes but only to /pol/ and /tv/ shitposters.

>> No.7198196


Here is an actual answer:

Cultural and financial capital has only been available to black people since around the 1980s and philosophy has pretty much been dead since then so

>> No.7198208
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down with cultural elitism

>> No.7198211

This. There are also plenty of Middle Eastern thinkers you could consider black, but that's retrofitting today's culture to a completely different world

>> No.7198218

>Cultural and financial capital has only been available to black people since around the 1980s
No black person, in the entire history of the planet, had access to cultural and financial capital until 1980? You know African Americans are not all blacks, right? You know some blacks had access to cultural and financial capital even if the majority didn't right? Dumbshit Americans, I fucking swear
>philosophy has pretty much been dead since then
t. somebody who doesn't read philosophy
So finish your sentence. This is an image forum, not your tumblr account where this kind of halfassed attempt at political debate might fly. You have the time to compose a coherent thought. Next time, do so; it will save you a good deal of embarrassment

>> No.7198222
File: 56 KB, 440x381, Figure 1. Brain volumes as a function of genotype. (...) Female subjects are represented by circles, male subjects by squares. Self-described Asian subjects are shown in red, Caucasians in blue and Hispanics in yellow..gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lower IQ, lower brain volume, higher blood serum testosterone

Research indicates that black people are less evolved.

>> No.7198223

Up with cultural elitism tbh. People are much too tolerant of trash these days

>> No.7198224

lmao you consider 4chan a place for serious political debate?

>> No.7198231

There is one running America

>> No.7198232

Yeah I do, even if it means occasionally dealing with shallow writers and thinkers such as yourself.

>> No.7198233


>less evolved

this kind of meaningless generalization will get you torn to pieces by anyone who took bio 101. what you mean to say is that they have evolved to be less intelligent.

>> No.7198234

Most Americans believe history started at 1776. Their brain capacity can't understand world history before that. Don't bother.

>> No.7198245


*widely available to black people in the Western world since around the 1980s

There you go, I fixed it, apparently you are retarded so I suppose I must spell it out for you.

>You know African Americans are not all blacks, right?

Never said they were.

> You know some blacks had access to cultural and financial capital even if the majority didn't right?

The majority didn't so it's less likely a black thinker would come to prominence.

>> No.7198255

Philosophy requires coming from generations of wealth.

>> No.7198260
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>evolved to be
Still too ambiguous. The best way to word that would be, "evolved/developed less intelligence." The way you put it could still be construed to mean there's a goal involved of evolving to be a specific thing.

These things are important, anon.

>> No.7198262


>> No.7198269

those in bio are brainwashed by the bolshevik-judaic plot!

>> No.7198271

all you need in your mind to become a thinker who thunk things

>> No.7198283

That's not true OP. They're called rapper

>> No.7198299

>in the Western world
Sorry but philosophy (the topic of this thread) extends beyond the Western world. You're intentionally imposing an arbitrary limit to keep the argument applicable to your Twitter-approved talking points.

Furthermore, why does a race require the existence of a middle class to produce philosophy? Throughout history, European and Asian civilizations had aristocracies which contained great thinkers while the common men of their societies were toiling in poverty. Similarly, there have been many rich and culturally significant black men throughout Africa since Ancient Egypt. Where is their philosophy?

>> No.7198300

and white church isn't?

>> No.7198312

Rude fam tbh

>> No.7198316

No, white church is very sterile and formal

>> No.7198320

>sterile and formal

>hurrr tradition bad

white cuck liberls plz die

>> No.7198321

>Did the man who invented college go to college?

>> No.7198325

What part about that rigidity rewards abstraction?

>> No.7198329


Philosophy is a word used and created by the Western world. The only way we can apply it to something outside of the Western world is if we project our understand of what philosophy is onto it, whether or not it be considered philosophy by that culture.

It (the Western world) is not an arbitrary limit, it's the space we occupy and the way we understand the world.

>> No.7198330

Just because something is different doesn't mean he's saying it's bad you just sound like you're getting defensive.

>> No.7198336


No, it's correct terminology. Humanity isn't operating within the constraints of evolution and hasn't been ever since farming.

>> No.7198340


>> No.7198341

Seems like he's visiting from /b/.

>> No.7198354

He never said that.

Stop getting triggered so easily

>> No.7198372


fucking autists man

>> No.7198374


Kanye drops knowledge in between songs during concerts. I don't think his delivery would be the same in book form.

>> No.7198389

I bet this is your excuse for everything

>> No.7198392

>You know African Americans are not all blacks, right?
well the concept of the black race didn't really exist until the transatlantic slave trade. So Africans and dark skinned Asians aren't really black. If you think they are, you don't know anyone from Africa

>> No.7198396


>Humanity isn't operating within the constraints of evolution

Sorry, I know what you're trying to get at here but this just isn't true. I presume you are implying that because negroes did not have agricultural civilization until a later date than other races, they are "less evolved", but leaving aside the question of whether your initial supposition is correct, your notion of how evolution works is quite backwards. The constraints of natural selection in modern society have changed drastically from those that existed in the days of Australopithecus, but to argue they don't exist is fatuous. Those genetic individuals that can't adapt to their environment to the degree sufficient to breed successfully in that environment will not be passing on their genes; the difference is that the environment in which they compete is semi-intentionally constructed by humans rather than wholly inhuman in origin. And this is true whether you are talking of archaic homo, pre-historic farmers 8000 years ago or people today.

More to the point, "less evolved" is not correct terminology; in those 8000 years, every race or group you can name has undergone 8000 years of evolution except for those which have become extinct. The conception of "less evolved" is not meaningful when comparing two currently existing populations. To put it in glitteringly general terms, blacks have evolved to be stupid and strong relative to white people, but both groups have evolved the same amount (of time).

>> No.7198402

/lit/ constantly accuses the study of race of being repetitive and shallow, yet y'all apparently don't even know what race is.

Read more.

>> No.7198412

There's no way you know this much about biology yet still not know that "black" DNA is nearly indistinguishable from "white" DNA. This is complete /pol/ propaganda

>> No.7198413
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More or less. Of course there are plenty of Black Philosophers before this, such as >>7198175
but they tend to be socio-economic focused and not on metaphysical issues. Which is to say they're better overall than most White philosophers.

>> No.7198430

Excellent retorts, chap, you showed him.

>> No.7198446

>Humanity isn't operating within the constraints of evolution and hasn't been ever since farming.

>> No.7198449


Not that guy, but -- I think he is sort of correct but making the wrong association. The middle class isn't the source of philosophy. Philosophy is a leisure class activity. It requires an extensive upper class who are not engaged in productive work to emerge. Greek philosophy as distinct from religion emerged only in the Archaic period, during the transition from the oikos to the polis as the center of Greek society. Chinese philosophical tradition as semi-distinct from religion has its roots in the emergence of the shi (士), the lower gentry, as something other than a warrior caste. As the need for aristocracy to take part in war faded, the upper class instead began to devote itself to scholarly achievement, taking on an advisory role to the high nobility. In both cases the size of the upper class population is the most important factor. Archaic period Greece is typified by population explosion and the spread of Greek culture throughout eastern Mediterranean. Scholar-knights became prominent feature of Chinese society as the collapse of centralized Zhou power led to the flourishing and struggle for dominance of the feudal nobility. I cannot think of many similar condition in the history of subsaharan Africa. Kingdoms and city-states of some size existed, but their "natural philosophy" never became so separated from the priestly caste as to form anything recognizable to us as anything other than a religion. Large nobilities did not flourish in Africa's harsh environments and thus, neither philosophy.

>> No.7198454
File: 91 KB, 800x330, Battle-of-Nubia-Paintings[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An eternal quest to eliminate and shame sensual human behaviors and replace them with morals, prayers, and the concept of a higher power naturally is conductive for higher thought

>the concept of a black race didn't really exist until the transatlantic slave trade
You've drinking too much progressive Kool-Aid. Yes "race" is a social construct, but it's a social construct based on the common patterns of phenotype expressions found in populations that share a genetic ancestry.

There was definitely a concept of a black race before the slave trade, that is a ridiculous claim, pic related

Do you know what a haplotype is? Do you actually know what DNA is? Seriously, have you ever taken a genetics class? Human DNA is nearly indistinguishable from chimpanzee DNA, it doesn't mean humans and chimps are the same. You can absolutely determine somebody's race from their genetic material

Cultures outside of the Western world have consciously studied language, thought, reality, and morals. It's fun to pretend that it's all subjective maann, pass the bong, but in reality philosophy dates back to Mesopotamia

>> No.7198469

LOL (laugh out loud)

Metaphysics is too abstract for black philosophers. Even the black intellectual elite is lacking in intelligence. They need something more grounded in every day life to wrap their low IQ minds around. Preferably also something that can be used as a soapbox to whine about racism and endlessly talk about their self-absorbed special interests that no one really gives a shit about.

>> No.7198484

It's determinable, but the differences are completely irrelevant to intelligence. This shit was debunked generations ago

>> No.7198488

Because they're naturally stupid.

>> No.7198491


Rather you should say that Western civilization quietly agreed to devalue its prior notions of intelligence and pretend no differences existed, having discovered that the differences between races compounded with the differences between classes to give the lie to democracy.

>> No.7198494

He's only half black, he's equally white.

>> No.7198508

ok I just wanted you to say definitively "I reject the last century of science." You can go now

>> No.7198519
File: 158 KB, 808x510, Rushton & Jensen (2005).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's determinable, but the differences are completely irrelevant to intelligence. This shit was debunked generations ago
It was never debunked, it just became fashionable to avoid acknowledging racial differences in cognitive abilities in order to dodge accusations of racism. Occasionally studies on the subject will flare up in the media, only to be calmed with a reassuring New York Times editorial from a well-spoken writer with zero experience in the field.

>> No.7198531


You're exaggerating the degree to which the position you personally hold is generally accepted as true. The Bell Curve came out twenty years ago. "Black people are dumber than white people" is not some kind of fringe point of view espoused only by Nazis and rednecks, it's simple conclusion easily drawn from the last 100 years of IQ testing and the fact that this has led into years of hemming and hawing over what an IQ test _actually_ measures, whether confounding effects other than race may play into the results, etc., only shows the validity of what I am saying, which is that the reality of empirical support for differences in intelligence between races is too deeply disturbing for democratic societies to directly confront, and they must instead resort to equivocation or outright denial to safeguard their convictions.

>> No.7198535


>> No.7198536

Mansa Musa was the richest man in history, by some reckonings. You're wrong.

>> No.7198537

>*does the crip walk*

>> No.7198545

Loving the mental gymnastics ITT. Loving how /lit/ will immediately abandon their tacit understanding of the world in the name of 'diversity'

>> No.7198560
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good question, considering incarceration should be a good for thinking

>> No.7198565

Fresh off the boat, from reddit, kid? heh I remember when I was just like you. Braindead. Lemme give you a tip so you can make it in this cyber sanctuary: never make jokes like that. You got no reputation here, you got no name, you got jackshit here. It's survival of the fittest and you ain't gonna survive long on 4chan by saying stupid jokes that your little hugbox cuntsucking reddit friends would upboat. None of that here. You don't upboat. You don't downboat. This ain't reddit, kid. This is 4chan. We have REAL intellectual discussion, something I don't think you're all that familiar with. You don't like it, you can hit the bricks on over to imgur, you daily show watching son of a bitch. I hope you don't tho. I hope you stay here and learn our ways. Things are different here, unlike any other place that the light of internet pop culture reaches. You can be anything here. Me ? heh, I'm a judge.. this place.... this place has a lot to offer... heh you'll see, kid . . . that is if you can handle it...

>> No.7198570

Cause Kanye speaks for em, cuz

>> No.7198702

Black people are strong and fast.

>> No.7198704

>the differences are completely irrelevant to intelligence
This is such rubbish. The differences are minute compared to, say, the intellectual gap between a human and a Gorilla but different ethnic groups have huge variation in gene correlates of intelligence. Do you think that Ashkenazi Jews winning ~25% of all science Nobel Prizes, while constituting less than 0.1% of the World's population, is just down to hard work?

>> No.7198716

some of the hillbilly ones where they pick up snakes are kinda earthy

>> No.7198726

Made me laugh, and im literally Harold Bloom.

>> No.7198813

I said you're dismissed, I'm not reading your posts anymore

>> No.7198864

I think you mean race doesn't determine intelligence, which is true. However, there are distinct and consistent differences between racial groups.

The average African-American IQ is over a standard deviation below the average white and Asian IQs, and the average Jewish IQ is nearly a standard deviation above that.

>> No.7198871

>being this pissy on an anonymous forum
There are good arguments to be made against what he's saying, but you clearly aren't familiar with them and have just taken equality as dogma. You deserve all the scorn this will bring you.

>> No.7198880

>An eternal quest to eliminate and shame sensual human behaviors and replace them with morals, prayers, and the concept of a higher power naturally is conductive for higher thought
It clearly isn't.

>> No.7198888

>Implying Sowell isn't a philosopher

>> No.7198894

you mean other than Socrates, the greatest philosopher ever?

>> No.7198896
File: 272 KB, 583x400, Miller Family revised.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What're yew talkin' about, outsider? God provides us with all the fun we need!

>> No.7198936

Socrates never existed.

>> No.7198941

You mean uncle Thomas Sowell?

>> No.7199133

try not to sound so insecure fam.

>> No.7199137

They're dumber.

>> No.7199161
File: 407 KB, 673x604, 1331499408569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You didn't just post that, did you?

>> No.7199169

was he black?

>> No.7199172

better than mark twain

>> No.7199772

I haven't read the thread yet.
Expecting a /pol/ shitstorm

>> No.7199805

>Human DNA is nearly indistinguishable from chimpanzee DNA

Humans have 23 pairs of chromosomes, chimpanzees have 24 pairs, you fucking pleb. You can literally tell chimpanzee DNA from human DNA using a shitty microscope, you absolute fucking autist. Get that fucking /pol/ memespeak out of your mind

>> No.7199866

care to provide a link to the study that proves there is no link between race and IQ?

>> No.7199867
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What happens if he stays? Do you call the internet police to report a differing opinion?

>> No.7199876

No matter what, the answer is not the obvious one! No siree! The answer must be some convoluted word salad youd need a phd in bullshit to decipher.

It's almost as if you people can't think outside of the narrative youve been born into. 1984 ain't got shit on 2015.

Btw, how many countries have the Jews been thrown out of again?

>> No.7199891

And what is the only "white" country in the west that is still racist as fuck? Could it be... Israel?

>> No.7199902

They're from a culture which doesn't reward abstraction and thought?

>> No.7199906

They're wrong. The richest man in history is an anonymous Anatolian warlord whose tomb was found to contain more gold than was thought to exist in the world at the time.

>> No.7199911

>bolshevik-judaic plot!
You know that Bolshevik thought hated Darwinism and replaced it with a weird Lamarckian dogma, right?

>> No.7199918

I hate the churches around here, the tiling makes them all look like bathrooms.

>> No.7199921

And where does culture come from again? I mean, this should be obvious, but isn't culture just a collection of biological entities?

>> No.7199931 [DELETED] 

Because nigers are objectively dumb. If you were redpilled you'd have realised this by now. There will be black 'philosophers' soon, but they'll be puppets of the Frankfurt school made to preach against white males and ruin our chances with white women.

>> No.7199938

>Nobel prizes
>meaning anything


A bunch of Jews giving other Jews prizes isn't indicative of anything. Most of Jewish "success" is quite obviously due to tribal nepotism. Even if you accepted the IQ argument, sheer numbers make it impossible for as many Jews to have as much influence as they do merely by merit.

>> No.7199980

Yup. Jews are tightly knit, beyond national borders on the exact premise of Race. You would know this if you've ever talked to one or read anything about them.

>> No.7200039

My gripe was the suggestion that Jewish influence and power is due to intelligence and not parasitical racial scheming.

>> No.7200064
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philosophers ?

>> No.7200077

whenever the link between race and intelligence is brought up the leftists come out of the woodwork to shout "pseudoscience!" and "scientific racism!" but they never post the science to back that up
bring up genetic intelligence (don't even mention race) with a leftist and you can hear that fear gnawing at them as they try to pretend it doesn't exist, see the comments in:

>> No.7200092

I don't know what you're talking about, black people have been entertaining america ever since white people started imitating them in minstrel shows and then by themselves starting with ragtime in the early 1900s, then hot jazz, then swing, then bee bop, blues, rock n roll, soul, hip hop, charismatic actors, blaxplotation. 1980s is a very arbitrary date

>> No.7200097

Well, it's obviously based on both. When you include the ugliness of Religion and Zionism into that picture as well, it starts to get very clear why they dominate so much. I should probably mention that the central banks are jewish owned as well though... Which basically means they own money itself, because the central banks are specifically designed to operate irrespective of any national oversight.

In short, the jews own the world, are the most racist and sexist people in the world and wants every country in europe to be bled out and mixed with every other race, except israel of course.

The only reason it might sound strange is because youve been programmed from birth to not even recognize race as a concept, although when you look at history, race has always been the biggest reason for conflict(they might have called it peoples then though) and it is the exact same today, it's just that you got duped by the jews to not even recognize the concept.

It goes on today just as it always has. Before hitler it was the same programming and after him it has continued even worse. The newest addition on the programming bandwagon is jared diamond(another jew) who claims that environment is to blame for the differences in creative ability, ignoring of course that a certain environment will after a couple generations create a certain genetic stock.

Meanwhile science is not free, publishing is not free, media is everything /but/ free, and if you say or do the wrong thing; anything which doesn't fit anti-racist or feminist dogma: you will be punished.

>> No.7200105
File: 52 KB, 780x688, 1442530990207.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ctrl f+augustine
>0 results

>> No.7200110

Don't you dare call me a moron and then immediately proceed to embarrass yourself speaking on a subject that you clearly know nothing about; humans and chimps share 96% of their DNA, up to 99% according to some. We are very similar to chimps but obviously not identical, just as Europeans are very similar to sub-Saharan Africans but obviously not identical. Even a minor percentage of difference in DNA can be responsible for vast difference in appearance, form, and thus behavior

This is information that is literally taught to fourth graders, so what's your excuse for your mind-boggling ignorance?

>> No.7200113

That's because Augustine wasn't black.

>> No.7200114

That's actually false.

Most of the intelligence disparity between Eurasians and Africans actually probably stems from the former adopting agriculture.

>> No.7200117

It's actually a bunch of Swedes giving a bunch of Jews prizes
Sweden loves da jew especially the "educated" ones
Thats why they like using Swedes as an attack dog in Israel with ship to gaza and stuff like that

>> No.7200121

There's actually a whole board for this type of thing let me show you :) >>>/pol/
Your welcome :) they will love you there

>> No.7200128

I don't go to pol. Too many stupid americans and(amazingly enough) im not that interested in politics.

>> No.7200133

Maybe i should though. Save the world and all that.

>> No.7200239

american blacks have largely isolated themselves from white culture and vice versa. white culture is where philosophy and academic studies happen. it's not a stretch to question if intelligence is caused by nurture as much as nature and blacks haven't developed a culture of developing intelligence while white/asian cultures have.

>> No.7200265

there are plenty, so so many, just ignored and erased or under other pseudonyms.

>> No.7200276

>it's not a stretch to question if intelligence is caused by nurture as much as nature
Actually studies have shown that the role of the nature in the development of intelligence is around 80%, while the role of nurture is 0% (20% are unaccounted for, probably randomness)

>beethoven wuz black n sheeit

>> No.7200278

Africans taught the Greeks.

>> No.7200286


>> No.7200309
File: 15 KB, 576x316, Human-and-chimpanzee-chromosomes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You dumbass faggot, my first post in this thread is the one you're replying to, so I have no idea what I could possibly be embarrassing myself about.

You said,
> Human DNA is nearly indistinguishable from chimpanzee DNA
I'm saying you're a complete retard, since I can easily look at the two karyotypes and see which is human and which is chimpanzee.

And I know humans and chimps share 95.2%. about 1.4% is substitution and about 3.4% is indels.
And if you look at MHC sequences you can see how much more important indels are relative to substitutions.

> Don't you dare call me a moron
> then immediately proceed to embarrass yourself speaking on a subject that you clearly know nothing about; humans and chimps share 96% of their
But you are a moron, everything contained within my previous post was correct, you seem to be too butthurt to think critically. Are you the same faggot who got buttblasted on /sci/ when talking about 99% similarity?

> This is information that is literally taught to fourth graders, so what's your excuse for your mind-boggling ignorance?

Okay, you're over doing it now, you stupid faggot.
It's clear you only have a pleb, pop-sci view of genetics.

> Even a minor percentage of difference in DNA can be responsible for vast difference in appearance, form, and thus behavior
Yes, this is true. For example, you probably look somewhat human, but you're obviously completely subhuman.

Now that, these insults are out of the way, get your head out of your ass and solve your inferiority complex.

I didn't even read the rest of the chain of posts, I just saw your complete lack of knowledge regarding simple numbers of chromosomes (the concept of which is taught to children)

Fucking autists everywhere on 4chan, for fuck sake.

> pic related, learn how to count to 48 pleb

>> No.7200327 [SPOILER] 
File: 48 KB, 602x751, 1444139838198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One black man is responsible for the entirety of Western thought since the early middle-ages

>> No.7200538

Trying too hard.

>> No.7200543
File: 32 KB, 453x500, 1395175241379.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.7200891

Black people seem to inherently desire less abstraction than white people, at least, abstraction divorced from sensuality and emotionality.

Note that this isn't necessarily related to intelligence -- East Asians, who are on average superior in intelligence to whites, alongside having a more 'scientific/autistic' type demeanour, are also not very philosophically inclined.

>> No.7200907


Wow, talk about bigoted.

>> No.7200937

I have no idea if you're all serious or just trolling.

>> No.7200950

What's your opinion on the matter, anon?

>> No.7200957

They were still being exploited while being entertainers. And besides, that's only a few of them. The 80's seem like an ok guess as to when the situation changed.

>> No.7200966

sandnig, close enough

>> No.7200977

You are a moron.

>> No.7200988
File: 1.30 MB, 1920x1080, zinedine-zidane-wallpaper-for-1920x1080-hdtv-1080p-874-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No; Arabs had not yet bred with the Berbers of North Africa at the time of Augustine's life. In all likelihood Augustine's skin was no darker than that of Zinedine Zidane, a modern Berber; and quite likely it was lighter still (Augustine's father's ethnicity is unclear but it's entirely possible he was European).

>> No.7201199

>East Asians, who are on average superior in intelligence to whites

kek, dumbest meme.

>> No.7201218

The only reason African Americans aren't an intelligent group is because white people have subjugated them since the start of the colonies.

Imagine if it was the opposite: Blacks enslaved whites. Weren't given equal rights for 200 years. Forced to pick cotton from them. Spit on. Whipped. Murdered. Raped. Altogether systemic oppression.

Now, do you REALLY think that white people would be as successful as they are now? Get a fucking grip.

>> No.7201245

Jews were persecuted and oppressed for hundreds of years culminating in their literal mass extermination in camps a few decades ago and yet they're doing fine for themselves. Blacks have no excuse.

>> No.7201297
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Stay buttmad, goy. Where has your protestant work ethic gotten you?

>> No.7201872

>but isn't culture just a collection of biological entities?
kek of course not, retard

>> No.7201915

No true Scotsman fallacy, nowhere to draw the line, blacks will always be systematically oppressed so long as they are less intelligence, so long as you assume that they cannot be less intelligent.

All you have to do is point at one group of Africans anywhere at any time in any place. Just one.

>> No.7201940

Lmao. Easy to say when you're hidden by your white privilege (no, it isn't just a meme).

>> No.7201951

Too obvious.

>> No.7202041
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<--- live my life by this, not joking

>> No.7202250

Nice long and butthurt post but this is not a refutation of a single thing I said. In fact you are agreeing with me, though I don't think you realize it

You're taking excessive issue with my phrasing in the claim "Human DNA is nearly indistinguishable from chimpanzee DNA", probably because you did not read the thread and completely missed how I was intentionally rephrasing what >>7198412 said regarding black and white DNA in order to simultaneously criticize his claim and draw a simple comparison between human and chimp DNA and black and white DNA. My point was to highlight the fact that great similarity in DNA does not make two organisms identical; you seem to have totally missed this.

Regardless of your poor reading comprehension skills and improper forum protocol, chimp DNA is quite similar to human DNA, but not identical, hence my inclusion of the word "nearly" in my claim, and hence my repetition of the fact that even a minor difference in DNA can be responsible for a wide difference in form, appearance, and function, (and yes, karyotypes, congrats on passing freshman biology).

You can misinterpret my argument all you want, I'm sure it gives you a great opportunity to share the children's websites you spend your time reading, but I think your massive anger with my posts speaks to an ulterior motive; namely, to save face after making an ill-advised leap into an argument you weren't following very closely.

In the future, please do not do this. Read each chain of posts from the start and make sure you understand their content thoroughly before entering the conversation. This is why I mentioned that you were embarrassing yourself in my previous post -- your ignorance of both the topic at hand and the conversation you are participating in is incredibly obvious.

In summary:
-- I understand that chimp and human DNA is not identical, only very similar
-- I never made the claim that chimp and human DNA is identical
-- The difference between chimp and human DNA was integral to my claim
-- Do not enter conversations if you do not understand what is being discussed, or why

I am not the person you were arguing with on /sci/, but I assume he won your little debate. Good night

>> No.7202307

talk about BTFO

>> No.7202325

you're supposed to scramble all three referents. the quote, picture, and attribution have to all be refer to different people. in your case the quote and the picture match, so it's bunk. fuck you.

>> No.7202337

everything before the revolutionary era (the one that started with america and ended with the dissolution of the soviet union) was a prelude tbh.

>> No.7202372


what is the argument for gender and race gaps in Ph.D.'s being a 'problem' 'we' need to 'solve'

>> No.7202385

>chimp DNA is quite similar to human DNA, but not identical, hence my inclusion of the word "nearly" in my claim,

pure gold

>> No.7202387

Everyone needs to feel good about themselves.

>> No.7204047

I think the answer to this question is "you're a bigot."

>> No.7204230

Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?

>> No.7204238

i seriously i can't even


>> No.7204241

when I was a child and played soccer everyone got a trophy

>> No.7204251

>tfw today I sat down with some plebs who started trash talking people buying modern art
>they then started talking about how many cars would make them happy

>> No.7204253

But Ancient Greek slaves produced one of the best Stoic philosophers, Epictetus.

>> No.7204268

>"nice long BTFO post"
>becomes Dosto

>> No.7204706

Modern "art" is mainly a front for money laundering, I honestly feel sorry for you if you aren't in on the game and have been taking it seriously. Like, come on, you really believed a bunch of blown-up Instagram photos or a bag of trash claiming to be "art" could be anything BUT a front for something?

>> No.7204729
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Because pathetic people derive their sense of self-worth from the status of other people who look like them. It's a problem when some white hick does it but when the afrocentric preacher who made a 440 on the math part of his SATs starts complaining that there aren't enough black scientists it's time to appoint a new white house czar.

>> No.7204743 [DELETED] 
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Rap is their philosophy

>> No.7204744

The guy winning jeopardy currently is black and a philosopher.

Also there are some good existential black philosophers, they gave a good expression of the "black angst" of being seen a certain way long before people came along with class conscience bullshit and ruined all their points.

>> No.7204797

But they still needs to get their chest hair combed

>> No.7204980

ITT: racists

>> No.7205015

Please tell me it's pasta

>> No.7205047
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Fucking Sid Meiers.

>> No.7205605


What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.7205641


History didn't begin in 1776.

>> No.7205716

are you black?

>> No.7205938


So what?