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/lit/ - Literature

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7191059 No.7191059 [Reply] [Original]

Post your backlog and let others decide.

>The Hobbit
>The Jungle
>H.P Lovecraft
>The Iliad
>The Odyssey

>> No.7191080

fuck off anime pedophile shit.


>> No.7191091


>> No.7191094

Rei is the most lit anime character and Neon Genesis Evangelion is Harold Bloom approved you idiot. I'm not even faggot OP.

>> No.7191099

Stop being 15.

>> No.7191106

Try graduating high school first

>> No.7191122

I don't know what that means, but it sounds like something an adult male shouldn't know.

>> No.7191140
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>Rei is the most lit anime character
Reifags ladies and gents.

>> No.7191153

Read the last two and drop everything else.

>> No.7191196

>The Myth of Sisyphus
>The Sun Also Rises

>> No.7191224

You don't know who Harold Bloom is?

>> No.7191506

>implying he's an adult
>implying he's male
>implying you can't use google to find what he's talking about

there are some really stupid people on this board

>> No.7191511

Fuck off back to your autist boards, pedophile shits

>> No.7191519
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>Browsing /lit/ for more than 45 seconds
>Not knowing who Harold Bloom is
He's the fucking most literate anime critic around ya idiot

>> No.7191527

I know the ol' cunt very well. If he thinks anime is anything but sophomoric fantasies for pedophiles, then he has no discernible talent, can't think, etc.

>> No.7191532

damn you guys must really hate anime huh

>> No.7191536

keep anime on the weeb boards tbh

>> No.7191538


mines are
mythology (rereaD)
the iliad
the brothers karamazov
gravity's rainbow

>> No.7191544

weeb site tho

>> No.7191586

Iliad if you haven't read it yet.

>> No.7191601

Under the Volcano
Mason & Dixon

Have a lot of other books I want to read, but these are the first that come to mind.

>> No.7191616

>harold bloom approved
just kill yourself

>> No.7191640
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Decline and Fall
The Golden Ass
The Renaissance (Pater)
Under the Volcano
Girl Meets Boy: The Myth of Iphis
Pale Horse, Pale Rider

the hell have you not read these yet? see (>>7191099)

also, add the aeneid and metamorphoses (at >>7191538 as well)

oh shush

>> No.7191652
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>being able to fit your backlog into a 4chan post

>> No.7191654

My Ántonia
Shoplifting from American Apparel
What We Talk About When We Talk About Love
The Complete Correspondence Between Elizabeth Bishop and Robert Lowell

>> No.7191678
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>My Ántonia
YES. they're both wonderful
>I sat down in the middle of the garden, where snakes could scarcely approach unseen, and leaned my back against a warm yellow pumpkin. There were some ground-cherry bushes growing along the furrows, full of fruit. I turned back the papery triangular sheaths that protected the berries and ate a few. All about me giant grasshoppers, twice as big as any I had ever seen, were doing acrobatic feats among the dried vines. The gophers scurried up and down the ploughed ground. There in the sheltered draw-bottom the wind did not blow very hard, but I could hear it singing its humming tune up on the level, and I could see the tall grasses wave. The earth was warm under me, and warm as I crumbled it through my fingers. Queer little red bugs came out and moved in slow squadrons around me. Their backs were polished vermilion, with black spots. I kept as still as I could. Nothing happened. I did not expect anything to happen. I was something that lay under the sun and felt it, like the pumpkins, and I did not want to be anything more. I was entirely happy. Perhaps we feel like that when we die and become a part of something entire, whether it is sun and air, or goodness and knowledge. At any rate, that is happiness; to be dissolved into something complete and great. When it comes to one, it comes as naturally as sleep.

>> No.7191681

>I just started reading: the backlog.

>> No.7191799

A Man Cannot Cry by Gloria Keverne
The Life and Opinions of Tristram Shandy, Gentleman by Laurence Sterne

>> No.7191802

>The rest of the books

>> No.7191847

>The Prince
>The Perennial Philosophy
>Notes from Underground
>No Longer Human
>Like Life
>On Being Blue
>Crime and Punishment
>other stuff

>> No.7191924

Le feu follet / adieu à Gonzague
On the brevity of life
La Modification
The metaphysics
Poèmes saturniens / other Verlaine stuff
Le Cid
Les chants de maldoror

In french btw

>> No.7191966

>In french btw
Couldn’t have guessed.

>> No.7191974
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Go with Maldoror, been wanting to read that book for a long time myself.

Definitely go with Notes from Underground. Great introduction to Dostoevsky and one of the first existential novels.

Tristram Shandy, don't know the other one.

I haven't actually read any of those so my opinion is worthless, but I know I'd want to read Under the Volcano before anything else.

Again, Under the Volcano.

All very good books. If you're in the mood for philosophy then go with Sisyphus, otherwise I'd choose Lolita. All three should be enjoyed though.

>> No.7191989
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A selection of my own backlog.

>Demons - Dostoevsky
>War and Peace - Tolstoy
>Dead Souls - Gogol
>Fathers and Sons - Turgenev
>Doctor Zhivago - Pasternak
>The Good Soldier Svejk - Hasek
>Père Goriot - Balzac
>The Divine Comedy - Dante
>The Merchant of Venice - Shakespeare
>A Midsummer Night's Dream - Shakespeare
>Great Expectations - Dickens
>The Epic of Gilgamesh
>The Quran
>The Poetic Edda

>> No.7191998
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>The Sound and The Fury (nearly halfway through already)
>Symposium - Pluto
>Voss - Patrick White
>Sublime Object - Slavodge Zizek
>Suttree - Cormac McMeme
>Portrait of Artist - Joy
>East of Eden - John Steinbeck
>The Divine Comedy - Dante (that should be good)
>Catch 22 - Heller
>The Invisible Man - H.G.Wells
>might look for some kafka after that who knows

>> No.7192004

Dead Souls is Gogol's magnum opus.

If you aren't in the mood for any of the scriptures on your backlog, go with Gogol

>> No.7192010
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/lit/s all love Lain

>> No.7192011

>Le feu follet / adieu à Gonzague

Je l'ai lu il y a peu, c'est vraiment bien.

>> No.7192012

White Noise
Notes from the Underground
Brave New World
The Picture of Dorian Gray

>> No.7192046

>Quarantine (Greg Egan)
>Catch 22
>Moby Dick

>> No.7192052

Get 1984 out of the way
Get Lolita out of the way
Quran, don't bother with Gilgamesh it's fucking trash

>> No.7192159

I did enjoy Gogol's short stories a lot, so I'll probably go with that first. Will definitely get to the Quran eventually though.

>> No.7192311

>I am a Cat
>Crime and Punishment

I need a long break.

>> No.7192452
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Not even that guy but Lain is /g/'s waifu you newfags.

Rei is only logical choice for this board.

>> No.7192459


>> No.7192487

Moby Dick is actually really good, out of all the classics I've read, it's the most enjoyable read.

>> No.7192498

20,000 Leagues is my favorite classic.

>> No.7192504
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I seriously doubt /g/ understood when Lain's superego memed about Proust

>> No.7192553

I've heard of a cool vintage hat that will help you in your vain attempt to appear sophisticated.

>> No.7192668

The hobbit (then lotr for an easy start to your back log)
Babbitt... Its excellent and relevant as ever
War and peace
Catch 22

>> No.7194218

Harold Bloom singled out the following as the highest achievement of animated entertainment:


>> No.7194249

B-but I liked The Epic of Gilgamesh...

>> No.7194345
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but my shortlist is currently:

>Medea - Euripides
>Orientalism - Said
>The Heart of a Goof - Wodehouse
>Blindness - Saramago
>Bartleby, the Scrivener - Melville
>The Indignation of Suzumiya Haruhi - Tanigawa Nagaru

>> No.7194394

gargantua and pantagruel - ravele
poetry by françois villon
la capitale de la doleur - eluard
candide or a sicillian dream -sciascia
aleph - borges
the late matia pascal - pirandello
el siglo de las luces - alejo carpentier

>> No.7194411

Doing the Greeks, also want to read more Joyce.

>Iliad, in Norwegian
>Odyssey, in Norwegian
>A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man
>Infinite Jest
>Brave New World

>> No.7194522

disregard what seneca said, dont focus too much on the same author.

>> No.7194532

The Return of the Native by A Big Guy
Mysteries by Knut Hamsun
Lanark by Alasdair Gray
Sabbath's Theater by Philip Roth
Man's Fate by Andre Malraux

>> No.7194533

>light in august
>crime and punishment
>anna karenina

>> No.7195509

>Death of Ivan Ilych
>Crime and Punishment
>Norweigan Wood

and someday i will get back to the greeks

>> No.7195532

currently reading 2312 by Kim Stanley Robinson, in case that anon is on who said I should post about it when I got around to it. the backlog:

Kazuo Ishiguro - Never Let Me Go, The Unconsoled
William Gibson - Pattern Recognition
Ralph Ellison - Invisible Man
Roberto Bolano - The Savage Detectives
Junot Diaz - The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Vladimir Nabokov - Ada, or Ardor
Neal Stephenson - Snow Crash
Patti Smith - Just Kids
Salman Rushdie - Shalimar the Clown
David Foster Wallace - The Broom of the System
Jeffery Eugenides - Middlesex

>> No.7195566

Just a few sitting on my shelf (Who's backlog isn't like 50+ books long?)
>Les Miserables
>Brothers K
>Iliad and Odyssey (Fagles)

There's so much shit I want to read, but Uni slows me down. I read around twenty pages during my breaks.

>> No.7195572

The Knut

>> No.7195590

Don't read The Jungle. It starts good but then the last third the story ends and the author goes on a Socialist rant for the next like 50 pages

>> No.7195597

read v. and maybe ij before gr

those are all long as fuck for someone who doesn't have a lot of time to read try some short stories or something

>> No.7197326

>Rei is the most lit anime character

She is cute

>> No.7197372

>Harold Bloom singled out the following as the highest achievement of animated entertainment:


>> No.7197391

I've started all these (I'm anywhere from a few pages in to almost halfway depending on the book) but I want to pick one and stick with it before I get to the others.
>The TV essay by DFW
>Arctic Drift by Clive Cussler
>Game of Thrones (Ayy)
>Gravitys Rainbow
>The Man in the Moss By Phil Rickman
>Sphere by Michael C
>American Psycho
>Stranger in a strange land
>Rise of the Horde
I'm leaning towards finished the essay by DFW and then reading MITM. Mostly because it's a type of "creepy" novel. Kinda spooky and mystical type shit. Which fits the October season.
But I wanted other thoughts as well.

What would you suggest?
And if I do the former (read DFW then MITM) what should I read after that?

>> No.7197401

the TV essay is like 20 pages, just finish that first, it's fun.

I don't care for American Psycho. I liked Sphere when I was 12 but it's been far too long for me to remember if that's any good. Gravity's Rainbow is probably my favorite book but all the caveats about it being somewhat difficult (and how you should probably read at least Lot 49 first) are about correct. That's all I've got, I haven't read the rest!

>> No.7197404
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Post best Rey cosplay in this thread

>> No.7197408
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This poem borders on dangerously cheesy unless you have an idea what Rei actually is.

>> No.7197410
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>> No.7197413

It's not supposed to be a poem, and the dub doesn't help. It's just Rei rambling.

>> No.7197414

The Iliad
Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
The Sun Also Rises
The Brothers Karamazov

>> No.7197418

Every time I see even a tiny peek the smooth lines, basic coloring, and simple features of something drawn in anime style, my brain instantly sends a signal to flood my body with adrenaline. The veins on my arms and temples protrude, I begin to shake with rage. My face is quivering in a snarl, my head and neck are held over my keyboard like I'm some sort of fat, featherless vulture. But no carrion sits before me, only a screen showing a smiling cartoon girl. A gurgling growl involuntarily escapes my open mouth. I force through the phlegm, turning it into a roar as my face reddens and my entire body shakes even more violently. I'm screaming now, screaming at this anime girl. How dare anyone create this monstrosity. God could not have foreseen such degenerate trash ever appearing in this world, yet here it is in front of me. I want to destroy everything around me. Everything will burn.

>> No.7197427 [DELETED] 
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>> No.7197429
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Still better than half the poetry in the current Paris Review tbh.

>best girl

>> No.7197441

the unconsoled so much

>> No.7197584

Book of disquiet
Moby Dick
Finegans Wake
Giles Goat boy

>> No.7197598

>best girl
That's not Misato

>> No.7197602

The Marble Faun

>> No.7197623


How can you guys prefer a nervous and screaming girl instead of a quiet and submissive one?

I like my women submissive, especially in bed.

>> No.7197627

this tbh

>> No.7197693
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Quiet girls will be dishonest with you to maintain their quiet facade, so I don't really trust them any more than a loud girl, and loud girls have their advantages in social situations where they can carry some weight for you.

Besides, you know Asuka would be submissive and sweet for Kaji if he let her have the D. I like to think I'm more of a Kaji than a Shinji.

I actually like Misato the best.
Only problem is she looks and behaves way too much like my ex, so it's a guilty love.

>> No.7197733

read light in august, then if you're wanting to read any more russians read them one after another in the winter months while drinking vodka so it feels more right

>> No.7197826

It feels like it drags on, though. The first 100 pages were cool, but I'm starting to get worn out.

Mason & Dixon on the other hand just breathes imagination and fun, so it's probable I'll go through that and continue with Moby-Dick later.

Isn't Under the Volcano super depressing and alcoholic? I just wanted to read it 'cause I heard it's about the Day of the Dead, and I like the aesthetic appeal and atmosphere.

>> No.7199207


Dracula and Lovecraft because it is spooky month


Mason & Dixon is a joy to read


The Brothers Karamazov


Lolita or Crime & Punishment




A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Current read is Frankenstein
My backlog:
Being and Time-Heidegger
The New York Trilogy
BOTNS-Gene Wolfe
Children of Dune-Herbert
A Journey by Moonlight-Szerb
Under the Volcano-Lowry
Brief Interviews with Hideous Men-DFW
A Farewell to Arms-Hemmingway
The Unconsoled-Ishiguro
Sanctuary and Light in August-Faulkner
The Corrections-Jonathan Franzen
Underworld-Don Delilio

>> No.7199227

That's actually what I'm working on right now.
I'm reading Hemingway ' s Short Stories and will probably read V. next.
I wish I had more time, but I'm glad I at least can read daily.

>> No.7199229


>> No.7199399

The Devil to Pay in The Backlands

>> No.7199435

Reading wind up bird chronicle.

>Underworld - Don Delillo
>The Adolescent - Fyodor Dostoevsky (pevear & v)
>The Corrections - Jonathan Franzen
>Catch 22 - Joseph Heller
>One Hundred Years of Solitude - Guy whos name escapes me

>> No.7199619

Catch-22 or 100YOS, two of my favorite novels of all time

I've read 4 DeLillo books but somehow not Underworld yet, that one's probably good too

>> No.7199632

>Atlas Shrugged
>Catcher in the Rye
>The God Delusion
>Thus Spoke Zarathustra
>Clockwork Orange
>The Things They Carried
>Infinite Jest
>I have no mouth but I must cum
>Das Capital

>> No.7199640


>> No.7199659

A Confederacy of Dunces
Devil in the White City
You Shall Know Our Velocity

>> No.7199752

why are you faggots reading books when it's football season?

>> No.7200254

Why are you using bait when it's fish season

>> No.7200565

In no particular order:
>Leaves of Grass
> For Whom the Bell Tolls
>The Old Man and the Sea
>Gravity's Rainbow

>> No.7200600

Currently reading What is to be done? by Chernyshevsky.

The Post-Office Girl by Stefan Zweig
Nostromo by Joseph Conrad
Home of the Gentry by Ivan Turgenev

La Chanson de Roland
Le Chevalier de la Charrette by Chrétien de Troyes
Fables by La Fontaine

Dubliners is great.

>> No.7200646

Dracula and 1984 are best there IMO.

I liked at the mountains of madness quite a bit its very heavy on traditional SciFi type language. Ie. Catalogical descriptions In detail.

Iliad and odyssey are both great as well actually. Historical background should be known though.

I liked lolita and crime and punishment a lot. Don't buy the memes about them.

Skip the quaran and epic of Gilgamesh, unless you're a history of religion major its mainly brag-material rather than anything that great.

American psycho is interesting in a lot of ways and disturbing in a few spots but the long passages of album reviews gets tedious quickly.

>> No.7200649

Because football only happens 3/7 days.

>> No.7201596

Give up on all of them. Read something good instead.

>> No.7201613

what anime

>> No.7201659

Portrait of young artist
The iliad
The odyssey
Death in Venice
Don Quixote
Wuthering Heights
Fathers and Sons
Pickwick Papers

>> No.7202316
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Neon Genesis Evangelion

>> No.7202346
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On a journey to read all of the classical books.

Currently on Old Man and The Sea, 1984 and The Sun Also Rises

Just finished Red Badge of Courage, Slaughterhouse Five, Oliver Twist, and some others.

This is my backlog



Also, pic related is my self-researched reading list. I'd prefer something with either adventure or horror (for Halloween, of course)

>> No.7202389

>To the Lighthouse/The Waves (don't know which to read first)
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Something by McCarthy (never read anything by him and feel like it's time I should)
>The Pale King (?)

>> No.7202394

Do V do V!

>> No.7202397

Philip Roth's Zuckerman books (read Sabbath's Theater, American Pastoral, Human Stain, Portnoy's Complaint, and Goodbye Columbus already)
To the Lighthouse
Charles Dickens (haven't read him at all)
Gravity's Rainbow
Infinite Jest
A Confederacy of Dunces
Rest of the Aubrey/Maturin series (up to 13 Gun Salute rn)

>> No.7202400
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Slow Leaner
Food of the Gods
Things Fall Apart
White Teeth
Moby Dick

>> No.7202407

Gravity's Rainbow

Honestly, don't waste your time with East of Eden. Comfy as fuck but if you're a serious reader maybe try something shorter by him, just recently made the mistake of thinking this would be an incredible book...and now that I know it's not incredible, I know it's good.

>> No.7202408

Moby-Dick dude. It outstrips its reputation.

>> No.7202411
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ty, will make it my next big project

>> No.7202412

Read Death of Ivan Ilyich. Based Tolstoy.

>> No.7202420

god damn these are some books. I would say Moby-Dick, then Lolita, then White Teeth

>> No.7202499

I'm going to cherish this quasi-compliment from /lit/

>> No.7202526


The Periodic Table by Primo Levi
Cloud Atlas by David Mitchell
A Country Doctor's Notebook by Mikhail Bulgakov
Rainbows End by Vernor Vinge
Heart of a Dog by Mikhail Bulgakov
Haroun and the Sea of Stories by Salman Rushdie
The Courage to Teach by Parker Palmer

The Redshifting Web by Arthur Sze
Blackbird and Wolf by Henri Cole
Collected Earlier Poems by Anthony Hecht
Selected Poems by Francis Ponge
Collected Poems by Wendell Berry

>> No.7202532

what is the point of these threads. just fucking pick yourselves. this board is full of asinine retards.

>> No.7202548
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>Life an Users Manual- Georges Perec
>The Kingdom of this World- Alejo Carpintier
>Nicholas Nickleby
>Gravity's Rainbow
>Imaginary Lives- Marcel Schwob (currently here)
>Journey to the end of the Night- Celine
> IDK, the first two books of the gormenghast trilogy are all time faves, but I have heard pretty mixed opinion on Titus Alone, is it any good?

>> No.7204408



>> No.7204457

haven't read any of those books but I have read something by nearly every single one of the authors in your "non-poetry" section and I personally think Primo Levi and Salman Rushdie are two of the best writers of the last ~100 years (based on If This Is A Man and Midnight's Children) so I would pick one of those. I did not like the one Vinge novel I read and felt kinda indifferent toward the Bulgakov one everyone loves. Like the David Mitchell I've read too. Hope this helps.

get this fucking book talk off of my /lit/