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/lit/ - Literature

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7196494 No.7196494 [Reply] [Original]

Who /wageslave/ here?

Anybody else trying to write while working full-time?

Please tell me I'm not alone.

I feel like REEEing so hard almost all day.

>> No.7196502

I thought REEEEEing was a good thing? Like you did it because you liked a thing, like a cupcake for example, so much?

>> No.7196506

No, REEEEEEEEE is an expression of frustration and contempt. It is a futile protest against a world that is determined to crush intellectuals like myself.

>> No.7196549

You must make a break from this place.
Like Stirner striding right out of his last Young Hegelians meeting, writing his book, resigning from his teaching position and trying to start a business of his own.
Get up and out.

>> No.7196557

What place?

Also why is nobody responding. I demand a response. This board is terrible.

>> No.7196568




It's a sign of distress made by autistic frogpeople.


>> No.7196581

Good writers did it.

That's all I got for you.

>> No.7196771


>> No.7196776

they had gfs tbh
what a shit thread. you will never be happy,op. suck it up.

>> No.7196799

I'm not asking for happiness.

>> No.7196802
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>> No.7196808

working full time makes me value my free time more. i generally write more and better when i have less time, within reason

>> No.7196809


>> No.7196830

Where do you work OP

>> No.7196831

>working full time makes me x

>> No.7196835

I'm doing a story a week. If you want to proof each other, use my discipline to make yourself more productive, etc, i'm at onlierous @ gmail.com . In my experiece internet writing partners vanish inside a month but i'm ever hopeful

>> No.7196850

Not I. I moved to the third world just so it would be financially responsible for me to NEET it out while I work on this book.

>not being internally motivated
Not gonna make it, brah.

>> No.7196886

Are you the guy who moved to Hungary?

What's your book about?

>> No.7196888
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I unironically thank fate that I'm not a wagie every night.

>> No.7196896

Nah fam, Mexico. I'm careful to keep descriptions of my book separate from discussions of the rest of my life so I don't become a recognizable figure on 4chan.

>> No.7196900


>> No.7196909
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Shut up faggot I live in New York. This is common knowledge now. I don't know who that guy writing in Mexico is but he's probably all over my nuts.

>> No.7196923

I feel like a wage slave due to school, especially when i fail to grasp basic concepts, mostly in maths.
shit makes me want to run away to a monastery and study shit i care about like philosophy all day.
pussy so good doe

>> No.7196932
File: 71 KB, 500x411, sirjohn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pussy is, no joking, one of the best reasons to go to college. I was a total autist in high school but had potential to look good. Got my shit sorted out freshman year and spent the rest of my time there body-surfing on stupid teenage girls. It got to the point where I was getting so much ass that I became worried about society, which is funny to me since the stereotype is that young men dissatisfied with society must be dissatisfied sexually.

>> No.7196938

actual question: do people really consider Mexico "third-world"? I would probably call it developing but much closer to first than third.

>> No.7196943
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The extreme wealth disparity, crime and government censorship are Africa-tier.

I take it you've only been to Cancun or the nice parts of Mexico City. Get out in the rural states and it's nothing like the rural parts of the USA and Europe. The urban slums are pretty intense too but I don't have cause to spend time there much.

>> No.7197043
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I mean i have a girlfriend that i'm much more than satisfied with. All i mean to say is if you set your final purpose to a particular ideology, you're gonna have a hard time getting along with people of a different primary ideology. Ex. Capitalists have a hard time getting along with muslim fundamentalists, hot capitalist girls won't enjoy spending all day with monks. That's not to say that there aren't monk women, but there's no way in hell they'll hold beauty to as high a value as capitalist girls will.

pic unrelated

>> No.7197053

Not sure what that has to do with my post fam.

>> No.7197082


I can relate as I'm trying to be an actor, an equally fucking stupid thing to do with your life.

You gotta make up your mind to give up some security do this shit. Move in a really shitty neighborhood. If you got a nice car with a note, lose that motherfucker and buy you a shit car cash. Keep some bands in the bank for that rainy day money and whatever job you work get paid for, it's only to eat and rent. No more 40hr a week shit.

I'm leaving my job in December. I'm gonna devote my life to the craft because, really, what the fuck else do we got to live for? Nothing.

So fuck living. Make a life instead. If you suffer doing it, then you made that too. If you die under fucking bridge like a bum. At least you died knowing, you choose your life and so you can accept you death.

You made your bed and you will gladly lie in it. Because its fucking yours. Noone can take that away. Not even demons or gods.

In case you have to choose between living and death.
Always choose death.
There is no other reasoning.
Move on.


>> No.7197089
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>have wealthy father
>trying to dodge working until he passes away and I can live off of my inheritance
When I'm done with this study I'll just start a new one

>> No.7197108

Creating this for intelligent offspring is my life goal

>> No.7197308

Further demonstrations:

>> No.7197425

Where do you live and what's your age?

>> No.7197536

You are one pitiful lonely man.You have a brilliant future in drug abuse.

>> No.7197574

should i just go into teaching, /lit/? it's definitely not my "dream job" (pretty sure such a thing doesn't exist), but i'm probably more capable of that than any other career.

>> No.7197593

Don't go into teaching in 2015, trust me. Forty years ago you could get a comfy job in a small town, working relatively few hours and being respected still. Now teaching is looked down on as a career (especially for men), and a rise in bureaucracy, strict government education standards, and a poor wage culture means you'll be working overtime grading papers and filling in a lot of non-curricular paperwork as part of your work, all for a low wage and being treated like a castrated manchild.

>> No.7197600

I learned a trade and work for myself, am I a wageslave?

>> No.7197605

Yes, and what's more most modern women, the best ones at least, will never consider you as a potential mate. Unless you wear a white collar you are scum to them.

>> No.7197610

>Pussy is, no joking, one of the best reasons to go to college.

That's funny, because I just started on college, and the pussy I see, is usually studying extremely hard, and don't have time for anything other than studying.

>> No.7197614


How did you end up becoming popular with women? Are you just really good looking?

I'm 24 and have had sex once.

>> No.7197616


I was going to post a quote that was related to this that you would appreciate but instead I'm just gonna post this because you are from /r9k/ and are what's killing /lit/

>> No.7197619

Yeah, nah, you're just a fucking beta bro. Last weekend I had a girl kneeling under my desk and blowing me while I studied calculus.

>> No.7197621

>How did you end up becoming popular with women? Are you just really good looking?
not him but girls are easy when you're young.

>> No.7197631
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Sure, bro, sure.

>> No.7197633

Great advice

Like seriously put a block on URLs that you go to and waste time and instead spend all your time on productive things.

>> No.7197636

Yeah, guys who work in the trades never get laid.

You absolute fucking dribbling moron.

>> No.7197643

what should i do?

>> No.7197644

He says on 4chan.

>> No.7197669

Honestly? Kill yourself. I realize that your internal narrator may read that with a sort of learned indifference, but I seriously mean it. One thing I've realized on becoming "an adult" and leaving college for what others insist on calling "the real world" is that life genuinely sucks unless you're willing to delude yourself with false ideas and the illusion of happiness. Truth is adult life is an intensely negative experience, and most people you meet will be exactly like the sort of people you had to be around in school. People don't magically "mature" or "grow up" between leaving school and securing their first job. If it worked for them then then they aren't going to change or examine themselves in adulthood. If you're in a position where you are seriously considering sacrificing your life in the name of teaching because you don't feel anything else suits you, then seriously my friend I encourage you to end your life. I mean look at me. I make 100k a year, have a beautiful 5'2 submissive wife, two beautiful and respectful children, a large house and the freedom to work whatever hours I please. And I'm only 32. Now you'd think I'd be happy, right? Wrong. I'm miserable. I wake each day with the choking fear that I will soon have no option but to end my life. Why? Because I grasp the essence of existence. And the essence of existence is purely negative. Only by suppressing your self-awareness, by consciously willing yourself to become less conscious, do you stand any hope of making it in this life. I can say with some confidence that I am among the smartest people on /lit/, and I've been here long enough to have that conviction reinforced time and again. Seriously, life is terrible and the few "pleasures" it offers, which often only come in the form of passing relief, do not compensate for the misery suffered by any truly self-aware individual who accepts no less than the truth.

>> No.7197738
File: 32 KB, 400x400, PatrickBatemanBloody_400x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you have a brilliant future in drug abuse
I've sampled plenty of stuff but I don't even drink or smoke with any frequency these days. But trust me, the grapes are mad sour.

I mean, if you aren't good looking or have high enough standards then yeah, it's gonna be harder. Plenty of girls want to experiment in college so you really shouldn't have to mess around much so long as you're meeting them and getting some numbers. If you can kiss a girl at a party then it's often not a big step to take it to your room.

I'm pretty good looking, I was a varsity athlete and I have a cool accent. I can contain my autism just long enough to get girls interested but in longer term relationships my socializing shortcomings become a problem.

>> No.7197760
File: 80 KB, 467x700, 1443385272229.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been considering it

>> No.7197771

This movie's fantastic. Really poignant and masterfully shot. I hope you've actually seen it and aren't just using a reaction image from it.

>> No.7197775

i've seen tokyo story and tokyo twilight, loved both. have some of ozu's other films on my queue as well.

>> No.7197783

>the essence of existence is negative
Right, because somehow an object has value outside of the value you give it. You might as well start saying that rocks are bad.

>> No.7197787

Undergrad detected

>> No.7197794

Is it even possible for a girl to take a shit on the toilet without texting on her phone? /losing faith

>> No.7197824

Short answer: It isn't possible. Everything wrong with a culture usually manifests first in the behavior of it's women.

>> No.7197950


Damn, that sounds like me. Except, well, women just don't' respond to me. People don't either. Shit. I wish there was some nice gentle guide to this sort of thing that wasn't pua crap. Have a nice life.