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/lit/ - Literature

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7197512 No.7197512[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

family reunion stories?

>thanksgiving dinner
>both my uncles and their families are over
>Uncle A: "So johnny (my cousin) just got accepted into MIT"
>everybody claps
>Uncle B brags about his son's football scholarship
>finally my turn
>Uncle A: "so what are you studying anon?"
>my dad preemptively facepalms
>me: "E-english"
>everybody laughs
>Uncle A: "Nice one. But seriously, what do you study"
>me: "Englihsh"
>they look at me incredulously
>Uncle B: "Anon, you fucking speak English. You've been speaking it since you were 3"
>Aunt B tries to defend me: "What anon means is that he's a writer. Isn't that right anon? Show us some of the books you've written."
>me: "I-I haven't written any."
>my mom starts crying
>Aunt A takes my mom into her arms and tries to comfort her
>everybody is quiet for the rest of the evening

>> No.7197540

Fuck off back to your containment board with your 'feels'-shit, frog-faggot

>> No.7197548


>> No.7197555

too close to home?

>> No.7197558

English major detected. Dude, we can tell when you're covering for your own shit.

OP detected. Dude, we can tell when you're bumping your own shit.

>> No.7197565

Yeah, frog-posting /r9k/-mongrels are a little too close to home when they visit this place.
Don't you have the size of girls' labia to discuss?

>> No.7197571

gynecologists have to go to medical school

they're more respected than english majors

>> No.7197576

I'm sure they're devastated that jar-pissers such as yourself don't respect their field of study.

>> No.7197582


nice one

>> No.7197609

I'm studying English and Philosophy because I enjoy them. Why is it that stemfags get so incredibly buttblased about that?

>> No.7197618

They're terribly jealous that you might be doing something that you enjoy.

>> No.7197622

tbh should have studied social science
Theres plenty of philosophy, theory and literature but you can be employable purely for quantitative and qualitative research skills.

>> No.7197632

You will end up regretting that you didn't learn anything practical and just didnt spent the 4 free hours you have on your hobby like everyone else does. You will obviously be lonely, poor, alcoholic and hate your interest that you have turned into your life. That's what people think.

>> No.7197634

What school are you going to?
Undergrad or grad school?
Because if it's a state public school and you're getting an undergrad there you're better off with autodidactism and then applying to grad school.
I enjoy my major, but nice generalization.

>> No.7197650

If I wanted to study a science it'd be biology, but since I don't, I'll stick with what I'm on. I'm not particularly interested in being employable, I have no plans of starting a family or anything else that would require a large income.

University of Washington, and I'm an undergrad. I intend to go to grad school.

Sure pal. I think I'll be fine with not getting a degree in something I hate, just so I could get enough money to support a wife and kids I don't want to have, and live in a nice big house that I don't really want either. I'm sure I'll come to regret not spending my life grinding away at something I couldn't care less about in the name of safety. I surely won't think back to all the wasted years spent trying to please everyone else with my life decisions while I'm wasting away on my death bed. Surely not.

>> No.7197655
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Partly so. A lot of STEM people like what they do but there are an awful lot who choose it over anything else either out of a misguided concept of contributing to society or because they're insecure about their ability to gain employment without clearly defined technical skills.

The most popular concentration at Harvard is a dual concentration in English and History. Those guys are not sobbing into their pillows about not being better at solving partial differential equations, I promise.

T. STEM major who wishes he'd taken another route because he doesn't use what he learned in college and might as well have learned about things that would contribute more to my art.

>> No.7197658

But it isn't "science"
It is attempting to apply semi-scientific principles to culture.

Culture covering it's entire philosophical and literary canon, as well as politics or more modern media studies.

It's really fun how flexible it is, not trying to convince you any more, but can't let anyone be under the illusion it is anything like a STEM degree.

>> No.7197661

>anime pic

your opinion is literally worthless

>> No.7197668

god damn Asuka is hot

>> No.7197675

> That's what people think.
You're not arguing with anyone here.

>> No.7197679
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I'm in similar situation. I'm into to Philosophy and Math. Currently doing both majors because college is free where I live. I started philosophy after math, but is the degree I am finishing first since I stopped studying math as much as I used to.
I still have plans to finish the degree in math, but my main interest is now philosophy.

I also wanted to study literature and history, but I didn't have the time to do so.

>> No.7197680

You can always get a teaching job at a upper secondary school, can't you? That's pretty comfy.

>> No.7197682

Absolutely worthless, and not in the not being able to get a job sense, but in the sense that everything you're going to learn until grad school can be learned on your own easily.

>> No.7197695

Most of the knowledge I currently possess in Literature and Philosophy is self learned, right now I'm just getting the degree (for free pretty much) just to have something concrete for my grad school application.

I'm working through the western canon on my own time while I take my other classes, and it's been very rewarding.

>> No.7197704
File: 1.17 MB, 1680x1050, neon_genesis_evangelion_asuka_langley_soryu-wallpaper-hd-wide.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>makes an on-topic post
>someone makes a whole off-topic post to complain about the attention-grabber pic attached to the on-topic post
Every time.

Damn straight. She reminds me of a girl I went to high school with who's some sort of pageant competitor now.

>> No.7197710

Rei is better.

>> No.7197715

maybe you should stay in your containment board

>on topic
>starts discussing weebshit with other weebs

Every time

>> No.7197716

best girl best anime

good taste.

not even once

>> No.7197732

I just wish someone would have told me that college was going to be such a fucking waste of my time and money instead of constantly drilling my peers and I with the complete fucking fallacy that it's somehow a requirement for comfortable living.

>> No.7197746

This thread was clearly a STEM-faggot who wants to deride people who share the same interests or values the same things as him.

>> No.7197750

>he doesn't snag internships and build relationships with professors to secure a future for himself
Sure, it's everyone else's fault.

>> No.7197761

i don't know man. this shit might MIGHT fly in a general green-text-thread on r9k or something. they generally like this shitty feelsy type thing, especially when it includes life choices and family disapproving. but here? on a board for readers and writers? come on my friend, you really suck at this. it was predictable, cliché, boring, badly written and created without engaging your imagination so obviously read without engaging mine.

i would advise you kindly to step up if you want to continue contributing to this incredibly terrible format of green text feel-stories.

>> No.7197766

also what's the point of reposting that stupid ass frog day after day? meme humour really is the worst

>> No.7197784

He's our friend. His name is Pepe. He helps us combat feminism and roastie whores who yearn only for Chad dick through pictures of our sad emotions that NORMIES will never understand!

Take the redpill

>> No.7197790

Why don't you show us how it's done?

rewrite OP's story

>> No.7197791

Why would anyone do anything that they don't need to do in order to produce the same result as the man that didn't?

>> No.7197802

I don't understand, are you saying that just getting a diploma is the point of college or that it's the same as getting a good job? Most people in college just want a job but if they're not interning and shit they're going to get the diploma and not much else.

>> No.7197803
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>going to a respectable school to study econ
>everyone in family makes fun of me
>speshul snowflake gay cousin is majoring in drama at NYU
>everyone loves him and praises him
It's all in how much of a normalfag you are, tbh. We'll see who's laughing when he's asking me to pay his rent.

>> No.7197836

Basically. Your social capital determines how many people perceive whatever it is you're doing.

>> No.7197842

>Go to /lit/ to discuss books, writing and philosophy
>be English major
>want see what my fellow English fags think of different authors
>b8 thread of wah wah English majors are pathetic
>haha get a REAL job!
>English is useless.

Thanks shitposters. Awfully nice of you to drop in. I'll continue to enjoy what I'm learning.

>> No.7197860

>snag internships
See, you people always give this advice, but you never explain how we're supposed to magically be able to easily find internships like that. Maybe it's easy for STEMfags, but...

>> No.7197861

I'm saying you can secure a job with reasonable wages, enough to live comfortably, without blowing at least four years and a shitload of money at college and doing all this extra networking, so why would you?

>> No.7197872
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Protip for everyone trying to survive in the real world:

The moment you start living for yourself, is the moment that people stop caring about you, because people only like you if they can get something from you, hence why STEM fags hate liberal arts because you won't be their wage slave, and hence why your parents think you're worthless because you didn't become an electrician or a computer scientist, because it means they get less money.

I hope you enjoyed my lesson of life.

>> No.7197874

How to get an internship
1. Go to every career center event and see if they have internships.
2. Know people. Ask them about internships.
3. Check listings on your university's career center website and apply to a shit load of internships.
It's not easy for anyone unless you happen to know someone who's hiring interns personally, but it is straightforward.

If you don't aspire (I mean that in an nonjudgemental way) to a job that requires a degree, then don't get one, sure. In my opinion most people who can't earn a full scholarship at their state university shouldn't be in college anyway.

>> No.7197886

dunno if that's totally true, my sister supports my decision to get a useless degree and seems to just want me to be happy. same with both my parents actually.

>> No.7197907

so people who start living for themselves begin to start identifying as the negation of that worldview and create a new value system which is antagonistic to being valuable to others.

This is why people who are strong individuals dont care if you suck up to them and probably think you are pathetic, and instead have more respect for their enemies who stand against them.

it all makes sense. Thanks Hegel.

>> No.7197908

And do you really believe that's how they feel?

>> No.7197918

say what you want the english majors bantz are more on point. made me laugh tbh lads

>> No.7197927

they've given me no other reason to doubt it. no awkward talks about changing my major, no intrusive demands to know what I've been doing since I moved out. they don't really seem to give a shit as long as I'm not like a heroin junkie or something.

>> No.7197928
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You're welcome my son.

>> No.7197944

Roastie detected

>> No.7197945

So you trust them. That's fine. But there might be one day, where you need their help, and they'll rub it in your face that you once had a choice to go a different route in life.

>> No.7197955

it very well could happen, but i see no point in feeling anxiety for possible betrayals. if i did then i wouldn't be able to maintain any relationships with anyone at any time. and should they betray me then I'll deal with it. i'm sure it'd be hard, but nothing i couldn't overcome. i am strong.

>> No.7197967

Jesus Christ don't tell me r9k is going to get deletes and spread it's cancer onto every decent board

>> No.7198164

Of you already know most of it you would be better off with another major so you would learn more, unless if you're worried about not getting into grad school because of your GPA

>> No.7198172

It is though, by 2018 the majority of jobs will require at least an associate's degree.

>> No.7198192

>convicted felon uncle asks me what i'm studying
>tell him i'm studying screenwriting
>says he wants to turn some of his stories into movies
>tell him we should get together sometime so that he leaves me alone
>he shows up one day unannounced, ready for me to write down his wild stories from his youth
>some of them are actually alright but i'm a depressed alcoholic who won't do anything with them

>> No.7198219

>can't even give your characters names
this is why you're a failed writer :/

>> No.7198238
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Lmao Humanitiyfags just got BTFO so hard. Even the first reply was full of butthurt when having to face that their decision choice is a pointless waste of time.

>> No.7198257


Can you give us a greentext version, anon? Sorry about your depression and alcoholism, I hope you find your way.

>> No.7198280

You might not be allowed to, look into Son of Sam laws.

>> No.7198421

God I fucking hate modern society

>> No.7198516


>> No.7198583

>unironically majoring in anything but STEM

>> No.7199021

>not knowing what a containment board is.

>> No.7199498

Every other other decent hardworking God-fearing hamlet on this Norwegian icefishing imageboard, mate.

>> No.7199503

>majored in STEM but always wanted to be an artist
>see independent Internet artists drawing porn and making video games to the tune of $2 million a year/$50k a month
>work in cubicle wishing for death
kill me.

>> No.7199504
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C'mon mods